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After a bout of illness, ... st14431275]Shadowjack's watched Episode 106... and the writeup's a big one, without too many funny bits. Which is only fair, considering how important episode #106 is to the plot of Sailor Moon S, but still...
(Oh, and spot the references Shadowjack made that I'm deliberately not quoting.) Quote:And I have no idea why I'm suddenly humming,]"Crisis ~ Run With Anger", I swear.
Quote:I'm not making this up, folks.
The Professor: "I'm using my jogging machine, because exercise in moderation is GOOD FOR THE BRAIN!"
The Professor: "I feel it! I feel a good idea coming! Here it comes! THE FINAL SPURT!"
The Professor: /picks up the phone and dials.
Eudial: "Witches5®, this is Eudial, how may I help you today?"
The Professor (via telephone): /heavy breathing.
Eudial: "…"
Eudial: /hangs u—
The Professor (via telephone): /gasp pant gasp. "Eudial! Another BRILLIANT idea! Procure for me a track-and-field athlete!"
Eudial: /closes her eyes and thinks of England. "…Got it, Prof."
Eudial: /hangs up. "Can one of you take over here for a moment? I feel dirty."
Quote:Usagi: "You wound me, Rei! You— Why is everyone walking away?"
Minako: "Because we have enough drama with Ami and Mako to have to listen to you two tsundering."
Quote:Usagi: "There's something in the water in this town, or maybe it's the ley-lines."
Rei: "Look on the bright side: think how we'll look in a couple of years."
Makoto: "Good God, and I'm already having trouble finding clothes in my size…"
Quote:The sailor Scouts burst in, dramatically, leaping over the tree tops!
Usagi: "The—"
Eudial: "Go get 'em, Daimon Hurdler!" /runs away and hides.
Usagi: "…This woman just might be the most intelligent foe we've ever faced."
Quote:An hour later, Eudial sneaks back to her car, only to find that someone's slashed the tires and honeyed the tank. Sigh.
And the entirety of the "Denouement", which is far too long to quote here.
And in post #849 in the same thread:
Quote:I suddenly had this image of Sailors Uranus and Neptune carefully planning their tactical entry and battle plan, when Sailor Moon suddenly charges in shouting, "LEEEEEEEEEEEROY JENKINS!"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:"Oh, I haven't even actually arrived yet here in the past," Suguira-sensei said cheerfully. "But don't worry, I don't understand temporal physics well enough to give away the secrets of time travel."
Everyone stared mindlessly as their brains tried to figure out what she meant.
"Anyway, your usual teacher ran off with some Greek woman. So, it's time to teach you all about history! We're going to start with the Old Ones and their wars with Cthulhu's minions for control of the Earth!"
That's not in the textbook, Shirou thought.
From John Biles's]Unlimited Food Porn on Spacebattles (contains no actual porn). Though only two of the crossover elements, the characters interacting here are from Mai HiME and Fate/Stay Night.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
From the latest chapter of Harry the Hufflepuff: (As linked in the update thread)
Quote:"Third time's the charm," thought Harry as he climbed aboard version three of his flying carpet.
This time he was using the mat from the bathroom in his dorm, since the occupants of the tapestries had learned from his previous endeavours and tended to go running and screaming whenever he got too close to them. They usually went running straight to a professor, too, damn dobbers.
Flit already had a long talk with Harry about the legalities of charming carpets to fly, as well as the spells he had devised for doing so, but Harry had pointed out he wasn't actually flying, just hovering, and he had yet to use an actual carpet.
The Professor was not moved.
Still, Harry felt he couldn't let little things like the law or house points get in the way of progress, so here he was again.
"Go," said Harry.
Immediately the mat jerked forward, but he was expecting that and made sure to hold on tight.
"Stop," he said, and the mat did, sliding to a halt in only a couple of feet.
"Wicked," he said excitedly.
And the mat obeyed as best it could.
I haven't been able to stop cackling randomly every five minutes or so since I read this. Hope it wears off soon.
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From a fic that just started where lily's protections & voldemorts horcrux preparations cause harry to not stay dead.
