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Concepts That Will Not Come
12-07-2005, 10:49 AM
I know we've all got at least one of these - an idea that hovers constantly at the edges of your mind, taunting you with this piece or that piece, but never stepping forward long enough or far enough to latch on to it and put it down on paper or electrons.
So, since I'm bored, I thought it might be interesting to talk to people about them.
First up is the senior plot bunny, a Rurouni Kenshin thing which I know that I've mentioned here before. The setup/AU change is that Kaoru's father was not, in fact, an Imperialist - instead, he was a member of the third squad of the Shinsengumi.
So, times being what they were during the Bakufu, he looked around at all the men he trusted, and then asked the most dangerous one of the lot - who would be most capable of protecting his daughter - if he'd be willing to step in in place of her recently deceased godfather.
His captain grumped about it a bit, then accepted.
Now fast forward eleven years, to when an assassin doing penance and a murderer stalking the streets of Tokyo are about to learn what happens when you combine the idealism of the Kamiya Kasshin Ryu with the pure ruthlessness of a sora aoi wolf.
This one was spawned by the incongruous image of our friendly Tanuki-chan standing ready to deal out a Gatotsu, and by wondering how such a thing might come to be. The really fun thing about it, though, I think, is that for all the 'Aku Soku Zan' stuff, Kaoru really hasn't changed much. After all, as she reasons, true evil, the stuff that really needs killing for the sake of all around it, is actually pretty rare. The rest of the time, what you need to do is understand their motivation - then remove it.
Once the initial few chapters are past, though, I don't really have many ideas for this beyond the intention of presenting Kaoru as one of the Kenshin-gumi's front-line fighters, rather than the support role she was shuffled off into in canon.
The middle child is an Escaflowne piece, which started off as the idea of writing an Escaflowne/Jovian Chronicles crossover. Because I was amused by the idea of comparing a Deliverer to Gaea's melefs.
This one had gone dormant for a long time, though, and now that it's come back to life I've pretty much figured out a way to ditch the JC connection, which is really all to the good in plot terms.
The current incarnation is a 'next generation fic', set maybe ten years from now, where Hitomi and Van's daughter (conceived the night before the end of the series) follows in her mother's footsteps to the Earth's mysterious larger moon. She's out of the 'active tomboy' mold, successful on Earth but frustrated at how easy everything is - a hero looking for a cause, really, sort of like a cross between a (mostly) angst-free version of her father and Utena Tenjou.
So, she gets to Gaea, having grown up on her late mother's stories of the place, and finds out that, far from a paradise, it's really gone back to business as usual - politics, greed, war, etc.
Now, an interesting and important detail is that after they seperated, both Van and Hitomi remained faithful to each other - not because they were too obsessed with pining to move on, but because being in touch with each other mentally was enough to satisfy their interest in the matter. So 'Utena' is an only child.
This is important because it means that, as far as Fanelia's concerned, Van's heir is his eldest cousin. Who, while not terribly strong-willed, is a nice enough woman. Her husband, though, not so much on either count.
A most ambitious man, in fact. Which, when mixed with a resurgence of Zaibach nationalism and Basram's increasing willingness to use gunboat 'diplomacy' in search of better and better trade concessions, makes for... tense times.
His elder son, the heir to the throne, happens to be a fellow with his father's will and his mother's morals, and most assuredly does not approve of his plans. So, being the thoughtful sort, with one exception, he does some research and discovers something he can use to prevent a disaster - once performed by a legitimate member of the line of succession, the Rite of Dragon-slaying trumps the strict order of inheritance.
Since that single exception I mentioned is swordplay, he sets out to put this into practice. Cue 'Utena's' arrival, then desperate combat with not one or two, but an entire nest of dragons.
