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Negima / Nanoha crossover idea
Negima / Nanoha crossover idea
Here's the bit that seemed to catch a bit of interest:

Quote: [b]ECSNorway wrote:[/b]

Quote: [b]robkelk wrote:[/b]

Quote: [b]paladindythe wrote:[/b]

Mahora Girls' Jr. High Class 3-A gets a new transfer student for the year when it starts: #30 Hayate Yagami. (Ayaka and Zazie get pushed down 1)

Apparently certain off-world organizations would like to extend an olive branch to the existing (and newly discovered) magic tradition on this world, and
this idea is the one that got sold. (The headmaster of Mahora felt that Yagami's command experience could be useful...)

Shouldn't this be in "Crossovers that Should Be"?
Yes. Yes it should.

I've thought idly about this some. I picked Hayate because she brings something a bit different to the class--someone with formal military experience, and
a lot of power, but not much actual combat experience. (Bringing in pretty much any other of the mains would quickly sideline the Negima crew. Also,
her last name jostled the class roster the least. ^^;

I generally like the concept, but it's rather hard to figure out where she'd fit into the various story arcs. On one hand, it would be easy to add her
as a 'spy,' observing without much plot-changing interaction. It's safe, but rather boring. The 'almost' reveals would get old quick, I

The other idea was for Hayate to jump in feet first:

Hayate arrives on scene between the duel between Negi and Eva in her Armor from right after Asuna completes her provisional Pactio, and spends a bit of time
as an observer (since it's more of a duel, than a battle for survival). (The begs the question: what was she doing when Negi was figuring it out?) She
flies in to save Eva as the vampire's powers are failing, a bit before Negi does himself. This puts her in a bit of suspicion in the eyes of Negi and
Asuna, so Hayate makes a Pactio then and there (as a gesture of her loyalties), and is involved in the middle of things from there out. Seems more interesting
that way, but more complex to manange.

What do you guys think?
If she was chosen by the headmaster, there is no need for her to make a pactio as a gesture of trust. For that matter, with her power and her inclinations, it's more likely that she's going to end up gathering her own group and cultivating potential recruits people to add to her harem connections.

Also, I cannot imagine her going anywhere without her group of knights in tow. What are they going to do?
Quote:Also, I cannot imagine her going anywhere without her group of knights in tow. What are they going to do?
Perhaps two new class members - Hayate and Vita - instead of one?

Shamal could work in the nurse's office. Considering Minamoto-sensei is another contact to the magical subcommunity at Mahora, this second avenue of approach would make Hayate's job easier.

There's no rule against "pets" on campus (otherwise Negi and Chamo-kun would be in trouble), so Zafila's got a cover.

Signum... hmmmmm... the best I can come up to get her on campus with is "fencing instructor", which doesn't really suit her yet (and won't for another four or five years, when Section Six is finally put together). Maybe "liaison at TSAB HQ" (read "wait in reserve at Lindy and Fate's apartment") instead?

And if the class doesn't blink at Sayo-chan haunting a voodoo doll, they won't think Reinforce Zwei is at all odd...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote: robkelk wrote:

And if the class doesn't blink at Sayo-chan haunting a voodoo doll, they won't think Reinforce Zwei is at all odd...

Well for people in the know about the magical world yeah... but mahora does make a pretense of pretending to be a normal school otherwise Big Grin

I suppose sending Vivio instead would be too predictable then?
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Quote: WengFook wrote:

Quote: robkelk wrote:

And if the class doesn't blink at Sayo-chan haunting a voodoo doll, they won't think Reinforce Zwei is at all odd...

Well for people in the know about the magical world yeah... but mahora does make a pretense of pretending to be a normal school otherwise Big Grin

I suppose sending Vivio instead would be too predictable then?

On the one hand, the parent teacher conferences would have the potential for much hilarity. On the other hand, Ultimately, Vivio is a relatively undeveloped
character, other than the link to the Nanoha mains that she'd bring, she'd be pretty close to an OC in some ways.
Noooot necessarily.

I can see Teen!Vivio vs Jack Rakan in my head, and it is hilarious.

Remember, please, that besides whatever she's learned from her Mamas - and let us pray for the sake of everyone around her that it includes Fate's common sense - and besides the seeming likelihood that either Scaglietti or her 'prototype's parents or most likely of all both would have gone in for the most extensive supersoldier-type genetic engineering that they could manage...

...A fourteen-year-old Vivio will likely have spent something like five years as the best friend/girlfriend/punching bag/sparring partner of Somewhat More Than Mildly Obsessed martial arts prodigy Einhart Stratos.

I have this mental image (it's even funnier if we can manage to keep Vivio's martial arts skills under wraps until she gets to MM), of Jack going to do his skirt-flipping thing and then next panel he's embedded in a wall, thinking, .oO(What?)

...Bonus points if it turns into a running gag, like a cat trying to go out through a glass door.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Vivio, from what we've seen of her in Vivid so far, seems to have inherited a fair bit of Fate's more low key nature.

She's got a certain intensity to her.. but she doesn't go MAXIMUM POWER, TOTAL ASSAULT! the same way Nanoha does.

This may be because at the end of the day, Nanoha can't teach her much about her style of magic, this duty falls on the small army of Nakajimas.

(Little Miss Ironheart, on the other hand, is the person who started their CAREER off beating the tar out of random people on the street.)
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Hardly 'random'; she specifically sought out those with badass points of their own.

Which, er, isn't reassuring if she's looking at you like that, true.

(Also, dialog snippet:

"Who's the letter from?"

*blush* "My closest precious friend."

"Ooh! Eyes has got a boyfriend!"

"Is he cute?"

"What's he like?"

"Well... we met five years ago... they're three years older than me..."

