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plotbunny at crunchtime
Neji's secret lust for spandex
Rikou likes Naruto likes Sakura likes Sasuke likes Tenten likes Neji likes... Rikou? *evil grin*
That leaves us with the question of _why_ Neji would be attracted to the Human Barnacle.
And, assuming he did, would he be willing to help Hinata out with her training in the hope that she could snag Naruto from Rikou, leaving the poor girl crushed and paving the way for Valiant Knight Neji to comfort her ...
... comic interlude between two serious arcs - Hinata, by accident, gets hit with some sort of weird Genjutsu Rikou was trying to practice/create. It goes wrong, and Hina-chan spends the rest of the mini-arc competing for the affections of said spandex wearing kunoichi with her brother, subsequently freaking out most of the cast members when she decides to imitate her 'love's' favored method of displaying affection. Glomp, Hinata! Glomp! Add in Gai, ranting about the Burning Passion of Youth and how proud he is of his students, in the background.
coming up with OOC plotlines since early 2002.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Neji's secret lust for spandex
That leaves us with the question of _why_ Neji would be attracted to the Human Barnacle.
*claps hands twice and bows his head* It is fate.
More seriously, I sincerely doubt that her past is -completely- warm and friendly... perhaps something to do with her usage of techniques most Leaf-nin will associate with their frequent enemies, the Mist. "If it is my fate to be outcast in my own beloved homeland of the Leaf, then I WILL DEFY IT, even if it is handed down from the highest power in Heaven!"
Yeah. I can see him going for that.
Oh, and a thought: She likes to deliver her speeches from high places. Roofs, tree branches, fenceposts... whatever's handy.
... comic interlude between two serious arcs - Hinata, by accident, gets hit with some sort of weird Genjutsu Rikou was trying to practice/create. It goes wrong, and Hina-chan spends the rest of the mini-arc competing for the affections of said spandex wearing kunoichi with her brother, subsequently freaking out most of the cast members when she decides to imitate her 'love's' favored method of displaying affection. Glomp, Hinata! Glomp! Add in Gai, ranting about the Burning Passion of Youth and how proud he is of his students, in the background.
Hiashi: NEJI! -Stop- her! She's making a mockery of the Hyuuga name!
Neji: *laughing too hard to breathe*
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: skills in general
Can Kage Bushin clones use ninjutsu? If so, combine the knowledge of Katon techniques with that, and Naruto's penchant for overkill in some areas ... kinda scary?
Well, Naruto plus a clone or two work together to form the rasengan, and in the Tea Country anime filler arc several clones did learning-stage rasengans on their own underwater to make a whirlpool. I think the answer here is "boom." Er, "yes," I meant "yes."
The fire/water combo techniques he could manage with Rikou would be interesting.
Both: GATTAI! MURASU NO JUTSU!! (Cook-with-steam skill)
I thought it was the Cloud and the Stone that Leaf usually had trouble with, aside from missing-nin. Isn't Water Country on the far side of those two from Fire?
I'd be surprised if there wasn't a jutsu to let you bind fire chakra to thrown weapons, sort of like a quicker but less powerful version of tying Explosion Notes to them.

And, and, I like the bow idea - mind if I steal^H^H^H^H -borrow- it for Eisha in TGNH?
Didn't Sasuke do that against blaster-boy in the Forest of Death, or was that just throwing them through a Housenka? I know Asuma did something that sheathed his daggers in chakra when Itchy and Fish-face showed up inside the villiage. Anyway, feel free to kife the Spring Steel Compound Bow of DOOM! if you like it and it fits a character of yours.
Sasuke jealous of Naruto learning katons - maybe if they were the Uchiha specialty katon techniques, but I was talking about the base one, Katon no Jutsu. I doubt there's anything unusual about Leaf-nins (who live in Fire Country, don't forget) knowing that - the only thing special about it is that Naruto has so damn much chakra to pump it with that he can probably equal a Gyoukakku once he gets the hang of it. Now that, I'd see Sasuke getting jealous over.
Glomp, Hinata! Glomp! Add in Gai, ranting about the Burning Passion of Youth and how proud he is of his students, in the background.
