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Harry Potter is a student at Hogwarts, Albion's finest magic academy, but in the last three years he's faced adventures beyond even the dreams of most nobles. This year, it seems there's to be some sort of tournement with students from the academies in Tristania and Germania also participating, plus the hanging shadow of Voldemort as ever in the background, and on top of that is this "Reconquista" business his uncle supports, that seems to have been working themselves up to something all summer...
(HP/ZNT fusion, going a different route than "Lousie summons Insert Character X." Admittedly, there are some shards of potential there, but for the most part... no. Just, very no.)
- CD, of course if someone wants to take that as a challenge to do it well, I'd be happy to see them succeed...
ETA: With a Halkegenian background it would be quite hard to keep the canon hate-and-fear-magic Dursleys and plausibly have Harry returned to them so instead they're bottom-tier minor nobles (also fitting with Vernon having a management position) who expect to gain in power and position with the Reconquista in charge. the ZnT side would probably have to be advanced a year so Louise is 17 and eligible to put her name in for the Triwizard, even if no one expects The Zero to be selected... A 3rd property insert as her familiar is also possible, of course, and nearly anyone is preferable to canon, but would still complicate the story even more.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
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Especially if he/she's from a world with J K Rowling in it.
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Jinx999 Wrote:Especially if he/she's from a world with J K Rowling in it. Or he's visited some other Hogwarts'... Post-Step-IV Doug Sangnoir, anyone?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Mmmmnah, the familiar binding is a little too much to lay on Doug, given his "just a passing-through masked rider" modus operandi. I don't really have a good suggestion or a bad-in0the-right-way suggestion to make instead, though.
- CD
Edit: He could appear at the same time as her familar, though - his portal deflected by the hyperdimensional path of the summoning. Because every train wreck is improved by adding another boxcar full of explosives.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Actually, that offers another entertaining idea. Doug in one of the Kamen Rider universes. Doug comes flying through the gate in a very badly chosen place and time and actually collides with the current Kamen Rider, hospitalizing him for a while. Now Doug has to figure out how to keep things from falling apart critically. Obviously, the actual challenges involved would vary based on which show and when, but given the kind of power some of those guys are throwing around by the ends of their series....
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Emperor Norton Hears a Who
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Adapting the Dursleys is trivial. Leave them as the the minor nobels and switch over the hate of magic to hate of elves. Basically for the same reasons. Lily and her husband get offed and Harry disappears and a baby with a note claiming the baby is their nephew. Which may or may not actually be true. No one talked to them and they only got the basket and note. The thing is they aren't really sure it is Harry or not. The random doorstep baby is awfully in line with that old legend about changeling babies... where elves leave their offspring on some idiot humans porch and after all the annoying part of child raising are done swoop in and raise the kid then.
Its the lack of anyone talking to them that causes the issue and until the Hogwarts letter shows up they never get any real proof that Harry isn't actually 'Harry the elf'. So they raise him kind of distant and strick so that if he is an elf the bloody thing will be oh so much harder to deprogram the humanity out of. On the other hand it could actually be their nephew so they never treat him badly really... its just akward all around. Its not until they get the letter and confirm it they actually explain things to him. Harry can't tell if he should be mad at them or not... how he showed up is basically classic changling.
As most mages are stuck at dot and Lily showed promise she went to Hogwarts and Petunia to the local school. So the Dursleys never actually felt they had the social status to send questioning letters to Dumbledore Dumbledore wanted to keep Harry's location quite so never mentions knowing where Harry is... so the Dursleys never actually get an answer through their own inquiries.
Just have the Triwizard take place during the time at the start of the Albion uprising (its notEngland after all) and use the tournament as a cover to get Louise in the country for the letter raid. Her academic grades were good enough to make her a plausible candidate on paper. They didn't expect her to get involved as a contestant. The Prince will be there as a judge. So a good covert op with basically little risk... only the Reconquista is there and the Death Eaters are a major players (they hate elves not muggles). The whole thing is a cover for the kick off of Reconquista and things go straight to hell in the final round.
So these two series can actually mesh well with a bit of change of who gets all the societal hate.
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But what if you don't *want* to be an assassin?
04-09-2012, 06:42 PM
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Now there's a thought.
Louise summons Nanoha. And promptly finds herself getting what her new familiar considers /proper/ Mage training...
Of course, which Familiar should Nanoha be? Gandalfr would be amusing as she flashes back to her family's ninja training... I don't know enough about the others, but there's one in there about being able to control any magical artifact, yes?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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That's Myoz(somethingsomething)? It'd certainly be *interesting* to see what a friendly character could do with that. There's apparently also one that involves controlling magical creatures, and a boring one. '.'
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Teana of House Lannister. (Shamlessly stolen from
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Peggy came up with this one over the weekend, and Prog's post just reminded me -- Borged Daleks screaming "A-SSIM-I-LATE! A-SSIM-I-LATE!"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'd like to point out that there is actually a Void Rune for the mind of god (I think) that gives effectively infinite mana reserves... I don't think I actually need to expand upon this.
I'm pretty sure borged Daleks are literally the antithesis of Daleks.... that is literally the Dalek definition of blasphemy right there.
I'm fairly sure that the canon ZnT void runes are as follows, more or less:
Shield is Gandalfr, the weapons thing is a defensive power. I think it is the 'Left Hand of'.
Sword is the other hand, F something, the power to control magical animals, an offensive power. The Pope of Romalia can put it on his summon.
'Myoz(somethingsomething)?' is the mind power, tied to the Gallian royal family. It may be that it is the infinite mana one, I've heard that it is essentially Gandalfr for magical equipment.
Lastly is the Heart power, which a surviving distant relative of the royal family of Albion attaches to another familiar. I forget the description of it that I saw, but infinite mana also sounds vaguely familiar.
With regard to a ZnT Step, I'm inclined to agree that it is correct to not inflict Gandalfr on Doug. Consider instead a pair of Steps, one where Doug meets the future Gandalfr, and another where he is actually in the ZnT world, and meets again the now Gandalfr. This could be used to explore the nature of Steps, familiar summoning, and familiar contracting.
I do suspect that the Gandalfr rune might actually do Chise from Saikano some good, maybe to the extent of letting her function in human society.
I'm a bit short on should /not/ be suggestions for this.
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RomanFanboy Wrote:I'm a bit short on should /not/ be suggestions for this. Maybe it should be spun off into its own thread, then...
Josie and the Argonauts : Hot greek gals musically quest for the Golden Catsuit
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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We've replaced Quark from Quark with Quark from Deep Space Nine. Let's see if anyone notices.
We've swapped Betty 1 from Quark with Betty 2 from Quark. Let's see if they notice...
We've swapped Gene/Jean the Transmute from Quark with Gene Gene The Dancing Machine from The Gong Show. Let's... well, you get the idea.
(And what is this Quark of which you speak, some of you may be asking? Read and learn.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
We replaced Quark the garbage scow captain with Quark the subatomic supervillain from that one episode of Super Secret Secret Squirrell. Let's see how much damage he does before anyone notices!
We've replaced one of the Betties from Quark with Betty Cooper from Riverdale, and the other with Betty Rubble. Let's see if anyone notices...
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I know it's not really pronounced that way, but...
The Haxx0rcist
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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We've secretly replaced the Betties from Quark with the Beatles. Let's see if anyone notices... besides Quark, of course.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Adele Mundy examined the creatures in front of her. She was precise by both nature and avocation and her friend and colleague Leary had a notable interest in zoology. She had also been well trained in some of the less publicised parts of library science by Mistress Boileau. This allowed her to make a more accurate identification of one of the creatures in front of her than the other had, to its current discomfort. She addressed the other creature, a brightly coloured quadruped.
"I believe, Miss Sparkle, that our colleague is an ape, and not a monkey, as you suggested."
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Quote:Adele Mundy
Quote:"I believe, Miss Sparkle, that our colleague is an ape, and not a monkey, as you suggested."
do you like the sound of hurting, you foul minded person, you?
"No can brain today. Want cheezeburger."
From NGE: Nobody Dies, by Gregg Landsman
/Should be./ Should be, and is. I would recommend removing the 'in' in front of 'parts of library science', but what do I know? Probably they would want to scare up a healer somewhere, if it is a really big quest.
Again, I'm currently weak on creativity for should /not/ be, so all I have to try to qualify with is secretly replacing Joey Stalin, from Georgia, with Jimmy Carter, also from Georgia. Of course, now that I've said that, I've come up with adding to the swapping the 4Kids/FoxKids Yu-Gi-Oh dub, and that myth, whatsit, Tristain and Isolde? Now /my/ brain hurts.
Louise summons a Pokemon trainer. Not just any Pokemon trainer, though, this one has seen - and caught - things that would drive lesser children mad. He is...
Familiar of (MISSING NUMBER)