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ROTFL: Can has Cheeseburger?
ROTFL: Can has Cheeseburger?
Warning: The Floor is HARD! New thread starts here....
Quote: "You again…" Tsukuyomi said somewhat sleepily. "Nanoha Takamachi…"

"… Thank you so much." Nanoha said, momentarily overjoyed at being addressed by her proper name by an opponent for the first time in…
well, actually, since Fate and Vita had not, to her memory, done so until after their respective feuds with her were already over, the first time in

"For what…?"

"Nothing, never mind." Nanoha said hurriedly.

"…Could you please return my drive unit? I really do need it."

"How about we make a deal? If you can just tell me what you're planning to use these Gates for, I'll give it back. Even if it's something
that I can't let you go through with, I'll give you a fair chance to take your drive unit from me in combat as long as you just talk to me first.
Otherwise, I'll head back to the Asura right now and you'll never see this thing again!"

What do I do… I must get the Drive unit back… but I cannot reveal the Rebirth details to an agent of the Bureau, her majesty's orders were very
clear on that subject.
Tsukuyomi thought. I should use subterfuge.

"We plan to use the gate to transport a wide variety of small, fluffy animals across the universe. This will make everyone very happy, because small,
fluffy animals are very nice. Please return the unit now." Tsukuyomi said.


which has a new chapter, incidentally.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
"Is it time yet, Nanoha-mama?" Vivio asked excitedly. A lot of six-year-olds would have been prone to misbehave or let their attention wander, but
Vivio knew that she had a Very Important Job to for her mamas and was dedicated to doing it right.

"Almost, sweetie," Nanoha assured her. The white dress felt light and free around her, the color broken up only by Raising Heart's bright red
glitter at her chest.

In the next moment, the organ music started. Midchilda had its own wedding traditions and themes, but in this case the bride had selected to use the
traditional music from Earth.

"Okay, Vivio, this is it. When they open the door, you start down the aisle just like we did in rehearsal."


Precisely on cue, the porters swung the door wide, and Vivio started down the red-lined path into the sanctuary. The look of fierce determination on her face
as she made sure to scatter the flower petals from her basket just right was unbearably cute, Nanoha decided. Her daughter really reminded her of herself when
she'd been that age.

Nanoha took a deep breath and adjusted her grip on the bridal bouquet. Don't trip, she warned herself, then began to walk down the aisle in slow, measured

Fate smiled warmly at her from before the altar, lightening Nanoha's heart. The blonde had protested being made to wear the tuxedo, but she'd finally
given in out of love, and she looked absolutely stunning. Next to her Chrono, Arf, Signum, and Shari all looked radiant in gold, while over on the bride's
side Yuuno, Vita, Hayate, and Subaru looked equally attractive in blue. Hayate had done the designs, and she gave Nanoha a wink, pleased with her friend's
reactions. Every one of their friends and family who'd been able to make it packed the pews. Nanoha was so eager that she wanted to run up the aisle and
take her place at once, but she restrained herself for the sake of the moment. Even at the stately pace, she soon found herself standing next to Fate before
Carim. Bardiche glittered from Fate's lapel as the blonde reached out to take Nanoha's hand. The music fell still. Carim smiled gently at them,
dispelling some of their nervousness.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join together these two before us in holy matrimony..."

Even through her white glove, Nanoha could feel the warmth of Fate's hand, and she couldn't help but think back over all the things that had led to
this day, from her first meeting with Yuuno and her discovery of magic right up to the day of the proposal. They'd been wonderful times, even the hard
ones, and she was sure that they'd continue in the future.

A squeeze of Fate's fingers warned her that the preamble was closing and they were coming to the important part. It wouldn't do to let her mind wander
during the "I dos"!

Carim turned towards Fate.

"Do you, Bardiche, take Raising Heart to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to interface with, for richer or for poorer, in malfunction and in
health, for as long as you both shall operate?"

"Yes, sir!"
At first I was wondering why this was in this particular thread.

Then I got to the end and fell out of my chair laughing.

Bravo, sirra!
Quote: "We plan to use the gate to transport a wide variety of small, fluffy animals across the universe. This will make everyone very happy, because small,
fluffy animals are very nice. Please return the unit now." Tsukuyomi said.
Tribbles. (Shoot him NOW.)
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote: DHBirr wrote:

Quote: "We plan to use the gate to transport a wide variety of small, fluffy animals across the universe. This will make everyone very happy, because
small, fluffy animals are very nice. Please return the unit now." Tsukuyomi said.
Tribbles. (Shoot him NOW.)

Shoot her NOW.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
You keep out of this, he doesn't HAVE to shoot you now! Big Grin
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
I'm not Daffy, but I'm ducking anyways...
Too Short To Excerpt
Just read it: A Late Night Story At Camp Wuckahucka.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
A Late Night Story At Camp Wuckahucka.



no, no.. what?


