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New Fic Recommendation Thread
Re: Wuhuh?
I read last night his weird fic The Search for Nirvana. It's a very odd uber!Harry.
I'll have to check it out.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: Wuhuh?
Weakest Link.
Just read it.
Oog. Brain hurts. No, it's not all that obvious to me...--
"Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of General Zod has been approved."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Re: Wuhuh?
Nor me. I couldn't figure out which one did it -- or why.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: Wuhuh?
I want to think it's Usagi, being a ditz and not realizing what's going on and opening the door to say hi to the 'late-coming guests'... but I dunno. It could just as easily be any of the others (remember, they were engaged to the four generals), or Queen Serenity herself... --
"Use of unnecessary violence in the apprehension of General Zod has been approved."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
What the hell?!
Waiting for Minako - Exactly what it sounds like. Only weirder. Much weirder.
Some slight naughty content.*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
New Cloud dreamer HP fanfic
Cloud Dreamer has posted the first three chapters of a Harry Potter crossover fanfic.
Here is his webpage, the 3 chapters are posted near the bottom of the web page.
I can't really tell if it's good or not, Harry Potter is one of the few fantasy series that I don't like and that usually extend to most fanfics that use it.
Thought the group might like to know about it, Cloud dreamer writes good material and there are a lot of HP fans.
It's a crossover with the Nerima or Jusenkyo virus universe.

howard melton
God bless
Re: New Cloud dreamer HP fanfic
Other virus stories can be found at for those wondering whats going on.
Cloud Dreamer
I'm not too impressed. The charactisation seems more than a little off.
Re: Cloud Dreamer
Yeah, a little. Not as bad as one fic I recently read which had Hermione repeatedly exclaiming "Holy crickets!", but yeah.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread
(I considered starting "Return of Fic Recommendation Thread" rather than posting here, given how long this thread is getting, but since this isn't exactly necromancy yet...)
"The Shocker: Legit", a well-written fic in the Spider-Man (i.e., Marvel) universe with a rather unusual premise. First posted on the 26th, updated on the 30th, five chapters already and I'm quite looking forward to more.
(Now that I think about it, there might be a couple of other fics in my "watch for updates" file which haven't been suggested already...but I'm not sure which ones.)
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread
I second Shocker, and note that it has a new chapter today, which should put it over the 10,000 word cutoff IIRC.
- CDThat which does not kill us... has made its last mistake.
SERVO: Loook *deeeeply* into my eyes... Tell me, what do you see?
CROW: (hypnotized) A twisted man who wants to inflict his pain upon others.
" It's crazy to try to spell out all the mega-nooks and hyper-crannies of a Borg contrivance." - Doug Drexler
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Sailor Moon, Shakespeare style!
Minaru in Shakespeare*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
Re: Amusing..
Somehow I just cannot envision Usagi saying "Yonder provincial putz?!?!/Hearken to thine queen of all eternity/Lest mine own good self be forced to become jiggy on thy hiney."
But maybe it's just me.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: Amusing..
Oh, I dunno. It's possible. The image I'm trying to get through my head is Minako biting Artemis. You would think it would be the other way around...*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
Possibly I should be recommending that in one of the other threads ((NSFW) AAARGH! MY EYES! My EYES are BLEEDING! springs to mind).
However... it does work. Sort of. I think.
Ami Mizuno
Ranma Saotome
John 'Hannibal' Smith
H. M. Murdoch
Templeton Peck
B A Barcus
as Sailor Bad Ass
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Re: Possibly...
Oooh, cool. More stuff from Trimatter. I'll check it out later. *curses mid-terms**********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
Re: Possibly...
OK, Tuxedo Jazzman, sure. Tuxedo HighFlyer, alright. Tuxedo Fleece, okay.
But Sailor Bad Ass?!
Urgghhh, the mental image won't go away!
Sailor Moon Millenials, an epic story of an amnesiac guardian of time, the rise of a fallen empire and whole mess of other things. Highly recommended.*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
The Definitive HP / SG1 crossover:
Harry Potter and the StarGate
The 33rd chapter has just been posted and Harry has just encountered the Wizarding World:
Harry answered, a touch proudly. Serves him righthe tried to kill me first. I think he might have been insaneranting about Dark Lords.
He was a servant of You-Know-Who! Ginny gasped loudly. There were many other gasps from the continually drawing closer crowd.
Who? Harry asked blankly.
You-Know-Who! Ginny replied as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.
No, I dont know who. Harry said slowly.
He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named? Ron chimed in.
Then what do people call him? Harry asked, a little bewildered.
You-Know-Who! Ginny said exasperatedly, as if he were stupid.
I told you, I dont! Harry snapped angrily.
The Dark Lord Hermione said.
Anubis? Harry questioned.
No! The Dark Lord, You-Know-Who! Ron said, rolling his eyes.
Im going to shoot the next person who says that. Harry growled in frustration.
There was an awkward silence as the teenagers looked at each other.
His name isV. VV-V-Vo Hermione trailed off. Everybody calls him You-Know-Who.

