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Completed Fanfiction Recommendations
04-11-2011, 01:04 PM
I like well written fanfiction and I like my stories to have an ending. These two things in conjunction are none too common, but I'm always looking for the completed works that are up to snuff.
Give me what you've got. One-shots don't count, but anything with more than one chapter and a 'complete' tag will do. Older stuff is very much welcome, and anything that's in one of the recommendation or update threads that has finished should get posted here as well, just for completeness' sake (and because I hate having to dig through the archives looking for the word 'completed', I've done it twice already and I still find new stuff when I go back).
To start things off, here are three of my all-time favorites:
Free Radical - This is generally considered to be THE definitive System Shock fanfiction.
Children of an Elder God - My favorite NGE Fanfiction of all time. The website hosting it hasn't updated in a while, but the last chapter can be found here.
Neon Exodus Evangelion - My second favorite NGE Fanfiction, by a very narrow margin.
And here's a couple that aren't technically fanfic, but that I'm going to add here anyway:
The Metamorphosis of Prime Intelect & Passages in the Void - The two completed works by Localroger of K5, perhaps the only fiction I ever saw posted there worth sharing, but they're both really awesome.
"Not this again!" Minerva said. "Albus, it was You-Know-Who, not you, who marked Harry as his equal. There is no possible way that the prophecy could be talking about you!" - Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality, Chapter 84
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Herwald Von Einzbern and the Philosopher's Stone* ... hers_Stone
(Harry Potter, Fate/Stay Night)
The Dark Lords of Nerima ... _of_Nerima
(Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon)
Drop Dead Sexy Heroine ... xy_Heroine
(Dresden Files, Molly-centric)
The Hill of Swords ... _of_Swords
(Fate/Stay Night, Zero no Tsukaima)
The Strange Disappearance of Sally-Anne Perks ... Anne_Perks
(Harry Potter)
Angering The Storm ... _the_Storm
(Stargate: SG-1, Doctor Who)
Elementary, My Dear Natsuki* ... ar_Natsuki
(Mai-Hime, Sherlock Holmes)
The Orchid Thief
(Doctor Who, Nero Wolfe)
Kerensky and Kurita: The Cameron Legacy* ... ron_Legacy
Spying no Jutsu*
An Ounce of Prevention ... Prevention
(Naruto, Harry Potter)
The Phoenix Blade: Time Lapse ... Time_Lapse
A Vow of Serenity
(Sailor Moon AU)
Harry Johnson and the Headmaster's Socks* ... ters_Socks
(Harry Potter, Very AU)
The Key to Byzantium ... _Byzantium
(Stargate: SG-1, Buffy The Vampire Slayer)
Heir to the Empire ... the_Empire
(Ranma 1/2, Sailor Moon)
Brown Coat, Green Eyes ... Green_Eyes
(Harry Potter, Firefly)
The Wild Horse Thesis ... rse_Thesis
(Ranma 1/2, Neon Genesis Evangelion)
Black Sunrise*
(Buffy the Vampire Slayer (YAHF), Noir)
Ethan Rayne's Very Bad Day ... ry_Bad_Day
(Buffy the Vampire Slayers (YAHF), Ruroni Kenshin)
(ETA: Items marked with * have sequels that may or may not be complete, but are complete stories in and of themselves.)
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Dauntless ... _Dauntless
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
Also available on the author's Divinity Saga website as PDF.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Serenity ... D_Serenity
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny)
Birds of a Feather ... _a_Feather
(Gundam SEED)
Brothers in Arms
(Gundam SEED)
Valkyrie's Run ... kyries_Run
(Gundam SEED)
Brian Yaple
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles
Quote:BYapes wrote:
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Dauntless ... _Dauntless
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
Also available on the author's Divinity Saga website as PDF.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Serenity ... D_Serenity
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny)
Birds of a Feather ... _a_Feather
(Gundam SEED)
Brothers in Arms
(Gundam SEED)
Valkyrie's Run ... kyries_Run
(Gundam SEED)
Brian Yaple
I'm noticing a theme here...
