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The popular new minis game that pits Sopwith Camels and Fokker triplanes against Martian war machines: Wings of War of the Worlds.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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Quote:(Now to see whether anyone other than Bob gets the references...)
Anyone who was old enough during the Reagan Administration ought to.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Bob has it aright... though I've never seen the referent in question, it wound up as enough of a cultural osmosis thing....
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
I've vaguely heard of the title, which I think is 'Bedtime for Bonzo', which is something my dad kept saying when he decided we were overtired.
Shiro is attempting to summon a servant to save his own life when Lancer damages the summing circle... thus it s latches onto the wrong aspect of Shiro and summons a Servant that eventually manages to win him the Grail War almost by accident. Eventually. He has street clothes and a bokken. His Noble Phantasms are 'He is Immortal, but has no other skills' and a curse which makes people so hellbent on finishing him off that he actually manages to kill Berserker all 12 times via sheer exhaustion... after literally days of attempting to beat him to death and Berseker's master refusing to use a command seal on priciple alone.
For those who care: Its the bodyguard from Suddenly Pudding-Ness
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Foxboy Wrote:Bob has it aright... though I've never seen the referent in question, it wound up as enough of a cultural osmosis thing.... I actually have seen Bedtime for Bonzo... once. And that was once too often, IMHO. (Not one of his better movies.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Crossover Fanfic Crossover that Should Not Be... if only because of the size of the cast:
Sleeping with the Girls, Girls, Girls
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Transformers/Lovecraft: Until All Are One in Yog-Sothoth
"Well that guy's nekkid."
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Umineko/The Colbert Report.
Fear the power of RED TRUTHINESS!
"Ninjas. I hate them. They're everywhere."
We've secretly spiked the water supply in an Illithid city with Trioxine... let's see if the notice.
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there's something in the Colbert Report crossover..
Colbert Report/Utena?
Threat Report: Akio DOWN.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
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Necratoid Wrote:We've secretly spiked the water supply in an Illithid city with Trioxine... let's see if the notice. Clues for the clueless? Google only comes back with some random shit and a disturbing amount of social media.
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blackaeronaut Wrote:Necratoid Wrote:We've secretly spiked the water supply in an Illithid city with Trioxine... let's see if the notice. Clues for the clueless? Google only comes back with some random shit and a disturbing amount of social media.
The zombie-raising chemical from the Return of the Living dead films, I think.
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Give the lurker a seeeeee-gar! 
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''
-- James Nicoll
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And Illithids are the cthulu looking dudes from AD&D, arnt they?
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-
-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Illithids, also known as mind flayers, are the brain eating, tentacle headed, psionic horrors that enslave people with psionics and by eating only parts of their brains. One of things that scare the Drow stupid. Their also basically 90 odd percent brain matter. Their elders are masses of fused brains and evil. The mindless thralls are far to stupid to fight effectively against forces without a mind flayer controlling them... Mind flayer powers extremely tend toward mind control and not telekinesis or setting things on fire with their minds.
Trioxine is from the Romero movies, 'X of the Living Dead' is a social commentary on consumerism or something, the reason for global zombiegedon is more nebulous basically Hell is full or something so the dead roam the Earth because they haven't bother to expand fast enough or something. Its never officially covered. Justing by the travesty that is 'Land of the Living Dead' they lost their way badly... the zombies should not be the only ones capable of mercy ot critical thinking. Its also about how much people suck... hense why they keep stringing the zombies up so they hang from trees by their ankles and using still functional ones as target practice.
In the Romero movies the US goverment botched an attempt to make a toxin to lace weed with. The idea was to make people so afraid of getting a mega bogus bad trip from hell, thus they stop smoking to avoid randomly in a state that makes herowin withdrawl look plesaent. Insted they got trioxine. Trioxine reanimates the dead and they walk around moaning as apparently rotting awake HURTS. Thus the moaning and occasional 'Brains!', the endorphins in brains stop the pain leaving you with an intelligent for a while zombie. Also as they are contagious because the bite poisons people with trioxine... killing them and reanimating them. Nuclear fire just makes it airborn and it apparently is produced by zombies bodies as a biproduct. Eletricity however fries them... doesn't brake down the trioxine though.
So basically the scenario was evil walking brain eaters made of most brains in a city increasingly full of brain eating corpses that can think.
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Herr Bad Moon
Oh! My Dresden!
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Nana, Kaoru and Ranma.
Borne from finding way too many threads on the Addventure where Ranma is the master of a harem of pretty girls.
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"John-117 of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear..."
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Herr Bad Moon Wrote:Oh! My Dresden! Given that Keiichi has echoes of the Messiah archetype if you squint, and that Dresden is holding on to Amoracchius and Fidelicchus, this entire crossover suddenly becomes a lot more plausible.
