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Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
There are a lot, actually, but the one that comes to mind fastest is Relatively Absent, by Mark Shurtleff. And a couple other things by him as well which were left to twist in the wind.
I'd also love to see Jack and Jillian Staik come back to the Net and finish Our Wedding Day, which is Part 4 of their epic series The Tales of Ranma and Ranko.
And of course it goes without saying that I fervently wish for Eric Hallstrom to take up writing Ranma and Akane -- A Love Story once more.
So... what dead fics would you like to see resurrected?

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Don Grangerry's Comes the Cold Dragon
John Biles' The Summer People
Improfanfic's Dark Heart High
"Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of General Zod has been approved."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
... mine ...
- CD whimpersSERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
Dr. Akagi will recover. Observe, Rei smiled. Shinji-kun, are these your clothes?
Ritsuko shot up like a spring loaded meerkat. What? Shinji-kun is naked?
See, Anata? Dr. Hentai is alive and well. - Innortal's _I Do_
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
I think that Relatively Absent has gotten a recent revision. At least on chapter 9, according to the one of the FukuFics blurbs.
And yes, having RAALS resurrected would make my year.
Other than that?
Hmm... Sailor Moon: Millenials, definitely.
Oh, Robert Haynie's Girl Days.
Ritsuko's Problem (lemon, but I'll post the link if asked)
The Bubblegum Zone, although to be fair Bert has finally posted a semi-status update on his page saying there could possibly be a BZ update soon.
I know there's more, but I can't remember them.*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Oh god, not in any particular order, but i'd cheerfully do some pretty terrible things if it meant Haynie and/or Hallstrom would start writing again.
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
ahh. too many. Well ignoring those already mentioned lets see if I can pull up some clasics.
Bubelgum Force II (I'm woried about the other nebulart. almost 4 years ago he said to expect an update soon. I haven't found anything newer than that)
Togeter Again (which is supposedly only resting)
Twisted Path.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Scriviner's "The God's Within" > <
Jason Wong's "The Way of Ninjitsu" > <
Sinom Bre's "The Accidental Goddess" And "The Prank That Wasn't" > <
Brian Drozd's "Once More from the Top" and "Deification" > <
Those are the only dead fics that I can remember being dead and wanting more of. (That havn't been mentioned already)
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
"Teineina Tenshi No Teze", Fire (
Ended on a cliff hanger and then stops dead.
"Gaijin", Carrotglace (
Again stops dead... the the author says something about having kids and goes *piffle*.
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
"Paragon" and "Hearts of Ice" for starters..I'm not a fan of Relatively Absent-too much Tendo-bashing for my taste."There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets"-Colonel VanHeusen , from "It! The Terror From Beyond Space"
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
I also wish Lines of Destiny was finished."There's only one kind of monster that uses bullets"-Colonel VanHeusen , from "It! The Terror From Beyond Space"
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Just about everything you guys have mentioned, plus Reclaiming Life which manages to avoid most of the cliches of the HP/Naruto genre and has some snappy conflict between Kakashi and the main characters.D for Drakensis
Contagious, rampant insanity isnt against the rules.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Hearts of Ice is not dead, I consider it dead when the author drops off the internet entirely as far as I can tell. Until then it is on "Hiatus".
At least to me. I can be patient when I want to :-p
As can be seen at her lj, the author of HoI has been busy with other things.
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Don Granberry's Comes the Cold Dragon
Oooh, yeah, forgot that one. I love the Cousteau scene, among many others.
Sailor Moon: Millenials, definitely.
Oh, yeah, I was thinking of that one, too, while writing the original post.
Oh, Robert Haynie's Girl Days.
Right! And, come to think of it, the other incomplete stuff on his webpage: Paragon (of which I once had the honor to read the unreleased chapter 5) and Crossing Moon (or Crossed Moon, depending on where you read the title).
Sinom Bre's "The Accidental Goddess" And "The Prank That Wasn't"
I had almost forgotten those.
"Gaijin", Carrotglace
Oh, yeah, I actually had forgotten about that one.
A couple more that come to mind:
Ed Becerra's Legion's Quest and Pagliacci. And actually, there's a great but incomplete side story to Pagliacci written by Rob Haynie which I don't think was released but which I had a copy of; sadly I lost it in my last computer crash at work.

