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[Fanfic, RFC] Dear, Sweet Kami-sama, Why Do You Hate Me So?
Bit of a change-up: it occured to me that things would flow better if Zeke met up with everyone from MITHRIL first. Just kinda makes a fun sort of sense if he
bumps into Sosuke when they're both on their first day there. And Sosuke learns that just because they're smaller doesn't mean they can't throw
you up against a wall. Wink

Does anyone recall if Sosuke was wearing a wire or anything on his first day?
Okay, here's something that I've been struggling with a bit. I'm hoping that it's not too far over the top, given that Sosuke is a trained
military specialist and a paranoid one at that. I find myself wondering if I should go for a Mexican Standoff instead...

NOTE: I just now realized that they would be using their callsigns instead - I'll fix it later, for now I need sleep.

It is fairly well known that it is illegal to carry a weapon in Japan. In fact, public ownership of automatic and semi-automatic weapons is forbidden and getting a bolt-action hunting rifle takes a lot
of paperwork and time. So imagine my surprise when I see a teacher, when inspecting the bag of the boy in front of me,
pulls a handgun out of his bag.

Yeah, I'd say the look on my face was probably interesting to look at.

What made it worse was that he didn't even try to BS his way through it. He even told her it was loaded, for Raven's sake. Fortunately for him, the teacher
couldn't tell which end was up with a gun, so he got through alright.

I got through the check myself with no issues what so ever. Whoever that guy was, he couldn't be just some punk with a point to prove. For one
thing, guns are difficult to get a hold of, period. Even if you had connections with the Yakuza, they don't just
hand them out to kids - even they realize how irresponsible that is.

Right away, I caught up with the guy in front of me.
He noticed my presence as I settled into pace beside him.

"So, you're either insane or just plain stupid," I said.

The boy made a confused face at me. "Pardon

"That stunt you just pulled with the gun. You
honestly think that sort of thing is alright around here?"

"I'm a trained military professional," he said in a matter-of-fact
tone. I would come to realize later on that he uses this tone a lot.
"There is nothing that could go wrong."

"Are you serious!?" I said, giving him my best look of shock/horror.

Again, the confused look. "Should I

I'm not a large person - not by any stretch.
I'm a bit short for my age and I also look younger than I am. Even my build is a bit slimmer than it ought to
be. However, what I do have is compact, wiry muscles built up from constant physical activity. So it came to this boy's surprise when, despite him being a few centimeters taller than me, I grabbed him by the lapels and
hauled him around the corner of the main building and into the shrubs, where I pinned him to the wall.

"At this moment, you should be," I told him in a tone that my Father had used on
me before - the tone that promised terrible things to come if the expectations were not met. And then I heard

The human ear is not as dull as some wildlife nuts like to make it out to be. Spending summers with my Grandfather taught me the use of a properly acclimated sense of hearing.
Properly acclimated, you can hear things you didn't think you could hear. Like the tinny-sounding hiss of
voices on a wireless headset.

"Hello," I murmured softly as I reached up to his ear. Sure enough, there was a tiny ear-bud radio tucked away in there. Very nice, very
sophisticated. Only a few agencies in the world could afford something like this, but I don't think this guy
belonged to any of them. Curious, I put the ear-bud into my ear.

"This is Ezekiel Darkwood," I said,
using English. "To whom am I speaking with? And no funny business - we're in the open. Don't wanna cause trouble, you

There was a moment of silence. And then…

"Well, Mao, think the jig is up?"
said a male's voice in perfect English

"Let's see what he wants,
said a woman. She sounded saucy, but she had a no-nonsense tone.
And was that a hint of a New York accent there? "This is
Sergeant-Major Mao and I am in charge of this operation. Now you tell me who you are with."

"No one but myself," I replied
breezily. "Just think of me as a skilled civilian who's looking out
for his school-mates."

"You honestly expect me to believe
came Mao's voice sharply.

"It helps that your operative here was as
obvious as a weasel on acid,"
I told her darkly. "However, you
can go ahead and check my credentials. My father is Commander Mathieu Darkwood, CO of USS Stethem, DDG-63, currently
forward-deployed to 7th Fleet, USN."

There was a moment of silence.

"Sergeant Webber," said Mao's
voice. "I'm sending you an image.
Tell me if it matches the person holding Sergeant Sagara."

