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Crossovers That Should Not Be: The Academy.
After watching that, the first scenario to cross my mind is that she is Nene's sister... turns out Nene's first hack was her parent's computer and
discovered that they were actually training her to be that... she freaked and bailed to Megatokyo the rescent earthquake and loss of life ment she could hide
there and dodge that fate. Her older sister is just stupid enough to actually believe tales of their parents death... this being the fourth time. Nene's
identity is known by Leon's partner and the cheif at the AD Police... this is why the chief stuck Nene with Lisa... he knows she can defend her from pretty
much anything, even if its mainly evasion, and not tip Lisa off that she is a body guard. Nene is such a couch potato because she is actively working to stay
out of shape. Her second boss knows her back story, but writes it off as the delusions of a young traumatised child. Not enough to hamper her in the mission,
but weird enough to note for future reference... the bit about her ninja parents thinking that being an amorer vigilanty was close enough to what they wanted
to leave her be, if/when they found her was just icing.

Turns out that the reason that the AD Police can get funding, but not enough to get weapons that work that well on boomers, is that they most often deal with
the mutated plant monsters that rampage through the poorer parts of the city. Leon managed to survive through the boomeriod, cyberpsychosis waves that took
out most of the old guard. So when the plants come back he is largely the only one that knows what to do against them. Though it does explain why they have
that storeroom with all flamethrowers that can't generate enough heat to take out boomers. It also explains the oddity that all the recruitment films show
the AD Police getting lots of girls.

Priss lives in a trailer because the place is toxic to the plants, (bad air. polluted soil, and low light) she can afford better but its not worth the costs.
Generally, most have forgotten the mutated plants entirely... Boomers are just that shiney and attention getting.

So the big fight with Largo takes place not on the top of the tower... but in a random factory, warehouse, or research center... and he has his dramatic
speeches interrupted one of those battles... he only stops when he notices that three sabers, pink is just missing atll together, are ignoring him an staring
at something behind him. Enraged and clueless on what could be so distracting that they were ignoring a freaking GOD with city destroy mind beams, he turns
around... thirty seconds later his head and all his extra Cpus explode spectacularly... he just couldn't process that madness. Saber White keeps mumbling
under her breath about how little sense this makes and the part that actually catches the other 2 sabers about Pink's back story making more sense when
this was chalked up to other people's delusions.

Whether or not Largo ends up repeatedly respawning and becoming Kenny her is a separate issue... Mackie is happy though. On the other hand, if you crossed it
with 2040 it would be more likely an act of a bored space faring Stingray sibling and not aliens. The rest is just going to train wreck faster.
Heard on BBC Radio 4's The News Quiz: Watership Black Hawk Down
Quote: Cobalt Greywalker wrote:

Heard on BBC Radio 4's The News Quiz: Watership Black Hawk Down

[Image: 3ps-bunnies-sm.png]
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Battle Angel Alita/Astroboy (2009)



Seriously did any anime fan watch the first five minutes and NOT think this?
My thought was Astro Boy(any) and Fate Testarossa. They probably go to the same therapist. Smile


"Surf's up, space ponies -- I'M MAKIN' GRAVY WITHOUT THE LUMPS!!!!!"
An obscure researcher is at the last steps of his masterpiece, a sample of a truly terrifying bio-weapon, recovered from a back-water world. Enforcer Fate T
Harlaown dilligently tracks down the trail he's left, until arriving at the deployment location just in time for the said bio-weapon to eat consume the researcher.

Prototype/Nanoha X-over

("Now it has f---ing MAGIC?!")
Quote: paladindythe wrote:

An obscure researcher is at the last steps of his masterpiece, a sample of a truly terrifying bio-weapon, recovered from a back-water world. Enforcer Fate T
Harlaown dilligently tracks down the trail he's left, until arriving at the deployment location just in time for the said bio-weapon to eat consume the researcher.

Prototype/Nanoha X-over

("Now it has f---ing MAGIC?!")

Whoah. Overkill much?

Though if you really wanna go for broke, have it consume Fate instead. The way she fights that thing would be nothing short of absolutely nasty.
blackaeronaut Wrote:
paladindythe Wrote:An obscure researcher is at the last steps of his masterpiece, a sample of a truly terrifying bio-weapon, recovered from a back-water world. Enforcer Fate T Harlaown dilligently tracks down the trail he's left, until arriving at the deployment location just in time for the said bio-weapon to eat consume the researcher.
Prototype/Nanoha X-over
("Now it has f---ing MAGIC?!")
Whoah.  Overkill much?
Though if you really wanna go for broke, have it consume Fate instead.  The way she fights that thing would be nothing short of absolutely nasty.
What do you mean, "instead"? I think you meant to say "as well"...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Quote: blackaeronaut wrote:

Quote: paladindythe wrote:

An obscure researcher is at the last steps of his masterpiece, a sample of a truly terrifying bio-weapon, recovered from a back-water world. Enforcer
Fate T Harlaown dilligently tracks down the trail he's left, until arriving at the deployment location just in time for the said bio-weapon to
eat consume the researcher.

Prototype/Nanoha X-over

("Now it has f---ing MAGIC?!")

Whoah. Overkill much?

Though if you really wanna go for broke, have it consume Fate instead. The way she fights that thing would be nothing short of absolutely nasty.

What do you mean, "instead"? I think you meant to say "as well"...
It's up to interpretation, as well as player choice, but I envision Alex Mercer as a being of Vengeance. The USMC wanted him dead, so he
decides to show them how it's done. Someone trying to use him as a bio-weapon would earn the same vengeance. As for Nanoha's nakama, well Alex has to
be taught how to make friends...
If you are going for prototype crossovers that should never, never happen...

How about Independence Day?

Those poor aliens that rely in organic tech, and then they just had to go and piss Alex off by fragging his city.

Whatever else the prototype might be, it sure as hell is *territorial* as all hell.
Speaking of (purely organic) aliens and Prototype, consider the xenomorphs.

Would a facehugger accomplish much against the prototype? That depends on whether or not forcibly giving him more biomass counts as an accomplishment.

A chestburster? Assuming it was allowed to grow inside him without being absorbed, the prototype has no organs to damage, and no ribs to burst through.

A full-grown alien? Comparable to a Hunter, I'd guess, though the acid blood would do a bit of damage.

The Queen? With its egg sac, it's too slow to avoid/counter the prototype. Without it, I'm thinking it'd equal a Supreme Hunter in strength.

An endgame-level Alex Mercer could defeat and absorb the xenomorph race without too many problems. That's a scary

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote: Bluemage wrote:

An endgame-level Alex Mercer could defeat and absorb the xenomorph race without too many problems. That's a scary
Maybe so, but if I were to pick and choose over what I had to have around I'd take Alex over Xenomorphs any day, as Alex at least has
something left of his human mind.
Can I assume that Touhou/Nanoha has already been done?

Pronounced "shy guy."
One may always assume.

Although, in my opinion half the fun of a CTSNB is in how the proposer presents the idea. It's never the same twice...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:It's never the same twice...

Right, whereas my A-Team/Knight Rider/Valdemar crossover has Michael Knight chasing B.A. Baracus across a panic stricken Valdemar, flocks of companions trying to chase them both down and figure out what, exactly, the hell is going on.

While Valles painted that particular crossover as Mr. T and Michael Knight meet - Kitt asks the A-Team van why it's so quiet, and it turns out that - they're both Companions!

of course, I'm making all that up. Especially the Valles part.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
That's ok, at least Valles didn't spill my idea for the A-Team to get contracted to take down Knight Industries, and only find out almost too late that
their 'client' is actually Mornelithe Falconsbane. Things thereafter get violent.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Dude, I've never even seen the A-Team.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
A couple years back I saw someone who was driving around in an old van, painted to look like the A-Team van and with A-Team as the license plate.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Xenomorphs? Ha. Alex Mercer versus Aptom from Guyver.

Who absorbs who? And does it help that Aptom is fully capable of running at least six differently-loaded-out bodies at once?


"So, foul mucus, you dare to turn on the nose that spawned you?"
The real question is do they start keening Tekili-li at each other before the fight starts.


Quote: Evil Midnight Lurker wrote:

And does it help that Aptom is fully capable of running at least six differently-loaded-out bodies at once?

What's that? Aptom vs. Pain?

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Back to the crossovers. This one's a cross between a movie and something altogether different:

One thousand years from now, aliens destroy Earth because they fear its computer software capability. Some humans escape and try to use the remaining software against the aliens, but all they have as a starting point is their ancestors' web browser...

Titan IE
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Reply ... hank-sank/]Shakespeare and modern TV don't always work well together...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
<falls over laughing>
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
There exists a plane outside human concepts, and within there is the Shelf of Heroes. Here, the tools of famous (and infamous) individuals are kept, to be used
as the eternal providers for mankind.

Centuries ago, three families - Enzbern, Machiri, Tohsaka - conducted a dark and feverish recipe; Heaven's Fry, the Holy Grill War of Fuyuki... A battle
between seven chefs, competing for a chance to cook upon a "Holy Grill", the 726th recognized by the Swiss Academy

Epic Tools from the Shelf are summoned and bound to the material world, becoming "Utensils" to their summoner "Cooks". To keep their true
names hidden, the seven Utensils are sorted into one of seven Classes: Knife, Fork, Skewer, Spoon, Ladle, Tenderizer, and Salad Fork.

As each Utensil fails, the Cooks are eliminated until only one remains, and the Holy Grill is ready to receive their ingredients.

This is Food/Shelf Knife.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay

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