Quote:Maybe some Omake like:
"Get out here Freak!" Uncle Vernon yells. "Some bloke in black robes gave me 1,000 pounds to kill you and record it on these binoculars. So how do you want to die?"
"I'd like to try carbon monoxide poisoning. It sounds painless and non-messy sir."
"Hmm, good point. Alright I'll put the car in the garage running for you, but no putting it into gear or revving the engine or no dinner."
(login required thread) ... opic=20700
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From chapter 3 of Dresden Fillies. Twilight has sent off a letter to Celestia after meeting a somewhat scary new creature (Dresden)
Quote:"Fine." Spike grumbled. His grousing, though, was short-lived. He burped, shooting out a small jet of green flame. Within the fire a letter formed and Spike caught it in his outstretched hand.
"That was quick," Twilight commented while Spike cleared his throat.
"It says, 'I'm sorry, Miss Sparkle, but the Princess is in another castle. This week she and Princess Luna are visiting Coltenhagen. Your letter will be forwarded to her with today's reports from Canterlot at sunset.' Huh? Do you want to send another letter to tell them how urgent it is?"
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Dresden... Fillies. Oh dear... Could you pass a link?
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Quote:Matrix Dragon
wrote: Dresden... Fillies. Oh dear... Could you
pass a link?
Here you go: Linky
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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Quote:"All units converging, jump engines are charged."
"None sir."
a soar throat from all the gloating." Tennant grunted. "This was like
taking Candy from a Minbari baby, eating it in front of its face, then
spitting it all out again just to show we can."
"It does appear that…"
then taking that kid out of the pram, setting the pram on fire and
rolling it down a hill, fully ablaze, into a gas refinery which then
explodes with a kiloton of force."
"I suppose…"
"And then
telling the Minbari kid, as it has no candy and witnesses its pram
turned into a weapon of mass destruction, that really it's parents don't
love it and wanted a dog instead."
"That was an unusually specific analogy Admiral."
"Sometimes I have these thoughts."
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.
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From an Arpeggio of Blue Steel fanfic, Atlantic Thunder
Quote:After an eternity, the fish was finally alongside the submarine, ready
to be scooped out of the water by the two girls. They extricated two
massive boathooks and barely managed to drop the swordfish on the
stretcher before falling over. Argo smiled, cut the line off the radar
mast, and went bellow, passing through the length of the ship on her way
to the torpedo room. The torpedo racks dominated the room, making it a
claustrophobic space in spite of the fact that there were empty spaces
here and there. One of them was just to the right of the internal hatch,
the perfect spot for the fish’s death throes.
“Alright, I’m directly under you. Try pushing it down here.”
The two girls tentatively poked the fish with the ends of the poles,
causing it to sink a bit into the hatch as it flopped around. They
pulled back before pushing it down further.
“What’s taking so long?” Argo cocked her head as she held out her arms, ready to catch the fish.
At least, she thought she was ready to catch the fish before her arms
and knees buckled under the strain of holding up a heavy, flopping fish.
Argo barely managed to get it on the rack before collapsing to the deck
“Aaaarrrrrggggggghhhhh… note to self- fish can be very heavy and very floppy. Do not underestimate them.”
"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
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From Throw Shadows at You, an AtLA fic in which Mai is the avatar.
Azula captures Sokka:
Quote:"So. Who are you supposed to be?" A snap and a snarl- Azula almost grinned. The boy was halfway to snapping already, and she hadn't even done anything yet.
Azula smirked. "What, you don't recognise the family resemblance? She draped one hand over her eye, and growled. I must capture the Avatar to restore my honour."
The boy burst out laughing. He didn't stop for some time.
"-I can't -I can't br- can't breathe," he choked out, rocking back and forth so violently that it almost seemed he was going to overbalance and fall backwards to the floor.
Azula frowned. This was not exactly the reaction she had expected.
"Oh man," he breathed, when he finally got control of himself. "That was the funniest thing I've seen in years. Do it again."
Azula coloured. "You are mocking me. That is generally considered unwise." It was also, to be honest, almost completely unheard of.
"I'm serious!" he protested. "You're actually really good at that. You nailed that weird meld of Growling Avenger and Pouty Twelve-Year-Old that that guy's got going on."