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Especially since we already know the Norse pantheon already has at least one active member in the Dresdenverse.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Just as a lunatic idea... I think the way I'd like to see this kind of thing done is with Megumi as one of the leads. Basically her bad luck and the random taint of exposure to Mara and the like have left a mark on her that the supernatural can see. Just as she is doing some last minute shopping for a roadtrip to America (with 2 or 3 friends beween semesters) she goes into some shop alone where a Denarian is instantly convinced it found some random, easily corrupted, idiot wannabe magic user. It hands her the coin and after deciding she likes it she buys it and wanders off. Fully expecting her to be a slavering wreck of a insane slave its convinced she'll degrade in a few minutes it lets her go... only she doesn't. Before it can register this fully it loses her in the crowd.
Meanwhile Megumi has managed to convince herself that she is not hearing gibbering in sane voices at all. This coin is one of the crazy after a millenium in the void coins and the lack of response doesn't really register for a while that she isn't responding to it. So it gets itself together enough to rampage through her memories... and it rapidly get baffled, she herself thinks she is only thinking of the past as a reference to past dreams and halucinations. Nothing new here and this one is lame anyway.
Somewhere around the truning into a car thing and her loser brothers having a harem of goddesses fighting over him its (lack of) sanity snaps in an entirely new direction. No. Just no.this isn't really its chance to walk the Earth again... its gone past screaming insanity into delusional halucinations. Humans done have that tech level... they don't turn into one of those car things and tec... It decides to just go for it and roll with this. Eventually becoming convinced that Megumi is in fact its PC and no human can ignore it like this. Clearly a halucination.
Meanwhile Megumi ignores the ever decreasing, boring gibberish screaming in her head and goes on with things. The Coin is convinced that its still in the opening movies until Megumi's group gets mugged by the supernatural and she takes a blowt to the head. Thus convincing her the encounter it warped in her mind from the head blow and that she isn't being attacked by whatever attacked her... only muggers. Cue her going with the halucination and shreding the opposition forces. the friends (who were hypnotised into glossing over the formation of memories) think they got away from being accosted and its just the booze making them see things.
This kind of stuff just keeps happening and the Denarian keeps showing her upgrade menus in her sleep (stupid loading screens) which lets her develop powers chosen in her dreams. Basically she ends up being a Slayer like person and thinks its all in her head. This attracts attention and keeps her in random encounters... and all the oath swearing and assassin squads keep the plot of the Coin's/Megumi's halcination going. One of her friends is keeping track of these dreams for the game/story she is going to have to make for senior year/a term project.
Things happen and as Megumi has a cheesy disguise going.. eventually after causing chaos and mahem in the supernatural community. Which ends up making her have antics in Chicago... Megumi ends up screwing up someones plans as a drunken super hero or something (no one quite understands what is going on)... eventually unlocking her super beast mode. This is shortly before she leaves the city and the only indication anyone has she is actually a Denarian. Cue cross country antics until the road trip ends and much confusion as its one of the crazy coins that has that mode. Then somewhere on the East Coast everything stops and leave people and things annyed and lost in her wake.
She goes home, most mind screw and its all a dream later and one cult classic game later, Megumi and Co go on a second road trip across the US. She gets another crazy coin... which is even more convinced this is a halucination... two coind in one person? Turning into a car? Loser brothers divine harem? Cue a basic warped repeat of the previous year. Then third year it happens again only she goes with her brother and his girl friend and her sisters... Cue much Keiichi going on about how they've given her brain damage... Which lasts until they see her get her third coin.... which makes the Sisters panic until the see her happy to get her third coin. Thus much how did we miss that and them seeing her with a two coin necklace being ungraded to a three coin (its different coins after she absorbs it in the night).
Meanwhile the old Coins are caught up it glee over how they finally get party members that do something besides act as a save point. Things completely weird in Chicago and Keiichi ends up with the sword... Harry is half convinced the Sword decided it wanted a sitcom.
As I said Lunatic idea.
Edit: Forgot the bit where she gets a fourth super mode that turns her into a car that turns into a non humaniod tranformer.
Herr Bad Moon
Matrix Dragon Wrote:"John-117 of Earth, you have the ability to overcome great fear..."
"Avery Johnson of Earth, you have the ability to instill great fear..."
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
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Necratoid Wrote:Basically she ends up being a Slayer like person Lina or Buffy?
(Or, for maximum LOLs, both?)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Yuuno's glad that Nanoha's such a nice girl. It's good that Raising Heart ended up in her hands.
Trouble is, he gets these weird feelings when they work. Like she's enjoying the fights a lot more than she should. And the weird expressions she makes when she thinks nobody is looking.
Like now, for instance. He had been trying to nap in his basket, but found sleep eluding him. He looks up to see Nanoha sitting at her desk, sitting very still, Raising Heart casually sitting in the palm of one raised hand. The other hand supports her head and she stares placidly at the red gem. Just stares.
And then the ends of her lips quirk up and she slightly bares her teeth, her eyes darkly delighted, as she lovingly rolls it between her fingers. A strangled, breathy giggle trickles lowly from her mouth.
She's like a cat, he thinks as he averts himself from the profoundly disturbing sight and pretends to sleep.
A cat that's found the biggest ball of yarn in the world and can't wait to rip it apart with her claws.
Ill Met by Starlight Breaker
(This may have already been thought up, but the images conjured by crossing the premise of Ill Met by Starlight with Nanoha was too cool/horrifying not to share.)