Past that... beyond noting that Zaibach's technology has spread across most of Gaea, and that Fanelia's share of the new revolution is the mining of metals and energists (which gives it the raw elements for a powerful, if not terribly numerous, military - Fanelia isn't small, but it's mostly mountain, and very sparsely settled), there's... not much. 'Utena' on the throne, likely, and possibly an arc plot having to do with Terran technology finally getting to the point where it can find Gaea and repercussions thereof...
The final and newest of my three primary nemeses is a Full Metal Panic bit, inspired by Tessa and Kaname's conversation about resonance and its repercussions, late in the first series.
See, one of the FMP world's ubiquitous shadowy terrorist organizations has put together a theory that, since so much of the data posessed by any single Whispered is incomplete, they can get big dividends by combining two such assets.
Then the baddies find out that there are going to be two Whispered in the same, relatively insecure place - Theresa Testarossa and Kaname Chidori. Who they promptly kidnap (successfully, due to Wraith's tripping up Sousuke at a critical moment just before things kick off), blowing the whole 'secrecy' thing with many of Kaname's classmates in the bargain.
Then there's a vague actionish sequence where Sosuke and the rest of Urzu are trying to rescue the girls before the baddies can carry out their plan and wipe their minds in the bargain.
So they plow through all opposition, capture some and kill the rest, and eventually Kaname and Tessa wake up in the de Danaan's sickbay.
Only, it turns out Urzu was too late - the 'merge' is complete and permanent. But, rather than wiping each other out, K&T were able to work together and create a gestalt - a new, third person with both of their memories. And two bodies.
Then two intertwined arcs, one of 'Tename' trying to deal with her lives and settle in with her 'parents' friends, complicated somewhat by the fact that she combines Tessa's sense of humor with Kaname's boldness (example question: "Hey, Kyoko, what do you think? If I use both bodies, does it still count as masturbation?"), and another of how leaks from the kidnapping are slowly snowballing and breaking the entire Whispered/Black Technology thing out into the open...
Which leads up to a major action arc as... *waves vaguely* some real army, somewhere, kicks off a major headhunt in response to the new information, and MITHRIL has to stop them before things get out of hand, etc, etc.
Followed by an emotional climax built around 'Tename' having to face up to Tessa and Kaname's parents, and finally resolve the whole unsettled situation she has with Sousuke.
So annoying.
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-07-2005, 11:02 AM
for the record, the concept of a dual-homed sentience having sex with itself using both bodies (gender irrelevant) is very disturbing.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
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re: koku
12-07-2005, 11:08 AM
But funny still -- ! *grin*
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Re: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-07-2005, 04:58 PM
Kenshin's not my bag, but I'd be very interested in either of the other two... let me see if they spark anything for me to bounce back at you.
-- Bob
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Re: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-07-2005, 09:54 PM
Quote: for the record, the concept of a dual-homed sentience having sex with itself using both bodies (gender irrelevant) is very disturbing.
Depends whether you answer her question 'yes' or 'no.'
Quote: But funny still -- ! *grin*
^_^ Which is why she asked.
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Re: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-07-2005, 10:25 PM
But it's directly related to the burning LSH question, "What does Triplicate Girl do in the shower?"
In the meantime, some of my own CTWNC:
-Kenshin 1889
Eleven years after the tumultuous events of 1878, Kenshin's past catches up with him in the form of a heart attack--the stresses put on his body were simply too great. He's still alive for the moment, but with gloomy prospects... until Megumi comes up with a brilliant plan: reduce the strain on his heart by reducing the gravity--moving to the Japanese scientific research station on Euxinus Lacus, Mars. Because this is the universe of Space: 1889, in which Edison landed on Mars in 1870 and history went all higgledy-piggledy.
The problem is, I really have no clear idea of what to do with the concept after that. n.n;
-Bio-Boosted Rurouni Guyver X
So Megumi really is a kitsune--a Zoanoid kitsune, of the "old bloodlines" dating back to the Advents' experiments. And it's not opium she's got, but a Guyver Unit. The Oniwabanshu? Likewise old-blood Zoanoids; they really do look just that inhuman, and they've got weird biological superpowers.