(laughs) Heh, and of course Naruto is torn between feeling a little bad, 'cause he was starting to think Hinata might like him too, and cheering her on because, well, Rikou is nice and all and it's nice to have someone who cares but really it's a little too much and maybe they'd go for a threesomeAAARGH! (Naruto thumps his head against a nearby solid object, ranting about Ero-ERO-ERO Sennin being a bad influence and he can't beleive he thought something like that)
I only just recently got the pun behind calling Jiraya "Ero-sennin" BTW. "Ero" of course is j-slang for 'erotic' but 'gero' is one fo the words for 'frog,' probably an onomatopeia for croaking. Gero-Sennin is then Frog Hermit, and he's the frog summoner of Densetsu no San-Nin, the Legendary Three Ninja. Triple word score for Kishimoto-san on that one.
Writing it... Well, at this point I could hardly not try, but I'm not all that sure it'll work too well.

- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: skills in general
(scene: Chuunin exam, arena. Two people are facing off in this latest bout. Both clad in spandex. One in fuchsia, the other in white.)
Hinata: Rikou-sama! I, the Elegant White Lightning of Konoha, Hyuuga Hinata, will brave the challenge of winning your love and succeed with the Burning Passion of Youth! Yosh! (cue Gai's patented Glinting Grin and Nice Guy pose)
Hiashi: NEJI! -Stop- her! She's making a mockery of the Hyuuga name!
Neji: *laughing too hard to breathe*

>Writing it... Well, at this point I could hardly not try, but I'm not all that sure it'll work too well. <
Won't know until you try. I urge you to.
C'mon people, join in.
applauding the unusual since mid 2003
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: skills in general
I thought it was the Cloud and the Stone that Leaf usually had trouble with, aside from missing-nin. Isn't Water Country on the far side of those two from Fire?
Fire is in the center of the map. Wind is due west, Earth -north-west. Lightning is northeast, and Water sort of East-southeast-ish, across a smallish sea.
Anyway, I'd guess that -all- of the Shinobi nations have had at least one fairly serious conflict with any given one of the others at -some- point in their history... and given how -vicious- the old-style Mist was, that war probably left some bad memories, particularly if it was recent enough to still be in living memory for the older citizens (ie, 30-40 years ago). Or there could have been a minor war where Mist tried to take advantage of the way Kyuubi would have weakened the Leaf.
Anyway, feel free to kife the Spring Steel Compound Bow of DOOM! if you like it and it fits a character of yours.
Well, maybe not the super-heavy-power-draw aspect, but I think I like it better for Kagami Eisha than the big shuriken (she's on Kakashi's team, I think I've mentioned).
(laughs) Heh, and of course Naruto is torn between feeling a little bad, 'cause he was starting to think Hinata might like him too, and cheering her on because, well, Rikou is nice and all and it's nice to have someone who cares but really it's a little too much and maybe they'd go for a threesomeAAARGH! (Naruto thumps his head against a nearby solid object, ranting about Ero-ERO-ERO Sennin being a bad influence and he can't beleive he thought something like that)
*cheers and waves his 'GO POLY!' banner*
Hinata: *glomp*
Rikou: Yack! Get off!
Hinata: *lets go and tears up* I... I had thought that you would understand my heart... please... listen to it... *grabs one of Rikou's hands and clasps it to her chest - palm -down-*
Rikou: Eep! *squeezesqeeze* *eyebrow twitch* ...that's... not fair...
I'd gotten the sennin/sannin bit, but ero/gero is news. Cool.
Ja, -n
(edit: Urge. Urge. Urge. Urge.)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: skills in general
Hmm ... a way to justify Rikou not having the Eyebrows and to throw in a plot twist at the same time ...
I know! Who do we know from early Naruto who has _no_ eyebrows and is a Mist-nin? Well, was a Mist-nin. Token bigass sword guy from early on. You know who I speak of.
quoting the 'Havok and Malice' line since early 1997.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: skills in general
Won't know until you try. I urge you to.
(edit: Urge. Urge. Urge. Urge.)
... Just remember, as I warned the MZML when they dared me to make a setting that used a list of wierd special effect systems I'd come up with - I warned you. I really did. If this turns into another OGATTAWANNALIKKEM: Over the Top it's you history will hold to blame.
Or there could have been a minor war where Mist tried to take advantage of the way Kyuubi would have weakened the Leaf.
I think the Villiage Hidden by Mist will be upset enough over their courier deciding to stay in the Villiage Hidden by Leaves with the young jounin who saved her during the attack to merit whatever bad feeling may result, and while any freindly nin is a welcome nin in the immediate aftermath with the casualties that were taken, that cooling of relations with the Mist would be enough to make the public in general dislike her a bit as well.