Azula tried not to show how much that description amused her. Instead she showed how amused she was at something else. Besides, it was oddly nice to be complimented on something that had absolutely nothing to do with firebending, or military prowess.
"You don't even know his name?"
He shrugged, as well as he could while tied to a chair. "I'll admit, it's probably come up, but I wasn't really listening for it."
"It's Zuzu."
He abruptly laughed again. "Seriously? Zuzu?"
Azula sighed. "Well, if you want to get technical, it's Zuko, but he hates being called Zuzu. I used to call him that when we were- well, when we were children."
Sokka nodded, committing it to memory. "Alright. I'll mention you to him the next time he burns our camp down in the middle of the night."
"Please do. And try to remember his reaction. I'll want to know about it when we capture you again."
He also gets some relationship advice from Ty Lee in this period. Later, the tables are turned and he returns the favor for Azula.
Quote:"You don't get it, do you? This is... this is completely ridiculous. I mean, at least I had an excuse, 'cause I mean Mai's kinda reserved plus I only met her last winter, but seriously? You haven't seen it? She is literally all over you. I mean you are practically wearing her as a hat."
Azula's glare could have punched through steel. "Explain yourself."
Sokka threw up his hands. "Okay, you know what? You didn't let me figure out Mai on my own, so I'm just gonna go ahead and spoil the ending. Your acrobat friend? Is clearly into you."
Azula blinked.
"I beg your pardon?"
Sokka dragged his hands slowly down his face. "You are so completely clueless. She digs you. She'd like to get to know you better. She wants to take higher than you've ever been. She wants to know what love is, and she wants you to show her. She wants to stand with you on a mountain, she wants to bathe with you in the sea. She wants you to tie her down and do sexy things to her. Is any of this getting through to you?"
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
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12 ... st14470902]Shadowjack's watched episode 107... Quote:Artemis: "Wait a minute. Usagi and a fresh-baked apple pie? Are we safe?"
Rei: "We're perfectly safe. It's the pie that's in danger."
Quote:Usagi: "Don't rush the girl with a knife, Rei. I might cut myself."
Rei: "Your suffering only makes it taste that much sweeter."
Usagi: "I might cut someone else, too."
Minako: "'Nothin' says lovin' like blood-spattered pastry from the oven.'"
Makoto: "That one wasn't up to your usual standard, Mina."
Minako: "'How d'ya like them apples'?"
Makoto: "No."
Minako: "'In this moment, we are all Americans.' That's a tricky one, you have to think about it—"
Makoto: "Feed your piehole."
Quote:Chibi-Usa: "Stupid Usagi stole my specially-baked pie that I specially baked for Masanori! "
Rei: "And that's terrible. ¡IN THE NAME OF MARS, I SHALL CHASTISE YOU!"
Mom (from downstairs): "No fireballs in the house!"
All: "Yes, Mrs. Tsukino."
Minako: (How does she do that?)
Rei: "…"
Usagi: "…"
Rei: "…"
Usagi: "…"
Quote:Chibiusa runs up and sees Masanori, and smiles in joy. Masanori is a typically-bland-and-inoffensive boy, about a year or two older than she. Seriously, most of the generic love interest boys in this 'burg have only slightly more personality than a wooden mannikin. No wonder so many of the girls go for girls, at least they have different hairstyles.
Quote:The Professor: "AT LAST! FINALLY, ALL HAS FALLEN INTO MY HANDS! There's no additional charge for this, is there?"
Eudial: "Of course not!"
Eudial: /makes a note to double the next mission's fee, because goddammit, she's a freelancer and she can do that.
Everyone shrugs and goes back to—
Masanori: "—waaaaaaait a minute. Who are you?"
Quote:Luna: "…She's your daughter."
Usagi: "That was kind of cool, wasn't it?"
Luna: "That's not what I meant."
Quote:Chibi-Usa: "How come my transformation theme is two seconds long and played on a kazoo, while yours is two minutes long and played with a full choir?"
Usagi: "Because I have longer hair."
Chibi-Usa: "Oh, okay."
Quote:Suddenly! Sailors Moon and Chibi-Moon burst in, dramatically!
