I'd like to see a literal deconstruction of a Mary Sue/ Gary Stu. The easiest way to pull this off it by making her/him in Law of Ueki... then treat them like the main character. Give them a helping people fixation and watch them implode as they keep using their powers on expletives not in the tournament. Give every power in the book in spades and have them lose them in an order determined by random dice rolls. Actually you could do a series of these... each one being the same plot, but the dice rolls different. Losing Plot Armor and Aura of Smooth in the first fight would suck for them.
-The problem with a 2 male and 2 female relationship or more is that they get so into themselves the less the pay attention to their offspring. Which means even if adult relationship is 'perfect' the kids are neglected basically by default. That or worse they end up raised by a swingers collective. The more people involved the more likely the kid will have no clue who his or her blood parents are. Now ignoring just how warped or just plain screwed up these kids are going to be and what other kids are going to treat them like when a question of who their parents are get "Umm... someone that lives on that block over there."
Worse imagine a society based on this. Unless they are bonobos (and/or everyone is bi, which makes things more screwed up), they are eventually reduced to Kleenex people or a giant social game of inbreeding roulette. By Kleenex people I mean disposable and interchangeable. Someone dies, one replacement is as good as another. Doesn't matter. After all it takes a village to raise a kid. What is wrong with these people... T.I.A.!
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Necratoid Wrote:-The problem with a 2 male and 2 female relationship or more is that they get so into themselves the less the pay attention to their offspring. Which means even if adult relationship is 'perfect' the kids are neglected basically by default. That or worse they end up raised by a swingers collective. The more people involved the more likely the kid will have no clue who his or her blood parents are. Now ignoring just how warped or just plain screwed up these kids are going to be and what other kids are going to treat them like when a question of who their parents are get "Umm... someone that lives on that block over there." Having experienced more or less the discussed scenario from the kid's end, and seen and spoken with others likewise, I can explicitly and uncategorically debunk this nonsense. Bad parenting is bad parenting, and good parenting is good parenting, and the number of adults involved in either is irrelevant or, in fact, beneficial to see in larger groups because of the greater number of chances that someone responsible having the needed time and energy to spare at any given point.
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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al103 Wrote:Bob Schroeck Wrote:What makes it fun, despite it being incomplete, is that one of the Scotts was genuinely unfamiliar with Utena at the time -- he wrote the pseudo-insert character, Skyler Sands, while the other Scott wrote around him. The results are pretty interesting. Didn't read it, but from description it's not deconstruction of self-insert, but one that is properly made and not suck.
PS. For that matter I tend to stay away from anything characterized as deconstruction of self-insert genre, because it's usually means excuse to write self-insert even shittier than usual.
PPS. If anything such fic would be not deconstruction of self-insert, but of mary-sue. Which most of SI are.
I dunno. I wonder if the best way to deconstruct the SI is to do one otherwise straight, but which turns out not to have been an SI at all. Naturally, this comes as a bit of a surprise to the character involved, whose just spent a good chunk of the story coming to terms with their new reality and accepting their identity.
Then again, I never get these trope-terms right so maybe I have it wrong.
I think there was some Naruto fic that deconstructed the concept of the Sue very well... I'll try find it.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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There was one SI fic I came across a while back that I'm suddenly reminded of.
Character SI's into BGC, and immediately fangasms, goes hunting for the Knight Sabers, explains to Sylia that he knows all about them 'cause of the anime and he wants to help...
... so she decides he's a security risk, and kills him. The End.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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And that reminds me of http://www.jhedge.com/story/anime/helpyou.htm]this classic fanfic...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
SCM Writer of 2814
Common Story: The Buffy Gang wears new, more powerful costumes on Halloween, and end up keeping their super powers.
Unusual Take: they decide to go as each other, Xander dresses as Angel to mock him, Willow goes as Buff y and vice versa, and end up realizing exactly what makes the person they're dressed as tick, retaining the insights into their friends. Would make for a good dramatic or character development piece, with elements of a fix-fic. Namely, Xander doesn't get along with Angel, so this puts him in his shoes. Opinions?