Not a war per se - one low-ranking courier who resigns (officially resigns, in the Mizukage's office, not just running off like a missing-nin) to live in another villiage isn't worth that kind of expenditure over, even for the most vicious Mist reactionaries, but higher prices for the famous Water country cranberry wine and hassles over passports when a client wants to hire protection on a trip to or through Water territory - even if, after a while, it can't REALLY be attributed to her, people still remember who they blame when there's a brush with the Hidden Mist.
*cheers and waves his 'GO POLY!' banner*
Oh fer... They're KIDS, you know? Eleven, twelve, thirteen? Because of the realities of their world they're in adult jobs and have some adult knowledge, but they aren't really about to jump in the bushes with each other, they aren't really prepared to have a relationship where they think of someone else more than themselves, and they have a lot of growing to do. If any 'pairings' develop, don't expect anything more than juvenile dates and snugglies.
I know! Who do we know from early Naruto who has _no_ eyebrows and is a Mist-nin? Well, was a Mist-nin. Token bigass sword guy from early on. You know who I speak of.
Zabusa? Meh. She'll just take after her mother in her face - at the moment, I'm thinking along the lines of a younger looking Lulu from Final Fantasy Ten for the hairstyle... which is hilarious if you compare their attitudes, but oh well. There's some kind of hair-ribbon-dagger things I have to look up again in my weapons references before deciding to use them to hold her bun in place (a holdout weapon, more decorative than useful), but - well, I like weapons that are some variation on a weight at the end of a cord.
See the... pleasure house... fight with sash and sword in House of Flying Daggers or Koko using Silver bells and Soft Ribbons vs. the evil-preist-dude's metal prayer wheels in the Legend of Condor Hero anime and you'll know why I want to give her something along those lines - or just a length of rope or light chain (chain is more visually appealing, but noisy. A silk cord seems more ninja-sneaky, and even without a weight is also useful for snares or just to use like a whip to snap at the opponent's face and distract them) and clips or Speedy Knot Tying no Jutsu to fix a kunai on each end when needed.
Still... Momoichi Keiunko? No eyebrows is almost as bad as bushy, you know... but then, I always figured Zabusa shaved them and filed his teeth for effect, sicne he didn't seem to have any particular bloodline abilities, just learned skills and a whole lotta blood lust.
- CD remember: I. Warned. You.What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: skills in general
Oh fer... They're KIDS, you know? Eleven, twelve, thirteen? Because of the realities of their world they're in adult jobs and have some adult knowledge, but they aren't really about to jump in the bushes with each other, they aren't really prepared to have a relationship where they think of someone else more than themselves, and they have a lot of growing to do. If any 'pairings' develop, don't expect anything more than juvenile dates and snugglies.
But... but... It's -poly-... *waves banner plaintively*
Besides, while eighteen may be the standard age for adulthood -now-, it's hardly universal to human history - and, IMHO, the fact that the Hidden Villages are willing to dump people into combat zones at ~12 speaks -volumes- about where they draw that particular line... and, again IMHO, the kids tend to act about 3-4 years older than they really are (when viewed through our cultural filters. by their standards, they're about as expected.) Granted, anything serious probably wouldn't happen until Kyuubi+13 or so - that is, about a year of fic-time after the tale picks up - just because they wouldn't quite have the hormones going yet, but I think they're a lot more competent that we watching/writing (including Kishimoto...) would think from our own experiences with kids that age.
In other words, if -they- think they're old enough (and they obviously do), I'm not inclined to disagree.
well, I like weapons that are some variation on a weight at the end of a cord.
There's an apparently pretty mediocre Playstation game I've heard about - never played, since I don't own a PS - called Red Ninja. Besides handing the main character a weapon I think you might be interested in (which is why I bring it up now), it's the place I kipped Hell!Sakura's outfit from.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: skills in general
Well, a year or two in what amounts to acive military service is room to grow, like I said, right? And like you said, that's when the horones will start hitting them - so pretty much we came at the same conclusion from different directions, I think.
RE the devil's red dreass - sweet. I don't think I'll bother tracking the game down, thoguh - I pretty much stck to turn-based RPGs or the occasional driving sim. Make that VERY occasional, I haven't really seen one I likd since Carmageddon TDR 2000, five years ago.
