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Lettuce+Rogue Bunny=Teaser
Re: *nod*
I've got what was claimed to be all six volumes, but I haven't had the time to look them over yet...Without a word...
Re: *nod*
Just found it here.
Ja, -n
(Yes, yes, I'm working on it)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
There's more than one meaning to that word, alas

"Kuga Natsuki?" I blinked, and carefully did not think about what this person asking me might be capable of. Actually meeting her in person left me once again running up against the limitations of my previous knowledge about the HiMEs - she was cute.
Not elegant, not distant, and not in the least forbidding; she was none of the things you might expect from the tea drinking or the traditional house... or, for that matter, from the First District incident, either.
Beautiful, yeah, sure - I'd clued in by now that that was pretty much to be expected. She was taller than any of the HiME I'd met so far (and, in fact, taller than any of the ones I'd meet later), and somehow seemed slimmer, perhaps because Yukino's build was so beyond the pale that my subconcious didn't compare them. And her degree of self-posession was just as advertised, but that didn't mean anything - I could easily see her as some plantation daughter in the antebellum South, for instance, and...
Dammit, the woman looked like she was born to wear freckles!
"I have no idea," I told her - which was nothing less than the truth.
"Ara? And yet, she told me to come talk to you if I had any questions..." It was eerie. She didn't give the slightest hint of being anything more than curious or, at worst, slightly concerned, yet some instinctive voice in the back of my mind was hopping up and down in the back of my mind, screaming for me to run for my life... and would have been, even if I hadn't known better than to buy the act.
Unfortunately, running wouldn't have done any good, and I was completely at a loss for what was going on. "About what? And when?"
She looked at me for a moment, and then, quite abruptly, that ominous... whatever-it-was... that had been lurking behind the pleasantries abruptly vanished as she pulled out a cell phone and waved it at me. "Natsuki sent me an email, last night.
She said she'd talk to me this morning, but..."
Huh. "The last I saw her was about one in the morning - she seemed fine, then, and was saying she'd be talking to you sometime this morning..."
"Hmmm." She frowned. "Well, I suppose she can take care of herself, but it still worries me... And I still need to find that substitute for Sakomizu-sensei..." She shook her head, then smiled at me. "Thank you anyway, though!"
"I'll let you know if I see her," I promised, then, on the spur of the moment, decided to take advantage of the opportunity. "Oh! Before I forget, this-" I handed her the envelope I'd been fiddling with earlier, since there'd been a spare set sitting on the copier and I could easily give those to Akira... assuming she didn't get ahold of one of the other sets on her own, of course. "-is another copy of what she was planning to talk to you about. It'll probably be a bit surp-"
A connection closed in my brain, and my eyes widened. "Shit."
"You've thought of something?"
"...I think she might have kidnapped Sakomizu."

Boy, I'm making this a bit of a habit, aren't I?
Ja, -n
(ETA: line breaks fixed)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
No, that's it for the moment.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
re:There's more than one meaning to that word, alas
And her degree of
self-posession was just as advertised, but that didn't mean anything - I could easily
see her as some plantation daughter in the antebellum South, for instance, and...
Dammit, the woman looked like she was born to wear freckles!
Kuga Natsuki as Scarlett O'Hara?...

