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Crossovers that should not be: Strange Attractors
Quote:Anything Goes Martial Arts Wizard Chess.
So you possess the pieces with spells and death match each time a piece is taken... loser loses the piece?  Basically battle chess, wizarding style combined with a fighting game...
Great... now I'm seeing Snape becoming annoyed that Ranma is somehow doing potions via a DDR cloning spell.
I must be missing something, since "Dance Dance Revolution cloning spell" can't be right.
Well, this is the crossovers that should not be thread...
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
That's the best match I know of for DDR in this context. After all, computers don't work at Hogwarts (Double Data Rate RAM), and I seriously doubt this has anything to do with communist East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)...

Although either of those would make for a CTSNB, as well.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Bob Schroeck Wrote:Oh, and Ginny is played by "Ranko".

So, Draco would get over his dislike of "mudbloods" and declare his intention to date both Hermoine and Ginny-ko, while despising Ranma...?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Sounds good to me.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
robkelk Wrote:That's the best match I know of for DDR in this context. After all, computers don't work at Hogwarts (Double Data Rate RAM), and I seriously doubt this has anything to do with communist East Germany (Deutsche Demokratische Republik)...

Although either of those would make for a CTSNB, as well.
Isn't Durmstrang supposed to be somewhere in Eastern Europe? I've heard estimates ranging from Finland to Bulgaria, but almost always on the Red side of the Iron Curtain...
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote:I must be missing something, since "Dance Dance Revolution cloning spell" can't be right.
Your not actually missing what you think your missing.  You got the reference, but not the methodology.  You have to remember that I made a Battle Chest/fighting game combo in the previous paragraph.  Not that I know if anyone but me remembers that game.
DDR is a rythem game.  You hit keys, button, or footpads at the right time, in the right order so that the correct arrow is hit as the arrow passes through corrosponding arrow outline.  Your constantly graded on ability and get real time feed back.  Then it gives you a grade for the song.
A clone spell means that its a spell that does basically the same thing.  As wands aren't allow to manipulation the ingredients (random magic addittive is bad in potions), except as the occasional stirring device... I felt using a pad/guitar to manipulate ingredients would insta-fail Ronma here.  While the DDR clone spell say as the output of a magic book, would just be legit enough to frustrate Snape.  Potions is basically a rhythm game with ingredient prep.
Necratoid Wrote:A clone spell means that its a spell that does basically the same thing.
...not to my ear, it doesn't. I can see how you might arrive at that definition, but it certainly isn't what came to my mind, and apparently not to anyone else's mind either. (It's becoming increasingly apparent, at least to me, that the way your mind works leads you to make assumptions and/or logical leaps that don't seem to occur - and maybe not even to make sense - to the rest of us; for another example, even with the additional explanation, I can only barely see the connection in your previous post. That kind of individuality is not necessarily a bad thing, and I've done the same kind of thing in some cases myself, but it does tend to get in the way of effective communication.)

When I see/saw the phrase "DDR clone spell", I immediately read it as one of two things:

* "DDR" "clone spell": a spell, cast using DDR somehow, which creates a clone of something. In other words, a "Dance Dance Revolution cloning spell".

* "DDR clone" "spell": a spell which creates a clone ( ~= "knockoff") of DDR - or, I suppose, a spell cast using such a clone. (Which could be potentially interesting if it did mean "Double Data Rate", though that's not how I interpreted it.)

The possibility that "clone" might be being used in something like the same sense as in the phrases "IBM clone"or "Napster clone" et al. didn't even occur to me.

(Also, ObCTSNB: "Read or Die", crossed with any of the Paper Mario games.)
Read or Die/Paper Mario is what happens when Yomiko/Michelle/Maggie try psychotropic drugs.

the question becomes: what happens when Anita finds the three of them?
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Quote:Read or Die/Paper Mario is what happens when Yomiko/Michelle/Maggie try psychotropic drugs.
the question becomes: what happens when Anita finds the three of them?

And there's our CTSNB, folks. Read or Die/Paper Mario/Anita Blake, Vampire Humper.
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
Technically, I said a 'DDR cloning spell' originally.  I'm leaving this up to speed reading... I mean I had an equivalent example of a mutated video game in the preceding paragraph.  *insert stock rant about the hazards of speed reading and post blindness here*
OTOH, I'm spending all those San points I just apparently stole and putting them towards those time manipulation abilities people keep insisting I already have.
Just had to write this down in case I didn't make it into an official fic:


AdamWest!Batman, TimBurton/MichaelKeaton!Batman, ChirstianBale!Batman, DCAU!Batman, THE!Batman, BraveAndTheBold!Batman, Beyond!Batman, and maybe a few other Elseworld!Batmen all end up in with COMICS!Batman. Thier Rboins and maybe Batgirls had all mysteriously disappeared, and their only clue is that some guy who looks like Cesar Romero did it. This is then revealed to be a distraction, and the real villain is NippleSuit!Batman, who wants to kill all the others so he can be accepted as the one, true Batman.
Partiall inspired by this little bit of crack:
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
I had an idea for an Shin Megami Tensei/Persona/Firefly crossover.  While looking at the some of the antagonist organizations in SMT and Persona, I noticed some similarities.  Often, they are secretive- their true goals or agenda is known only to a select few, and is concealed from the general public.  In addition, this agenda is something that the majority of people would not agree with, assuming they were told all of it truthfully (guess how often that happens?)  They also often have a great deal of resources and/or social influence, and are ideologically driven.  And nine times out of ten, they're responsible for a lot of the plot's problems.  The Alliance is ideologically driven, has a great deal of resources and the ability to control public opinion, and has a secretive sub group that does stuff like Miranda and psychic experiments and teenage girls.  And given that Persona comes from the can see where this is going. 
The whole theme of "a relatively small group of secretive, but powerful ideological extremists cause massive problems for everybody else" crops up a lot- most notably during the first 3 SMT games, and with Persona 2 and 3.  It doesn't help that in SMT, all three demonic factions (Law, Chaos, Neutral) have no sense of moderation in their visions for the world at all.  The Law faction (headed by YWVH) seems to think getting rid of stuff like individuality and free will is a good thing, Neutral tends toward total solipsism, and the goal of chaos seems best described as "Darwinian Nightmare".  To accomplish these goals, their MO seems to be "wreck planet and start from scratch."  Yeah.
So, the Alliance begins their experiments, and the forces of Law throw their influence behind them.  In response, the forces of Chaos begin to brew a new Independent rebellion that isn't quite as noble as the first.  Philemon, the incarnation of the better nature of mankind in the collective unconscious, starts weaving plots to bring together a rag-tag bunch of Persona users (or people will eventually become Persona users) to save mankind's collective rear.  In a completely unrelated decision, Naoki aka the Demi-Fiend, decides that enough is freaking enough, and goes off to put an end to this entire mess so he doesn't have
to recreate the world again.  And just to confuse matters further, all the protagonists, antagonists, and social links from the first four Persona games are running around, casually ignoring the fact that they're all supposed to be long dead.  Dead People United all seem to be cooperating in pursuit of a mysterious agenda and making cryptic comments at every opportunity.  And the crew of Serenity is (predictably) smack dab in the middle of it.  
Jayne with a Persona: run.  Run now.
River with a Persona: don't bother, it's too late. [Image: smallbiggrin.gif]
"This is graveness."
Given which shows I have and haven't seen, I started imagining Patrick Jayne with a Persona...

-Morgan. It seems to happen a lot.
Noir Lagoon
So Snoir with a Black Lagoon... I think you just described what a discontinuitied, filler arc would look like for Black Lagoon.
Inspiration from this comment in]this thread:
Valles Wrote:Possibly Clanagan is something of a primate city

I know what Valles meant, really. But the word he chose either indicates the Sankt Church is the most important thing in Clanagan, or we have a Crossover That Should Not Be here...

"Damn Dirty Apes! You Blew It Up! With Diabolic Emissions And Starlight Breakers! You Blew It All Up!"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I was thinking Gorilla City, myself...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
*gsnort* Great minds think alike!
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
"Men in Black" and "Superman II" - "Kneel before Zed, Kal-El!"
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
With the sudden batch of Familiar of Zero different-summoning stories, I suddenly had one pop into my head. Imagine the chaos for all involved when Louise summons... R. Lee Ermey.

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Actually, the only issue with that one is that he won't have adequate firepower in the setting unless you have them stall most things for months during which he hangs out with Colbert.  I adequate firepower to do the man justice.
OTOH he can easily be explained as Louis needing discipline.  He has a force of personality and wordcraft that he is fully capable of over riding nobles by yelling at them... you'd be giving him a Rune that tells him exactly how to wield any weapon and he knows how the teach people those skills.  He also has a rather scary knowledge of military tactics and weapons... and has done documentaries explaining how to make, use, and deploy centuries worth of weapons.  He'd be able to take a competent Earth mage and turn them into an infinite ammo code with legs.
Actually, I'd want to see this just because I'd find it hilarious when a certain blond playboy introduces the world to machine gun jugglies.
Necratoid Wrote:Actually, the only issue with that one is that he won't have adequate firepower in the setting unless you have them stall most things for months during which he hangs out with Colbert.  I adequate firepower to do the man justice.
OTOH he can easily be explained as Louis needing discipline.  He has a force of personality and wordcraft that he is fully capable of over riding nobles by yelling at them... you'd be giving him a Rune that tells him exactly how to wield any weapon and he knows how the teach people those skills.  He also has a rather scary knowledge of military tactics and weapons... and has done documentaries explaining how to make, use, and deploy centuries worth of weapons.  He'd be able to take a competent Earth mage and turn them into an infinite ammo code with legs.
Well, there you go right there.  All he has to do is spend a bit of quality time with Colbert, and soon enough you have yourself a machine shop kitted out to produce all kinds of wonderful prototypes.  And it won't be that far of a stretch for the story line, either.  Apparently they've already been working on reverse-engineering goodies from their interdimensional neighbors, as we can see from their muskets and their giant-ass steam-powered airship.  If they have the machinery to produce high-performance steam engines that size, then how much more work would it honestly take to produce viable repeating rifles?
Oh, and he's probably gonna wind up adopting that commander of the musketeer forces.

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