Oh, and if you haven't yet... check the new thread.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Zabusa
I know! Who do we know from early Naruto who has _no_ eyebrows and is a Mist-nin? Well, was a Mist-nin. Token bigass sword guy from early on. You know who I speak of.
So, Wave Country mission (no reason for them not to have that mission). Zabusa comes out of nowhere on his bigass sword, Gai looks surprised and restrains Naruto and Lee from charging into battle. Rikou goes starry eyed and shouts: "UNCLE ZABU!"
Zabusas is surprised, then recognises Gai and cringes slightly as the Blue Beast begins to greet him...
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: Zabusa
Something like that, yeah. Don't have any actual plot ideas to go with it, just thought it would make a semi-decent gimmick ...
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Zabusa
So, Wave Country mission (no reason for them not to have that mission). Zabusa comes out of nowhere on his bigass sword, Gai looks surprised and restrains Naruto and Lee from charging into battle. Rikou goes starry eyed and shouts: "UNCLE ZABU!"
...and we promptly discover that the Human Barnacle effect isn't limited to Naruto.
Jealous Haku! Whee!
And, and, Zabuza keeps trying to explain that he's got a mission and has to kill Tazuna, even if he'd rather not go through family to do it, but Gai is interrupting him every half sentance with advice on the most wise and honorable way to run a revolution for the sake of preserving the shining virtue of the Mist's youth (with inserts and encouragement from Lee at every opportunity), and Rikou is swinging around him like a jungle-gym babbling about how why hasn't he visited until now and glad Mommy will be to see him and how they're going to throw a really fun party to welcome him to the Leaf - which of course sets Naruto off into full hyperactive-self-propelled-ping-pong-ball mode, yelling "PARTY PARTY PARTY PARTY PARTY!"
Oh. Yes. ^_^
And when he -finally- manages to get through to the Spandex Brigade what he's after, he has to deal with Rikou pleading for him to take it back, to say that her Uncle Zabu could never do something nasty and viscious like that... complete with BIG SAD SHINY EYES!... and of course he caves like a circus tent with the Hulk on top.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Zabusa
Valles is channeling Uzumaki Enthusiasm, it looks like.
But that sort of scene _would_ make for a gut-bursting bout of laughter, wouldn't it?
But then, the mission would still require conflict, humorous bits aside. Nate's got dibs on Evil!Sakura (and why the hell did it feel like she was flirting with Neshan during that fight? Or is my perception warped?), but I wonder ... what would Gatou do if Zabuza suddenly decided not to play along. Would he have a fiendish backup plan that Team Explosive Youth would have to foil? Or would they just need to beat up some goons?
Oh, and Jealous!Haku? I get this picture of him in electric-blue spandex, trying to emulate Rikou's 'BIG SAD SHINY EYES'(tm) to get that sort of reaction from Zabuza-sama. With predictable results.
powered by Coffee since 2001
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: Zabusa
But then, the mission would still require conflict, humorous bits aside. Nate's got dibs on Evil!Sakura (and why the hell did it feel like she was flirting with Neshan during that fight? Or is my perception warped?),
...That was just sort of how it worked out. Going back over, I think it's mostly an artifact of the fact that she is -seriously- fucked in the head, and yes, a lot of it is sexual for her.
I -really- hope I don't end up having to try and write a H!S vs. Ino fight at any point during this series.
what would Gatou do if Zabuza suddenly decided not to play along. Would he have a fiendish backup plan that Team Explosive Youth would have to foil? Or would they just need to beat up some goons?
Whichever is more entertaining, of course!
Oh, and Jealous!Haku? I get this picture of him in electric-blue spandex, trying to emulate Rikou's 'BIG SAD SHINY EYES'(tm) to get that sort of reaction from Zabuza-sama. With predictable results.
...the sad part is, I think that that'd actually look -better- than his awful canon outfit.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Zabusa
Actually, I kind of figured that without Keiunko in the Mizukage's office that day to make him hesite one fatal second, Zabusa succeed and now IS Mizukage, to get him out of the way for a different Wave Country mission - something better suited to whichever team gets sent that way, whether the Tenten-instead-of-Naruto Team 7 or the melee-heavy Team Explosive Youth. It depends on whether I come up with a plot that wants both teams or just one - and enthusiasm aside, I really need to have a plot before I can do too much more of it, because I'd want to do something that lays some groundwork for their fifth or sixth mission (second chronicled) then the Mizuki thing, and then - well, I don't even KNOW unless I have a plot, except that they'd eventually need to get through the chuunin exams. Sasuke would be more reluctant to run with a burgouning attachment even if it is a heavy crush, and Tenten seems too sensible in the little we've seen her to be really cruel to someone already down, so she probably wouldn't tell him off at that worst time and have him go because of a broken heart.