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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SCM Writer of 2814 Wrote:Common Story: The Buffy Gang wears new, more powerful costumes on Halloween, and end up keeping their super powers.
Unusual Take: they decide to go as each other, Xander dresses as Angel to mock him, Willow goes as Buff y and vice versa, and end up realizing exactly what makes the person they're dressed as tick, retaining the insights into their friends. Would make for a good dramatic or character development piece, with elements of a fix-fic. Namely, Xander doesn't get along with Angel, so this puts him in his shoes. Opinions? ...Did you read my mind?
SCM Writer of 2814
Another one!
Quote:Common Story: Xander's manliness is at Ranma and Tenchi levels, quite unlike canon.
Unusual Take: Xander has recognized the tendency of demons he dates and/or falls in love with to die. He then decides to find a way to seduce all potential female enemy Bads, positioning himself as being easy for hte enemy to seduce and therefore exploit, knowing his 'Xander-ness' will end up killing them one way or another, and in the meantime they'll be out of commission putting the moves on him. The First says this makes It proud. His friends, not without justification, thinks this is reprehensible, and agrees, but has decided this the most economical use of his 'ladykiller' curse.
I don't dislike Xander, he's actually pretty fun, I just hate fics where he's used to portray Buffy as an evil bitch, or the group as a bunch of incompetents that can't function without him to act as a moral center. Besides, his dates trying to kill him is one of the key semi-funny running gags the series has...
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Quote:SCM Writer of 2814 wrote:
Common Story: The Buffy Gang wears new, more powerful costumes on Halloween, and end up keeping their super powers.
Unusual Take: they decide to go as each other, Xander dresses as Angel to mock him, Willow goes as Buff y and vice versa, and end up realizing exactly what makes the person they're dressed as tick, retaining the insights into their friends. Would make for a good dramatic or character development piece, with elements of a fix-fic. Namely, Xander doesn't get along with Angel, so this puts him in his shoes. Opinions?
That does sound interesting. I would love to read that fic.
There are a few really good YAHF (Yet Another Halloween Fic) stories, but most involve letting the character(s) keep their powers through nothing more than author fiat and inevitably degenerate into RAW AWESOME POWER wank. I was actually infuriated by a fic that had many of the characters dress up as superheroes. If I recall correctly, Xander had the cosmic level powers of Ion (the Kyle Rayner Green Lantern) while Jenny Calendar had Supergirl's powers, despite the fact that there was no adequate reason for either of them to keep those abilities. On the other hand, Willow dressed up as Batgirl without realising that her costume belonged to the Cassandra Cain Batgirl rather than the Barbara Gordon Batgirl. Since that particular Batgirl could beat Bruce Lee, Chuck Norris and Jackie Chan senseless at the same time and with one arm tied behind her back due solely to her KNOWLEDGE, Willow's post Halloween transformation into a super capable martial artist would have made for an amazing fic (especially seeing as how her martial development would have likely come at the expense of her mystical development, which would have REALLY changed a lot of critical events in the series). The reader was instead treated to Willow getting shoved to the back burner and ignored while Xander flew around and solved everone's problems with his RAW AWESOME POWER. It was like watching someone sketch out a rough copy of the Mona Lisa, and then use it to blow their nose.
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
SCM Writer of 2814
I think I've seen that. They realize that Cassandra Cain can still kick ion's ass, right? Because she's CASSANDRA, THE ONE WHO IS ALL!
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
Quote:Having experienced more or less the discussed scenario from the kid's end, and seen and spoken with others likewise, I can explicitly and uncategorically debunk this nonsense. Bad parenting is bad parenting, and good parenting is good parenting, and the number of adults involved in either is irrelevant or, in fact, beneficial to see in larger groups because of the greater number of chances that someone responsible having the needed time and energy to spare at any given point.