"Childhood sweethearts, wow!"

"Hey, older man, good job, girl!"

"I think I have some pictures..."

"Oooh, ooh, show us, show us!"


"That's a girl."

"...She's... really pretty?"

"Guys, don't make those faces, we're the ones who were jumping to conclusions and assuming that there was anythi-okay never mind I'll shut up now."

"That's some kiss, though."


"Hey, her eyes don't match either."

"Huh, that's funny. Are you heterochromatic types having a convention or something? You, Asuna, this girlfriend of yours..."

"No, it's just a coincidence, I think."

"...hey, waitasec, does that make Eyes the 'Experienced Woman' of the class?"


"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
How To Make This Crazier: Use the "Mahoranma"-verse for the Negima source. Or just toss a more normal Ranma. I mean, anytime I see "martial arts
nuts" in these things, I start thinking "Ranma crossover"... Wink
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
I think Ranma would be redundant in this context. Negi's own experience with Kempo would be more appropriate.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
I have to admit that what I've heard about Mahoranma on this board has left me entirely lacking the urge to track it down to find out more. More generally, watching the Ranma cast interact with someone in the Herb-plus power bracket who's completely sane and reasonable would be...


I mean, the conflicts I can think of all involve someone in the Ranma cast contracting one of their periodic bouts of CPSS (Comedic Plot Stupidity Syndrome) and starting a problem of some sort, which Vivio will either ignore or deal with like a polite schoolgirl until it becomes dangerous, at which point she flattens them and the story arc ends. That can only be amusing so many times, unless you want to make it a running gag somehow, and frankly, if you're going to do that OCs or Negima cast members should do just as well.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
@Valles I like the way you think. Tongue
Negi and Vivio, I think, have a very similar perspective on the martial arts.

It might be interesting to see Vivio lend a hand in helping Negi become more badass, since her Kaiser Arts aren't THAT different from what Negi's doing
in the World of Magic arc now.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Quote: robkelk wrote:

Signum... hmmmmm... the best I can come up to get her on campus with is "fencing instructor", which doesn't really suit her yet (and won't
for another four or five years, when Section Six is finally put together).

Actually IIRC Signum earned money as kendo instructor before they joined TSAB...
Quote: Berk wrote:

Vivio, from what we've seen of her in Vivid so far, seems to have inherited a fair bit of Fate's more low key nature.

She's got a certain intensity to her.. but she doesn't go MAXIMUM POWER, TOTAL ASSAULT! the same way Nanoha does.

This may be because at the end of the day, Nanoha can't teach her much about her style of magic, this duty falls on the small army of Nakajimas.

(Little Miss Ironheart, on the other hand, is the person who started their CAREER off beating the tar out of random people on the street.)

On the other hand... there are _bound_ to be lapses.
Hey, if Eva is bothered by Asuna's optimism, imagine her expression when she meets Vivio. *grin* I can just imagine Vivio's cheerful declarations of
giving it her best as she tries to hammer Eva into the ground. Eva's going to either be horrified or fall head over heels.
Quote:Eva's going to either be horrified or fall head over heels.
What do you mean, "or"?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Well, looking at how Vivio and Einhart were introduced, it's clear she has a variant on her mothers 'befriending' technique. So Eva will be
horrified, snark in her usual manner, then get clobbered, and fall head over heels along the way Smile
You know, I can see some humor growing out of an interrupted or mis-heard introduction. Takamichi and Takamachi do sound similar, don't they?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
What makes me cringe in anticipation of Too Much Awesome: Negi getting his staff refitted as an Intelligent Device.

The only real weakness of Negiverse magi is their unreasonably long incantations. Their spells strike me as being far more versatile than the stuff
the TSAB uses; with the boosted power and quick-casting of IDs behind them... yikes? (And for the other side, Nanoha and Raging Heart learning some
of those spells. Double yikes.)

Also: Asuna versus... everybody. Asuna wins due to being completely immune to everything they can throw at her. There is much boggling.


"Elf finger magic. I hate that."
Eh. Asuna should have a field day against mages assuming they sling directly magic at her ... but I think even she's going to find it annoying when the
ground dissolves beneath her or buildings start falling on her. Both Negima-verse and Nanoha-verse mages tend to be hard on their surrounding.
She's got training and three layers of stacked physical buffs to help her get out of the way... Smile

Their big advantage is the ability to fly. If Asuna can find a way to get airborne (and achieve a very high speed, to be sure) and stay there, it'll be
game over -- she can take down shields with her bare hands, and the sword can probably destroy barrier jackets.

(For that matter, I'm not sure what the Ensis Exorcizans would do to the Wolkenritter. Are they made of conventional matter, or magical
constructs from the ground up?)


"It's a YULE TIDE!"
They bleed. And they've commented in StrikerS that they seem to be changing from magical constructs into real people, or at least made that suggestion.

This is what made Vita's near death in the Cradle so heart breaking.

You hear comments about how they're all becoming more 'normal' over time now that the Book has changed... and then Vita gets gutstabbed.
- Grumpy Uncle Gearhead
Evil Midnight Lurker Wrote:What makes me cringe in anticipation of Too Much Awesome: Negi getting his staff refitted as an Intelligent Device.
That's Negi's father's staff - I can't see him wanting to alter it in any way.

However, we do know that Negi collects magical weaponry...

"... that one's a Bardiche-class Intelligent Device, and that's an Agito-class Unison Device -"
"Hi! My name's Feuermaid! Pleased to meet you!"
"- and that one's..."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Evil Midnight Lurker Wrote:Their big advantage is the ability to fly.  If Asuna can find a way to get airborne (and achieve a very high speed, to be sure) and stay there, it'll be game over
How much weight can Setsuna lift while flying? (looks innocent)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012

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