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[RFC] World List for Garrick Grimm (Being You Is...)
RE: [RFC] World List for Garrick Grimm (Being You Is...)
Huh. Had a dream I was reading another entry in the series, set in ... probably one of the Atelier series games? The impression I've gotten of them anyway, having never played one myself. Mostly I remember thinking it was time to put more wood in the stove, so I shut the computer off and woke up, but the title was "Being You Is Da Business."
‎noli esse culus
RE: [RFC] World List for Garrick Grimm (Being You Is...)

Well that's a first for me! I think the only other person I know of that ever had a dream involving my own characters was my one-time girlfriend and co-author, CheshireKat. (She's long gone from the Internet as far as I can tell - if she is around, she uses another moniker entirely unrelated to her previous one.)

But that story has been dead for so long that I don't think you can ever find a trace of it on the Internet. I'd be surprised if anyone ever does find it.


She only ever posted the very first part of the saga - long before I ever entered the picture, and long before the myriad of other colorful characters. It was pretty bat-shit, but still great.

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