Heh... Well after dark, Tenten wakes to the rattle of gravel at ther window. She uses a compact's mirror to check (Kunoichi, you know? Not going to stick her head in line of sight to get a kunai through it.) and sees who it is, she stows the handful of kunai (WHERE were they again?) and pulls on a yukata (which jingles slightly, like most of her clothes) sighs, reminds herself that he's had a bit of a hard time lately, and hops out to talk some sense into him... again. Kami know she's the only one he seems to listen to...
On the other hand, yeah, that WOULD be just as effective a way of neutralising him early, so Gatou has time to find some other big gun of a missing-nin to send against them, and funny besides.
Griever... Dude! You just saved the Mizukage's life! you're, like, a HERO to the Village Hidden by Mist! Please describe yo' BADself, Mist-jounin style. If opportuinity arises, you get a cameo.
(actually, I'll cameo any of you when I want an extra if you give a description.)
Jealous-spandex-clad-Haku... I can't see it. Well, kind of, but he'd be more happy that Zabusa-san was able to reuinite with some family, I think - Haku pretty much derives all his self-worth from Zabusa's success and happiness.
But damn, what am I gonna do for a plot? I can't just do random ninja stuff and a love polygon in the center, because stories based on adolescent love polygons make my trigger finger itch.
- CD
Edited to add pun: I guess you could say that it's crunch time for a plotbunny.What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Zabusa
But damn, what am I gonna do for a plot? I can't just do random ninja stuff and a love polygon in the center, because stories based on adolescent love polygons make my trigger finger itch
Y'know... the Godaime Kazekage (Gaara's dad, who came after the one Sasori made into a puppet) was, by all indications, a genuine Grade-A asshole. With power-hunger, disregard for human life, and a major Hidden Village to back him up. Who knows how far he'd have gone if Snake-face hadn't taken him out early?
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Zabusa
>Griever... Dude! You just saved the Mizukage's life! you're, like, a HERO to the Village Hidden by Mist! Please describe yo' BADself, Mist-jounin style. If opportuinity arises, you get a cameo.<
To throw a quote back at you: you asked for it.
File #1913 - Katsu (written as Broken), of the Hidden Mist
General: Little personal information about this Mist-nin is available, save for the fact that he is a onetime peer of Momochi Zabuza and one of the few to have lived through the graduation of the 'Devil of the Hidden Mist'.
Somehow, he managed to survive without crippling injury, though the scars of the event remain with him until this day. Rumor has it that this was the reason due to which he'd changed his name afterwards.
He graduated the Hidden Mist Academy as genin a year later, after having spent more than six months in recovery.
His career afterwards can be described as hazy at best, since he never really stood out amongs the other Mist-nin. It was only after attaining the rank of Chuunin that he began to make a name for himself, and even then it was mainly one as a jack of all trades. More details, and quirks, began to surface after he made Jounin.
A private person, even for a shinobi, he has few acquaintances that are more than casual, and even fewer people he calls friends - again, rumor has it that this is opposite from how he was in the Academy.
Appearance: White scars criss-crossing skin (most are healed up enough to only leave faint lines), dispassionate green eyes, and shortish dark hair ... are what actually stands out. He tends to wear stock Jounin fatigues in varying shades of grey, and a high-collared jacket. His hitai-ite acts as part of the collar's front latch. The jacket has reinforced at the forearms and elbows, and possesses the obligatory multum of pockets. The only bits of skin habitually left uncovered are the face and fingers.
Known as a Jack of All Trades prior to making Jounin, his actual skill list was and still is a bit of an oddity, mixing that philosophy of -strike once, strike hard, strike fast - with Mist-nin deception techniques. He tries to live by the KISS rule.
