Sleeping with the Girls
Kinda makes me wonder... does he flail about in his sleep, or does he 'cuddle'? or is he just a 'dead fish'?
I'll admit this: one time when I had a girlfriend... (many, many, many moons ago), I was told that I was a cuddler, to an extent... She felt safe and relaxed in my embrace, nothing bad... and then I rolled over. Picking her up and bodily pulling her over to the over side... I did not enjoy waking up getting clobbered in the head. _____ DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
Spoiler space
. . . . . I do find it a bit odd that this suit is considered a simpler solution than a weaker enhancement package. blackaeronaut Wrote:Hrm... What about a power suit a la Gryphon of UndocumentedYES! CALLED that SHIT! Although, I do admit that it wasn't a Gryphon-style suit... You know, I've noticed something else, and it's actually kinda subtle - he's never really lampshaded it (I think). You see... All the girls he wakes up next to? They are always asleep when he appears there! And this provides a method for getting into Casa Scaglietti relatively unnoticed. Another thing is that he could bring reinforcements with him. Imagine if he brought along all the Senshi? Luna would be able to talk them into it. Or even better yet, how about the Nourns? (And they thought Senbei was powerful. HAH!)
Simpler in that Hiro McProtagonist will be, as stated, less tempted to become overconfident...
-- Sucrose Octanitrate. Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
It was not made to be "simpler" it is instead designed as "less prone to abuse"
Having that much physical strength would turn him into an outside context problem for baseline-earth if he was returned with it. Unstated was the idea that the suit is also much easier to take away before they send him home. Kurisu Wrote:Kinda makes me wonder... does he flail about in his sleep, or does he 'cuddle'? or is he just a 'dead fish'?At least you're not a groper...that would had earned you a slap to the face! *snicker* __________________ Into terror!, Into valour! Charge ahead! No! Never turn Yes, it's into the fire we fly And the devil will burn! - Scarlett Pimpernell VladimirTherin Wrote:It was not made to be "simpler" it is instead designed as "less prone to abuse"My guess is Washuu's put some kind of remote kill-switch in the suit. We know that she loses his signal when he returns to baseline Earth, so I imagine that whenever she loses the signal the suit is deactivated. Instant prevention of power-abuse.
I guess he kinda 'named' himself... we can now refer to him as 'Mr. Freeman'.
_____ DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain... Kurisu Wrote:I guess he kinda 'named' himself... we can now refer to him as 'Mr. Freeman'.HAH! That's awesome. He even has the storage space to carry all those bitchin' weapons Gordon Freeman had in Half-Life. Gravity Gun anyone? I bet Skuld could whip one up for him if Washu doesn't do so first. ... aos_Theory]New chapter... and it's about going to the store.
After all those high-energy, life-or-death chapters, a bit of downtime is probably a good thing, though... -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
A little overkill on his bit for 'umm... you want to cover that?'
I think I'm reaching my potential for the term 'crass old man' because if something like that happened to me, I'd just say 'looks nice, but I'd probably break her.' _____ DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain... Kurisu Wrote:A little overkill on his bit for 'umm... you want to cover that?'GAAAAHHHH! Dude! Manners much? Me? "Ah, Lady Luna? While you are indeed very lovely to human eyes, it may be best if we found something for you to wear." BTW: Love the commentary about Mihoshi's arrivals splash-downs. He's got some very sensible things for them to say. "I heard that sound all the time on Jyurai." blackaeronaut Wrote:GAAAAHHHH! Dude! Manners much?I'm almost 40... I've accepted my fate. _____ DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain... Kurisu Wrote:Well, youngster, I haven't accepted mine...blackaeronaut Wrote:GAAAAHHHH! Dude! Manners much?I'm almost 40... I've accepted my fate. It costs nothing to be polite, as Our Protagonist here has (subconsciously?) realized. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Yes, I really liked the hero's response. Realistic, gentlemanly and strong (takes fortitude to control like that)
A funny thing is that I've been in similar situations myself (the inadvertant exposure bit, not the superhuman alien from another dimension bit) and reacted similarly and it's always resulted in the lady in question being more insulted in my lack of overt response, than their being embarrased at being seen. I often wonder if it's a cultural thing - in anime they always show the women acting as if all men are preverts and dying of embarasment in situations like that (before attempting to kill said guy) - but my experience in the past is that acting polite and unaffected by 'accidents' results in more elaborate setups and 'accidents' that are increasingly harder to avoid and not cause offense. They also attract threats from jealous boyfriends and are general huge pain in the arse, until the girls find something else to pester or the guy lets one of them count coup - at least in western culture. One of my 'girl-who-was-a-friend' told me back then that a 'real gentleman who isn't gay' is like a challenge to girls who are used to getting reactions. Something about a challenge to their sexuality plus the added bonus of being 'safe'. Besides being gentlemanly and shy I'm in a wheelchair - so they were in a 'physically superior' position, similar to the 'hero' vs all the superwomen he's getting dumped next to. She claimed the first one to catch the guy out wins big 'woman points' or some such. Of course she was probably bulldusting but... I spent most of the last of my year of highschool hiding in the libary to avoid the insanity... Despite the fact that the hero in this story is operating in 'anime' universes, it's been shown the worlds he's shifting through are much more 'real'. I wonder if his 'heroic yet gentlemanly behaviour that still appreciates a woman' is going to wind him up in a serious problem...
It could land him in trouble, but remember he's trying to avoid deadly slapstick comedy. After all someone like Ranma or Keitaro can ignore a mallet strike to the head because their invincible, and other protagoinsts can ignore it because the Rule of Funny means it didn't really happen; but in his case it'd probably snap his neck like a wet noodle. Compared to that any trouble is small potatoes.
-- If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all.
...This was kinda my point...
![]() Way I see it no matter which way the 'hero' behaves (misty voice) I foresee much pain in ze future (/misty voice)
Ah yes, that point comes through much more clearly when it's not 2 AM. I somehow missed the entire first line of your last paragraph. Blarg.
-- If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all.
Okay, that was FUN! (^_^)
Metaphysics and slapstick - bringing science and perverted comedy together like peanut butter and jelly robkelk Wrote:It costs nothing to be polite, as Our Protagonist here has (subconsciously?) realized.Not "subconsciously", I see. -- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
This one (Chapter 4, Book 2) also highlights one of Hiro Protagonist's few inherent "powers". Not only does he know the abilities and motivations of the characters, and events of future history, but he is aware of the underlying narrative causality that drives these universes and it lets him see things coming that others can't.
---------- No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
I think what's even more remarkable was that Tokimi never even noticed it until he told her how it all goes down.
Oh, and you just gotta love how she leaves Washu in the lurch like that. Shows that even though they are ancient Goddesses there is a friendly sister rivalry going on still (after the Chousin incident). ... aos_Theory]New chapter, in which Ayeka learns the real meaning of transfictionality, and Washuu (in adult form) makes Our Hero feel the best he's ever felt...
-- Rob Kelk "Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of the same sovereign, servants of the same law." - Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Woo-hoo! And he's got himself some weapons upgrades. Love Goodfellow, BTW.
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