Okay... I'm going to try to respond to that without starting a flame war with a heavy post blindness sauce that spirals off into gibbering infinity. First I can't believe you invoked it takes a village. That is equivalent of invoking the Godwin's law of Parenting... you automatically lose the debate the second it's invoked as a positive. I told you not to do that for a reason. Seriously, you invoked it takes a village.
First, I counter your personal anecdotes with one dead four year old cousin of mine. Which is the direct result of the only actually communal breeding harem (CBH) I've had personal experience with. So call me jaded. The other kid got most of his parenting from doing what most kids I've seen do when that ugly bit of their parents getting divorced do... seek it else where. In otherwords your invoking a 'He said, She said' style arguement. No one's mind really changes from those.
Second, I'm swapping out your Glooblflargs namely, 'good parenting' and 'bad parenting' as it would take far, far to long to flesh those out.to meaningful terms and replacing it with just 'parenting'. To expand, a Gloobleflarg is a key, central point in a debate, arguement, or politcal campaign that no one ever actually got around to defining. Its an empty term that the listener or debater is left to secretly define themselves. Basically, it can be replaced by a random sound effect, thus being honest about being more Madlib then meaningful speech.
Third, you do realize your arguement boils down to basically: As the number of participants in the CBH approaches infinity then percent chance of one of them having time to do parenting approach 100%. To which I''d counter with: The percent chance of any offspring being unparented by the CBH at any given time interval approachs 100% as the number of offspring approaches infinity. Baiscally, the 'infinite number of monkies' arguement... on a less cosmic scale. Which means the most important word in your arguement goes to someone. Which is more likely to be a non participant in the CBH than a participant, if we go by numbers... unless the entire community is involved and then your in a hippy commune and you can off replace parented by some one at random with given LSD by someone at random.
Which is the largest part of why, to me at least, your arguemnt utterly fails to counter what you were responding to. It basically turns parenting into a games of statistics. As statistics are crazy easy to make say what you want them to say. Its the literal truth that papers coming to completely opposite conclusions use the exact same statistics to prove their points. Again I'm not trying to pick a fight and it would take far, far to much effort and research into your personal life to pick your personal anicedotes appart... possiblely a 20 year or so megastudy.
So instead I'll explain why you lost via the parenting equivalent of invoking Godwin's law. The 2 men and 2 women (minimum) formatt is only possible in two formatts. Foursome or wifeswap. For wifeswap Your looking for Marmalade Girl fanfiction or something. For Foursome of the described type (rather than a loose association) it takes a village makes a rather a lot of sense and works with my point rather well.
The reason why it takes a village to explain parenting practices that are a good idea fails, is where that saying comes from. Seriously. That phrase is straight from Africa. Specifically villages of Kleenex people. As in those who are disposable, interchangable, and expected to die randomly like minorities in a slasher film with an insanely racist director. Once husband/wife is as good as any other huband/wife as life is short and pointless and someone has to take out the trash/cook. Where dating is composed of the men (as a group) going to another village (thus limiting inbreeding chances) and prettiing themselves up... then the available women wander out in a herd and pick a mate entirely by how pretty he looks. Its from those sections of Africa were you are forbidden to name and infant until two years of age... because its so likely to die that your not allow to get attacted until that point as its probably going to live long enough to get to puberty at that point. If you name the infant its a lot harder to forget about it. It takes a village because the parents are often not going to live long enough to raise the kid.
In a non third world context, it means your free to ignore the kids as eventually someone will get around to doing it for you. Quick use the Ultimate Babysitter! (a.k.a. a TV set, or LSD in Hippy communes) Buy them a toy line so they have stuff to amuse themselves with while we ignore them. This is why they have friends and grandparents! These are hallmarks of negligent parents. Which has is not restricted to CBH at all. These are signs of failing at parenting. As I aid the equivalent of Godwin's law being invoked.
Now to take a foursome into being you find another trait of these societies comes into play. Segregation of children by sex, during which time your homosexual by law. Then when you come of age your now straight by law and go to the men market. Yes, by law. All it would take is a female couple by chance picking a male couple and a little bit of ignoring said law.