"...I think she might have kidnapped Sakomizu."
Is this one of those things where you punish a person for future crimes they will commit? Keep in mind, I havent't gotten around to watching the anime yet.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: re:There's more than one meaning to that word, alas
Who is Sakomizu again? The nun? Or that guy who corrupts the nun?
Re: re:There's more than one meaning to that word, alas
Who is Sakomizu again? The nun? Or that guy who corrupts the nun?
Sakomizu Kaiji is the fat guy with the goatee and the afro. The nun is Sanada Yukariko, and her asshat of a boyfriend is Ishigami Wataru. I'm not sure what, or even if there is a name for Natsuki's other informant with the braid.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
You mean Yamada, right?
He who became Sergei's informant and mailman in Otome.
A little heads up. I'll likely be gone until late Wednesday, and my net connection where I'm going is sketchy at best, so I don't know if I'll be able to put anything up in the next few days.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: braid-dude
more lettuce, albeit stale(repost).
I felt this might be useful.
Re: braid-dude
Yamada! That's it!
Oh, I did a bit of research. Miroku-ken (as opposed to Miroku-kaiju, who is red, and Miroku-bouzu, who's from another series) is, as far as I can tell, an Oakeshott Type XVII - about sixty-odd inches, total, with a blade of maybe 45-50". His likely weight? Six pounds or so - call it three kg even. The best actual reference image I can find offhand is here - essentially, it's not that the sword is that huge, it's that Mikoto's that short.
spoiler at
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: braid-dude
Here is a better image.
Id think it be more of a type XX, myself.
Even given Mikoto's slight stature, she has a LOT of grip left.
Miroku would still be at least a hand-and-a-half to an adult european, if not a full zweihander.
But its definately more a bastard than longsword.
Re: braid-dude
I'd think it be more of a type XX, myself. Even given Mikoto's slight stature, she has a LOT of grip left.
*shrug* I'd placed 'him' as a XVII on the basis of shape and cross section, since, as far as I could read it, the description doesn't specify a size beyond just 'large'... If I'm misreading, or that example was incomplete, then, yeah, probably XXa.
I picked the photo I did rather than that one for two reasons, namely that the angle is better - she's holding it practically perpendicular to our viewing angle rather than angled away - and that the one I grabbed is official art rather than fan. ^_^ My estimate of its length comes from an eyeball guesstimate that it's just about exactly as long as Mai is tall, which's solidly in the middle of the greatsword range. Spot checks from the series look like a hexagonal cross section with a full fuller starting at the top of those bracing bars.
I'm just saying that it's realistically big rather than something you'd see Sagara Sanosuke or Cloud frickin' Strife carry, is all.
Incidentally, I'm fairly certain that her 'spin and drag' routine is a form of spellcasting rather than her actually trying to use it as a sword. Given that her entire life up until just before the start of the series was apparently devoted to becoming the most asskickingest HiME possible, I'd be very surprised if she didn't know how, though...
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: braid-dude
Well, obviously you wouldnt drag a mundane sword like that, because you would ruin it.
However, since Miroku is supernaturaly hard, im not sure there would be a reason NOT to carry it like that when getting from point a-to-b. (other than the resistance to movement).
Multiple Meanings II
"Why would Natsuki do something like that?"
I shrugged. "I don't know. If I had to guess, I'd say that he might know something she wants to find out. There are several things in here-" I waved the envelope I'd been fiddling with earlier. "-that might've shocked her enough to start taking drastic measures... but I really have no way of knowing which, or how. It hadn't even occured to me that she'd read it, which in retrospect was really fucking stupid of me." I took a deep breath, then handed her the thing. "Here. Read this, and see if you can find Yukino or Mai, from my class - Natsuki'll likely need backup, and I want to see if I can talk one more person into helping. I'll call Yukino's cell if I need something, or to set up where to meet - if I don't, just head out looking and don't wait for me."
She took it and gave me a considering glance. "All right. Good luck."

I poked my head into the classroom. "Excuse me, Sensei? I need to borrow Okuzaki Akira - student council business."
Sakomizu's substitute agreed, and a moment later I was escorting yet another HiME down the halls of Fuuka Academy. "What am I needed for?" she asked.
"That's sort of complicated. For the moment, I'd like to beg your assistance in calming down a rather delicate matter, Okuzaki-hime." We were walking side-by-side, and I didn't bother looking over. Despite the training I'd been doing since my... arrival... my martial skills were nowhere near the kind of thing she'd displayed - she'd react how she reacted, and there wasn't much I could do about it physically. On top of that, I doubted that I was a good enough liar to have any serious hope of trying to manipulate her, which meant that I'd simply have to rely on logic, truthfulness, and goodwill.
Nao's convictions aside, there are a lot less reliable things to place your faith in.
I realized that that hadn't been the best way I could've phrased my introduction about the time the back of my head hit the doorframe. The only thing I can really remember about the conversation that followed is the expression on Akira's face when the concussion caught up to my digestive system - and, shortly thereafter, her school uniform.
Whatever I said before that, though, must have been fairly convincing, since she just looked rueful then dashed off for the meeting point.
I caught my breath for a moment before lurching off in search of the nurse's office.