-- Bob
For Jor-El so loved the Earth, he sent his only begotten son...
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Let us not forget the ending to Mark Doherty's "I'm Here to Help"
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Most of the stuff in this thread is stuff I want to see revived.
All of the stuff fire has started but not finished....
Especially Vengance and a half.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Togeter Again (which is supposedly only resting)
While it's only in a coma, I have a huge pile of unfinished fics that I started after it stalled that I hope to get done first.
Chris Davies.
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Three Knights, by Craig Reed, Bert Van Vliet and Amanda Stair; and Bubblegum Avatar, by Craig Reed.
Linkage:Craig Reed's fanfics
-W"Ah, great. More androids." "We're not androids, we're the Knight Sabers!" "Huh. Frederick's of Hollywood has a line of power armor out. Who knew?"Falling out of aeroplanes and hiding out in holes

Waiting for the sunset to come, people going home

Jump out from behind them and shoot them in the head

Now everybody dancing the dance of the dead
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Three Knights, by Craig Reed, Bert Van Vliet and Amanda Stair; and Bubblegum Avatar, by Craig Reed.
Ooh, right, I'd forgotten about that one. It's really good (and it gets bonus points for saving all the sexaroids!)*********
Touched By His Noodly Appendage
Re: Dead Fics I'd Love To See Revived
Ugh. You all are making me feel guilty.
I'd actually *like* to finish the rewrite of Turn the Page, so I can just get the core story done, if nothing else. If I'm pipe dreaming, I'd like to get all the companion materials out.
I'd *love* to finish God's Toy 1.3 (which is the final story in that story, the Mason/Largo/Sylvie/Anri arc).
I *will* finish Odinborn. Really. I mean it. --
Christopher Angel, aka JPublic
The Works of Christopher Angel
[Image: Con.gif]
Uh huh ^^
Ugh. You all are making me feel guilty.
I'd actually *like* to finish the rewrite of Turn the Page, so I can just get the core story done, if nothing else. If I'm pipe dreaming, I'd like to get all the companion materials out.
I'd *love* to finish God's Toy 1.3 (which is the final story in that story, the Mason/Largo/Sylvie/Anri arc).
I *will* finish Odinborn. Really. I mean it.
With you getting married in the near future....let's just say the odds of you doing it is starting at slim..and going down down fast!..especially if kids come quickly! ^^
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Uh huh ^^
And actually, there's a great but incomplete side story to Pagliacci written by Rob Haynie which I don't think was released but which I had a copy of; sadly I lost it in my last computer crash at work.
It must have been released, I stumbled over it a while back while googling for Ed's webpage. Can't remember where it was now, I'll check later.
"What is thy bidding, my master?"
Re: Uh huh ^^
Hmm, being the Sailor Moon FF junkie that I am, I'd have to say...
A Call to Arms by Mike Koos
Half a Neko Moon by John McCready
The Windwalker Chronicles by Craig Reed. (His part of the SME FF group)
Well, besides more than half of the ones posted above."Doms to the right of me, Zakus to the left, and a Gallop in the front. This is just not my day!"
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
In the epic rage of furious thunder
legends create their tales
when the twilight calls and the dark lord falls
our glory will prevail

[Image: strikersetcfinal9_th.jpg]
Re: Uh huh ^^
Sadly, I fear MOST of SME is burned out, distracted or painted into a corner right now.
Myself included.
I know I, personally, am suffering from the Stooge's Lament quite a bit.
'I try to think, but nothing happens.'
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Something Else
"Star of War" by Lu Dragon Lord. The last I heard from him which was 2 years ago was that he was still working on it.
BTW, does anyone know where I can find chapter 10 of "All The Small Things" By Slacker?
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Re: Something Else
BTW, does anyone know where I can find chapter 10 of "All The Small Things" By Slacker?

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