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Uhm... can we move this into Politics?
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Yes. This is drastically off topic now. Feel free to pursue it, but in its own thread in Politics.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
SCM Writer of 2814
O-kay, moving on...
Common Story: Harry becomes independent by some (magical, it's never mundane law)legal loophole, running away, or some random accident that kills all the Durseleys and he decides not to stick around to talk to anyone. He usually ends up with uber-magic and WOW WANDLESS MAGIC! somewhere along the way. And has a Manor. Gotta have the manor. Never mind his parents are stated to have a house, which we see in book 7...
Anyone see a way to subvert this and be unusual? Because strangely, everything I think of for this seems to have been done a hundred times before. BADLY.
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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Once he leaves Privet Drive, he is captured by Death Eaters, who use the link he has with Voldemort to find him. Following that, he is killed, his body rendered down into potions ingredients, and his soul is bound to Malfoy's cane-sword. BAD END
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
SCM Writer of 2814
Yeah, a BAD END seems the only way to be unusual here. Not even turning him into Tarzan would work...
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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He runs away and ends up a glue-sniffing delinquent - and that's not an excuse to make him all street-savy and cool and sh1t.
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Common Story: You've all seen these SI, or even Time Travel Fics where someone comes back to the past, finds a 'good' person in authority, and they work out how to use the info, right?
Unusual Take (well, I haven't seen it): Take your SI, we'll call him... Tim. So, Tim gets dropped into Naruto-verse, with all his knowledge. In Ame. Or Otogakure. Hell how about Iwa, Kumo, or for real fun, Suna, before the invasion?
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In another universe, let's drop the SI into the son of a wealthy, noble family, somebody who's sure to make more than one memorable impression over the years, and let things develop as they may. Although you might want to add a few more search terms, because "the son of a wealthy, noble family, somebody who's sure to make more than one memorable impression over the years" gets you Tatewaki Kuno...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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SCM Writer of 2814 Wrote:O-kay, moving on...
Common Story: Harry becomes independent by some (magical, it's never mundane law)legal loophole, running away, or some random accident that kills all the Durseleys and he decides not to stick around to talk to anyone. He usually ends up with uber-magic and WOW WANDLESS MAGIC! somewhere along the way. And has a Manor. Gotta have the manor. Never mind his parents are stated to have a house, which we see in book 7...
Anyone see a way to subvert this and be unusual? Because strangely, everything I think of for this seems to have been done a hundred times before. BADLY. Okay, I'll bite.
Harry becomes indepenant by being approached by a professional quidditch team who recognize tallent when they see it and want him as a backup - and have the money to buy lawyers because honestly, who has more -ready to spend- money than a professional sports team?
This would end with him evading voldmort by the expedient of being off playing quidditch in a random country every few days because suddenly, with their backup seeker playing said team - lets say for evils sake the Cannons - are /winning/ which makes the expected Quidditch schedule go insane and continue with him evading voldmort by spending a great deal of his salary on buying the best wards money can buy from the most fanatical fans of the sport.
No loyalty to any dark lord is stronger than fans loyalty to their league and their teams, after all.
At some point the bulk of the DE's and Order being arrested on terrorism charges after trying to crash one of Harry's games when he gives the Aurors of two countries an 'tip' that such things are going to happen courtesy scar-o-vision.
The climax of the fic should -not- be the arrests, but the 'final showdown' in the world cup between Oliver Wood's team and Harry's.
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SCM Writer of 2814 Wrote:O-kay, moving on...
Common Story: Harry becomes independent by some (magical, it's never mundane law)legal loophole, running away, or some random accident that kills all the Durseleys and he decides not to stick around to talk to anyone. He usually ends up with uber-magic and WOW WANDLESS MAGIC! somewhere along the way. And has a Manor. Gotta have the manor. Never mind his parents are stated to have a house, which we see in book 7...