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paladindythe Wrote:Quote:BYapes wrote:
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Dauntless ... _Dauntless
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
Also available on the author's Divinity Saga website as PDF.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Serenity ... D_Serenity
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny)
Birds of a Feather ... _a_Feather
(Gundam SEED)
Brothers in Arms
(Gundam SEED)
Valkyrie's Run ... kyries_Run
(Gundam SEED)
Brian Yaple
I'm noticing a theme here... ![[Image: banana-dance.gif]]( Yes, all of these suck. But YMMV is something that always is implied in recommendation threads.
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Guilherme Loureiro Wrote:paladindythe Wrote:Quote:BYapes wrote:
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Dauntless ... _Dauntless
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED)
Also available on the author's Divinity Saga website as PDF.
Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Serenity ... D_Serenity
(Mobile Suit Gundam SEED Destiny)
Birds of a Feather ... _a_Feather
(Gundam SEED)
Brothers in Arms
(Gundam SEED)
Valkyrie's Run ... kyries_Run
(Gundam SEED)
Brian Yaple
I'm noticing a theme here... ![[Image: banana-dance.gif]]( Yes, all of these suck. But YMMV is something that always is implied in recommendation threads. Or, y'know, he was referring to the fact that it's all Gundan SEED stuff. I'm not exactly a veteran of these boards but try to gauge the tone of the forums before you post stuff like this? Spacebattles, this isn't.
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s3yang Wrote:Or, y'know, he was referring to the fact that it's all Gundan SEED stuff. I'm not exactly a veteran of these boards but try to gauge the tone of the forums before you post stuff like this? Spacebattles, this isn't. I am aware the tone was uncalled for; that's how much these upset me(the fact these are among the best Gundam SEED fics is a damning epithet for the other ones). But don't worry about it; I've said my piece, and won't say anything else on this matter.
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s3yang Wrote:Guilherme Loureiro Wrote:Yes, all of these suck. But YMMV is something that always is implied in recommendation threads. Or, y'know, he was referring to the fact that it's all Gundan SEED stuff. I'm not exactly a veteran of these boards but try to gauge the tone of the forums before you post stuff like this? Spacebattles, this isn't. So? Stories are stories. This wasn't the "Non-Space Completed Fanfiction Recommendations" thread. And I like some of those.
The Wanderer
I'm pretty sure that by "this stuff", he meant comments like the "all of these suck" - the implication of the "Spacebattles, this isn't" being that that sort of comment may be relatively common there, but isn't appropriate here.
I've been staying out of the whole fracas for two reasons: Not wanting to accidently make things worse, and having limited computer access. That being said, at least give Dauntless and Serenity a shot, they are good. As for further recs:
Sailor Moon Z
(Sailor Moon/...I can't even keep count...)
Dance of Shiva
(Sailor Moon/Classic BGC/TM! OAV/KOR/Patlabor/Many, many others...)
Black Moon Rising
(Sailor Moon)
There's also this one Nanoha fic with elements lifted from the Guilty Gear videogame series, but I can't remember the title.
Brian Yaple
Brian Y.
Seed Chronicles
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Quote:Lordpanther14 wrote:
Wild Flower
(Card Captor Sakura/Firefly)
Note that this doesn't appear to be so much a crossover as a fusion. I didn't see any of the Firefly cast in the first chapter.
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A few that just finished:
Naruto, time loop, Sakura centered.
BtVS/Star-Trek crossover
"Not this again!" Minerva said. "Albus, it was You-Know-Who, not you, who marked Harry as his equal. There is no possible way that the prophecy could be talking about you!" - Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality, Chapter 84
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A couple of completed fics that I've come across that may be up to scratch.
(Marvel - Spider-Man)
Summary: When a Romero-style zombie outbreak hits, three
supervillains, led by a long time loser, find themselves doing whatever
it takes to save themselves, and eventually, the rest of humanity.
(It can be a little disjointed in places, an rather humorous in others, but is still a rather fascinating tale of a B-List 'villain' take on the world and what he does to ultimately save it.)