Naturally, Kenshin winds up with a Unit glommed onto him--and the psychological effects of his scar are strong enough that his Guyver echoes the effect. Now he just has to figure out how to stop 19th-century Kronos, using the Guyver, without killing anybody...
Featuring Saito as Guyver III, natch, but II? Lots of choices for that one...
"Oh, there's crime here. I can smell it."
RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 01:47 AM
Here is my little CTWNC:
Sailor Moon: Unwanted relatives
(I was never very good with titles ^^")
This is based on the idea, that the Senshi deal with the great cataclysmby evacuating themselves and as many people as possible to another world, that I've seen several times in fanfictions.
In this version some of the villains turned good guys, maybe the two from the Doom Tree Saga (I don't remember their names, it has been close to a decade since I've last seen those episodes) or the Black Moon Family return shortly after the Senshi and their refugees have left Earth. They round up as many survivors as they can and try to protect them.
Fast forward a bit.
The survivors on Earth have established a stable society. Life on Earth isn't exactly easy, but it is getting better.
Suddenly a privately run SETI, aka some guy with a lot of old electronic equipment and too mutch time, picks up a signal from Mercury.
After much analysis all that the top scinetists can learn from the signal is, that it is an automated, repeating transmission of not natural origin and it is getting weaker. After long discussion and a lot of trying to relearn some lost knowledge the first unmanned space mission since the great cataclysm is launched. Its destination: Mercury.
The space probe indeed fins artificial structures on Mercury, some kind of huge door and the remains of a crashed spacecraft.
Again fast forward a bit.
With a population of not more than 2.8 billion people humanity has reached a point it had only dreamed about when it still hat a population of over 6 billion people: Humans have settled on Mars and Mercury. The technology found in the ruins on Mercury and later Mars have given humanity a huge boost.
Since the information found in these ancient ruins also told about some of the horrors waiting in deep space the government decided to build a military presence in space to be able to defend the Sol System against invaders.
While on a mission to install surveillance satelite networks on the Systems outer planets the Expeditionary Force of the United Sol Territories stumbles over a fleet of unknown ships bound for Earth. These newcommers claim to be the descendants of the refugees who fled from the great cataclysm, who have now returned under the leadership of the Sailor Senshi to reclaim their homeworld.
The Expeditionary force blocks the returning fleet path and calls for reeinforcements.
The Villains turned good guys turned saviors of humanity (they are still around, they are not part of the government, and generally keep out of politics, but they still have a lot of influence) are sent to negotiate a solution to this situation. But during these negotiations a great tragedy happens: a scinece ship on its way to the Oort Cloud(sp?) crashes on Pluto near the physical manifestation of the Time Gate.
The Outer Senshi follow their usual procedure and shoot before they ask questions or even inform the Inner Senshi. But the survivors of the crash manage to send a call for help before they are killed by the Outers.
The Senshi now gave the Survivors an excuse to throw the Refugees, who were not welcome to begin with, out of the Sol System. But the Refugees see them selve a the chosen people and the Survivors as babarians who have no right to deny them their true home.
The Inner Senshi and their former enemies share neither the Survivors' nor the Refugees' opinion about the situation and try to prevent a war. But preventing a war is hard when neither side wants peace.
The biggest problem I see with this Idea is how to explain that Sailor Pluto didn't see this coming. But if anybody is interested in it I wil gladly provide them with all notes I have on this story idea.What if: Chibi Usa, Veteran Speznas Ninja Commando From Hell(tm)?What if: Chibi Usa, Veteran Speznas Ninja Commando From Hell(tm)?
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Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 02:31 AM
The biggest problem I see with this Idea is how to explain that Sailor Pluto didn't see this coming. But if anybody is interested in it I wil gladly provide them with all notes I have on this story idea.
One thing leaps to mind for me - that the Time Gates we see aren't actually the entirety of the device, but instead simply the core, the command console, if you will, of a much larger network.