However, since Miroku is supernaturaly hard, im not sure there would be a reason NOT to carry it like that when getting from point a-to-b. (other than the resistance to movement).
Do we know that? It might well be a case comparable to Artemis, where the Child - or element, for Mikoto - manifests by periodically posessing an object that's already there. Either way, though, I can think of two good reasons for her not to do that spinning thing in a fight - and only one of them is the way the increased drag slows her down. The other is that she spends a lot of time wide open - all an opponent would have to do would be wait for the sword to go by and then lunge in and let her have it while she's still trying to bring her guard back around.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Multiple Meanings II
Meh. I don't know why she does it but it seemed to fair pretty well v. Natsuki in the first battle.
Other than that, she has done non-circle attacks! Like the one in 14, where she goes charging out of the gate with her sword trailing in a - straight - line behind her.
Re: Multiple Meanings II
Meh. I don't know why she does it but it seemed to fair pretty well v. Natsuki in the first battle.
Natsuki wasn't trying to kill her. ^_^
Other than that, she has done non-circle attacks! Like the one in 14, where she goes charging out of the gate with her sword trailing in a - straight - line behind her.
Well, if I hadn't been ragging on the dragging part to start with...
More seriously - I'm not saying that she doesn't know what she's about when she does that, nor that she doesn't know how to really swordfight. I'm just saying that what she does in the show isn't it.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Multiple Meanings II
(The beauty of fanfiction! I look forward to *your* Mikoto then.)
Re: Multiple Meanings II
*whistles innocently*

