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[RFC][dskswdyhms] ... Tentacles. That's what we need!
[RFC][dskswdyhms] ... Tentacles. That's what we need!
This oughta speak for itself.

It was a morning like any other at Mahora Academy.  Dad was just coming in to teach his lesson on combat tactics and history when he was followed in by a blue-haired girl with an odd looking hat.  She was wearing the Mahora Academy's female uniform, but the hat combined with her odd hair style really threw me off at first.  It was almost as though she was going for a squid motiff.
Dad didn't even miss a beat.
"Good morning, class."
"Good morning Darkwood-sensei!" choroused the rest of us.
"As you can see, we have a new student."  At that, the girl stepped forward.
"Hello!  My name is Ika Musume and I am a messenger of the Sea.  Please take good care of me."  And with that she gave the prerequisite bow.
"Class, does anyone have any questions for Ika-san?"
I raised my hand and my father motioned for me to proceed.  "Ika-san, you said that you're a messenger of the sea.  You wouldn't happen to be one of Calypso's girls, would you?"
Ika Musume was literally taken aback by my question.  "Wha?  How do you know that?"
Dad chuckled and put an affectionate hand on her shoulder.  "Don't worry, Ika-san.  Everyone here at the Gifted Students Wing of Mahora Academy is special.  Zeke, would you care to find Ika-san a seat?"
"Sure thing, Dad."
Ika Musume started as she made a double-take between me and my father.  "DAD!?"
I grinned and chuckled.  That never gets old and I don't give a shit if it lables me as a teacher's pet - it's WORTH it.  "I know.  We don't resemble each other much, but that's because I take after my mother.  The seat over there by Mizuno Ami is available," I said as I motioned over towards the blue-haired genius.  Ami perked up from her near-ceaseles studies to give Ika-san a cheerful smile and a wave.  "I'm pretty sure you two will get along like a house on fire."

I am also seriously considering throwing Ataru Moroboshi in as well.  Grounds: he is a regenerator - any damage dealt to him is healed within seconds.  Normally fatal stuff takes longer, though.  Missing limbs will take a day or two (gotta replace all that mass).  Headshots can distort his memory and decapitation would outright kill him.  In short, Wolverine without the claws.  He'll pretty much be the class punching bag - even more so than Zeke (he's just the butt-monkey).
Considering I've had Hayato use Ataru as a human bludgeon in This Is The Key To Victory, I approve of this idea.
Okay so that would be notIndex I'm guessing.  Anyway, I think your under estimating how much damage Ataru can ignore, like antitank weapons less at least.  Also, are you sure its a good idea to release him into a massive previously all girl's school?  I mean Lum already knows of him, at least name-wise... that and I'm kind of expecting this will result in him having a pimp hat after a few weeks.  He is rather likely to end up with a veritable hoard of active girl friend at going steady level.  Look at what providing them with 10 year they can have access to for dates in half a decade... having a willing guy like him will be like finding a free to all 5 star city sized hotel with over a hundred pools on a desert planet during a drought.  I wouldn't find it crazy for him to have a literal few dozen happily pregnant girlfriends by midterms.
Mahora Academy as a whole isn't a girls' school -- it's just that tiny segment of it that Negi teaches a class in. There are plenty of boys on campus and one or two of the 3-A girls have talked about having boyfriends.
"Egad!  Too much anatomy!"

The thing about Ataru is that while he may be able to win over one or two girls, he generally comes on so strong and in such a lecherous manner that he is almost always rocket-punched on sight. in fact, one of the interesting features of the classroom will be a leader board for the longest airtimes and highest altitudes achieved by a girl knocking the crap outta him. Expect byplays such as the following:

"Kaname got Ataru again, this time with her trainer-slave."

"How high?"

"My scanner put him about 850 meters this time."

"Nice. That'll put her above Ika-chan on the leader board."

And, as EML said, Mahora isn't just a girls' school. Relevant manga page here: ... 01/20.html

Also, links to info about Ika-san and her show:


TVTropes: Shinryaku! Ika Musume

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