For someone who prefers taking the direct approach in any given situation, his aptitude for genjutsu is puzzling to say the least. Or rather, his aptitude for seeing through/resisting them. His own list of genjutsu is rather limited, not reaching far beyond the basic/intermediate Kirikagure, Mizu Bushin, and a low level debuff jutsu called Dread Gaze that requires line of sight and isn't really that useful against strong-willed targets.
His taijutsu is solidly rooted in Mist-nin basics, with an emphasis on the softer styles in defense - flow like water, avoid, redirect, if that fails, absorb - a bit of downright dirty brawling mixed in, and the fact that he is a weapon-user added for good measure.
Katsu's ninjutsu is, on the other hand, something of a forte. If only because it's the one aspect he put serious effort into personalizing. He hates flashy jutsus, you see. Or, at least, he hates using them. The Mist's stock Suiton jutsus aside, he has five personalized water-based jutsus, two of them being non-combat techniques, and the other three being assassination techniques.
Mizutsuku no jutsu - as the name says (I hope), a water breathing technique. Filters oxygen from water. The uses are obvious. A possible modification could include a chakra version of a gas mask. (and here's hoping I got the names right)
Reiketsukan no jutsu - (Cold-blooded person technique) this is actually something he 'invented' unwittingly, during the whole Zabuza-goes-nuts thing. It let him play dead decently enough.
The following techniques require tactile contact with target, and are fairly chakra intensive:
Nettou no jutsu - (boiling water technique) the human body is 70% water. This jutsu flashes a heavy load of hot chakra through that 70%. With predictable results.
Mizugyou no jutsu - (freezing water technique) like above, only with cold chakra.
Kansou ichidan no jutsu - (dehydrated body technique) a modified Suiton technique that draws the water from the target. Perhaps the most deadly of the three, though while the other two can have other applications (they're pretty handy in a kitchen), this one is pretty much strictly an assassination technique.
Kunai and throwing spikes/needles rather than shuriken. Garotte. Silk cord/rope. Grapple. Smoke bombs.
Two bladed weapons, the blades being hatchet-like (heavy, broad, etc) and forearm-length (hilts half as long), and too clumsy too be called swords, really. He considers things like 'finesse' to be a secondary concern. Actually, he'd once heard (during his time as Chuunin) his taijutsu technique being called that of a simple hatchetman rather than that of a ninja. He liked the description so much, he had the two 'hatchets' made. It turned out whoever had said that had been right, because they fit his taijutsu to a T. They're actually named, the kanji carved into the blades' sides in simple, non-ornamental 'font'. The 'left' one is called Saugai (havoc). The 'right' - Warugi (malice).
Quote: Havoc and Malice. Their presence in my hands prevents me from doing Seals, but they do little to hamper my lust for slaughter. (brownie points for those who know where I swiped this from)
He simply isn't. Not much, anyway. There are two people he considers 'friends' in the Hidden Mist, one of them being the medic-nin whose efforts kept him alive after Zabuza's little rampage. The other is her daugher (of whom he is currently the Jounin-sensei).
When in the Mist, he lives with the two of them - has been doing so ever since the Zabuza incident. There might be some recent unresolved sexual tension between himself and the medic-nin, Mizuno Yuki, though she's a few years older than he, and the daughter (while this isn't a BSSM cross, I'm highly tempted to name her Mizuno Ami) regards him as a weird older brother type person.
Katsu feels he has an obligation to the former, and the latter has sort of grown on him ... like mould.
He considers his loyalty as being to them first, to himself second, and to the Mist at a distant third spot (with a graduation like that, it's not too surprising).
As for his feelings on the Zabuza issue ... he's pretty much indifferent towards the guy. He might have some small urge to return the asskicking, or to try at least, but time and apathy managed to make it something that doesn't really rule his actions.
The whole Mizuno thing is actually something I'd considered putting into a fanfic that never made the cut, but it fit here so there you go. (and, no, I don't have a thing for older women. I just wanted to do something different from the stock SI author's 'hook him up with a Senshi')
upset that the axes didn't make it into the sequels ever since LoK:BO2 came out.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
A cameo of my very own!
(actually, I'll cameo any of you when I want an extra if you give a description.)
...You've already met him, a couple threads over. Depending on your whim or what the situation calls for, he could be either very close to the way I've presented him in TGNH (ie, highly motivated, well informed, and a lot older than he looks) or closer to how I am in real life - less motivated, rather shyer, early twenties and with -serious- long-term followthrough problems.
Jounin-me is, well, you saw all but one of his tricks in the H!S fight.
Chuunin-me would be 21 or so, and obviously not nearly as dangerous. He wouldn't have the same speed or physical strength, nor the cool coat, and wouldn't have the chakra control neccessary to ready the reserve of eight instant techniques. He probably -would- have the Jutsu Notes, armor, and polearm. Shunshin, of course not. *shrug* Maybe good enough for ANBU, maybe not. Might be helping at the Chuunin Exam.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Cameo? ME? Nah.
Sadly, I don't think I'd fit for a cameo, as my twinkish ninja fantasies would place me as a Naruto-clone . . . sorta. And my nom de fic would go over like a lead balloon in Konoha...
If I had to place myself... I'd probably be someone who mastered only the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (that IS the disguise one, right?) and otherwise sucked at ninjutsu.
Although, I have been told that I'm good at sneaking up on people.....
Hmm. Names... Well, my preferred fox theme is out, so a translation of my name to Japanese might work, except that my given name makes a better family name in Japanese and vice versa. Soo... Kusahara Youjiro?
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Re: Cameo? ME? Nah.
If I had to place myself... I'd probably be someone who mastered only the Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (that IS the disguise one, right?) and otherwise sucked at ninjutsu.
Kagebunshin is Naruto's solid clone trick, and usually considered a high-level skill that even most Jounin won't know. Henge is the shapeshift, and -everybody- has to learn it.
BTW, my theory on the Academy is that Ninjutsu and Genjutsu are only two of five categories (with the other three being weapons/traps, ninja theory, and taijutsu). 'Passing Grade' is determined by the overall average of these five scores - thus, Lee was able to get around his disability by simply aceing everything else.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Cameo? ME? Nah.
Kage Bunshin is the clone technique, Henge is the disguise/transformation - but it's pretty certainly a real change of shape, because Nuroto flew lke a fuuma shuriken when he used enge no Jutsu to become one, and he and Gamabunta did a combo-henge into a fox so they could have claws and teeth to fight Shuukaku.
Nathan: Assume that you are much the same as SI-Neshan, but a local version instead of a DDP and hence without OOC knowledge. If you had Tenten to teach for the year she was stuck without a team, what would you teach her?
&stuff: After more thoguht, I've decided that Naruto will, indeed, not realise what Rikou is trying to tell him without words - not because one way is funnier or more plotable than the other, but, well, consider it from his point of view:
For most of his life, the only person who treated him nicely was Sarutobi-sama, who probably never touched him since he was old enough to walk. After he was old enough to get out of the house sometimes, he discovered Pops Ichiraku and Auntie Ayame, who treated him as well as a normal shop keeper with a normal good customer, a little banter, greetings when they meet, etc., but still the only personal contact he can remember is 'caretakers' none-too-gently grabbing him to holf him in place or pull him where they want him, or getting smacked for pulling a prank or no reason he can telll at all.
Then, a couple years early, he enters the Ninja academy, probably because whoever was supposed to be taking care of him during the day decided they'd had enough of him and no one else could be found (he probably WANTED to enter, possibly for a while before that - it depends on how long the academy actually lasts, which I've seen quotes of anyhing from two to five years...) and at some point manages to befreind Iruka, who occasionally might pat his shoulder and who sometimes treats him to ramen.
Still, he's not all that used to non-hostile touching.
Then, suddenly, he meets Lee, who is a slightly-more-tactile than average person at this point. If he gets excited, he grabs hands or shoulders and dances around, and expects at a 'team handshake' to seal every training plan.
Shortly after that, Gai appears, who is down right huggy whenever one or both of the boys impress him with their passionate fire of youth. He is really on edge around Gai for a while, then ralises that it's only more of the same and starts to lose the tense-and-flee conditioning.
A week or month after THAT, Rikou follows her father to their training spot after the academy lets out one day. She is as impressed by their burning determination to succed as her father, Naruto edging out Lee for grabbing her intrest because Lee is a little too much like Daddy for comfort. By the time they all graduate, she's become the Human Limpet... but you see, he doesn't really know where the average line is for physical affection between freinds, so he doesn't really get that she's interested that way.
As far as Naruto can tell it's just that she's even more huggy than her dad, who's more huggy than lee, who's more huggy than anyone else he's ever seen - even Neji and Sasuke's fangirls don't actually latch onto them too often, (thoguh mainly because neither boy would allow it) and they're always talking at length and volume about the objects of their desire, if not arguing with each other.
Rikou doesn't really SAY anything like that to or about him, she just snuggle like a freindly anaconda. Likewise, Hinata is far too repressed, er, refined to do more than hint around the innuendo bush, which is farr too subtle for him to get - or even get why they don't seem to like each other when Hinata is always giving Rikou fashion tips and trying to help her be cuter, and Rikou is always complimenting Hinata on how calm and elegant she is.
Sigh. Girls are wierd. =^_^=
Oh yeah - don't miss the semi-better and in other ways worse revised TXY pic edited into my last post in the other thread, just before people started adding new stuff.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Cameo? ME? Nah.
Nathan: Assume that you are much the same as SI-Neshan, but a local version instead of a DDP and hence without OOC knowledge. If you had Tenten to teach for the year she was stuck without a team, what would you teach her?
Hmm. I have kind of a hard time deciding, because his OOC knowledge is so deeply tied to his approach as a Shinobi. If I had to guess, I'd say that the very first thing would be something I'd already had in my arc notes (N is speaking to 2-10):
'To someone with your fighting style, the greatest threat is an opponent who uses a chakra-based technique to deflect incoming projectiles - the Hyuuga's Kaiten, for example, or Sunagakure's fan-based ninjutsu. This technique I'm teaching you doesn't have a name - I never bothered to give it one - but it's specifically designed to counter those very defensive techniques. Chakra's most common manifestation is as pressure - pressure holding your feet against the bark of a tree; pressure guiding the ribbons of a Ribbon Dance - any sort of pressure. This technique works by lodging a quantity of chakra into a weapon after shaping it in such a way that the chakra will expel itself as the blade flies - driving it forward like the exhaust of a rocket. Besides increasing the force behind the strike and -decreasing- the amount of time your enemy has to react, there's a third benefit - the blade, having chakra of its own, is able to resist and cut through the chakra driving your enemy's defense.'
The meta reason is that, as much as I'm usually a fan of hers, I found Temari's smirk all through that fight to be -utterly- infuriating.
The other big thing - beyond a few of his dirty-fighting tips along the lines of 'An enemy forming seals is an enemy you have a chance to stick a knife in,' and 'An explosion note is good. An explosion note you can -throw- is better,' - would be introducing her to the idea of weapons that you hit people with. Like swords, or staffs, or things like that. Because if you can only use a tool in one way, then you haven't mastered it yet.
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Cameo? ME? Nah.
Well, I'll think about it - that's the first spot that came to mind, but there's no rush. I probaly won't evn need the other teams until the chuunin exam anyway, and hence have no need to deal with her. I'm really quite short on plot still, however.
- CD
What, you think Samuel L. Jackson isn't going to survive the zombie apocalypse?

SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Cameo? ME? Nah.
Well, I'll think about it - that's the first spot that came to mind, but there's no rush. I probaly won't evn need the other teams until the chuunin exam anyway, and hence have no need to deal with her. I'm really quite short on plot still, however.
Hm. Well, if you're looking for things like possible heavy-duty missions, then you might do well to look through the various side-quests of your favorite RPGs. For major heavy arc stuff... Hm. Maybe have Fishlips and Skunkboy show up early, since Naruto graduated (and, hence, made a spectacle of himself) ahead of schedule?
Or they could bump into Gamble-girl just accidentally while they're out in the field... no, that wouldn't last long enough. Grr.
I reiterate my idea of their having to deal with the Kazekage's plan to take over the -world-!
Perhaps Rock Lee's family has enemies who've followed them even after they immigrated from the Earth Country?
Ja, -n

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Well, I'm stealing a plot notion from another fanfic here, but how about Hidden Waterfall and their Hero Water. I could see Gai wanting to get a look at it, to see if he could figure out how to moderate the damage done to a body by opening the Celestial Gates. Hero Water, after all, has a similar effect but has harsher side-effects. So observing it's effects could be useful. (The fic that suggests this is Set in Stone ( ))
So the team might be on a mission to Hidden Waterfall and Gai has an excess of enthusiasm and tries to get hold of some Hero Water. Naturally, this goes wrong. And then Aoi turns up. If Aoi got away, he could also be the replacement Gatou hires once Zabusa changes sides during the Wave Country mission.
I like that team picture, btw.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.

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