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Notes regarding EP 19.
Griever, you may have to revise your previous statement about the lack of giant worms. Or at least make comment about the things that appear in this episode.
I'll refrain from saying more b/c of spoilers.-Terry
"in comes a man in cameo with a american flag, because american flags float around in the wilderness." - Mike Keon
Please Remember: People are stupid... Programers are people.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
sound goldfish warning
Irony is when you've had a scene written up for a day, and before you go on to post it the guy you're jamming with posts one that also deals with damage to the narrator.
And so, appropriately enough:
*timestamp - picture of Windbloom skyline, looking up at Garderobe, through a cracked and warped lens.*
When I look back, I find the ultimate reason had been sheer bloody minded stupidity. My body may have been biological - 'human' would be stretching it - but it had a few quirks ... well, a lot of quirks.
The Absolute Territory Field being one. At the barest of basics, you were mucking with localized Reality through the use of that which defined your Self. Not that I was _that_ good at it. I could manage a fair number of useful effects, more after the part of me which met him/her had practiced with Gabriel, but they were by no means what you'd call world shaking.
Still, the Field adapted, and I really couldn't go and outright say that there was something you _couldn't_ do with it. Unfortunately, even a barest scratch at 'anything' was far beyond me, due to both my relatively novice level of skill, and ... well, let's just say that the output of an S2 organ relied on its size, and there wasn't a whole lot of surplus space in the human body which had already had its insides remodeled by the presence of an Angel Core.
I'd also neglected to take into account one point, which was made abundantly clear to me. AT Fields messed with Reality. The _other_ way around also worked.
Over the past few months I'd been tuning my own Field signature to try and detect Otome Robe and, by extension, Slave Materialization. Be it technology or ritual that was used, it caused ripples in the grand fabric of things. Ones I'd been able to feel, to some extent, when I was close enough to the source.
I tried to refine that.
Which was what led me to suddenly and unexpectedly keeling over, slamming onto the top of my coffee table - considering I still liked the stuff as much as I had a long time ago in a galaxy ... well, you get the idea - and ... well, the next few ... somethings were chock full of ...
Then I woke up.
I woke up, face down.
I woke up, face down, in a pile of something red.
I woke up, face down, in a pile of something red and wet.
This took a moment to penetrate my somewhat confused brain - you understand, I wasn't exactly a hundred percent there and then - but the realization was briefly and brutally interrupted by someone slamming a jackhammer's point into my skull.
"BWAGHASLAashbasfhthtthah," and the blur of light and noise resolved into Ren, standing some five meters away, saying something. I'd managed to lift my head. "... boss! Holy fuck, what happened?! Scratch that! Somebody call a medic!"
I tasted copper, and looked down to see the pile of red stuff had been papers I'd had on and _in_ my desk, liberally coated in someone's blood.
I blinked. Something dripped from the corner of my eye. It splattered on a still partially white page, a single crimson drop.
My mind finally caught up with another fact. I was in the office. The office was a floor down from my apartment. Knowing that this wouldn't be the smartest thing I could do, I rolled to the side. Looked up.
And up.
And up.
It took me another moment to realize that, no, there was no way my office could have a skylight. Much less one that made up nearly the entirety of the ceiling.
I was going to have to get a new place, because there was now a huge friggin' _hole_ where it used to be.
I sighed ... or rather, coughed. Predictably, it was a wet, messy, hacking cough. I think I threw up.
This, unexpectedly, cleared my head. Or maybe my Core's natural response just kicked in and started fixing stuff. My head stopped ringing, anyway, and I think I stopped bleeding, though I'd have to actually wash up to find out.
"You mind getting me a towel?" I asked, startling the newly arrived resident medico into momentary stasis.
It took several reassurances to convince him, and a few more to convince Ren, that I wasn't about to collapse and die anytime soon. Which, considering the extent of the damage ... did I mention that I'd somehow managed to _blow up_ the whole top floor of the building?
I had a fair idea about how I'd done it, too. Or a theory, at least. It came into being at about the time Ren mentioned that they'd heard a shrill, jarring sound that seemed to come from the direction of the Royal Palace, and a moment later the building shook.
_Something_ had managed to jar my AT Field strongly enough to have it react, and do so violently and erratically, like a body suddenly touching a live wire. Same something to make that sound, I guessed.
Great. Even better, the results were damn obviously more than the cracked windows some of the places around the office had come away with.
It would take a lot of creative handwaving to get that explained away. Handwaving which I was less than able to do right now.
After I'd had some time to clean up and realign my Self from its currently still slightly off-kilter state, maybe. There was a bad taste in my brain, and it wasn't just blood.
This event also had one reprecussion that wasn't immediately obvious. It made me focus too much on trying to find out what the hell had just happened, and too little on day-to-day events. Making me wave over the newly arrived message from Aries, in which Yukino Chrysant had asked the company to keep an eye on one, Shizuru Viola, and hand the task over to Ren without a second glance.
Why Yukino and, by extension, Haruka, had wanted that done would not trouble me. Would not make me look underneath the underneath. Would not cause me to investigate. It _would_ leave me gobsmacked, with my jaw flapping in the wind, at a later date, though.
Still, that would come later.
There and then, I was more concerned with getting a repair crew contracted, and finding a place to sleep for the night. Among other things.


Sweno: I know. I'm waiting for a moment when he's going through the desert for one reason or another, on a longer trek, for him to find out about that. As much as he tries to be, he's not omniscient.
Also, Nate, good one! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your Shizuru. I'm pretty sure a lot of her fanboys are going to be mildly put off with what I do to her in my story, if not bloody furious. Likewise, with her Natsuki.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
re:You -want- to know that much about my fantasies?
I finally started watching My Hime.
Congratulations, managed to keep the collateral damage down to zero. Okay..down to a busted window. The ferry line should give you a bonus for that. often can you do it? ^^
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Winamp is playing: Juno Reactor - God is God
That we both came up with that particular 'irony' probably says something about our psyches. Think either of us should be investigating the latter side of that whole S&M thing?