"Understood," the Sergeant
replied. There's another pregnant silence and then a whistle from the Sergeant. "Sergeant-Major, we're certain that the student roster hasn't been tampered
with, right?"

"Of course, we made certain of

"Well, the kid's not lying. He is who he says he is unless someone went through a lot of trouble to find a double or surgically alter someone to fit the

"Roger that, Sergeant," came a
weary sounding Mao. "Very well, Mr. Darkwood. What do you want?"

Time to play hardball. "First of all, I want to know who you are with."

"You know I can't tell anyone
groused Mao.

"Well then I'm afraid I'll have to
blow your agent's cover."

"Fuck it all," grumbled Mao.
"Alright! We're with a private
mercenary group called MITHRIL."

I'd heard about them. Their existence is
supposed to be hush-hush because they tend to pull off stunts that the US and its allies would rather not have anyone know about. I only know about them because I'd overheard more than a few officers discussing the matter casually with my Dad. Also, the Internet is a wonderful thing.

"Really now?" I said, my interest
piqued. However, anyone could say something like that to cover their ass, so I had to make sure. "Sergeant Sagara, I presume? You speak
English, right?"

"Yes, I do."

"Good, that makes this simpler. Got any identification that is not forged?" Sagara nodded. "Good, show me. Nice and

Sergeant Sagara may have been dumb enough to bring a gun to school, but not dumb enough to
piss with a guy with a size disadvantage that managed to disarm and pin him to a wall. Not that I was being careless -
I could tell that if I gave him so much as an inch right now he could probably tie me into a pretzel. Fortunately, he
tries nothing screwy and shows me something that looks like an ID card for a corporation… A corporation called

I nodded my head in satisfaction and Sosuke put the card away. "I see. Now, what does MITHRIL want with my

Mao was silent for a second, as though deliberating on what to tell me.

"We have a special interest in one of the
students there,"
she finally said. "She has critical
intelligence that others would like to get their hands on; people that would use this information against countries United States and Japan, simply sell it to
the highest bidder."

It made sense. There were times some poor sap
somehow came into contact with the wrong sort of information and learned too much for their own good. And sometimes
that information was the sort that made people disappear quietly in the middle of the night.

"Okay then.
I'll tell you guys what - since I know your group tends towards the chaotic-good side of things, I'll help your guy out in blending
in. Trust me, he needs the help."

"Why should we trust you, Mr.
said Mao, cool and uncompromising. "And for that
matter what do you even know of our activities?"

"For your first question: why
not? Your agent's cover is still intact. Secondly, when you're the son
of a Commanding Officer in the USN you tend to hear things. Besides, you guys can't keep yourselves entirely out of
the news - mysterious incidents occurring in hot zones and all."

"Very well then," said Mao,
sounding at least a little bit satisfied with that response. "Assist
Sergeant Sagara any way you can."

I'm giving him back his earpiece now."

I removed the ear-bud radio and offered it to Sergeant Sagara, who took it gently with a
slightly confused look on his face as fitted it back into his ear.

"Sergeant-Major?" asked
Sagara. I heard a tinny sound once more, this time I could just barely discern Mao's voice. "Understood, Sergeant-Major."

"Okay, Sergeant. First thing: weapons. Show me what you got."

It began with the basics. A combat knife, the gun
I saw earlier, and then a compact submachine gun, grenades, C-4, remote detonators, and more. This guy was ready to
wage an insurgency! And I'll have to admit that I was impressed with how he had it all packed away. I'd have to ask him if he'd show me sometime - it'd even impress Grandpa Bear.

"You know, Sergeant," I said,
"this is beautiful, peace-and-harmony-loving Japan. Not Afghanistan or the
Chinese DMZ. We're ditching all this stuff."

"But what about-"

First of all, most of the punks that are common around here will be discouraged well enough by a solid knock-out or two. Show the dogs who the Alpha is and they'll back down. Second, your friends are keeping
watch outside, right? They're your first line of defense from hostile enemy agents - not you. I will caveat a handgun, but it is to remain in a bolt-hole you can easily get at. Third,
don't get paranoid. Anyone pulling funny business here sticks out like a sore thumb. Relax and try to enjoy being a student. How old are you anyways?"

"I am sixteen years old."

"Really now?
How the hell did you… Never mind, we'll discuss your life later. Now then, we are going to go out there and
be normal high school students."

"You hardly seem normal

"Heh. Normalcy is such a relative thing, Sagara-san. Let's go
before we're late."
I'd definitely go with a Mexican standoff. Just watching FMP it's easy to underestimate how deadly-dangerous Sousuke really is... And, honestly, even that much seems like a bit much, y'know?
How's this sound: Zeke gets Sousuke's personal background before his professional one, like,
'Where were you raised, in a jungle by lions?!'
'Afghanistan, as a soldier of the Mujahadeen.'
'...Oh. ...How'd you get the gun into the country?'
' shit?'
'No shit.'
...and so just sets himself up as translation services as part of his general 'decent human being' program.
Until the incident where Amalgam captures the class flight, this time with Zeke aboard too. Two for one sale! Buy Now, Now, Now!

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Yeah, I'm still playing with this. It may seem kinda wasteful in terms of time and energy, but I like to write out the different scenarios as they come to
mind. This way I can go back and look at what I have and pick out the parts that work best and piece it all together.

Somehow, part of me feels that a Mexican Standoff of sorts will still be involved. Zeke is sharp enough and skilled enough to appear like an enemy agent.
Sosuke is utterly blatant and, for all his paranoia, stands out like a sore thumb. Zeke does not know who Sosuke is. Sosuke's sources aren't certain
about Zeke - he's moved around too much to look credible... until Teletha hears about it.
It may be better for Zeke to first encounter Sosuke with his class introduction--just him going to a rigid parade rest is gonna grab Zeke's attention, much
less what's afterwards. I'm just imaging what Zeke's internal monologue on that one.

On the other hand, your initial encounter is interesting, but it would imply that Zeke's had some rather unusual physical combat training--that's the
reaction of someone confident in their capabilities (as well as being crazy enough to do it). Maybe a SEAL gave him some pointers on one of his dad's
Well, I'm forgoing that for the most part here. There will still be a stand-off, but it will be with the help of friends (which would make better sense
anyhow). This rewrite starts out the same way the previous version did, only it ends much differently.

I'm probably going to wind up devoting a chapter or two alone, maybe more, just to Zeke getting Rei wrapped around his finger (or at least as much as she
'allows' herself to be. Not to mention meeting up with the other Senshi...

"So, you're either insane or just plain
stupid," I said.

The boy made a confused face at me. "Pardon me?"

"That stunt you just pulled with the gun. You honestly think that sort of thing is alright around here?"

"I'm a trained military professional," he said
in a matter-of-fact tone. I would come to realize later on that he uses this tone a lot. "There is nothing that could go wrong."

"Are you serious!?" I said, giving him my best
look of shock/horror.

Again, the confused look.
"Should I be?"

I switched to a WTF expression. "Later, you and I, are gonna talk."

"I don't understand," came the boy's
reply. I ignored him and went on.

As I went on to exchange my shoes for school slippers (they
had to special-order a pair my size) I noticed that I was being watched by the gun nut.

"Glad to see you made it, Zeke," said a familiar
voice. "What's with that guy?" I glanced over and found Rei
changing her shoes next to me.

"Good to see you too, Rei," I said. As I slipped on my school shoes, I said in a quiet whisper, "Be careful around him.
Something about him is incredibly screwy."

Rei tensed visibly.
"Like a Cardian?"

Potentially worse."

"What could be worse?" she asked as she slipped on
her own shoes and rose to join me.

"You ever heard the stories of people that stumble
across information they're not supposed to have?" I explained as we walked into the main passage way.
"They learn too much for their own good and they wind up disappearing quietly in the night."

Rei digested that for a moment. "Chikuso!"

"Tell me about it.
I'll be keeping an eye on him and if he seems to single anyone out, I'll let you know so that you and the girls can keep an eye on that

"Right. Be
careful, Zeke, or else if you live through it I will kill you instead."

"My word is my bond, milady." With that, Rei and I parted ways.

The strange new boy sat with me in the office as the last
bit of our paperwork was processed. Ironic that he and I were both starting on the same day. Things seemed to be going well - he wasn't talking at all, except that I noticed that he was staring at me

A pointed glare fixed that.

"Sagara-san, Darkwood-san, we have your
placement. You will be in class 1G. It's a small class, but I'm certain
that you two will do alright there. The teacher has been informed of your arrival, so you may go now."