One part of which... had a spaceship crash on top of it. Futzing its ability to read certain sections of the timeline all to hell and gone.
Guess which section. ^_^
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 02:34 AM
Aaaaaand the most recent concept to lodge itself in here...
It's an uber-Harry HP fic idea, of a sort. Centering around the kid's name not being Harry Potter at all.
When Hagrid shows up on the island, he meets not a bewildered and abused little boy, but a boy who already knows everything he needs to know about the wizarding world... a boy who's been trying to tell his hysterical relatives that their flight just won't work... a boy who, despite never having held a wand in his short life, knows more and more advanced spells than wizards five times his age and has just been waiting for something to practice them with (and on)... a boy who, despite his parents' murder, has been in constant communication with them for years now... a boy who is a light in the darkness of death.
Not Harry Potter... but Harry Keogh, Necroscope.
You'd think Voldemort would just be toast, but, well... he did spend a lot of time in Romania...
"The dead are his friends and allies. And the dead far outnumber the living!"
Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 02:48 AM
Quote: One thing leaps to mind for me - that the Time Gates we see aren't actually the entirety of the device, but instead simply the core, the command console, if you will, of a much larger network.
One part of which... had a spaceship crash on top of it. Futzing its ability to read certain sections of the timeline all to hell and gone.
Guess which section. ^_^
Nice. That idea fits in good with the notes I have on Beryls war against the Moonkingdom. Lots of strategic weapons flying around in my version. One of them could have hit a part of the Time Gate Network.What if: Chibi Usa, Veteran Speznas Ninja Commando From Hell(tm)?What if: Chibi Usa, Veteran Speznas Ninja Commando From Hell(tm)?
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 04:18 AM
Quote: Quote:
One thing leaps to mind for me - that the Time Gates we see aren't actually the entirety of the device, but instead simply the core, the command console, if you will, of a much larger network.
One part of which... had a spaceship crash on top of it. Futzing its ability to read certain sections of the timeline all to hell and gone.
Guess which section. ^_^
Nice. That idea fits in good with the notes I have on Beryls war against the Moonkingdom. Lots of strategic weapons flying around in my version. One of them could have hit a part of the Time Gate Network.
I was thinking that she would have just stood by - the Keeper of Time, as always, does not divulge the secrets of the future. Time must progress as it always has.
But then, I haven't seen anymore than what Cartoon Network has shown, me being the poor boy I am.
EDIT: Valles? I might just snag that Full Metal Panic concept for 'Lost In Lost Worlds' as soon as I see that particular anime... That is, if you don't mind.-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
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Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
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time time time, see what's become of me ... not
12-08-2005, 04:20 AM
I've always held onto the notion that, while the Gates may be located on Pluto, or in its vicinity, they were out of phase with reality/existed in sidreal/were squirreled away inside a pocket universe ... or whatnot.
ship crashes -> Gates go a little wonky
wouldn't really cut it. Then again, thats just my mental image of it. Could be that whatever FTL/phase shift/shielding technology (handwavium ad nauseum) had a one in a billion malfunction and managed to shift the damn hunk of steel into the appropriate phase, or whatnot (I seem to be using that expression a lot).
Keen idea, though.
On ideas ...
A Blame!/The Matrix crossover ... because Killy would make a _much_ cooler One than Neo, no?
Working along the 'guns and fancy fighting' thread of thought - 'Unorthodox' - a KOTOR story where something went ... well, wrong, with the personality they put into Revan. Could have been a glitch, could have been a Force ghost trying to possess the body ... the results calls himself Mugen. The galaxy's first break-dancing, gun-slinging, ass kicking ... well, no, there's no chance he's going to become a Jedi again.
(yes, a Samurai Champloo homage - hey, I was watching it after replaying KOTOR way back when)
A more defined concept is:
'Redux!' ... the setting is Tokyo. The date? Sometime during the late 20th century.
A man walkes out of an alley, lights up a cigarette, finishes the whole thing in one breath, throws away a bloody tanto. In the alley behind him, an eviscerated body lies.
"The last one," he says, tone wistful, stance slumping slightly, head turned skywards.
He walks, letting himself be carried by the flow of pedestrian traffic when he exits the dank of the city's underbelly.
Then the screaming starts. Things begin exploding. Some sort of bigass monster seems to be intent on killing a young girl and damn the collateral damage.
After several moments of total and complete chaos, the monster rears back for a killing blow against the prone (she tripped along the way, maybe?) girl.
The man reacts on instinct, puts himself between the girl and the monster, takes the blow for her - receiving a nice hole the size of his head right through his torso for his efforts - and turns the monster's head into a pincushion with a number of bladed weapons he'd withdrawn from his overcoat.
Fade to black as the man's vision fades, a smile lingers on his lips, and he says "Finally" as he dies ...
... cue a WTF moment as his eyes open again, when the girl suddenly sprouts a third eye in the middle of her forehead and sucks out his soul ...
Her name is Pai, and she just made him into her Wu.
His reaction?
"Oh, for fuck's sake, NOT AGAIN!!!!!!!"
His name is Manji, and he'd just killed his 1000th evil man, thereby freeing himself from the curse of immortality ...
... only for this to happen.
Poor, poor Benares.
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: time time time, see what's become of me ... not
12-08-2005, 05:10 AM
Quote: ... only for this to happen.
Poor, poor Benares.
that's wonderful.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
RE: time time time, see what's become of me ... not
12-08-2005, 06:09 AM
Quote: I've always held onto the notion that, while the Gates may be located on Pluto, or in its vicinity, they were out of phase with reality/existed in sidreal/were squirreled away inside a pocket universe ... or whatnot.
ship crashes -> Gates go a little wonky
wouldn't really cut it. Then again, thats just my mental image of it. Could be that whatever FTL/phase shift/shielding technology (handwavium ad nauseum) had a one in a billion malfunction and managed to shift the damn hunk of steel into the appropriate phase, or whatnot (I seem to be using that expression a lot).
Keen idea, though.
Well. Maybe a crashed ship might not cut it, but there are other possibilities. Here is a quick outline of how Beryl's war happened in my story idea:
-Mercury: Nuked with the magical equivalent of neutron Bombs. The biggest ship yard complex of the Silver Millenium was located on Mercury. It mostly produced freighters and other civilian vessels. But Mercurian engineers were known for their ability to perform patch jobs that would have made the A-Team green with envy if the A-Team had been around back then.
-Venus: Invaded. But the invasion went horribly wrong when one of the planets central mana reactors was destroyed, causing some nasty feedback in the power grid and blowing up a few more reactors, turning a once very alive jungle world into that dead wasteland we know now as Venus
Earth/Moon: Pretty mutch what happened in the canon material.
-Mars: Nuked just like Mercury because it was home to the second biggest ship yard complex of the Silver Millenium. But this one was almost exclusively for military spacecraft.
Mars/Jupiter Asteroid Belt: It was like a damn giant Maginot Line. Attacking it would have been insane, so nobody did. People started dying when no more supplies from the other planets were coming in.
Jupiter/Saturn/Uranus/Neptune: One big clusterf***. Parts of the Outer System Defence Forces defected to Beryl. Not enough to permanently take over the System, but when these forces managed to raid the strategic weapon storages on Neptune the shit really hit the fan.
Pluto: Pretty mutch the Silver Millenium's Area 51. The few people there would have died from starvation if the installations there wouldn't have been hit with some of the _big_ toys Beryls forces got from Neptune.What if: Chibi Usa, Veteran Speznas Ninja Commando From Hell(tm)?What if: Chibi Usa, Veteran Speznas Ninja Commando From Hell(tm)?
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 06:15 AM
Quote: EDIT: Valles? I might just snag that Full Metal Panic concept for 'Lost In Lost Worlds' as soon as I see that particular anime... That is, if you don't mind.