Usagi: "Prepare for trouble!"
Chibi-Usa: "Make it double!"
Usagi: "To protect the world from devastation!"
Chibi-Usa: "To unite all peoples within our nation!"
Usagi: "To pronounce the virtues of truth and love!"
Chibi-Usa: "To extend our reach to the stars above!"
Usagi: "Sailor Moon!"
Chibi-Usa: "Sailor Chibi-Usa!"
Usagi: "In the name of the Moon, blast off at the speed of light"
Chibi-Usa: "Surrender now, or prepare to fight!"
Luna: "I'm not with them. I don't know these people."
Quote:Michiru: /climbs a tree and hides.
Work #002: /trips and falls into the lake.
Work #002: "…"
Work #002: /melts.
Michiru: "…"
Michiru: "I meant to do that."
Quote:Chibi-Usa: "Or did you get weaker?"
Michiru: "No. No? I don't feel weaker. Do you?"
Haruka: "Yeah, actually."
Michiru: "What? Why?"
Haruka: "Because last night you kept saying, 'one more—'"
And a few posts later...
Quote:I think I've been very good so far in avoiding Monty Python references.
Uranus: "Go and tell your mistress that we have been charged by God with a sacred quest. If she will give us food and shelter for the night, she can join us in our quest for the Holy Grail."
Venus: "Well, I'll ask her, but I don't think she'll be very keen… uh, she's already got one, you see?"
Uranus: "What?"
Michiru: "She says they've already got one!"
Uranus: "Are you sure she's got one?"
Venus: "Oh, yes, it's very nice! (I told her we already got one.)"
Uranus: "Well, um… can we come up and have a look?"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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In]this Anime Addventure part, a Sakura who has not adjusted to the new context is wondering, Quote:what had happened to Naruto anyway? He was the pathetic loser, the idiot, the brat always trying to prove himself and ending up proving he was just a loser. Except that after graduation he'd been getting better and then in Wave... he'd gotten awesome.
Now here he was, holding hands with Hinata Hyuga (who had a smile on her face and looked so content Sakura couldn't help but experience a pang of envy), having managed to turn from 'dead last loser' to 'ninja of mass destruction' and SLEPT with Ino and Hinata. And had both of them not only not fighting but developing a friendship?!
Hinata and Ino had both looked sleepy, disoriented, and still looked tired. Also, Ino had developed a new jutsu.
Silly kunoichi! Sleeping with Naruto gives people new jutsu, obviously. Just imagine if they'd done more than sleep! Probably there'd have some kind of Lamarkian horizontal bloodline transfer, or something.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Thoughts on meeting a renegade Sannin while testing for chuunin rank:
"In Forest of Death, Cockaroach crushes YOU!"
- CD, will be here all week, folks
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Quote:"Harry, why is there a pink pony in your kitchen?"
Murphy always did have a habit of cutting straight to the heart of the matter.
glanced back over my shoulder at said pony, who currently seemed to be
in the middle of mixing up some kind of dough, and then back to Murph.
"I'm pretty sure she's making cupcakes."
Quote:... and then Nicodemus declared. "These cupcakes are quite good. Certainly the best cupcakes I've ever had that were made by a vaguely anthropomorphic intelligent pony."
"You get a lot of cupcakes that way?" I just can't resist any opportunity to be a smartass.
"You would be surprised what experiences a person will accumulate over two millennia of life."
From Forever!, a MLP/Dresden oneshot.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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The MLP/Dresden crossovers seem to be picking up in popularity, don't they?
Certain flavors of banter and wit seem to go well with the ponies. These would seem to include Harry Dresdin, Jack O'Neill, and certain flavors of post grail war Shiro Emiya. It would also seem to include Will Rogers, Winston Churchill, and Samuel Clemons. I would also argue that Rudyard Kipling belongs on the list, because he is just that good. Also, consider the following.
American Notes, Defenceless Coasts
Behold now the glorious condition of this Republic which has no fear. There is ransom and loot past the counting of man on her seaboard alone—plunder that would enrich a nation—and she has neither a navy nor half a dozen first-class ports to guard the whole. No man catches a snake by the tail, because the creature will sting; but you can build a fire around a snake that will make it squirm.