With only a bow of respect, I left. Sagara thanked the secretary and left behind me. There was a tense silence between
us. I knew that I was being analyzed - sized up. Not that it wasn't
mutual. This guy… he moved in a certain way that only thoroughly trained gound-pounders moved. And the look in his eyes told me that for all his foolishness, he was a person who could easily kill if he had to. The Thousand-Yard Stare - I'd seen it on enough Marines to recognize immediately.

My main question was why was this soldier here?

I paused at the door.
It was the same door Rei went through when she and I parted ways.

"Why do you hesitate?" asked the boy behind

I almost glared at him once more. "Because there's someone I know in this classroom."

With that, I opened the door and strolled in. Sure enough, there was Rei along with Usagi, Makoto, Ami, and Minako, all occupying their own little corner of the
room. And they were all staring at me in surprise.

"Well now!" said the teacher
pleasantly. I already knew about her - Miss Haruno. She was nice enough, but
poor Usagi-chan grated on her nerves horribly. "Class, it seems that our new students have arrived. First, I would like you to introduce yourselves, starting with you," she said, gesturing at me.

Shrugging mentally, I stepped forward. "I am Darkwood, Ezekiel. Forgive me if my Nihongo is not the best, as I am an American. I chose to come here in hopes of
bettering my Nihongo and gaining a better understanding of the culture of Japan." The class was small indeed, but it was already buzzing.

"Well that is wonderful. Perhaps you can help the other students with their English. What about you

"Yes, Ma'am!
Sergeant Sagara Sosuke, reporting."

This guy was some special breed of moron. He had to be.

A boy with huge eyeglasses spoke up. "When you say Sergeant, you mean like in the military?" Ah yes, the infamous
Umino. Usagi warned me about him.

"Quiet now," said Miss Haruno sternly. "Let's all wait until he's finished. Please Mister Sagara, no more jokes."
Sosuke glanced at me - I could practically see the sweat beading at his forehead. I simply gave him an
I-told-you-so look.

"I- I'm incredibly sorry. I'm Sousuke Sagara.
Everyone please disregard the Sergeant part as it was my mistake. That's it."

"Okay, questions for Darkwood-san?"

"Hey, can you say something in English for us?"
asked Umino.

I raised an eyebrow at the boy who screamed
'nerd'. "Yes. Your glasses
make you look utterly ridiculous. Have you ever thought to try laser eye surgery or even contact

You could tell here who knew English better. They were the ones that laughed. Rei was one of them, while Usagi looked hilariously

Be more polite."


"Where have you been?"

"Quite a lot of places, including England, Germany, and
Italy. My father is a commanding officer in the US Navy, so I've been to quite a few exotic

"What was your favorite?"

"That's easy.
My home back in the United States. During the summer I'd go spend time with my Grandfather on the

What is that?"

"Oh, that is land reserved by the US Government solely
for tribes of Native Americans who were displaced by settlers in the nineteenth century."

"So you're one of those guys? Why don't you wear feathers in your hair or something?"

"You're Japanese?
Why don't you carry one of those katana or something?"
The classroom burst into laughter at Umino's expense. I didn't really care; the little schmuck had it

"Okay, I think that's enough for
Darkwood-san. Questions for Sagara-san?"

And then the scene pretty much finishes out the way it does in the anime. Later when Sosuke breaks into the girl's changing room, Zeke is there to stop
that nonsense before it even begins with the help of Rei and Makoto.

Can anyone ID the gun that Sosuke had in his bag in this episode?
A bit of plot whiplash here for me... I mean, Zeke was suppose to have graduated high school 2 years early and has gone to Japan for the college... now you
have him basically back in high school. That came out of nowhere for me. This is first mentioned in these scene version posts.... Also he places into
Usagi's mind level group of classes... which baffles me. You seem to have totally deleted large chucks of his back story to make this work.

"The Thousand-Yard Stare" comment also confuses me... Last time I check that doesn't happen until burn out and the endless nightmares set in.
Neither of which apply to Sosuke. His eyes would be doing regular sweeps of the area and/or darting around looking for things that indicate attack in progress
or booby trap. He doesn't have that affliction.... he doesn't blankly stare through people at something far in the distance no one else can see.
Sorry about that, Necratoid. I thought I mentioned that I was seriously considering scaling back the ages to make things fit a bit better in the other thread.
Bear in mind this is, by far, not a finished product. Imagine if you would a sculptor whacking away at pieces of stone, trying out different things, and
correcting and/or disposing of parts as he sees fit.