Feel free. ^_^
Other things I've thought on the matter...
Probably the biggest problem 'Tename' has dealing with people is that she's kind of stubborn about being honest - that is, she can't bring herself not to clue them in to the fact that she is not Tessa or Kaname, because they are dead. If it's someone neither of them really knew, then she can just shrug it off, but her sense of fairness won't let her lie to someone who cared about one of her 'parents' that way.
An idea I'd been wanting to plant in the second action phase, where the secrets are out and everything's coming loose, is that I sincerely doubt that Ren is anywhere near as innocent and harmless as she's pretending, and a Die Hard-esque running battle where Sosuke and 'Tename' are trying to escort their classmates to a safehouse would be an excellent place for her to display the fact.
Describing what I think 'Tename' would be like... Well, we already have a lot of data on Kaname - loud, agressive, and reckless, but also friendly, determined, generous, etc, etc. (given her life story, I have a sneaking suspicion that she's at least partly based on the original creator's picture of a stereotypical American... but maybe I'm oversensitive.), and if canon material is unavailable, then IMHO dave-d's more serious fics hit her perfectly.
Tessa, though, is harder, because we don't see as much of her, and also because I think that a lot of people underestimate her. Being fair, that's probably because those times we do meet her tend to be her worse moments, when she's either out of her element or allowing herself to act her age rather than her rank.
Keyword: Allowing.
Whatever she may act like at times in her private life, this woman is a skilled, disciplined professional - the very fact that she's in command of the Tautha de Danaan is the proof; you don't hand a job like that to someone who can't control themselves or think clearly. The clumsy, cutesy teenager is just the velvet glove.
Then combine Kaname's drive and fire with Tessa's discipline and experience... the hard part is going to be disproving all the shouts of 'Mary Sue'!
Ja, -n
(not suggesting, just brainstorming)
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 10:15 AM
About "Iron Fist" Tessa,
Check out Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid's Episode 12 for proof that she exists. Kakoii Tessa-chan!
I highly reccomend FMP!TSR btw. Supposedly the author of the original series wasn't happy with the production values/story-telling of the first two series and took control of the production. Definately better than the first two series.
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-08-2005, 07:14 PM
regarding the FMP story:
For the headhunting army, how about the Belle Republique? France has been trying to restore her martial reputation forever.
The reason I didn't use the US? We've already got them....
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-09-2005, 03:34 AM
*Blinky-blinks* Damn, now I'm really gonna have to see this stuff. Anyone know where I can legally get FMP dirt cheap?-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
Sponsored by Black Aeronaut Technologies -
Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-09-2005, 04:07 AM
Quote: *Blinky-blinks* Damn, now I'm really gonna have to see this stuff.
Yes. Yes, you will.
For finding it... Hm. I can't help you with the pricing thing, but IIRC the latest season ('The Second Raid') hasn't been liscenced yet and should still be locatable through AnimeSuki. I can also tell you that there was a link to a site that had fan translations of the original text novels, which I've never heard anything about anyone owning - unfortunately, my copies of the pdfs don't include the archive site's address, so you'll have to dig back through the old threads. I think it was in General...
Ja, -n
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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Re: Re: RE: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-09-2005, 04:32 AM
I just found by going through one of the other threads (Thanks Bob! ![[Image: smile.gif]]( and found this at what appears to be a very reasonable price! Sixty bucks for seven DVD's with 24 episodes... Regularly ninety bucks...
Wow. I -LIKE- these guys!
As for the other stuff you mentioned, I shall filch them out. Novelisations are often invaluable sources for character data as I have learned with the novelisations of Halo.
The only trouble I'll have is the stuff at anime suki as the my Library's Sentinel system will most likely block out any BT connections. I have yet to try. If successful I have the advantages of a full-blown T1 connection (I kid you not, I get 750Kilobyte/sec DL rates here when DLing from
EDIT: Valles? I'm having a dilly of a time finding the translated book. I'm still trying by referencing the original author, Shoji Gatou, but having little luck. Seeing as it hasn't been licensed yet, you think you could burn it to a disk and ship it to me? I'd be more than happy to reimburse you.
Additional note: Found this interesting bit of software. Check it out if you're unhappy with your music jukebox/video player.-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
Sponsored by Black Aeronaut Technologies -
Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.-NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
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Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.
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FMP Novels
12-09-2005, 05:21 AM
FYI, iirc, the fan translations of the original novels are done by a manga scanslation group Boku-tachi(
Be the Ultimate Ninja! Play Billy Vs. SNAKEMAN today!
Re: FMP Novels
12-09-2005, 06:33 AM
RE Cheap anime
You could always try Sun Devil anime. I'm fairly sure I recced it a long while back. Note that while they have awesome prices, very fast and sometimes free shipping, they don't always have what you want. Worth checking it out though.*********
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Another concept
12-11-2005, 12:23 AM
Meh, this one's been bouncing around my head since I reread The Replacement Senshi (by 'Drew Wilson et al) a couple of weeks back. And then some of the discussion about Team Explosive Youth sprang to mind. (Particularly the bit about avatars).
I'm guessing some of you see where I'm going with this.
Konohagakure, eleven years after the Kyuubi attack. Thirty-odd genin are graduating from the academy and will need jounin-sensei. Unfortunately, all the really good jounin (i.e. the ones who DID get the job in the anime) are desperately needed for another job, so the Hokage has to select other, less qualified jounin. And then there's not enough of them available, so he dips into the spare special jounin ranks. And then into the chunin ranks.
And all the actual jounin fail their teams, leaving the rookie 9 (not necessarily in the canon teams, and perhaps with a few more of them - the 66% failure rate of the final exams is more likely to be an average of results rather than the regulation number, to my mind) under the guidance of a motley bunch of ninja.
The story itself would be the meetings of the assorted sensei, each ninja written by a different author, essentially a soft-RP as they discuss their charges and missions. No Quarter, NO QUARTER! You damn well earned your fate.
Give Harrington our compliments; we're sorry you are late.
- No Quarter, Echoes Children
D for Drakensis
You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Jeanne Hedge
Re: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-11-2005, 12:42 AM
My own CTWNC - the long-promised, probably no-longer-awaited follow-up to my BGC fic True Love, which will "celebrate" its 10th anniversary in the RAAC Archive come April 26.
I've got a pretty good half-story written, up to the point where Sylia fires Nene because of what Nene did at the end of TL (if you want to know, read the story). The problem I've had for the last 8 years is I don't know what happens next. Nothing rings right. I've tried everything I can think of, from making it a true firing, with replacement KS (or not) and all (and with sorts of consequences resulting), to bringing her back under probation and having all being forgiven at the end (or not), to crossing things with another series and letting *those* characters fix things (or not), to making it all a dream (including the original story - or not), to just wrapping things up where I got with it - which just makes it read like one of those abandoned in progress fics. (ick)
So I've spent the better part of a decade well and truly stuck, and I think that unless something shakes loose somewhere along the line it's just never going to be written. Probably for the best at this late date.
"Believe me, if I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem."
-- Gabrielle of Potadeia
Jeanne Hedge
"Believe me, if I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem."
-- Gabrielle of Potadeia
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Re: Concepts That Will Not Come
12-11-2005, 01:46 AM
Hey, Hoagie? It looks like Sun Devil's no more. Your link to them is broken and Google turns up no solid results.
Hmm... You know, Jeane, if this BGC fic of yours is anywhere nearly as good as the stuff you've helped out with on EPU, I might just get around to reading it. But then, I don't exactly have the highest standards for niftiness. ![[Image: wink.gif]]( -NeoRaven
"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
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"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity." -Edgar Allen Poe
Sponsored by Black Aeronaut Technologies -
Aerospace solutions for the discerning spacer.