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Fic Search - Earth vs Hell
Fic Search - Earth vs Hell
A few weeks back I read a fic (on, I think) that involved various modern military forces fighting demon heralds after the Heavenly Host
betrayed Earth. I've searched SpaceBattles, but can't find the fic. I believe that I first saw the fic recommendation here (but can't find it here

Can anyone help me find this story?
drakensis's req: ... sc&start=0

Personally did not like it that much.

(not enough meteor's/other powerful stuff, too much bush praise)

(did not read it completely)
Thanks, yesilmavi. I knew it was a space forum, I just guessed the wrong one.

I'm liking the story simply for the newness of the plot. I've seen plenty of stories involving alien wars and/or traditional or technomagic, but this
is the first with a religious twist.

Quote: I've seen plenty of stories involving alien wars and/or traditional or technomagic, but this is the first with a religious twist.
It's not a fanfic, but in 1968, James Blish published a short novel titled Black Easter, in which a black magic ritual unleashes all
the devils of Hell upon Earth. Its sequel was The Day After Judgment. In one of the books -- I forget which one -- the Strategic Air Command launched
a thermonuclear attack against the forces of Hell.

A few years ago, the two books were republished as a single volume. I think it was titled The Devil's Day. There was a
very catchy line at the end of the back-cover blurb, where it said of the demons: "Now they shall once again rule the night. And the day, as well."
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
It's been updated a couple of times quite recently. Decisions have been made on how to deal with POWs.

"Ship them to

"I thought we were closing that

"We were, but plans changed. Its under
international management now. It's being organized by the Italians, Bangladesh is providing the funding, the Germans the guards, the Russians the political
speeches, the Belgians the entertainment, the Japanese the music and the British are providing the food."

Petraeus visibly winced at the thought.
"Ma'am, that's inhuman. Please, whoever thought that arrangement up, buy them a beer for me."
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Yeah, there's been some great lines in this fic. The first was when the British forces called the demons Baldricks after the Blackadder characters. Hee

"Beast. Before you should die, I believe you should know who it is you are waging war upon. I will
therefore read you some of President Putin's speeches. Listen well and learn of your folly."

"We have had some such troubles yes. I suggest, Mister President, that you tell your people what I told mine. In view of the circumstances, Britannia
waives the rules."

Clinton grinned, the easy, friendly grin that won him elections. "I've been married to Hilary for thirty years. Believe me, after going through that,
I have no trouble recognizing a fiend from hell."

Bullman grinned and pulled a shiny contraption from his lab coat. "A hat made of
aluminium foil, sir."


"Sir, newsflash just in, Former President Clinton has just killed a baldrick at the McDonalds just down the road."

"Damn, that will cost us at least one more seat in the House." President Bush looked pensive for a moment. "I don't suppose we could get my
pappy to whack one?"
Being the horrible unchristian person that I am, I prefer the one where]we join forces to fight the real enemy.

(Warning: If you possess even the slightest atom of faith in the Christian religious cycle, you will be offended just a tad. If you can cope with it, though, you'll find something quite entertaining.)
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

FenWiki - Your One-Stop Shop for Fenspace Information

"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: M_Fnord's link.

Heh. Old Testament Big Guy Upstairs was always rather fire and brimstone himself.
Y'know, I enjoy the fic, I just HATEHATEHATE reading them on Fics in forums where people can comment suck.
Here's a version without comments:
This is now up to chapter 39. And Hell still hasn't understood what's going on. Still funny, though.
Well, assorted individuals from/in Hell are getting clue fragments and being smart about them -- but the Hell Establishment is still being stupid.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'm very interested in seeing Belial's version of a city-flattening strike. Considering how large modern human cities are compared to ancient cities, I
think he'll be in shock. Does he go for the geographic center of the city sprawl, or does he hunt for the obvious factories (assuming he can recognize

I recall reading somewhere that that historical city of Troy, at least the version existing during the period equating to the Trojan War, was only about 400
yards wide. This makes the story of Achilles chasing Hector 4 times around Troy sound a lot more reasonable. It also makes Belial's chance of total success
rather limited.
I find some things inconsistent with the 'history' they're telling us. Supposedly this 'culling' of humanity has happened a number of times
before, yet we're also told that sometime relatively recently (1000AD) Yahweh decided to close off heaven permanently.

If this is so, why has it taken so long for Hell to show up again?
Well from the sound of things, 'God' hadn't bothered to tell Satan he was giving up on Earth for the past 1000 years. (Maybe he was hoping humans
would go back to being blindly obedient again.

As for why Hell didn't notice, here's my guess; when the number of souls going to Hell increased, all the demons decided to start skimming some of the
souls for themselves.

demon flunky/torturer A has been passing the energy of, say, 5 souls/week on to his boss (overseer B). Now he has 10 souls/week available to him. He tells B
that there's been an influx of souls and he now has 8 souls/week and saves the last 2 for himself.

Overseer B, instead of getting 45 souls/week from his 9 flunkies, is now getting 72. He tells Minor lord C that he's now getting 60 souls/week and saves
the rest for his own use.

And so on and so on, By the time the soul energy is being passed up to Satan, the increase, while noticable, didn't look like it had doubled. Satan
probably just thought that humanity had become more decadent and fewer were making the cut for Heaven.

Besides, it's obvious Hell hasn't been paying attention to developments on Earth for centuries.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Re: Fic Search - Earth vs Hell
I went to University in Sheffield - lived there five years.
Just testing something. Not adding to the discussion.
Belial's little firecracker just destroyed: the Wargames Emporium, the Queen's Head pub, Patriot Comics and the Sheffield Space Centre. In that
universe I would be in a condition of considerable anger (once I was done worrying about my friends, many of whom live in Sheffield - several actually in the
Park Hill that is mentioned).
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Not to mention the local Forbidden Planet, the Student Union, the Materials Engineering department and the Henderson's Relish factory.
I wasn't aware of a Forbidden Planet in Sheffield, but at least for that there's another one in Leeds. No opinion of the other three.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
As there is only one source of Henderson's relish and they could have destroyed the recipe with that, I'd consider that somewhat significant.
*shrug* I've never even heard of Henderson's Relish, which in no way invalidates your concerns.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
An explanation
Mm. Our local grocery has, amazingly enough, a British section in its "ethnic" aisle, filled with all manner of imported UK foodstuffs. I should see
if they stock Henderson's.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
The thread has got too long and the fic has moved.

for chapters 51+

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