Anyhow, this way I don't have to change things too drastically for other source materials. We can simply say that the 1st season of Sailor Moon took place
in Usagi's final year of Junior High School - I doubt it would change the story too drastically except that she's a touch more mature now.

It seems very disjointed now, but in the end I will have a refined and finished product.

RE: A Thousand Yard Stare - A bit extreme, maybe, but not a bad description for the appearance they go for in Recruit Training camps around the world. Back in
my bootcamp days, the RDCs specifically instructed us so. However, I can see your point - Sosuke is a bit more animated than that (pun not intended).

More ideas:

Zeke's harem consists pretty much entirely of A-Type personalities - they are not going to get along well initially. That is, until Lum cooks up a crazy
plot with Luna's help. Luna is afraid that Zeke and the other girls are distracting Rei from her calling as Sailor Mars, and Lum wants Zeke to herself.
Working together, they create a mage-tech device that causes people to fall in love with each other. This is not the fake stuff, but the real thing, borrowing
the idea from the Moon Crystal Healing power (which Usagi isn't quite ready to use yet, but Luna saw Serenity use a few times).

Unfortunately, they pull a 'You're Doing It Wrong' and wind up nailing the whole harem instead, sans Zeke. (In other words, Lum had the damn thing
backwards.) Now, all of them are straight, so yuri is out of the picture. What winds up happening instead is that our Harem now has a very deep and protective
sisterly love for each other. And they all still love Zeke. And somewhere there's a Raven laughing his tail-feathers off.

Side Story: Zeke, Sosuke, Ikuto and Ranma all decide they need a bit of guy-time - some time away from their respective harems and just being guys in general.
Zeke has the cure - a week back on the Reservation, hunting, fishing, and camping. For Ranma's sake a kettle of hot water will be kept on stand-by the
whole time they're there. There will be talk of the past and observations - introspection with sides of action as Zeke's jealous cousin tries to take
an ill-advised revenge. Even the venerable Grandfather will show up to dispell some evil spirits and dispense some of his wisdom.
Bit of name clarification: the teacher's actual name is Sakurada Haruna, Haruna being her personal name. (Yes, she lets her students use it.)

She's got three sisters scattered throughout Takeuchi canon: Natsuna (local police inspector and an ally of Sailor V), Akina (in The Cherry Project), and
Fuyuna (PQ Angels).


