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Teen Titans fic recs
Teen Titans fic recs
So I've been burning through Teen Titans on netflix recently, and now I'm jonesing for a good TT fic.
I'll give anything a shot. But as I've just finished season 4, anything Raven centric would be especially appreciated.
Post season-5 fics will be read later this week, once I've had a chance to finish the series.

I've already read:
Deadpan Love
What Evil Lurks
Dark Titans

Thanks in advance.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Re: Teen Titans
Try these by Cyberwraith9 on
Avatar -- 40 chpts. Complete
Adaptation -- 40 chpts. Complete and Continuation of the above
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”

— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
When I get home I'll hit you with a few.
#4 - KFFan - Tons of good Teen Titans fics focussing on a KF/Jinx pairing. - bb/rae, mostly The Lady Bonny - her The Green Files is awesome.

Some of their favorites and fav authors are good ones, too.
The 'Legendsverse'
(Teen Titans Legends)


A sprawling set of TT
fics that take the situations and set-up from the TV series and inject some of
the dark adult tone from the modern comics. Starts out mediocre-to-good,
swiftly becomes EPIC. Early fics revolve around OC’s, the latter ones where
they’re believably ingrained in the team and the series follows them as a whole
are the best. Some truly gut-wrenching pain and elation inducing joy in
different areas. One of my absolute favourite FF series and one I highly
encourage people to give a chance. (Special mention goes to the ‘Boogeyman’ series
of side-stories, chaos magic on Halloween causes the Titans to end up fighting
a legion of horror movies come to life in a decimated tower, atmospheric as
hell, some genuine chills and the odd burst of comedy.)

To Quote the
homepage, “This is Titan Legends, a
website for a specific set of Teen Titans fanfics which revolve around a
"fanon universe" (which means they all take into account events that occurred
in corresponding fanfics on this site, which may be different from the comics
or the animated show).  If you're sceptical
about fanfiction, I ask that you reserve your judgement. These fanfics are
hardly as kiddy as the animated show. The authors are all well versed in the
comic versions of the Teen Titans and various other heroes, so some of the good
stuff is there, plus a lot of new stuff. Even if you don't usually like fanfics
with OC's, these stories are worth reading.”

To quote the
TVtropes page, "Some fanfics are good. Some fanfics are bad. And some
fanfics are written so well they are fanfic in name (and copyright law) only.
Titan Legends falls into that category. It started out as a simple revenge joke
by one fanfic writer on her older brother, written by stealing his original
character for a Teen Titans fanfic, and wound up creating three 'canon' spinoff
fics with their own original characters, multiple other fics within the canon
universe, and its own fanfiction. As
for the plot... It basically takes every stupid, Sueish 'omg my character joins
the titans!' fanfic and does it right. The characters can drift into
Sueishness, but are easily redeemed by good writing and some truly fascinating
plot twists. Your Mileage May Vary, but for most this is a truly enjoyable
series. And slightly addictive... "
- The Main hub - contains pretty much everything, all main fics, all alts,
character profiles, extras, links to FF.Net versions, ect.
- The Tropes page, good for a browse if you need some convincing to dive in,
but beware of few uncensored spoilers. (Plus it's frickin huge)
Oooh, now I know what I'll be reading next week. Thanks David
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
My pleasure. Let us know what you think.
Quote:Garfield Logan, in the form of a bat, hung from the ceiling, watching with great amusement. He always liked it when Cyborg lost: his reactions were priceless and since he, Beast Boy, usually lost to Victor he rarely saw them. Even if he DID win, Victor laughed it off as a fluke. The best moment he had ever seen was when Robin had mounted a comeback and beaten Victor once again a few weeks ago and Victor had launched into a stream of insults in what Gar though may have been “Ebonics”, talking about how he was going to “Forshizzle’s Tim’s nizzle in the drizzle” or something, and a few other sentences Gar thought had to be gibberish. Victor had been put in his place though, when an annoyed Raven had looked over from her mirror and calmly asked “What the fizzuck are you saying?” Both he and Tim had nearly died laughing.
-Titan Legends, Black and White, Chapter 1: Stranger in a Strange Land
...  Okay, I'm hooked. Big Grin
ok, I have just finished Avatar and Adaptation (80 chapters in 8 days, guh emotional roller coster)

and wow, not sure what I can say besides the fact that this was better than cannon.

Darker, uglier, and more full of angst than cannon. But also much more realistic. The author managed to find depth in characters I didn't think was there, and made you believe in the decisions they made.

I'm going to start up Legendsverse tomorrow.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Legends has a bit of a verbage problem. It seems like it was written by a couple of folks who are of British persuasion (unlikely instances of Robin and others using the term 'bloody' come to mind). Also a few EPU-style incomplete arcs may frustrate you, as well as the utterly nucking-futz behavior of one of the other OCs later introduced...

Otherwise, it's a pretty well done rollercoaster itself.
I've just tried to start legendsverse. Tried and failed.

Maybe i'm being too harsh on it, but I couldn't get past chapter 2. The out-of-character-ness of their actions was just too much.

Is it really worth it?
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
I admit, it was pretty well out of character, but it got better as it went. But if you thought that was OOC, then avoid The Epic of Gauntlet arc like the plague.
Maybe try starting at Boogeyman? Or failing that, The Cutting Edge - the fic that makes you realise just how f@"£$*" scarily dangerous super-speed powers are. The Titans send an away team to a nearby corrupt city that is being viscerally terrorised by a super-speed vigilante. Plus it's got a great murder-mystery arc throughout, and it focuses mainly on Terra and BB on the cannon character end. And easily the best fight scenes in the ‘verse. (In my opinion)
I've finally finished Avatar and Adaptation and all I can say is... Man, what a downer! Starting to get tired of these angsty-ass fics.
ETA: Sooooooo tempted to write a revenge-fic.
This is a bit late, but there is an excellent Teen Titans fic which I thought of as soon as this thread was first posted, and I finally managed to dig its name out of my records.

Family Affairs

While this is a Teen Titans fic, it is not a Teen-Titans-TV fic; it's based on some form of the original comics' continuity, and involves far more characters than just the ones featured on the TV show. I don't know if the original request was implicitly asking for TV-show fic only, but regardless, this fic is good enough that I'd be remiss not to mention it.

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