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Crossovers That Should Not Be XIV: A Heavy Crossover to Bear
03-31-2012, 03:20 PM
Old thread's at 300 posts, so...
Previous Installments:
We've secretly replaced Yuri from Kaleido Star with Yuri from Dirty Pair. Let's see if anyone notices...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I see that now that you mention it.
A pocket dictionary can still be pretty useful if you can decline and conjugate in a reliable way. Especially if you are only trying to do something simple for the sake of having it in Latin.
Likely my first attempt shows the impact of the vagueness of my own memories.
I had a large essay rant on the subject of getting the Latin right in fanfic that I never got to a finished state.
I can't speak for Ace Attorney, but I think that competent lawyers probably don't misuse legal Latin. Of course, just like any other population, there are foolish, incompletely educated incompetent lawyers. (My most direct and extended exposure involves ex-lawyers who separately had formal training in Latin, so that is probably a bias.)
I could also argue that Rowling doesn't count for misusing Latin for her magic words, if she doesn't claim that it is proper Latin in the text itself.
I guess I'll need something to qualify for this thread.
Freezing/Strike Witches with obnoxious conditions attached:
1) Aliens are invading because the Stars are Right. The Stars not being Right is beyond forecasting, and after one type is beaten or countered, another will follow from another source.
2) In modern times, a witch can only be born to a witch, and witches can stop being witches by losing their power as they age.
3) The aliens that last are fairly resistant to conventional forces. Female only occult powers are apparently the only reliable solution.
4) As a result of prior conflicts, witches are effectively extinct.
5) Pandoras are a poor, unstable substitute with an even more limited shelf-life, created by splicing on bits of dead alien.
6) This is a multi-generational story, involving various programs to ensure a useful future supply of women and girls able to use occult powers in combat.
7) This will include both human-alien and human-human wars.
8) Hypothetically, making a non-witch of enough witch ancestry into a Pandora might allow a Witch to be born.
For mecha fans, a witch with very late generation striker units can function as the core fighter in a gundam analog, or three unusual witches in specialized strikers can function as getter machines. However, infantry based Manpads are always at least as advanced and capable.
For romance fans, while, to keep myself a little happy, I'll specify no rape, any breeding programs are not out in the open, and for various assumptions, on top of the usual Panadora stuff, well, live fast, have babies, die young, and die ugly. If this isn't enough:
a) For teenagers that think this sort of thing is cool, remove every aspect of what romance readers enjoy.
b) Stick Eva somewhere in there. Transfer of a mother into a machine might be a lossy process with a high fatal failure rate, and childhood mortality to take out the other part of the successes.
For competent scientists, I would really prefer good experimental design. Maybe there is a combination of disciplines in the real world that could be used to reliably work out sample size and methodology for the various probable experiments, but I wouldn't know how to get such together for a project like this. If that alone is not irritating enough, suppose that mages from Fate/Stay Night are involved, because I suspect that they would tend to be fairly wretched at experimental design.
For magical girl fans, well, I thought Madoka had potential, but that it wimped out and stopped short of going all the way. Suppose that no one who makes a deal for magical power dies truly satisfied with it. (I figured always dies regretting might be a bit too dark.)
These don't quite close off all possibility of should be, but it is a start.
Actually that is just the thought process of a Grimderp! fanboy written down... those being GrimDark! fanboys who run under the theory that when it comes to happy endings, failure is the only option.
Hell, Madoka is literally the story of one girl's quest to kill the Grimderp! in her life with a chainsword named Recursive Proctology.
---Rowling Latin is the result of magical idiots taking Latin and running a wall through with it... I'd be more suprised if it was good latin that results.
We've secretly swiched Gatts with a certain pink pony... Lets see how long it takes before the Godhand is driven mad by the revelation.
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Spoiler warning for Macross F ~Sayonara no Tsubasa~
Having finally seen MF movie 2, I have to say that Kingdom Hearts/Macross F Movieverse is very nearly canon, for all the worlds of NO it embodies. Pretty much Ranka's entire concert is Keyblader in the Hundred Acre Wood, the heartless conspiracy leaders take over their world-ship with shadowy forces who sneak around invisibly until they pop up to attack by surprise, convert the local enemies to fight for them by supressing their emotions and connections to others, and go about beginning a campaign of conquest, people repeatedly are thought to die but return... and then there's the appearance of the fold gates that pop up around a stationary, standing-on-the-ground Queened Frontier and Alto to keep the theme of Macross protagonists vanishing at the end, much like Kingdom Hearts protagonists keep doing. Heck, if you turn your head and squint, the NUNS onion is a bit like a Heartless insignia...
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
There is still plenty of room for happy endings. Yeah, the humans should be shedding more blood than the Romans, without the Roman ability to absorb alien populations. That still isn't a sure loss.
I like the Romans, even though they ultimately lost. We all die in the end, but it does not shrink the victories we create along the way.
As I didn't get around to saying in that 'Hero' thread, nobody is going to get me to only follow definitions of 'Hero' that exclude Rick Rescorla and Regulus. My tastes for what a hero is, who I'm willing to cheer for, cry for, and be pleased at the struggles and sacrifices of, may be very different from yours.
If the scenario I described is well executed, and quite some number of people in it make the decision at say, ten to fourteen, that they don't mind signing on to something likely to get them killed badly, then I can see it as being at least as happy as David Drake's Isles books. I enjoyed Drake's Isles books.
I can see the possibility for good amounts of optimism and hope in the scenario I described. I think implementation makes a huge difference. I was trying to write the specification to remove ways for people to enjoy the crossover as described.
I enjoy reading history, which, along with prehistory, is full of horrible people doing horrible things. Often, the only happy ending is the some population managed to survived a generation or two more. I admit the Cultural Revolution and the Great Leap Forward is a bit much for my taste, and I don't think I really managed to come close to that.
As for Madoka, I am culturally and personally wired to expect certain things if an entity were to come up to me, and offer me magical powers. That sort of thing doesn't really make for a really happy story, but neither would shoving my hand into a plastic shredder. While I enjoy magical girl anime, often, deep down, I expect something else to happen, and am a little surprised when it doesn't. Apparently, Madoka spent some time traveling the path my instincts suggest would happen, and then swerves off back onto something that the Japanese market was willing to support. It looked like they were finally going to show the shredder mangling the hand, and then they didn't.
Triangle Master of Martial Hearts
Shadow Moses Island in Metal Gear keeps on making me think of Persona.
The hero of Rifles for Watie reads E.W. Hildick's 'The Case of the Slingshot Sniper: A McGurk Mystery'
Because anachronism
The 'Great leap Forward' was an exercise in incompetence. 8 digit body count in starvation deaths because it never occurred to Mao that moving so very many people into the industrialization your forcing without a way to feed them was a bad idea, then again that was a lot like how he ran an army so that might have been intentional. It worked out for him in the end, but the random stupid deaths were horrific in volume.
The main issue with the Roman Empire was it got it in its collective head that appeasing people with bread and circuses was a better idea tan actually solving their issues. Basically, the refused to admit that their Empire (in this example is a car) had a gear shift and that going over certain terrain requires changing gears. So they kept in the same gear until the engine seized up and they crashed and burned. The one time someone important tried to get them to even change the oil they stabbed him to death for it. (Seriously, its like they killed their navigator for trying to do something about that check engine light that was glaring so brightly he could barely see the road map.
I find your definition of a 'Hero' to be more protagonist with competent writing... but as the mentioned thread crashed and burned from my memory I'll leave it at that.
Though as my brother controls the downloads (and told me about the series rather than let me watch it with him) I can't really get too, too specific on Madoka... I always consider the end of that series to be stage one of a plan. The infrastructure of the home front is now created. Now they have their own cosmic horrors to work with they can work on bringing the antagonists down.
Anyway, arguing the effects of competent writing making a plot work that shouldn't is a different issue. The difference between 'earn your happy ending' and 'Darker and Edgier for the epic win!!!' end being turned into a punctuation mark for ending paragraphs is not exactly that fine a line. Only half recognizing your specific series having seen neither (though one is advertised as a war on pants... and from what I've heard is easily accused of being pro axis propaganda), I'm not really able to go for specifics, how you write it is a separate issue from if it should be written. Hell, as much as I like the Kingdom Hearts series it is a crossover that should not be actually pulled off correctly so it works anyway.
Shiro Emiya works for the cops as a psychomistrist for high. He ends up getting hired to use his talents to unravel the mess that is left over after a SAW movie. Every item he reads ends taking up a full chapter.
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Guys... If you're putting this much thought into a crossover, maybe it isn't a Crossover That Should Not Be...?
Little ponies visit the Hundred Acre Wood, in Whinny the Pooh
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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robkelk Wrote:Guys... If you're putting this much thought into a crossover, maybe it isn't a Crossover That Should Not Be...?