Anyone see a way to subvert this and be unusual? Because strangely, everything I think of for this seems to have been done a hundred times before. BADLY. Maybe somebody is manipulating Harry in the same manner that a lot of fics assume Dumbledore is doing. Someone presents Harry with a lot of evidence that Dumbledore is controlling his life through numerous proxies and frees Harry to attain his secret inheritance and work against the nefarious manipulations of the Order of the Phoenix. It turns out that the evidence was forged, Harry's mansion was built through the use of magic days before he arrived (and is removed just as quickly later), his vaults are mostly filled with temporarily transfigured stones and the various people that come forward to tell him about his hidden heritage are in fact polyjuiced death eaters. When things come to a head, Harry is publicly made to appear to be a delusional lunatic and utterly discredited.
"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
SCM Writer of 2814 Wrote:O-kay, moving on...
Common Story: Harry becomes independent by some (magical, it's never mundane law)legal loophole, running away, or some random accident that kills all the Durseleys and he decides not to stick around to talk to anyone. He usually ends up with uber-magic and WOW WANDLESS MAGIC! somewhere along the way. And has a Manor. Gotta have the manor. Never mind his parents are stated to have a house, which we see in book 7...
Anyone see a way to subvert this and be unusual? Because strangely, everything I think of for this seems to have been done a hundred times before. BADLY. As above, but Harry is neither a significant POV character nor terribly sympathetic. Story starts at some point after Harry knows that he has to face down Voldemort. He flips out under pressure. The accident that claims the lives of the Dursleys is at least somewhat his fault (and causes him to flip out more). The remainder of the story focuses on Hermoine, Ron, and so forth, as Voldemort methodically destroys all opposition to his rule in Wizarding Britain. Every once in a while, stories filter back to the heroes about how Harry has gained some new tremendously magical friend, developed some new magical ability that the Dark Lord Knows Not, and so forth. From time to time, someone manages to break out of Britain to go beg him to come back and help, with no success. Story ends with the death of Snape, last of the heroes, as he tries (and fails) a final, desperate attempt to kill Voldemort.
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While we're still on the topic of Harry Potter... let's riff on Jeconais' "White Knight, Grey Queen" and any number of other fics with the same initial device:
Harry is rescued from some seriously bad situation at the Dursleys by a Slytherin girl and her family, who nurse him back to health while proving to him their desire to be neutral or their secret goodness or some such. They encourage Harry to form a third side with evidence that Dumbledore is at the very least senile and at worst actively manipulating Harry. They heal him, train him, and help him -- and he decides that before he can take out Voldemort, he has to take out Dumbledore first, or else Dumbles will either a) foul everything up, b) stab him in the back and deliver him as a "sacrifice" to the prophecy, or c) stab him in the back after he's won and take credit for it. However, the moment he defeats Dumbledore, Slytherin girl and her family do the back-stabbing, and Voldemort rolls over Wizarding Britain like a snakefaced blitzkrieg. For extra angst, Slytherin girl reveals that she really and truly does luuuuuuuve Harry, and tells him no Slytherin boy can measure up to him, but the family's allegiance to Voldie is more important than her happiness -- family honor and all. She'll always treasure the time she had with him, and she probably will never be happy with any other man... but she has to kill him now, sorry.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Before we leave old Harry behind, let's take a look at a wee bit I like..
What if Dumbledore = Voldemorte?
All that manipulation, all that planning, all that cunning.. The basilisk was supposed to kill him, the Dursleys were supposed to break his spirit, the Triwizard Tournament was supposed to kill everyone..
Delicious Dark Lord Destroys Diminutive Dursley Dependent...
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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Set up a standard Harry/Hermione shipping fic... except that after a few weeks Hermione decides they are incompatible and breaks up with Harry, who reacts pretty much as he does with other breakups in the books (sulking and isolating himself) while Hermione and Ron begin getting close -- resulting in Harry being cut off from his support crew when the latest Voldemort plot kicks in...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.