The country is supposed to be building a navy now. When the ships are completed her alliance will be worth having—if the alliance of any republic can be relied upon. For the next three years she can be hurt, and badly hurt. Pity it is that she is of our own blood, looking at the matter from a Pindarris point of view. Dog cannot eat dog.
I—But you talk about interviewing people whether they like it or not. Have you no bounds beyond which even your indecent curiosity must not go?
HE—I haven’t struck ’em yet. What do you think of interviewing a widow two hours after her husband’s death, to get her version of his life?
I—I think that is the work of a ghoul. Must the people have no privacy?
HE—There is no domestic privacy in America. If there was, what the deuce would the papers do? See here. Some time ago I had an assignment to write up the floral tributes when a prominent citizen had died.
I—Translate, please; I do not understand your pagan rites and ceremonies.
HE—I was ordered by the office to describe the flowers, and wreaths, and so on, that had been sent to a dead man’s funeral. Well, I went to the house. There was no one there to stop me, so I yanked the tinkler—pulled the bell—and drifted into the room where the corpse lay all among the roses and smilax. I whipped out my note-book and pawed around among the floral tributes, turning up the tickets on the wreaths and seeing who had sent them. In the middle of this I heard some one saying: “Please, oh, please!” behind me, and there stood the daughter of the house, just bathed in tears—
I—You unmitigated brute!
HE—Pretty much what I felt myself. “I’m very sorry, miss,” I said, “to intrude on the privacy of your grief. Trust me, I shall make it as little painful as possible.”
I—But by what conceivable right did you outrage—
HE—Hold your horses. I’m telling you. Well, she didn’t want me in the house at all, and between her sobs fairly waved me away. I had half the tributes described, though, and the balance I did partly on the steps when the stiff ‘un came out, and partly in the church. The preacher gave the sermon. That wasn’t my assignment. I skipped about among the floral tributes while he was talking. I could have made no excuse if I had gone back to the office and said that a pretty girl’s sobs had stopped me obeying orders. I had to do it. What do you think of it all?
I (slowly)—Do you want to know?
HE (with his note-book ready)—Of course. How do you regard it?
I—It makes me regard your interesting nation with the same shuddering curiosity that I should bestow on a Pappan cannibal chewing the scalp off his mother’s skull. Does that convey any idea to your mind? It makes me regard the whole pack of you as heathens—real heathens—not the sort you send missions to—creatures of another flesh and blood. You ought to have been shot, not dead, but through the stomach, for your share in the scandalous business, and the thing you call your newspaper ought to have been sacked by the mob, and the managing proprietor hanged.
My link to Kipling stuff, when I'm in the mood:
Note that American Notes is the first link, and Defenseless Coasts the last section from that.
I think that a Kipling/Pony cross will never be done to my satisfaction, sadly.
A) Kipling is dead
B) There is no evidence of Kipling having any contact with the My Little Pony franchise
C) Therefore, Kipling probably won't be writing any My Little Pony fanfic
1. There never has been, and never will be a writer whose writing in English can match Kipling's.
2. It would seem to require some fairly substantial worldbuilding on the My Little Pony end to match Kipling's other work.
3. The knowledge of 19th century India may no longer be extant to the required degree.
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Also, you mentioned Shirou Emiya and ponies. Any chance of a link?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Sorry, I was merely thinking that the gabriel blessing and Wings of Frontier iterations of Shirou (or OCs named Shirou, depending on your preferences) also fit the criteria. I can't think of any such crosses, and it is unlikely I've come across any. My own writing quality is not that good, and while I've got the plot bunnies moving, I wouldn't expect a good result. See, a lot of my reading lately is trade magazines, and I don't know if you want to read a crossover between My Little Pony and automatic meat processing.
As an apology, I provide the following link without checking on the quality first.
(New story by gabriel blessing, don't worry, he hasn't quit In Flight, and it will probably be updating soonish.)
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from today's Girl Genius (
"But - I thought you said the new Heterodyne was a girl?"
"She is. That's just the boyfriend."