A standard SEARRS reaction team had seven members, but First District Team 28 was down one, since their usual driver was in the hospital after running afoul of a jilted boyfriend. An Agent In Place like Sakomizu didn't usually have much to do with their division, being more concerned with espionage than black bag work, but given the circumstances he'd been quite happy to see them.
After all, Natsuki hadn't been as careful tying his wrists as she might have been, and he was starting to lose feeling in his fingers.
The tall one with the fierce scowl put a fingertip to his earpiece microphone. "We have guests," he said after a moment. "Four, three female, one male. One high school age. female, three a little younger. They seem to be in a hurry - do you know-" the apartment's door crashed open and they stormed in, all breathing a little heavily. The teammembers cursed and went for their weapons, but Sakomizu waved them down and rubbed at his aching wrists.
Fujino, Okuzaki, and that newcomer, Minagi. Given the things Natsuki had said, that meant that Munakata was almost certainly one of the HiME that hadn't been identified yet. A pack of trained goons like the standard reaction team wouldn't even have been able to stop one of them - with three HiME working in concert and an Okuzaki ninja in support, they wouldn't even be able to slow them down.
The Fujino conglomerate was one of SEARRS' cover corporation's major competitors, and had evidently stumbled onto some of the Foundation's other activities in the process of industrial espionage. Its material resources couldn't compete with those available to the full Foundation, of course, but were far from inconsiderable, especially when the presence of the heir of two of the conglomerate's three founders among the chosen maidens was there to provide motivation.
The Okuzaki clan had been a thorn in the SEARRS Foundation's side since before there was a foundation, almost since the establishment the 'First District' itself, and had proven almost immune to any attempts to finally root it out. It had been a long time since the Okuzaki were strong enough or the Foundation limited enough for the former to seriously hinder any of the latter's operations, but the conditions of the Festival were so delicate, so finely tuned, that the usual rules went entirely out the window. Even an indirect influence wasn't to be scoffed at, and if they could actually control the winning HiME, the balance of power would be abruptly and utterly reversed.
Minagi was a cipher. She'd come from nowhere, just popped up on their radar - tracing back to her past showed a pattern of seemingly random people being drawn from complete ignorance of the organization supporting her to total commitment to it, often with only a single meeting. Further examination had revealed the group's surprising extent - despite its ability to influence individuals and tap their full resources and talents at will, it never seemed to go any farther than the degree neccessary to support and educate a single individual... who was here now. It was not a new pattern - the Foundation's records showed someone with much the same traits and background being present at all three of the previous Festivals, and to have won the second.
The first case of the Black Death, those histories also recorded, had appeared, without precedent, less than a decade later, and had taken several decades to evolve into a form survivable enough to have time to spread.
"Ah, Sakomizu-sensei," Fujino said with a smile that didn't reach her eyes, and he was abruptly aware of... something which made him feel like some vast and awful and beautiful presence was looming above his head and deciding whether or not he was worth the trouble of devouring. "It's good to see you're alright. I'm afraid time is pressing, so, concerning Natsuki..."
This would be extremely delicate - but then, that was why he'd been given this assignment in the first place.

Also, Nate, good one! I'm looking forward to seeing more of your Shizuru. I'm pretty sure a lot of her fanboys are going to be mildly put off with what I do to her in my story, if not bloody furious. Likewise, with her Natsuki.
I'm still not all that sure I have a good handle on either of them, actually, but I hope to be able to keep it all together.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: sound goldfish warning
I have no problem with a narrator that tries to be omniscient, fails, and curses the gods for poking fun at him.-Terry
"in comes a man in cameo with a american flag, because american flags float around in the wilderness." - Mike Keon
Please Remember: People are stupid... Programers are people.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
A little niggling...
The first case of the Black Death, those histories also recorded, had appeared, without precedent, less than a decade later, and had taken several decades to evolve into a form survivable enough to have time to spread.
Hmmm...a little difficult to understand what you're saying:
You may want to rewrite into something like:
The first recorded cases of the Black Death suddenly appeared in Europe and swept thru the continent in less than three years. It took several decades for human beings to developed sufficient immunity to have a 1 in 3 chance of of survival after infected with the Black Death.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: A little niggling...
The first recorded cases of the Black Death suddenly appeared in Europe and swept thru the continent in less than three years. It took several decades for human beings to developed sufficient immunity to have a 1 in 3 chance of of survival after infected with the Black Death.
Evidently, since that wasn't what I meant. The events you're describing are what happened after those several decades were up - the Festivals are at about 300 year intervals, stet? Searrs was aware of the Plague as early as 1305 or so - right after the Festival before last.
When it first showed up, it killed too fast to spread. In the modern day, with global air travel and such, it'd probably qualify as an all-out apocalypse... 90% primary kill within a week. We're not talking about a natural disease, here, we're talking about an all-out bioweapon.
What hit Europe in the 1340s was very much the watered-down version.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

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