"Is this a warm moment or should we be disturbed?"
Thanks for the tidbits, EML! Might make for some interesting additions for the cast of secondary characters.
You did in fact mention the ages as Zeke being scaled back to 16 from his breif stint at 18... but the difference was that he graduated high school at 16 and bummed around for 2 two years to 18 then goes to Japan.  That left him with a common mistake of the really smart... school isn't only (or largely after a while) about educating kids in subjects... Its about making kids interact with each other and learn what kind of people they are going to actually be dealing with in the outside world.  This is from both the teachers and the students.
The plot line I've seen formulated up to this point (schoolastically) is that Zeke meets Rei and teachers her (through his interactions) that there are actually guys that are intrested her as a person and not just as sex object.  Guys her age.  So she desides to go to a mixed sex school rather than an all girls school.  She ends up in a class with Kanami and Sosuke... that latter of which is just plain confusing.  Meanwhile Zeke is chugging through the GenEd and intro courses in an Engineering school.
This means you can have Rei rant about the 'does not make sense' Sosuke and talk about other things that happen at the school... with you have Rei deal with either/and the Cardians and the Black Moon family.  They talk about stuff and Sosuke keeps coming up as she is friends with Kanami and this 'Sosuke' is driving her crazy... I mean he keeps doing things that make threat her two or three mental box that are for putting men in (Sleezy men who sould be cull avoided and/or culled [dad], older ones I can actually deal with but are still a bit perverted, [Grandpa], the very small box of 'Actual  people' men that Zeke created)...  By threat I mean he takes those boxes treats them like a love letter.  Which means he casually rigs them with small explosive charges and destroys them... the ranomdly hops between them and occasionally gets into other boxes a little... like he keeps dipping toes into the 'dangerous youma in disguise' box.  He keeps failing the makes sense test... in other words Sosuke is maiming her world view, even more than the major blow that Zeke not being perverted scum did in the first place.
Sometime after the first few months, the Invader insident happens... which seems toned down.  The Invaders not only gave the Earth a sporting chance... they weren't trying to drain everyones life force or make labor camps or anything really.  Seemed like it was just one of those items on an agenda somewhere.  The incident was something few actually knew about and would actually been a possitive experience if Lum hadn't desided to stick around and try to swipe Zeke.
Sometime after that Rei gets involved the end of the first season of FMP and that kidnapping the class thing... the Black Moon arc and the time travel mess happens and  random people harem members and their social group pops into the picture.  (You want Zeke involved in something have him fulfilling some GenEd requirement by correting English papers of something at the school).  Though when the Lum stalker Rei shows up things should annoy/confuse Mars with the random things Lum is yelling at him.
Now Zeke is just some transfer student who happens to be involved in the mess... which actually makes him more SI like for no reason.
About the 'true love for real ' device screams 'Mindrape makes everything bette'r... ignoring that feature... a device that can force real love like that isn't going to care about their current sexuality... If there is one thing that I've learned about sexuality its that while you can add things to your sexuality, but it is bascially impossible to remove things from it, once they are part of it.  This is why you can't 'cure' homosexuality, but they can become bi... also why pedophiles are incurable without a lobotomy.   Also, Rei is debatable on this subject in the first place.
For the dodge the harem camp out... Why do I just see Ranma having some random evil female spirit there to have a casual date with Ranma and then go away happy?  I mean its happened before.  Hell, Ranma managed to actually convince a curse doll who stold women's body to off their male lovers/boyfriend/husband as its purpose to its existance to give up on that and allow them as a couple (taking the damage from them going off a cliff and all)... so I imagine Zeke's grandpa the shaman would probablely be weirded out if he finds some ancient evil spirit dragged Ranma off for a dinner and a movie date... kisses him at the end and then leaves/agrees to be resealed.  Very, 'that has never happened before' moment for said shaman as Ranma explains this kind of thing is common for him.
I'm kinda surprised you see that as being more SI than before. Well, for him still being in school, I can play the Brilliant-But-Lazy/Distracted card - the
course material is simply boring and he often finds himself flipping through random-but-interesting AP Engineering text books.

Another route I can take is that he has already earned all the necessarry credits to graduate, so now he's just taking random electives at the urging of
his Father - who feels the boy needs to be a lot more social. The Japanese school is a last ditch effort on his Dad's part to get him to socialize - the
environment of conformity minimizes the effect of cliques, so he feels it's possible that Zeke would make friends more easily here. That, and Zeke really
does want to better his Japanese.

Zeke helping Haruno to grade papers - something I kinda had in mind. We'd also see a lot of, "Zeke-kun, you're the native English speaker here.
How would you translate this passage?"

True Love Device - only an idea for now. It'd take a bit more work to make it seem less like Mind Rape. I was going for an effect similar to two things: 1)
Usagi's Moon Crystal Healing which removes all motivation to do harm or think ill of others, and 2) the Postive Mood Slime from Ghost Busters 2 which
promotes good vibes and positive thinking.

Yes, Grandpa is going to be most bemused by Ranma's experiences. Love the idea about the casual date with the restless spirit of some woman. Zeke is going
to grouse that the entire point of going out like this was to avoid crap like that for a week. Meanwhile, Ikuto is going to kinda annoy the more spiritualistic
men in his dogged refusal to believe in anything supernatural, even as it stares him in the face. Sosuke will be the one to get the most relaxation from this.
He knows that Reservation land is something you tread very lightly on, even if you're a guest, because those Native Americans can get away with a lot of
things as long as it's on their land.

Funny thought - AMALGAM sees that Zeke has left the relative protection of MITHRIL in Japan and send a retrieval squad to get him... Only to be confronted by
the Grandfather leading a band of their warriors... who all happen to be prior special forces, or at the very least trained by prior special forces. Their
specialty: Anti-Armslave Guerilla Tactics. The poor fools will never have a chance. *evil grin*

"What's all that noise?"

