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I've been on a huge Homestuck kick lately... pretty much marathoned everything in about a week.
Anyhow... X-over/Plot Bunny...
What do you get when Shinji Ikari and the other Children start playing SBurb?  *evil little grin*
Darn it, he's found out! Sorry guys, mission failed.

Re: Plot bunny, I'm not sure it would be noticeably different.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
...oh, yes, it'd be very different. Though the exact details would depend on how you merged the cosmologies.

The thing is, y'see, Sburb is far more important than it appears; it's intimately intertwined with the mechanisms by which universes, specifically including the universe in which it is being played, are created. That means that unless you're redefining what Sburb is and rejecting a lot of the Homestuck source material, you'd have to redefine the NGE universe in Homestuck terms.

In addition, you'd need to take into consideration the various factors which exist outside of any one universe - including the Noble Circle of Horrorterrors, the Green Sun, and potentially Lord English (though that gets kind of murky). Not all, or even any, of those would necessarily have to be involved - but it'd still be important that at least the author know why.

I'm not even going to begin to touch on the fourth- and fifth-wall-breaking aspects of it all, and the bits taking place in locations which are None Of The Above, such as the Yellow Yard. Those can probably be safely ignored for the purposes of such a crossover.

I could probably ramble on at length about things which would need to be taken into consideration and possible ways to do it, but I'm not sure that would be entirely appropriate. I'll just note that although the canon NGE plotline does involve the destruction of the world in some sense (Instrumentality and the oceans of LCL), Sburb leads to the destruction of the world in a rather more complete sense (planetwide showers of huge flaming meteors) - and that's just a side effect of something much bigger; the virtual glassing of the Earth isn't even really very important in the grand scheme of things.

Yes, you could do a crossover/fusion which doesn't deal with that - but I think that if you don't deal with that, you're not really doing the whole thing justice.

(Sorry for the somewhat extensive white text; I'd rather not risk spoiling things for anyone who hasn't read Homestuck yet.)
Well, I wasn't thinking that we'd change Sburb at all. More like this would be the Universe giving Gendo and SEELE the flying finger by having Shinji, Asuka, Rei and Mana get sucked into the game while the meteors come raining down. Who else could be rounded up? Need to have an even Male-Female ratio for repopulation afterwards. Wink
I was thinking of it from the perspective of the guy on the street, to be honest.

Anyway, guys that could be included to even the ratio...


Is Askua's brother who is in Nobody Dies in any way canon?

And Kaworu. Just because.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
I think Hikari, Toji and Kensuke are the only other named characters that age in canon Eva. Kensuke for one is so very the type to nerd out over something like Sburb.

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Well, one possibility which occurred to me during work yesterday:

When do they start playing Sburb? Specifically, how old are they at the time, and at what point is it in the NGE timeline?

In Homestuck canon, the game begins on the youngest player's thirteenth birthday, and they've all been in (electronic) communication with one another for years. (And there are four of them, giving rise to the second manifestation of the recurring but possibly meaningless number 413 - the first being April 13th, the date on which the whole thing began.)

If you set the Sburb session as beginning sometime before NGE canon, possibly years before, that would turn things on their heads... and it would give you the chance to include anything from just the three primary pilots to all of the potential Children, meaning IIRC the entirety of their high-school class (and Kaworu), with less elaborate justification.

Note in passing that you'd have to come up with some reason for Rei to be playing the game; you'd have to take that into account no matter when you set it, but if you set the events prior to the start of canon, the only obvious reason for her to do it is if Gendou either ordered it himself or accepted someone else's suggestion that it happen - and there's no obvious reason for him to do either one of those things. (The same applies to Kaworu, from different sources.)

Note also that no, you don't necessarily need even male/female ratios for post-apocalypse repopulation.

For one thing, since a Sburb session leads to not only the destruction of the world but also the creation of an entire new universe, complete with its own inhabitants, the question of repopulation may be moot in the first place.

For another, consider where the Sburb players (and their parents/guardians - one total for each player) all come from to begin with, at least in both known examples from Homestuck canon: they were created during the game by genetic recombination of the players/guardians into "paradox clones", which were then sent back in time to become the originals. Leaving temporarily aside the question of what that means for the Children's parents/guardians, there's no theoretical reason a less self-referential version of the same thing (much as is used in Homestuck to breed the frogs) couldn't be used to add more people in after the whole thing's over, either to even out the male/female ratio or just to effect repopulation directly.

However, even with the parts I haven't brought up yet, that's still only half of the equation. How does NGE canon, and specifically NGE cosmology, fit into all of this? The Angels and the Progenitors, at the very least, have to be taken into account somehow, and the concept of the AT field possibly does as well... even if the entire thing is ultimately subordinate to the Homestuck cosmology, we still have to know how it all works and where everything fits.

I don't have any real suggestions on that front. I can imagine something tying the Angels to the Denizens, and/or the Progenitors to First Guardians (except that there's only supposed to be one of those per session-world, and the ones we know about are powered by the Green Sun, which is intimately tied to the events of Homestuck canon and to the two canon sessions), but it's hard to make the numbers work out and I don't have any details.
The Wanderer Wrote:(Sorry for the somewhat extensive white text; I'd rather not risk spoiling things for anyone who hasn't read Homestuck yet.)
You're not fooling anyone, you know. Your use of white text betrays you for who you really are, Doc Scratch. Smile
Ebony the Black Dragon

"Good night, and may the Good Lord take a Viking to you."
I thought of that connection, but I couldn't think of any way to mention it without being too contrived.

Besides, he writes everything in white text, with the exception of some special terms like 'the Tumor' and 'the Green Sun'. It's not quite the same thing.
I'm still having a bit of trouble understanding the cosmology of Homestuck myself... but as far as I've been able to grok, the Green Sun is a constant that links all Sburb sessions, because each session has a 'Guardian' and they are powered by the Green Sun itself.

My thoughts on adapting Eva to Homestuck... The Angels/Adam/Lilith were all part of a previous failed session and they, like Jade Harley, figured out an escape hatch. however, afterwards the two had a difference of opinion. The dead sea scrolls are simply some writings by poor humans with no grasp on what exactly they've seen. All they understand is that the world is destroyed and somehow remade. Kinda easy for things the get lost between the translation and the misunderstandings.

So, Dead Sea Scrolls = Misunderstood account of a Sburb walkthrough. SEELE only thinks they know the truth when reality is far far different. Angels are probably Agents from Derse that somehow made the trip - in their session they probably succeeded in their pogrom against the Prospitians, hence why Adam and Lilith's session went to hell in the first place.

Players = Shinji, Asuka, Kowaru, Rei, Toji, Hikari, Kunsuke and Mana.

Pardox Clones: Gendo and Yui Ikari, Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu, Khiel Lorenz... need two more.

Pure chance that the Children all wind up becoming friends online. (Besides, I think that when Evangelion was originally done Hideaki Anno didn't imagine that the Internet would become what it is - even taking into account the apocalyptic event that was Second Impact.) Rei won't play the game unless it's an order, but she is intrigued enough to ask and is given permission. I'm not so sure about Kowaru. I think he'd just play because it's a chance to socialize with the Nephilim, which interest him.

Prospit Dreamers: Shinji, Rei, Hikari, and Kensuke.

Derse Dreamers: Asuka, Toji, Kowaru, and Mana.

Who do you guys think should get what titles? Right now we got more titles than players.
blackaeronaut Wrote:as far as I've been able to grok, the Green Sun is a constant that links all Sburb sessions, because each session has a 'Guardian' and they are powered by the Green Sun itself.
Both of the "main" sessions seen so far in Homestuck canon have Guardians and are tied to the Green Sun... but that latter is, at least in part, because the Green Sun was created out of those two sessions. Possibly literally; if you remember, Rose mentioned at one point that the Green Sun was nearly twice the mass of their entire universe. It's suspected that this means the Green Sun is actually composed of the total mass of both the kids' universe and the trolls' universe.

There's no definitive indication that even the Guardians, much less the Green Sun, are an inherent part of the game; there's no definitive indication that they aren't, either, but AFAIR they don't seem to have any connection with the mechanics or progression of the game per se. (However, if we do have a near-omnipotent First Guardian, who and/or what would it be? The humor option would be Pen-Pen, but there are certainly other possibilities... even if we don't have two of them, Adam and Lilith.)

I don't think the Angels make sense as Agents (or vice versa); the only way I know of for the Agents to have anything like the kind of power the Angels display would be by way of the prototyping, and that seems to only affect A: the lesser monsters (imps and ogres and so forth) and B: those wielding the implements of royalty.

One possibility would be that the Progenitors are what they canonically seem to be, the ancestral origins of human and Angelic life - but that they themselves are merely part of the universe which was created by the previous session (whatever that was), and their nature and their power is derived from that. One interesting effect of that would be that it would make it appropriate (to the point of necessity) to have both human and Angelic players, preferably in equal numbers - and hey, we already have two partly-Angelic players, in the form of Kaworu and Rei.

(At this point part of me wants to bring up the question of the god tiers, but I suspect that would have to be dealt with much further down the line, once we have some idea what the plot might be like. Unless you tie myths about ascending to the god tiers into the quest for Instrumentality...)
blackaeronaut Wrote:Players = Shinji, Asuka, Kowaru, Rei, Toji, Hikari, Kunsuke and Mana.
Pardox Clones: Gendo and Yui Ikari, Kyoko Zeppelin Sohryu, Khiel Lorenz... need two more.
Why do you need only two more parent/guardian figures? In Homestuck canon, each player had exactly one guardian. (And the players and guardians alike were paradox clones, created as infant copies/recombinations of their older selves. See the MS Paint Adventures Wiki entry on Paradox Clones for details.)

I suspect that Kaji would be at least as likely a "guardian" figure for Asuka as Kyoko would - though I'm not sure where Misato would fit into it at all. (Also, remember that by Homestuck canon, the guardians all end up dead after the session gets underway. Though that's at least partly due to Homestuck plot events which probably wouldn't have any direct equivalents in such a crossover.)
blackaeronaut Wrote:Who do you guys think should get what titles? Right now we got more titles than players.
I'm not quite sure what you mean by that statement. We have established templates for titles, but we don't have to - and probably shouldn't - use the same titles as in Homestuck canon; we should follow the same sort of pattern, this is one place where creativity and originality is not merely possible but all but required.

Also, in considering that, we'll eventually need to work out names for the players' associated planets; keep in mind that there's a pattern to those names too, tied to the players' respective titles. (Heir of Breath / Land of Wind and Shade, breath matches wind; Knight of Time / Land of Heat and Clockwork, time matches clockwork; Seer of Light / Land of Light and Rain, light matches light; Witch of Space / Land of Frost and Frogs, space matches frogs.)
Space matches frogs? How? Aside from being things that exist in space, but Frost qualifies about as well... Aside from when Kermit T. interviews the Pigs In SPAAACE!

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
I have one name for you:

Bilious Slick.
Ah, okay. Show me for not heeding the spoiler warnings for stuff I haven't gotten to yet.

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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