" That's -"
"We're ... we're going to have to break out those little iron cages for their children, aren't we?"
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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From chapter five of a Doctor Who fic titled " Bubbles" (link is to the first chapter, because this is just the shiniest gem in a fic made from comedy gold):
Quote:"It's like touching butterfly wings," the woman said dreamily, hugging one of the new dresses.
"I think it's been a bit much for her," muttered Francine.
"Butterflies covered in cornflour," Sharon continued happily, her eyes glassy.
"Mind you, I know how she feels," Francine added, a smirk pulling at her lips.
"Tempura butterflies!" Sharon crooned.
Tish was going a very interesting shade trying to stop herself laughing. "Come on," she managed. "Home." She waved at Martha and winked before pulling Francine, protesting, from the shop.
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from a recent chapter of 'Friendship is Adventuring'
(note this was from Pinky's perspective)
Quote: Dragonfly and Fluttershy were talking some kind of druid tree plant talk thing. It went WOOSH over my head, circled around, went WOOSH again, then when I wasn't looking it tapped me on the shoulder.
And when I turned?
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Vathara, Embers
"Already did that, once," Saoluan said cheerfully. "Hey! Maybe that's why Chin Village
still hates us. Kyoshi didn't just kick Chin's ass; she did it hammered!"
Both boys were staring at her, appalled. "You know, if Oyaji heard you say that,"
Langxue managed, "he'd have dumped us both off the island. Boat or no boat." He paused.
"On the other hand... boy, would that explain a lot."
"You think an Avatar would get drunk?" *spoiler* sputtered.
"Sure. Why not?" Saoluan shrugged. "They're human, right? Kyoshi saw the kind of burned
villages Chin left behind. Who wouldn't get drunk?"
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(Neji) noted the way she looked at Lee and then glanced away, the way she sent furtive little glances everywhere, and the blushing she did on four occasions while they dined at Miratake's. Which indeed was a steakhouse. (And apparently - a good one. He would have to see if he was fated to dine there sometime in the future.) Lee had a Medium-Well-Done while Tsuchi had a Medium-Rare. She completely disdained the salad, apparently feeling that such was beneath a true shinobi. Which she styled herself, and which simply proved that she was a fool. Even serious ninja needed proper nutrition. That was a serious salad, and it had fresh snow peas. wherein the Chuunin Exam prelims were rerandomised, and Tsuchi Kin made an unwise bet when she drew Rock Lee as her opponent.
This is also an Addventure thread, but I don't have a link for it there, and Greylle/Kestrel seems to update both anyway.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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12 ... st14675739]Shadowjack's read chapter 3 of Sailor V:
Quote:Rei: "¿Wait, the idol? ¿That Pandora? Uh, not that I follow idol singers or anything."
Usagi: "I remember Pandora. She was cute!"
Mako: "Could she sing?"
Usagi: "Does it matter?"
Quote:Mina: "Right. I don't know what I do to attract these nerds. I'm a jock. We beat up nerds."
Ami: "Some guys like to be—"
Mina: "CHANGE SUBJECT! Clean cup! Move down!"
Quote:Mina: "Idol singers are supposed to be disposable. That's part of the appeal. It's that impermanence of all things thing again, like cherry blossoms. Each teenybopper girl and boy soon withers and falls, and is swept away to make room for next year's crop."
Artemis: "Why is the Japanese sense of beauty so subtly horrific?"
Quote:Mina: "Dude, let me in! I have to save the Earth!"
Security Guard: "Pull the other one."
Mina: /Crescent Power: TRANSFORM! «Change me into a police woman!»
Security Guard: "…"
Artemis: /facepaw.
WPC Aino: "…Uh… You weren't supposed to see me do that."
Quote:Pandora: /puts her pretty face back on. "Who's there?!"
WPC Aino: /covers Pandora with her weapon. "Just ask yourself, monster: Do I feel pretty?"
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Posts: 7,486
Threads: 577
Joined: Apr 2003
From the SW/Superman cross I posted a link to in New Fic Recs:
Kale studied his three enemies. "I am just one, and you are three. But you are also idiots. The advantage is to me."
'nuff said.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows