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I Can Has ROFL Nyao? Or, The ROTFLMAO of the Catgirl
Quote:Mina: "CHANGE SUBJECT! Clean cup! Move down!"
That's a wonderful callback to the special Minako story Shadowjack came up with which expains her malaprops and weird behavior, with the little drawing of Minako, age 9, as Alice in Wonderland.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

Quote:"Just making sure we're all on the same page." Volkovich shouldered
the carbine, "How much do you know about mechanical engineering?"
nothing: when I was younger, my parents wanted me to go initally into
the life of a merchant, so that formed the basis of my education. What
few procedures I do remember are all dependant on Wraithbone." Nénharma
shook her head, "Since I became a warrior, my training had been geared
more towards breaking things apart than fixing them"
"Same general
principles apply, just in reverse." Volkovich pointed to a large metal
box, "You can carry the tool kit; the Orks have this nasty habit of
blowing holes in this overgrown tin can."
And this...
Quote:"Looks like the main power artery is undamaged; the serge protectors
did their job, may the Omnisaiah bless them, but the cut out is fused in
the open position, and I've no way of getting it shut again without
ripping it out and replacing it." He looked over to his companion, "I
don't suppose you have a surge protector for a Mk33 Bolo combat unit
with you?""Sorry," The Eldar warrior shook her head, "left it in my other armour."
then, we make do and mend." Volkovich rummaged around inside the tool
case until he found a large spanner, "This should just about do it."
"What exactly do you mean by 'it'?" Nénharma asked hesitantly, feeling totally out of her depth.
going to jam it in between the two ends of the power artery and
spot-weld it in place." the mechanic explain as he pulled on his
goggles, "And then prey that it doesn't make the entire turret blow up
in our faces."
"Oh," The Eldar blinked, surprised at how okay she was with the plan, "That's good then."
From Blood & Iron chapter 4

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
Woot! After (mumble-mumble) weeks, ... st14722658!
Quote:Ami: "'Basic Dictionary of Ancient Babylonian Language.' 'Fluid Mechanics and Wave Mechanics.' 'Computer Programming Languages and Symbolic Logic.' 'Flight Characteristics of Hirundinidae.' 'You Can Make Your Own Curry Dishes from Around the World.'"
Ami: /blinks and wipes. "…I thought you were majoring in plumbing?"
Mamoru: "Well, you have to know these things when you're a king."
Mina: "Plumbing's a competitive field. Lot of strange things down those pipes."
Quote:For God's sake, people, subtitle the Engrish too.
Quote:Mina: "What's going on?"
Mamoru: "Usagi got drunk again."
Usagi: "i'm not du runlka only had juie11"
Quote:Mamoru: /laughs and explains: "Edwards is an old family friend—English, but retired to Japan. He's a—"
Usagi: "—wealthy philanthropist who lives in that European-style mansion on the edge of town, and sponsors a lot of international students, who use his house for discussion circles and classy parties. He bought the place from some fashion model who was really into astrology and then died mysteriously or something."
Mamoru: "That's absolutely correct, and how'd you know?"
Usagi: "Just because I don't understand your primitive Earth tongues doesn't mean I'm clueless. I hear things. I have connections. You know."
Quote:Usagi: "I wasn't that good, so they must be applauding you."
Haruka: "Oh, is that what it is? I thought people just did that at the end of dances."

Eudial: /hands Haruka the Crystal.
Haruka: "…"
Quote:Michiru: "…Nice shot, Uranus, now you made her faster."
Haruka: "Er… whoopsies. Well, I'm sure the girls can handle this!"

EXIT Sailors Uranus and Neptune, at great speed.

Usagi: "…Jerks."
Quote:Usagi: /picks up a musical note and throws it back at Chikuon. "When did my life become Looney Toons?!"
Rei: "The day you took a band-aid off of Luna's head."
Usagi: "Well, how do we get it back to Silly Symphonies, here? I want happy dancing trees and houses and water babies."
(Note the spelling. "Shay Guy" noted it on the next page of posts, too. I think this clinches just which version of the canon/fanon you have to use, Bob... )
Quote:Chikuon uses Devil's Yodel.
Chikuon shoots noise everywhere!
Usagi is hurt.
Usagi saves against nerve damage!
Rei is hurt.
Rei saves against nerve damage!
Makoto is hurt.
Makoto saves against nerve damage!
Minako is hurt.
Minako is already crazy.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:(Note the spelling. "Shay Guy" noted it on the next page of posts, too. I think this clinches just which version of the canon/fanon you have to use, Bob... )
I am planning on using his interpretation of Minako, you know...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
From the latest chapter of the Buffy/Tom Swift jr crossover mentioned in the Recomendations thread:
Quote:"So Buffy's been kidnapped?" Oz asked, "Do the kidnappers realize what a big
mistake they've made?"
Willow stopped panicking and started to grin,
"Probably not. She might've not bothered to put the word 'Intentionally'  before
'Captured' and after 'Getting', but I'm pretty sure it's there in spirit." she
glanced in the mirror and saw her own smile and immediately put on a grim face.
"Must stay sombered up while Phil's around," she said to herself. "The grabbee
is the one in danger not the grabbers..."
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
From "Vulpine":

Quote:Naruto spoke up. "Something I've always wondered. Why do you and the shark guy go around as part of the same team, anyway?"
Itachi barely moved. "Kisame and myself form something of a double act. It's a Bokke and Tsukuyomi routine."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote:Cubone nodded, then cast aside her Thick Club and walked slowly into the centre of the arena. Raising her head high, she began to speak in what sounded like a chant.

"Bone bone cu Bone cu cu bone…"

Jessie looked befuddled. "What's that?"

After a few seconds in which Meowth did not volunteer an explanation, everyone noticed he was missing. Cubone carried on with her chant, and Koga's team watched in interest.

Abra eventually put everyone out of their misery. The first part means, 'I am the bone of my club…' but I don't know what that is supposed to mean, unless… he noticed the currents of energy curling around the arena. Oh, very good. Very good indeed. I didn't even suspect she knew how to do this!

"My bones are the earth, my skin is the sky.

I have wielded the past of thousands,

Serving life,

Understanding death,

Yet on the razor's edge between the two."

"What is it?" James asked in concern. "What's she doing?"

"My past and future collide on the grassy plain.

I ask for only, the Bones of the hills!"

Abra replied tersely. Reality marble.

And then there was no need to explain, as blue and red fire remade the world into a field of swaying grass, a field of bones, under a stormy sky.

from Ch9 of the Pokemon Peggy Sue I just posted in New Fic Recs.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
More 'Vulpine':

Quote:Tenten blinked, then shrugged. "Works for me. Shall I finish him off?"

"Go ahead."

She unfurled a scroll. "Everything including the kitchen sink attack!"

A number of large appliances flew out of the scroll and pummelled Rinji, ending with a metal sink and pipes.

Kiba frowned. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but… why?"

"Comedy value. I filled it last month when we had to demolish a house."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
This.  Sweet spirits above and below, THIS.

Quote:"Hey, Misty!" Ash called as he left the trees by the river they'd set up near. "You know how you're terrified of bugs?"
Misty handed Brock back his dented frying pan. "What was that, Ash? I didn't hear you."
"Ugh… I was trying to help…" Ash rubbed his aching head.
"Well, I don't need your help! I have it under control!"
Brock spoke up. "Hey, look, a Beedrill."
Misty started, ran in a random direction, and fell in the stream. Ash sighed, and went to haul her out.
"Misty, you need help. Now, either I try my therapy Aura technique on you, or…"
Misty hmphed. "I'll take the other option."
other option is that Squirtle gets you over it with sheer distilled
awesome. Possibly involving ripping open dimensions, rock music from
nowhere, and punches."
"…I'll take the Aura technique."
Squirtle put his sunglasses away sadly. "And I was so hoping I could deliver a Dimensional Therapy Punch, as well…"

From Chapter 11 of Ashes of the Past:
Isn't it great? That's also the fic in which Charizard has Godzilla's thermonuclear death breath. As in, a cone of blue flame so intense that with a little Aura compression it creates a momentary fusion reaction at the target...

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

Naruto was one of the first summoners in history to have sufficient chakra for this. He summoned every single fox on his contract, from the largest – three the size of large buildings – to the smallest, a tiny fox (called "Moe") that was too small to actually fight and mainly used because of weapons grade cute.

That latter fox was sent after Temari, managing to completely immobilize her in about a quarter of a second.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Speaking of Vulpine...

Quote:Team Seven squinted at Itachi's feet.

Naruto spoke up. "Something I've always wondered. Why do you and the shark guy go around as part of the same team, anyway?"

Itachi barely moved. "Kisame and myself form something of a double act. It's a Bokke and Tsukuyomi routine."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Yet more Vulpine:

Quote:Tenten blinked, then shrugged. "Works for me. Shall I finish him off?"

"Go ahead."

She unfurled a scroll. "Everything including the kitchen sink attack!"

A number of large appliances flew out of the scroll and pummeled Rinji, ending with a metal sink and pipes.

Kiba frowned. "Not that I'm complaining or anything, but… why?"

"Comedy value. I filled it last month when we had to demolish a house."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Quote:"Right... Like I was saying, if you wanna help out, that's fine. I need to hurry to class, though. Prof Richard said that if I'm late again he'd track down and disintegrate everyone I've ever really loved."Kurumu sweatdropped. "That seems like an awful lot of trouble. Why doesn't he just kill you?"
"Everyone I've loved is much slower than I am," Ranma mumbled irritably.
Big Human on Campus:

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Shadowjack has finally been exposed to the grandeur that is Doorknobder!
Yes, ... st14868872]he's watched episode 109...
Quote:Eudial (via somewhat-damaged but still-functional telephone): "Anyway, just checking, but we're saying that the bright pastel butterfly future of 80s anime is the Bad End, right?"
The Professor: "Of course! Is there any question?"
Eudial (via telephone): "Well, speaking from prior experience, I'm not sure that turning world governance over to the Camarilla would be an improvement."
Quote:Usagi: "WHY GOD?! WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?!!! I can't take this level of stress and suffering!!! I cannot possibly imagine anything worse than—"
Rei: "¿Excuse me? ¿How many of us in this room have died?"
Everyone: /raises their hands.
Rei: "¿More than once?"
Everyone: /hands stay up.
Quote:Usagi: "Ami, when they asked me, 'Cake or Death?', I expect to receive cake, not whole-grain crackers with a heart-healthy spread."
Ami: "You'd eat them anyway though, wouldn't you?"
Usagi: "…yyyyeah. But I'd whine about it!"
Quote:Luna: "Usagi's got a pure love for Mamoru, true, but she also has a pure love for eating and sleeping, and a pure hate for studying, so if that's what they're calling a pure heart, than any idiot off the street qualifies."
Usagi: "Yeah! …HEY."
Quote:Usagi: "Maybe we should place her under deathwatch surveillance."
Luna: "I don't know. Mina's our rock; she'd never do anything too irrational."
Artemis: "Did you even read my reports, Luna?"
Quote:Mamoru: "No kidding! …Are you sure this isn't some extended con game on her part?"
Usagi: "If it is, she's fooling even herself this time. She won't let us talk her out of it, and it's not like we can restrain her. Ami only owns one pair of cuffs, and Mina can pick them."
Mamoru: "Damn. Well, she's young and healthy, so she can recover… I think all you can do is make sure she eats well and rests, and be there to pick her up if she keels over."
Usagi: "…Yeah."
Mamoru: "What do you think, a vampire daimon in a nurse's outfit?"
Usagi: "You wish. Too appealing. It'll be a sapient blood bag with stand and phlebotomy needle."
Mamoru: "Or, no, an anthropomorphized ambulance! It'll spray blood on us."
Usagi: "I'll get tangled up in a pile of giant red blood cells. Ugh, they're going to be all sticky…"
Mamoru: "Hmm. It'll be tricky to come up with a speech about pure maiden's blood that doesn't sound creepy…"
Usagi: "I have faith in you."
(Why does Ami own even one pair of handcuffs? On second thought, don't answer that.)
Quote:Usagi: "In the name of the Moon, return that girl's soul at once, for I am SAILOR MOON!"
Haruka: "AHA! I knew it! I mean, uh, gosh, it's Sailor Moon! I had no idea!"
Michiru: "Haruka, how dare you look at another girl's transformation sequence!"
Quote:Haruka: "Yeah, I know, we'd all about figured it out by now, hadn't we?"
Eudial: "HOLY SHIT! You guys are Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune?! IMPOSSIBLE!"
Michiru: "Well, some of us had."
Minako: "No, Eudial. You are the Sailors!"
Eudial: "But that doesn't make any— I don't— GAH! FUCK! DAMMIT SAILOR V!"
Rei: "I love watching it when it's not us."
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
... And then Eudial WAS A SENSHI!

So which celestial body does she get?

- CD, Mercury is one of those proverbial quiet girls, but she did have those handcuffs so there's clearly some freak potential there...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
ClassicDrogn Wrote:... And then Eudial WAS A SENSHI!

So which celestial body does she get?

Allowing for the art style, she had a pretty celestial body to begin with...

ClassicDrogn Wrote:- CD, Mercury is one of those proverbial quiet girls, but she did have those handcuffs so there's clearly some freak potential there...

I said "don't answer that"... now I'm starting to be jealous of Makoto.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
ClassicDrogn Wrote:... And then Eudial WAS A SENSHI!
So which celestial body does she get?
- CD, Mercury is one of those proverbial quiet girls, but she did have those handcuffs so there's clearly some freak potential there...
I suspect that Ami would own a pair of handcuffs for the same reason I wanted to own a pair of handcuffs when I was in highschool - a) they were cool and b) because you never knew when you needed one.
Any other reasons for handcuffs came after highschool, when I was old enough to get into the local sex shops. Granted, that was before the Internet Age, but so is Sailor Moon, more or less.
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
An NYT article that mentioned the D&D edition wars:

Quote:A result, said David M. Ewalt, a senior editor at Forbes and the author
of a forthcoming history of Dungeons & Dragons, has been a fractured
fan base. The game is a group activity, he said, and playing together
is tricky when players use different rules. “Imagine trying to organize a
basketball team, if the point guard adheres to modern league rules, but
the center only knows how to play ancient Mayan handball.”
... And then the center insists that the loosing team be ritually sacrificed after the game.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Quote:... And then the center insists that the loosing team be ritually sacrificed
after the game.
I can only see that as a tournament variant... parties face each other in arena combat and the losing team has to do a run through a minor dungeon with a semi-killer DM.  Its not that the dungeon is unfair.. its the DM is trying to kill you with the rules.  I think its based off hearing from a guy DMing sense the mid-80s that in 4th edition, any random encount of equal level starting at  2-3 verses a equivalent level party will kill them (TPK), period, unless they are the munchkin avatar(s) of the RNG god... that is if the DM isn't holding back.  Concidering this is the store owner and he fills between DM and player frequently and was attempting to break the system both ways this says something.
I think that was referring more to the "ancient Mayan handball" bit, with the sacrificing the loosing team thing.

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
So VladamirTherin suggested the Whateley Academy stories and I've been hooked on them the past few days. There's a number of amusing scenes, but I'll start with this one from Reflections in an Evil Eye:
Quote:“Toni, Sahar is…

“Zee --- I hang out with a demon princess and a
girl who almost got chucked in Hawthorn. I have a jealous
girlfriend, and a boyfriend who doesn’t know about
her. I have one of the most powerful cliques in school out
for my head, and there’s a school administrator who
wants to give it to ‘em. Hey, Danger is my middle
name.” Toni blinked. “Actually, it’s
‘Marc’- I gotta look into changing that. Toni
Danger Chandler; has a nice ring to it.”
And a scene from Enter the Chaka:

Quote: She leaned forward on the bed, folding her hands on her crossed knee
and gave me a sly smile. “And so, what’s YOUR
‘superhero’ name gonna be? I think that
‘Vixen’ is taken.”

“Actually, Nikki and I were just talking about that. I
haven’t really decided.”

Her eyes popped open wide and began to sparkle. “REALLY? Kewl!
Lessee now, what would fit you? You’re this big Ki muck-a-muck-
so how about ‘Black Dragon’?”

“Sorry, I’d look crappy in a chiamsong, smoking with a
long cigarette holder.”

“Nngg... How about ‘Dragon Princess’?”

“What? And have to mix it up with the Powerpuff Girls?”

“How about ‘Doctor Ki’?”

“Sounds like a Hong Kong Dentist.”

“How about ‘Dragonfist’?”

“Naahh- it’d be too easy to twist into

“Humpf! Okay, let’s dump the whole ‘Dragon’

“Fine by me!”

“Okay, something ‘hunterish’- how about

“Great! And if that’s taken, I can try
‘Mugger’ or ‘Serial Killer’.”
And a few moments later:

Quote:“Aahhh- how about ‘Simba’, as in

“Already covered this with Jade- ‘Simba’ is a GUY
lion. And I don’t wanna go back there!”

“Good for you, sweetie. Then how about

“Nala? What’s a ‘Nala’?”

“It’s the name of Simba’s girlfriend in The Lion

“WHAT? And take on Disney? Are you Crazy?”

“Oh god, you’re right! I never even said that!”

Will the transhumanist future have catgirls? Does Japan still exist? Well, there is your answer.
My favorite one is from The Great Shoulder Angel Conspiracy.

Quote:Chou gently said to Molly, “We all knew it wasn’t you.  Why don’t we go sit down somewhere and-”
Suddenly, a little Chou in a saffron-colored Chinese monk’s robe peered from Chou’s right shoulder and said, “The balance must be preserved!  Don’t do that, the balance might be ruined!”  Chou stopped.  “No, don’t do that either!  That might ruin the balance!”
Another little Chou in a similar monk’s robe peered from Chou’s left shoulder and shook her head, “Balance and Chaos monkey doodle fandango.”
“What?” Chou snapped.
“Jade!” I growled.
“It wasn’t me!” Jade piped up.
The right-hand monk nodded sagely, “It all makes sense to me. If I am Balance, then she is Chaos.”
The left-hand monk nodded in agreement.  “And chocolate automobile hammer walrus.”
The right-hand monk fussed, “No!  Not that either!  That might also ruin the balance!”
Great.  The little monk of Chaos was completely Dadaist, and the little monk of Balance was more obsessive-compulsive than Fractious.
Behind me, Chaka purred fiercely, “Jade, if you know what’s good for you…”
“I swear, this time it’s not me!” Jade insisted.
“Balance froufrou elbow armadillo!  And wingnut too!” insisted the monk of Chaos.
Chou glared at it and snapped, “Stop it!”
It looked at her and waved its arms frantically, “Garbanzo elementary coleslaw, or else radical underwear maple!  Hardware?”

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
The Squirrel sub-series, starring Aquerna are a particular favorite of mine. Here are a couple of highlights:
Quote:“Fuck you, bitch. When I get a hold of you, You’ll be screamin’ fer yer

“Okay. But don’t say I didn’t warn you.”

He suddenly realized that there were big gray squirrels and little brown
chipmunks surrounding the two of them. Dozens of ‘em. HUNDREDS of ‘em. And
every single squirrel was staring right at him.

“What the f…”

She chittered, “Attack him! Bite him! Don’t let him grab you! But bite
him and stay away from his hands and feet!”

Buster watched in shock as hundreds and hundreds of chipmunks and
squirrels suddenly bolted straight at him.

And then they were all over him, biting through his clothes, biting on
his tough skin. His skin was a lot tougher than normal, but…


…but his skin wasn’t as tough as the teeth of a rodent that could bite
through an acorn.

“AAAAAAGGGHHHH!!” He ran screaming across the park, swatting frantically.
By the time he reached the edge of the park, his clothes and shoes were long
gone, and most of his hair had been chewed to pieces.

Buster ran naked through the streets, trying to keep ahead of an army of
fucking little gray monsters that were trying to EAT him or something.

Ree could say a thing, Anna yanked off her coat and boots. She dumped them into
Ree’s arms, and she moved.

ran into the alley so no one would see her do anything freaky, and then she went
right up the brick wall until she was maybe fifteen feet up and no one was gonna
think about looking up there.

could see the whole thing now. A big mean guy with a huge knife had trapped the
lady with the little girl and baby and that big shopping bag, when the lady was
just trying to cut through the alleys with a cranky kid. Anna just knew she couldn’t
let that creep steal those presents and stuff when that family didn’t have
anything else!

jumped. She came down right next to the crook and moved before he even realized
she was beside him. She grabbed his forearm in a judo hold. She twisted hard,
and the guy yelled in pain as he dropped his knife. He still hadn’t figured out
what was going on, so Anna threw him over her shoulder and scrambled up the

could still hear the little girl. “Mommy! You said Santa was real and I said
Daddy said no, but Santa’s elf just saved us!”


“Santa’s real! And I was so mean about him, but
his elf saved us!”
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
ClassicDrogn Wrote:I think that was referring more to the "ancient Mayan handball" bit, with the sacrificing the loosing team thing.

- CD
I dunno, I could see it as an X-Crawl event.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.

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