"Oh, the Reservation has its own Militia. They're probably doing a training exercise right now."
Quote: Zeke helping Haruno to grade papers
Again, it's Haruna. Smile


"No more splainin'!"
The reason I see being in the class as more an SI thing that the college thing is that I seen so many bad, one extra character SIs happen. It can be handled
away, but it just hits me that way by reflex. The multicross nature of things in this fic will also help with that.

If you really want to screw with people, let the armslaves totally interrupt the hunt for that loose evil.... and have Ranma bring her back as things are
getting involved in combat. Later Ranma, via Zeke as they have Zeke's mailing address, Ranma gets a letter... Which is a glowing letter of recommondation
for Ranma to those who would date him. It goes on about how good the food at the casual dining restarant was and much fun it was to swap fight stories with
someone that though smahing people through walls was a valid combat tactic... for play fights. How much fun that horror/slasher movie was to watch with a guy
who was able to mock the human protagonists for been stupid and how they actually had the weapons to defend themselves with if they weren't idiots. How
awesome Ranma was for conning that extra ice cream out of those clerks and how nice it was to meet a guy who was so good at tricking idiots (that turning into
a girl thing was impressive as well)... then he took her back home and they got into a fight with giant robots (and she once thought those talkies were going
to be good... now they have actual robots and not those slow boxy things in the old movies!) and terrorists... it was sweet how once you had the challenge of a
good fight you got a prize inside! No one cares it you curse them into oblivion either! Best date ever!

On a side note, I'd wait till after the end of season 1 of FMP before introducing Ackican into the mix... partially because that will let the Yell/Sosuke
fighting while killing youma thing eventually involve the mascot suit.

Quote: Again, it's Haruna. Smile
Unless something very weird happens and she ends up repeatedly switching places with/morphing into a certain pink haired ninja.
Quote: Necratoid wrote:

Quote: Again, it's Haruna. Smile
Unless something very weird happens and she ends up repeatedly switching places with/morphing into a certain pink haired ninja.
Don't think the idea of Sakura somehow teaching Usagi's class hasn't been haunting me for the past day. Smile


"I think I ran over a ninja back there."
Quote:Don't think the idea of Sakura somehow teaching Usagi's class hasn't been haunting me for the past day. Smile
My first thought on reading this was "Why would Kinomoto-chan teach girls older than her? Or anyone, for that matter?"

My second thought was "No, wrong Sakura. She isn't even in this crossover. I hope. Sakura is the school nurse and a miko, not a ninja... and in canon she appears to like Lum."

Only after that did I think of Naruto...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

No, I have a better idea.

Sweet little old lady. Five feet in her shoes, all smiles, knows how to manage people just so, nice old-fashioned walking stick.

Youma shows up? SHING.


"Wow, Shinguji-sensei!"

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."

No, I have a better idea.

Sweet little old lady. Five feet in her shoes, all smiles, knows how to manage people just so, nice old-fashioned walking stick.

Youma shows up? SHING.
If I've spotted the reference, she then goes on to talk for hours about how she was a stage star in her youth...?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Oh, she could, but I don't think that bragging like that is her style, do you?

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Argh. Be nice if I actually had a chance to watch that series. Better look at Rite Stuff.
She wouldn't brag, more likely she'd tell stories about the times she klutzed out backstage, with a little self-deprecating smile.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'll try to remember that if I get ahold of the source material and decide whether or not to include her.

Oh, and I can easily imagine her being someone that's been contracted to 'educate' Zeke by his Grandfather through his grapevine. Trouble is that
she'd probably get more than she bargained for when Zeke is followed by Rei... The rest of the Senshi... Nanoha... and... KUBIAK?! (O_o)

"Bad Yuma try to hurt Zeke and 'Koto-chan. Kubiak will hurt Yuma. But first... Eat now?"

"Shinguji-sensei, I do believe you now have a full fledged class."
(Mm. Note that clumsy!Sakura is TV continuity, best as I can determine. OVA!Sakura doesn't exhibit any dojikko tendencies that I can recall. Also, it's
situational klutziness. Only non-combat.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Oh, she could, but I don't think that bragging like that is her style, do you?
Well, I didn't say she'd be talking about herself... (Although I see that I did imply that. Oops.) A few stories about Iris and Sumire and Maria and what's-her-name (the one who somebody stuck into Fenspace ) and the others could easily fill a weekend.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

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