Little ponies visit the Hundred Acre Wood, in Whinny the Pooh Pinkie Pie meets Eeyore.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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The Pirates of the Caribbean Who Don't Do Anything
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Jorlem Wrote:robkelk Wrote:Guys... If you're putting this much thought into a crossover, maybe it isn't a Crossover That Should Not Be...?
Little ponies visit the Hundred Acre Wood, in Whinny the Pooh Pinkie Pie meets Eeyore. The scary part is Pinkie Pie meets Tigger. 8P
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Timote Wrote:Jorlem Wrote:robkelk Wrote:Guys... If you're putting this much thought into a crossover, maybe it isn't a Crossover That Should Not Be...?
Little ponies visit the Hundred Acre Wood, in Whinny the Pooh Pinkie Pie meets Eeyore. The scary part is Pinkie Pie meets Tigger. 8P
"We are all going to boing."" that a euphemism for something?"
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Remember what happens next?
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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The tale of a mutt & his abusive owners: Benji Muyo
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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At this point we've all seen the Gurren Lantern picture, but has anyone considered this aspect?
"Beastman Viral... you have the ability to inspire great fear..."
- CD, because it's never just the heroes who get a power-up, and rarely do they get the power-up first.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
SCM Writer of 2814
How about…
Lucky*Star Galactica! -
Lucky*Star Wars!
Lucky*Star Trek!
Check out said crack:
Takamachi Nanoha of 2814- Green Lantern Nanoha. To START! Now with a TvTropes page!
FATE/Holy Grail War of 2814- The Fifth Holy Grail War with Magical Girl Prisma Illya, in the DCAU, from the above story.
Magical Girl Magistra Erebea Molly- the world's first Dresden Files/TvTropes Crossover.
VENGEANCE! The Musical! The Story of Uchiha Sasuke
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We've secretly replaced Lucky*Star with Outlaw Star. Lets see if anyone notices.
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Four cute schoolgirls that are all kinds of mischievous, lazy, ditzy, and helpful on an advanced grappler ship desig0ed to seek out the ultimate treasure of the universe? Oh yeah, this is only asking for trouble.
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blackaeronaut Wrote:Four cute schoolgirls that are all kinds of mischievous, lazy, ditzy, and helpful on an advanced grappler ship desig0ed to seek out the ultimate treasure of the universe? Oh yeah, this is only asking for trouble.  That depends on which end of the ultimate treasure they eat first...
Edit: Oh, and how do you cast this? - Konata Hawking - she's the computer expert.
- Kagome Clan-Clan
- Miyuki in Melfina's place
- Tsukasa... I'm stumped - she's neither Gene nor Suzuka. (Nor is she a good fit for any of the others, for that matter.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
School girls? They are late teens in high school in Luckystar... Which means watching New Lucky*Star Galactica! is likely a felony.
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Hey, Konata's 18...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Wandering back to the 'Ponies in the 100 Acre Wood' idea, another disturbing aspect of it: Pinkie Pie + Tigger = Tigger on a sugar high
Additionally, Dealling with both Tigger (especially on sugar) and Pinkie would probably give poor Rabbit a stroke.
I suspect Piglet would get along quite well with Rarity, Applejack and Rabbit could probably spend time discussing farming and meanwhile Twilight and Owl are discussing a wide range of topics.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
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Timote Wrote:Wandering back to the 'Ponies in the 100 Acre Wood' idea, another disturbing aspect of it: Pinkie Pie + Tigger = Tigger on a sugar high
Additionally, Dealling with both Tigger (especially on sugar) and Pinkie would probably give poor Rabbit a stroke.
I suspect Piglet would get along quite well with Rarity, Applejack and Rabbit could probably spend time discussing farming and meanwhile Twilight and Owl are discussing a wide range of topics. And Scootaloo would insist that Roo be allowed as an honorary Cutie Mark Crusader.
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber." --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
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.... And somehow I can just see Christopher Robin and Celestia walking side-by-side through the Hundred Acre Wood discussing things like the Magic of Friendship and associated misadventures.
This only leaves Luna... and Pooh...
...Oh bother.
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I'd be more concerned about Pinkie and Eeyore causing a matter/antimatter explosion if the Mane Six visited the 100 Acre Wood, honestly.
- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Ashley glared at her commander.“You? I know you! You trust beyond reason.”
Comander Shepard smiled. "Yes. It's how I get results beyond hope. As you may recall."