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Crossovers That Should Not Be XVI: Mass-Murderers Love Company
Quote:SkyeFire wrote:
Lelouch gets summoned in one of the Grail Wars. Suddenly, we have someone who can out-scheme Gilgamesh *and* Kotomine at the same time while running a knight and rook handicap. Also, Knightmare Frames as Noble Phantasms. Whee!
Lelouch would make an interesting Heroic Spirit- well, antihero.  Antiheroic Spirit?  Potential Servant.  I'm looking at the Type-Moon wiki right now, trying to stat him out.
When you look at what he is, you get a fairly unimpressive set of parameters.  I'd say Strength of E- is a given; even as a Servant, Lulu might be raised to the strength of a normal human being.  Agility I'd rate as E+; E-rank because Lulu is basically a wimp and can't physically move all that fast, but the + because of how quickly he thinks and reacts.  Endurance would be in the E to D-rank range, just because he's not known for lacking it.  Luck?  C to B+, I'd say- not crazy, but things seem to work out in battle for him more often than not.
I'd give Lelouch a fairly high amount of mana- C+ at the lowest, with a maximum of A++, depending on which version of him you got.  Noble Phantasms could be all over the place, depending on which version of Lulu you got, and which class you got him in- anywhere from E- to EX.
As for class, Saber and Lancer are right out.  Suzaku might qualify for one or the other, but not Lelouch.  The best fits for him, stat-wise, seem to be Caster and Archer, with Rider and Berserker possible.  Assassin might work, but I don't really see it fitting his theme.
Skills are also interesting... if you try to base them off of the character, that is.  Lelouch is good enough with vehicles to get Riding at a low level- maybe something around C-rank.  I think he should also have Independent Action, given how slippery an SOB the guy is, but I couldn't decide what rank.  No less than C-rank.
Personal Skills are where he'd really shine.  Subversive Activities, Charisma, Instinct, Military Tactics, and Eye of the Mind (True) would be perfect for him, combining the ability to know what to do in battle with the ability to lead and command troops, and a mastery of trapping the battlefield.  Oh, and then there's those Mystic Eyes of Compulsion he's got...
Noble Phantasms?  Well, his Geass would count here, as well.  If he was Rider, the Command Burai from R1 or Shinkiro from R2.  As Archer, Hadron blasts (from Gawain).  Possibly a Reality Marble, similar to Ionian Hetaroi, but for the Black Knights, or the ability to summon a Burai swarm.  There's lots of things that could be done with this.
...sorry for the dump, but the idea appealed to me too much to shut up about.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Iron Man of Steel - When technological wunderkind Tony Kent discovers that he's actually an alien raised by Earthlings, he builds a suit of armor that harnesses his solar-powered superabilities...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Actually, have him reshape the hull of his space pod into a suit of full armor with super-strength and heat vision instead of having Martha Kent somehow tailor a super-fabric baby blanket into a suit capable of fitting a large man and stopping bullets/lasers/atomic powered hurtbots/etc., and you also give him a plausible method of hiding his identity instead of just wearing fake glasses and slouching. As an added benefit, even incomprehensible super-tech is a less threatening explanation for superpowers than "I can just do it," so if you're going by Smallville continuity he might not even spook Lex into going down the ruthless-to-heartless-to-evil path in the name of defending earth from the alien invader, even if he does long to get his hands on that juicy, juicy "powered armor."
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Mm. Now that I've actually seen Man of Steel, yeah, that makes perfect sense,
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
...and then you can give Lex a truly awesome Big Reveal and matching mental break when he finally *does* manage to get his hands on the suit.

Also, if you're going with Lex-as-mad-scientist... well, he might actually make a passable Iron Man if he put his mind to it, and was driven by envy (of what is obviously an awesome suit) rather than hatred.
On several occasions, Lex has. Though he has a penchant for leaving his head in the open, and picking horrible color schemes. The one he uses in the Injustice: Gods Among Us video game is pretty good, though - just needs a force bubble over the face, or a classic 50s sci-fi book cover dome.

Link to "movie" version of the story-mode cinematics:

"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
New one: Batarians at the Gate - and here SG-1 thought the Go'auld were trouble! On the positive side, the Ancients swept up all the trapped tech the Reapers left behind before scattering their own "presents" around in hopes of the next Cycle not having to "Ascend" to a nonphysical form or be wiped out. Less helpfully, the other Elder Races of this galaxy are even less in evidence than normal Stargate continuity, and the Asgard managed to activate a different, no less inimical relic of the long-gone race that created the Reapers in their own galaxy as well (the Replicators.)

All that is still nearly a century off, though - right now, Earth's problem is being a world with a native population that lies inside the newly revised (ie expanded) borders of the Batarian Hegemony.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Bubblegum Galactica : Twitchy Baltar (tm) leads a squad of cloned Hot Starbucks (tm) against the machinations of the Genom manufactured Cylon menace. It's at least as good as Galactica 1980!
Ross Van Loan Wrote:It's at least as good as Galactica 1980!
If you set the bar that low, somebody's going to trip over it...

Another CTSNB: Gattica 1980
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
I'd have to say that Battlestar Galactica and US culture ca. 1980 was a crossover that should not have been.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Pratchett and Travolta's Discoworld

(Hey, Rincewind is good at Staying Alive...)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
"I am not a number! I am a Fremen!"
Prisoner of Dune
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
"I am not a number! I am Dr Freeman!"Half-life of the Prisoner


(Although I don't think he talks. Oh well.)
Quote:Silverex wrote:
"I am not a number! I am Dr Freeman!"Half-life of the Prisoner


(Although I don't think he talks. Oh well.)
Make it Prisoner Freeman's Mind, and you can give him all sorts of angry snark.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Inspired by a post in the IST 25 subforum...

Centuries after Aang, centuries after Korra, the line of Avatars comes to its end with the final and most unlikely one of all -- a robot:

Bender, The Last Avatar

"Bite my shiny, metal-bending ass!"
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:
Inspired by a post in the IST 25 subforum...

Centuries after Aang, centuries after Korra, the line of Avatars comes to its end with the final and most unlikely one of all -- a robot:
Bender, The Last Avatar

"Bite my shiny, metal-bending ass!"
[Image: 1xz4mg.jpg]
Stand between the Silver Crystal and the Golden Sea.
"Youngsters these days just have no appreciation for the magnificence of the legendary cucumber."  --Krityan Elder, Tales of Vesperia.
Stark indeed
Tetsuo: Iron Man is obviously an In Extremis story as told by William Burroughs. 
Today at work it came to me that Mami from Madoka Magica looks a bit like Chiriri from Bottle Fairy...

This promptly lead to imagining Mami surviving due to wearing a flowerpot on her head.

Morganni Wrote:Today at work it came to me that Mami from Madoka Magica looks a bit like Chiriri from Bottle Fairy...

This promptly lead to imagining Mami surviving due to wearing a flowerpot on her head.

So Kururu would be Madoka, Hororo would be Homura, and Sarara would be Sakura?

What role would that leave for Sensei-san... Ack! No, girls, don't listen to Kuubey-sensei-san!
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
The most terrifying CTSNB ever, in one sentence: "Owen Deathstalker, I'd like you to meet Luke Skywalker."
Quote:Duane Peters wrote:
The most terrifying CTSNB ever, in one sentence: "Owen Deathstalker, I'd like you to meet Luke Skywalker."
You're right.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
At least that Uncle Owen wouldn't be trying to keep him down on the farm when the droids brought a glimpse of Paris.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
Comissioned to capture a particular magical beastie - or perhaps just having heard rumors of how delicious it is - Lina Inverse was just about to strike, when suddenly her prey vanished into a magic portal! Not about to be thwarted so easily, she whips up a ritual array to crack it back open and follow... arriving just in time to find it's already been bound as some mage academy student's familiar. The last member of the class takes a couple tries at it while Lina tries to argue the point without actually
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
having a shared language... the explosive failures are only a little more of an obstacle, even as the professor tries to calm everything down.

Too bad, the familiar bond really is too strong to just take the beastie anyway, but what's this? The portal trace she used before has been scrambled by the violent failed attempts... Lina (and at least Gourry or Naga with her) are stuck in this Halkeginia place, on an entirely different staff from Shabranigdo's...

And what's all this about some "Brimir" anyway?
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows
I kind of doubt Lina would be all that bothered about being in a different world at least in the short term - she'd probably wander off to see what kind of treasures and food it has to offer in a day or two, and not show up againg until the ZNT anime filler monster hunts or when the war kicks off. While learning about a new style of shamanic elementalism might interest her, looting a few tomes from lairs and studying it on her own is more her accustomed mode than going to classes, but it wouldn't be totall
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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