For Laughs:
(Batman Begins/Dark Knight and Criminal Minds Crossover)
Summary: If the BAU wants to catch the Joker, they'll need to
profile the Batman. But will all of the team survive to close the case?
Not slash. Gen fic.
A Study in Rum:
(Sherlock Holmes/PotC)
Summary: One wicked and clever pirate. One singular and
brilliant detective. One hundred and fifty years apart. An impossible
meeting? Perhaps just improbable...
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Wilde Things
06-09-2011, 09:02 PM
I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that no one mentioned James Austin Wilde's "The Saotome Gambit" (Ranma/BattleTech), or "Ranma Goes to War" and its sequel "Chasing the Wind." Great stuff. However, since the website hosting those fics appears to have dropped off the face of the earth, it looks like the wayback machine is the only option (unless someone has all of the FFML archives from the time period in question):
Even the Wayback Machine's archive of that site appears to be spotty, but this page appears to have all the pieces.
The Wanderer
Well, I have chapters 28-32 and both epilogues of "The Saotome Gambit", but nothing before that (at least not outside of my mail archive, which is complete back through the June 2001 revival), and nothing I can find of "Chasing the Wind" at all - although the name does ring a bell.
What time periods of the FFML are we talking about? I wouldn't be surprised if I actually do have it, and just never bothered to save it out to separate files.
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Hm. It occurs to me that this thread should be pinned as a resource. So I'll do that.
ETA: I have all of "Chasing the Wind" in my archives, as well as the second sequel, "Once More Into The Breach" (which is billed as "Ranma Goes To War II", while "Chasing" is simply described as "set in the aftermath" of RGTW).
-- Bob
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...and my shoes began to squeak.
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06-11-2011, 01:03 AM
(This post was last modified: 02-05-2018, 08:57 AM by Bob Schroeck.)
SkyeFire Wrote:I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that no one mentioned James Austin Wilde's "The Saotome Gambit" (Ranma/BattleTech), or "Ranma Goes to War" and its sequel "Chasing the Wind." Great stuff. However, since the website hosting those fics appears to have dropped off the face of the earth, it looks like the wayback machine is the only option (unless someone has all of the FFML archives from the time period in question):
Even the Wayback Machine's archive of that site appears to be spotty, but this page appears to have all the pieces. Ranma Goes to War and Chasing the Wind were posted to the newsgroup rec.arts.anime.creative, which has an archive. Here's the directory for the cycle.
(What? "Web 1.0"?, No, this is "Web 0.0" - Usenet and FTP, mon ami.)
Rob Kelk
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
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The Day Sanrio Died
06-11-2011, 03:04 PM
That link to the wayback reminded me of the other great things he wrote like the very amusing fix linked.
Time and Again:
Summary: Time Travel fic. In a war torn future, in the burning ruins of Konohagakure, Naruto fights Orochimaru and loses as the world collapses around him. From that ending comes a new beginning and a new chance to set things right, if only he can figure out how..
Hearts of Ice:
Summary:A Ranma 1/2 Tale of adventure and romance, myth and magic, love and revenge.
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I'm surprised that Fuzzy Logic hasn't shown up here yet
Summary: AU time travel: The kyuubi no kitsune knew something was wrong, but couldn't put a paw on quite what. However, there are benefits to being a force of nature, including time itself bending to accommodate you
It starts out with a slightly crack-ish premise and then plays it straight for large amounts of awesomeness.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
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Just finished a nice HP/Ranma/Sailor Moon + multicross. Amusing, worth a read.
and the sequel
"Not this again!" Minerva said. "Albus, it was You-Know-Who, not you, who marked Harry as his equal. There is no possible way that the prophecy could be talking about you!" - Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality, Chapter 84
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Before and After by Muphrid.
An interesting look inside the mind of Rei Ayanami
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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One Small KindnessNaruto (Yes, I'm shocked I'm recommending something from this too)
Wherein giving Makoto Uchiha an actual personality sets off a chain reaction that derails canon entirely. Just finished recently, with a sequel in the works.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay