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Dead Fic Zombification Thread
Hell. In my opinion, RA-ALS is purely and simply the best Fanfic of them all. No others, in any category, come close.
RAALS was the story that convinced me I could play an Akashic in Mage. And it has a special place in my heart for a lot of things.....
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote: s3yang wrote:

Meh, the TFFers tend to have a particular set of fic archetypes that they like. And in general, they seem to despise Ranma/Akane matchups for whatever

The loudest ones do. I don't know how many do as I do and do not bother arguing the point(to be fair, the majority of the R/A matchup stories around suck -
what people seem to forget is that most Ranma stories around suck as well, no matter the pairing).
As far as I'm concerned, RAALS is a work of literary genius and it must be continued.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Homina homina HOMINA. O.O;

Quick, what should I wish for next?


"Elf finger magic. I hate that."
Quote: Ah yes, good old Ed. I was looking through the Archived fic recs one night and was surprised to see that he was a regular here back in the day. Now he seems
to hang out a bit over on Star Destroyer...
He also hangs out on the CaerAzkaban yahoo group 'thou his story contributions are very rare.

Quote: Ranma's Apartment
Oh my yes I would love to see more of this.

A few contributions of my own that I'd like to see

All the Small Things by Slacker

Deification by Brian Drozd (Anyone have a working link to this?)

And of course: Twisted Path by Twister.
For my next attempt to coerce divinity, I'll take Don Granberry's Comes the Cold Dragon and Divided We Stand.

Um. Holy crap, I think that may have worked. On both counts. I don't
remember just how many parts of each there were last time I checked, but I don't recognize the last chapters of either.

...How can I go about using this power for profit? ^.^


"One of these days, milkshake -- BOOM!"
Firefly please?
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Well I'll give it a shot, but that's probably far beyond whatever motivational powers I may or may not possess. Smile


"Don't be cruel. You know I can't reach my feet."

...Oh yeah. *clears throat* "I wish Ben Edlund would get tired of Hollywood and go back to The Tick!"
Sorry, Lurker, the last chapter of Cold Dragon (at least) is one that's been around for years. Don't know about the other, sadly.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Between this and Krista, I am now convinced someone has an inverse Death Note for fics somewhere...

Personally I blame the later on this thread... I mean see post #3then read the thread name... Its not the first time either. I remember one a while back that
listed lots and lots of pages of fics that we miss dearly. Even though they hadn't been updated in forever and a day (I think there was a year or more
dead qualifier on that one). Couple of those respawned in less than 3 months. Unfortunately, the revivification is listed as singular in the thread title.

Though as usual I'll elect Kenko and Fire as candidates I'd like to see go back to writing. CarrotGlace updated Gaijin after I mentioned it in the
last thread so that part worked.
Quote: ECSNorway wrote:

So, Hearts of Ice got finished not too long ago, after lo these many years in limbo.

John Biles has just announced that the final chapter of Children of an Elder God is underway and about 1/4 complete.

Anyone taking bets on who's going to turn up next?

Not as "classic" as some of these others, but certainly a years-in-the-works oldie. I'd give big odds on Bubblegum Zone 11

[Image: 6bf36ddc1d2c96930d75576c361a9b3f8152885f.gif]Jeanne Hedge

"Believe me, if I have to go the rest of my life without companionship, knowing myself won't be a problem."
-- Gabrielle of Potadeia
Quote: Necratoid wrote:

Though as usual I'll elect Kenko and Fire as candidates I'd like to see go back to writing.
Is he even still alive? I haven't seen any post-2001 trace of him anywhere.

Also, Lines of Destiny.

Pronounced "shy guy."
Quote: Shay Guy wrote:

Quote: Necratoid wrote:

Though as usual I'll elect Kenko and Fire as candidates I'd like to see go back to writing.
Is he even still alive? I haven't seen any post-2001 trace of him anywhere.

Also, Lines of Destiny.

Actually, I think somebody is doing a re-write of Lines of Destiny with the original author's permission. The title has changed, but the story is still
essentially the same.

I'd love to see Rod M.'s The Pursuit of Happiness (the sequel to The More
Things Change) get completed.

Old, and somewhat forgotten, but both the fic series that introduced me to the Go-Gos, and the first time I'd seen an AMV scripted into a fic's
"title sequence." I'm actually going to go reread what there is now.