So, riffing off of the WH40K/MBig GrinYRL

WH40K1/2. Ranma, of course, is an ork.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
From Afterlife Blues:

"No, no, it's all right. I suppose I could technically be called a bastard. My parents weren't married. Of course, my parents were the
Supercomputer Advance Team at the University of Iowa, so their collective marriage might have raised a few eyebrows."
Quote:WH40K1/2. Ranma, of course, is an ork.
Only until he can get his hands on some hot water.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
From TVTropes' Wild Mass Guessing page on Bleach:

Quote: The ending of Bleach will be...
...the entirety of Soul Society is destroyed by whomever the final Big Bad is, Ichigo and co. is out of commission, and all is lost. At least, until a single figure stands above the ruins, faces the bad guy. Zaraki Kenpachi stretches his shoulders, grins, and says "Ban....". Cut to black. The End.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I don't get it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

I don't get it.
While I don't watch Bleach either, the character's wiki seems to explain it ( This is a guy who got his job by killing the last person to
hold the position. He fights without using an actual combat style because using an actual style would cause the fights to end too soon. He also fights
one-handed because keeping both hands on his sword means that his fights end too soon. Next, he fights while wearing an eyepatch that drains most of his power,
because fighting with both eyes and full power means that his fights end too soon. Finally, he is the only captain who cannot use the bankai technique, because
he is not in harmony with his sword (which greatly limits his power and effectiveness).

Despite all of these handicaps, he is still able to defeat virtually anyone in a fight. Thus the joke seems to be that the series will end with him making a
single FULL POWER attack for the first time ever.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Quote: Jinx999 wrote:

From Afterlife Blues:

"No, no, it's all right. I suppose I could technically be called a bastard. My parents weren't married. Of course, my parents were the
Supercomputer Advance Team at the University of Iowa, so their collective marriage might have raised a few eyebrows."

Link, please.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote:Link, please.
Afterlife Blues
oooh, it's from the guys what did A Miracle of Science.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Yes, thank you ever so much for that.

I did google it, but included part of the given quote in my search, figuring I'd find that specific part. Obviously, since it's an image, the search
turned up nothing.

(You've been waiting for a chance to use that for a while, haven't you?)

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
naw, I use that all the time - my google search for 'afterlife blues' turned up the comic on the first try.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Quote:Immediately Yoroi launched a group of shuriken at the unflinching and unmoving Gaara, who merely stood there, unblinking as a tendril of sand rose up and batted the projectiles away. In a cold, almost bored voice, the boy spoke again as sand continued to stream out of his gourd. “I'm waiting to be surprised.”

“Don't worry....” The teen started to respond, his voice dripping with an audible sneer they couldn't see before Gaara's monotone interrupted him.

“Your time is up.” And with that Gaara lifted his hand, as suddenly a stream of sand behind Yoroi grabbed the teen by the back of his briefs, before being jerked up as Gaara snapped his hand up. “Desert Wedgie.”

from]Naruto: Bondage Style#15
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Quote: Seeing that the parking spaces in front of the shop were all full - no surprise, at this time of day - Kouno checked for police cruisers and then
double-parked near the entrance as soon as he confirmed there were none.

He stepped out of the car, and Neida did the same on the other side. "After we get something to eat we should check with Misato and see-"


Kouno and Neida flinched, their hearts leaping into their throats as a voice boomed from behind and above them. "Wh-What? Who-"

"Traffic laws are made for the safety and convenience of ALL people!" Standing atop a streetlight overlooking the shop stood Usagi, posing
splendidly in her trademark blue DAPC body armor and non-regulation matching skirt (Junko's work, of course). "For your callous and selfish
disregard for the public welfare, you will NOT be forgiven! I am Tsukino Usagi, for minor traffic justice, I will punish YOU!"

There was a slight whirring noise as Neida took a picture, probably just as a reflex; otherwise the two men were stunned by the display.

"Uh... well..." Kouno glanced over at the car, then up to the unreasonably angry young woman. "Couldn't we just... you know... move

Usagi straightened and planted her hands on her hips. "Very well! For today I will overlook your vile misdeeds and let you off with a verbal warning!
But should you ever-"

The cyborg was cut off by the squeal of tires as the detectives took off down the street.
Millennium, a Ranma/Sailor Moon Crossover:

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
O_o; The hell!? A cybernetic Usagi-chan!?
By Our powers Combined...
An old crazy drabble

This would also work in crossovers that should not be

Quote:Buffy shrugged and pointed her ring. “Strength.”

Willow spoke up. “Magic.”

Giles pointed. “Brains.”

Anya pointed, then blinked. “Lust?”

Xander rolled his eyes at her then pointed his ring. “Heart.”

All five then blinked as a final word was added to the paper

“Go Slayer?” They said in unison
Quote:Tabby completed the most current batch of simulations, and sent the file across the commo link. There were over 21,000 possible scenarios based on what had been roughed out so far. She regretted having so few options availiable, but.. she'd had to trim away the more ludicrous ones in favour of things she'd at least Heard of happening-if second hand. Therefore, the giant space-clown stayed, along with the Alien UFOs, three unaccounted-for Caspars, the Lord Jesus Christ, Buddha, the return of the Prophet Ezekiel, and interference by several human covert agencies including the freemasons, Illuminati, Gnomes of Zurich, Fourth Reich, Godless Communism, and Capitalist Oppressors.

She decided that she could safely leave God out of it-at least, directly. So far, the 'almighty' had yet to make an appearance.

Battletech: Knock, Nock
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Christ is in, but God is out? Does she not know they're both played by the same guy?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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