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Weird idea that needed exorcising
Weird idea that needed exorcising
"Man overboard on the port side!" The cry rang out loud along the deck of the ship. Sailors immediately began rushing to the sides and peering into the waters of the sea, a wooden crate of fresh fruit bobbed along in the water carried along by the current.
The captain of the ship checked the compass in his hand one last time before snapping it shut and surrendering the wheel of the ship to a waiting crewmember, he then strode in a calm and collected but foppish manner to the port side to take a look himself. Bobbing by in the water after the crate of fruits, came a bottle of rum with two mugs balanced precariously on the side of an box as if it was a table. Somehow the box never tilted far enough to tip over its cargo into the ocean.
The captain of the sailing ship leaned ever so precariously over the side of his ship in an attempt to see further up to follow the trail of foodstuffs floating along in the ocean. He absently noted that the black paintjob that gave his ship that distinctive look was peeling slightly and should be touched up a little. He pulled out and extended a spyglass from somewhere then trained it on the figure of a person slumped in what looked to be the remains of a crows nest which retained just enough of its structure to remain afloat.
"Mr. Gibbs" The captain leant back and stage whispered to a portly gentleman, "Bring my ship around a little more. I want to take a good look at this chappie." He leant back over the side of the ship and retrained his spyglass on the person in the crows nest, even though the range between them didn't exactly call for it anymore.
It was through the spyglass that the captain had his first good look at the man inside the crows nest. He had medium length blond hair tied back with a black bow, a simple white buccaneers shirt with puffy sleeves and a pair of brown pants made up the rest of his attire. His shoes were placed carefully to his side. It appeared as if the man in the crows nest was busy writing in some kind of journal with a quill pen. He was also talking writing out loud to himself for some reason.
"Oh dearest Elaine, all seems to be lost.I don't know if i'll ever be able to get back to you this time. My ship was sunk of the coast of Plunder Island and with no help in sight for miles around. I cant help but wonder if this is the last time I will have to destroy the dread zombie pirate LeChuck. Although he did blow up nicely this time around. He paused to refill the quill from a rapidly diminishing supply of ink inside a bottle.

I suppose while Im hoping to see the last of LeChuck I might as well be wishing for that platter of calamari drenched in lemon sauce that you make so well Elaine. A moment of incredulity passed over the crewmembers as a silver platter of calamari drenched in lemon sauce came around the bow of the ship and passed inches away from the man in the crows nest.
I can remember it so well I could swear I can smell it right now. He said wistfully and paused to gaze off into the distance. He began writing again. Ah well, I know I should probably be making up one of my cunning plans to escape certain death right about now, but I cant seem to escape the feeling that it is all futile in some way. Its getting darker with the sun still out. A sure sign its going to start raining heavily next.
In reality the darkness was caused by the ship looming within an arms reach or the man in the crows nest. The man looked up to see if it was a thundercloud blocking the sun, instead he saw a large black ship with black sails and its crewmembers all hushed and eagerly watching to see what he did next. Whatever he was about to do he was preempted by the someone on the ship calling down to him. Ahoy there mate, You look like you could use a lift eh? The captain who still had a spyglass extended and stuck to his eye turned to the portly man from earlier. Mr. Gibbs, lets give the man a hand aboard after all we are good god fearing people willing to help our fellow man right? A chuckle passed through the ships crew.
In short order a ladder was lowered and the-man-who-wasnt-in-the-crows-nest-anymore was aboard with the crew clustered around him in a ragged circle, their duties forgotten for now. Upon closer inspection they looked to be a mean bunch with nary a scruple between them. The captain came striding down from the raised platform where the ships wheel was located with his spyglass still extended and held to his eye.

He strode straight up still peering through the telescope and spent an awkward moment looking at the-man-who-was-decidedly-grateful-that-he-had-been-saved before realizing that he still had the spyglass out. The captain straightened up and made the spyglass collapse into a compact form before making it vanish into a compartment somewhere about his person.
And who do we have the honor of saving from the clutches of the sea today? The captain inquired as his hands animatedly gestured as he talked.
I am Guybrush Threepwood, Mighty Pirate. A Scourge of the seven seas, and four time destroyer of the Dread Zombie Pirate LeChuck! replied the man-who-no-longer-had-long-descriptive-hyphenated-words-as-a-name replied while assuming what he thought to be a Heroic pose.
The captain broke out in a large grin before sweeping off his Tri-corner leather hat and bowing deeply revealing a faded red bandanna tied around his head and hair done up in dreadlocks. And I am Captain Jack Sparrow. He replaced the hat on his head before continuing. Welcome aboard the Black Pearl, Mr. Threepwood. He moved up and put an arm around Guybrushs shoulders and started walking to his cabin Come let us away to my cabin we have much to talk about, including the treasure known as Big Whoop Savvy?
We are the swords in the darkness, the watchers on the walls. The fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn. The horn that wakes the sleepers. The shield that guards the realms of men. -The Brothers Black
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Oh, my, god...
Those two, together...
I can barely imagine the oddness they could unleash together.
Re: O_O
Monkey Island for the win.
This has some serious crossover potential. The naive stupidity of Guybrush Threepwood and the 'savvy' of Jack Sparrow. Hmmm....*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: O_O
Toss in Monkey D. Luffy for the trifecta.
(A fight between Luffy and Threepwood would be... interesting. On the one hand, Luffy's probably impervious to insults. On the other, Guybrush can hold his breath forever, and Luffy... can't.)
"A fish magnet?"
Re: O_O
EM... That idea has so much win and love in it that it has broken my brain.
GO FOR IT!!! [Image: happy.gif]
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."

Re: O_O
Sadly, I don't know enough Monkey Island to pull off a convincing Guybrush. [Image: frown.gif]
"Roof pig! Most unexpected."
Re: O_O
Just be goofy as all hell and Nigh Oblivious(tm). The references can be found easily enough on a fan site.
And BTW, you really should play the games if you can find them. They're full of win and love.
Black Aeronaut Technologies Group
Aerospace Solutions for the discerning spacer
"To the commissary we should go," Yoda declared firmly. "News
of this kind a danish requires."


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