I'll also second a continuation of Way of the Ninjitsu.
Honou Productions.
A continuation of Cut Wood, Carry Water would be nice. Unfortunately, it's been dead for a decade or so.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Quote: Actually, I think somebody is doing a re-write of Lines of Destiny with the original author's permission. The title has changed, but the story is still
essentially the same.
Do you have a link to it?
Quote: Shinkaze wrote:

Quote: Actually, I think somebody is doing a re-write of Lines of Destiny with the original author's permission. The title has changed, but the story is still
essentially the same.
Do you have a link to it?

Here you go: ... tic_Future
Chris Davies' Together Again.
chris has stated repeatedly that Together again is no dead just resting. altough at this point I think it needs a resurection ritual.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Quote: Lines of Destiny ch2

Hotaru Tomoe was depressed. Since Chibi-Usa had gone back to the future, she had lost the only friend who was close to her. Sure, Haruka, Michiru and Setsuna
were far from bad company, but they were *much* older than she was. Besides, they had other things to worry about than play baby-sitter to a
thirteen-year-old girl who could easily level the planet.

She missed her brother.

Following her rebirth, Hotaru had grown up at a phenomenal rate, though she still ended up smaller than the others (much to her constant annoyance). Only
this time, she remembered things from her days in the Silver Millennium, eight thousand years ago. Among other things, how everyone had different names back
then; Serenity, Endymion... One of the things she now remembered was that she had had an older brother, named Kanma. She remembered...

Quote: Fated Pasts, Chaotic Future ch2

The purple haired girl let out a long sorrowful sigh, feeling depressed and lonely. Or more appropriately, her loneliness was the cause of her depression.
Another sigh, resounded in the small bedroom she used in the Outer's house. Her own little sanctuary in the world; where her mind and feelings tormented
her in silence.

Hotaru sat on the edge of her bed, her eyes dropped to the hands folded in her lap, light skin contrasting with the dark colors of her cloths. The young
girl wasn't really looking at them, but they just lay there as her memories seemed to torture her.

Turing her head, she looked towards the end of her bed, sorrowful eyes seeing what wasn't really there. A ghostly image of a pink haired girl laughed
at the latest joke she told, her happy voice filling the small room. Hotaru's lips bent into a wistful smile at the edges until the ghost from her mind
faded back into nothingness.

"Usa-chan... I miss you...", her clear but weak voice called out into the emptiness. Hearing her words echo lightly off the walls, she reached
up to wipe a stray tear that threatened to fall from her eye. 'I do miss her...' she said in her thoughts, remembering how the girl from the future
departed to return to her own family.

Looking at a picture on her nightstand, she reminded herself that she wasn't truly alone without the time traveling girl. 'I have Haruka-papa,
Michiru-mama and even Setsuna-san... but it's not the same', she lamented. There was something about having a friend your own age to talk to.

The smile stayed on the melancholy Senshi's face as mused about how the three older Outer Senshi treated her like a full adult. Since her rebirth,
Hotaru had grown up at a phenomenal rate, though physically she was still younger than the rest of the Senshi. A small bit of her psyche found humor at the
thought of if her adopted parents, Haruka and Michiru, ever tried to find a babysitter for a girl who could easily level the planet.

All traces of the smile faded from her face at that thought though. It was the entire reason she felt so lonely her entire life. 'Sailor Saturn...
Senshi of Silence... Destroyer of Worlds...', she rattled her titles off in her head with no emotion. She remembered them all, everything they called he
in the past. A byproduct of her lack of major physical growth was a perfect remembrance of her past life during the Silver Millennium.

At first, it was odd for the Senshi, as Hotaru kept making mistakes by calling her fellow Senshi by their past names. Usagi was called Serenity, like her
mother; Mamoru was Endymion, after his father, and the other Senshi were no different. Even she had a different name, but she knew she would never be called
it again, never called that name by the person she wanted to hear it from.

Her eyes flew wide, as she felt the yearning tug at her heartstrings. Her eyes relaxed, then, as the girl fell over to curl up in a ball on her bed,
hugging her knees to her chest. A single sound escaped her lips as she felt her eyes overflow, wet drops of sadness and sorrow falling to the sheets.

They're...uh...not exactly the same. The first three chapters are about 101 KB versus 57 KB in the original. I
don't know that it's an improvement.

Pronounced "shy guy."
Quote:chris has stated repeatedly that Together again is no dead just resting.
It's pinin' for the fjords!
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
It's not pining; it's passed on!
Don't make me quote the ... af086fcbc3]Dead Ayanami Sketch...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Thanks, Jervic!

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