He's not notably impressed - the fact is that he's been abducted from a diplomatic conference by Dumbledore's pet attack dog aka Snape (and it wasn't some petty, unimportant conference, oh no, the fate of the Earth hangs on it - which means that the Wizarding World is blissfully ignorant); a bunch of Aurors have tried to capture him (and one of them, a Death Eater, tried to kill him); and Fudge is trying to throw him in Azakaban...
Oh, and the Wizarding World are a bunch of Goauld worshippers...
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Amusing. Hopefully, he'll avoid the pitfalls he's fallen into in his previous works with this one.
Here's an interesting linky:
This guy's Chronicles of Murphy are fun, and unusual in that they're a Record of Lodoss War (the 'the', what happened to the 'the'?!?!? *snerk*) SI. It's a fair amount of solid writing that I can rec without remorse.
Also,, though I expect some of you already know him. Pretty much everything there is readable, the Slayers fic is amusing, the FFVII Yuffentine is very good, and the Invader Zim story 'Going On' is ... words fail me, but it's supremely cool - elements inspired by Soldier, Predator, Enemy Mine, etc.

When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
more crossovers than you can shake a stick at
Dracula's ruling the world, Christianity is illegal, vampires and demons are registered citizens, the establishment's 'police' are high on Hyde, Hellboy and Gabe van Helsing are rubbing shoulders in gaol, and David Banner and Freddy Kruger are collegues ...
... and ADAM is one of the good guys? ... le WTF?
Find out here:
When tact is required, use brute force. When force is required, use greater force.
When the greatest force is required, use your head. Surprise is everything. - The Book of Cataclysm
Re: more crossovers than you can shake a stick at
Beyond the Darkness, a very cool Harry Potter AU fic where Sirius kidnaps Harry from the Dursleys and escapes from the Ministry. Good writing that improves with each chapter, which is particularly impressive considering English is not the author's native language. Be sure to also read the sequel; it's looking like a knockout.*********
There's no need to hear, I can shout you.
Re: The Definitive HP / SG1 crossover:
Harry Potter and the StarGate
I've been reading this on and off over the past couple days. The guy needs a good refresher course in English composition, and he admits he's writing without a long-term plot in mind, but... it's not bad. A little too much tell and not enough show in parts, and of course he suffers from the standard set of Fanfic author homophone/spelling errors, but there's enough interesting there to keep me reading, even though I know nothing about SG-1.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03
Re: The Definitive HP / SG1 crossover:
i tried reading it, but gave up because there was way too much exposition and explanation, never mind the unfortunate language issues... I just couldn't get past the whole "and then the boy who was formerly harry potter did X because he thought he could save the planet/village/dog"...
but if y'all say it's good, and gets better, i may give it another chance..
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Another Odd Spamfic
This is rather screwed-up... in a good way.-- This message brought to you by Ely Lilly, makers of SeraFem: Happy Pills for PMS.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
For those who liked "Apprentice Potter" by Draco66
The sequel is already up to six parts: Journeyman Potter.

-- Bob
It's a "magical" land. I think "magical" is ancient Greek for "pain in the butt". -- Bun-Bun, Sluggy Freelance, 11/9/03

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