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Let's run an alchemy studio with Atelier Rorona!
Hmmm. At first I was like "That'd be pretty bold of them, to even suggest something like that." Except, well... Astrid is in this game, and even if they didn't intend to make her look like a huge lesbian*, I'd say they did a pretty good job of it. So they're already pretty bold. I don't know.

*And then a part of my mind said "or a tiny lesbian, depending on which part of her you measure".

Also, some of the dialogue in this game really suggests Esty having continuity of memory between times she goes drinking. (Actually, I wasn't thinking of that line before, but when Esty describes Tiffani as lucky she forgets things, doesn't that really carry an undertone of "as opposed to me, who remembers whatever stupid shit I end up doing"?)

Although it'd hardly be weird for Esty's sister to have incomplete information in one way or another.

-Morgan. I'd much rather imagine them sleeping together while both sober and happy about it!
...An alchemist is fine too...
...And yes, I'm aware of the irony.
It might also be either a continuity error or Esty simply not handling alcohol well in the future, particularly since at this point her sister Filly is probably only 8-12 years old or so.
Incidentally I'm kinda surprised you didn't poke at Esty's full name yet, or has that actually not come up in game yet?
I was thinking more like the reverse - Esty didn't handle alcohol well early on, with spectacular enough results that it ends up overshadowing later times, when she's developed more tolerance or gotten better at controlling her intake.

It's just not my idea of a funny joke. Or of a joke. Or of funny. '.'

*shrug* Coulda poked the other way, at the localization. That's where it went for me after the initial startle laugh. By far the worst immersion breaker I can remember.
Well, like so many other things, there's two reasons why I didn't do that.

-I didn't know the localization changed her name.

-It's just not really my style.

And, like sometimes, a third reason.

-I would -not- have noticed it on my own.

Ahh. I often play in Japanese speech mode so it stood out pretty badly for me.
"Erheart? Who's that? Oh they changed it to Dee. Huh, why'd they do that? Esty Erheart into Esty Dee... Oh."
Huh. I tried switching to Japanese voices and checking a couple places, but everywhere I looked that someone used her last name in the English text, they didn't use it in the Japanese...

Update 8 is almost ready to go, but for now here's something I said I was going to do a while back...
Bonus Update 1: The Nightmare of RoronaBonus Update 1, Part the only

Welp, picked up Atelier Meruru today, since I finished my last game. My local EB had it on the cheap (I passed on the Alchemist of Dust, since it was full price and the PSP Mana Khemia, cause I lost my PSP charging cord, and all the reviews say they did a terrible job porting it anyway).

I've only played an hour or so, but I think it's interesting that Meruru is the student of Totori who is the student of Rorona. Gives a nice sense of continuity without screaming CAMEO!
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
Quote:Florin wrote:
lost my PSP charging cord
...can't you charge it through the mini-USB connection?  I remember doing that with my PSP on occasion.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Florin Wrote:Welp, picked up Atelier Meruru today, since I finished my last game. My local EB had it on the cheap (I passed on the Alchemist of Dust, since it was full price and the PSP Mana Khemia, cause I lost my PSP charging cord, and all the reviews say they did a terrible job porting it anyway).

Terrible is kind of relative. It's not like "horrible bugs everywhere!" the way, say, the PS2 version of Arcana Heart 2 was. (*cries*) But the loading times... would not be so bad if it wasn't at least every time you got into a fight. The optional install to memory card helps some, and apparently it's not a problem at all if you've got a modded PSP and run the whole thing off the MS, but... in general, it's not as good of an experience as the PS2 version.

Quote:I've only played an hour or so, but I think it's interesting that Meruru is the student of Totori who is the student of Rorona. Gives a nice sense of continuity without screaming CAMEO!

I think that's sort of one of GUST's things too, since a *lot* of their games seem to have things that. Marie links to Elie, Elie links to Violet, Lilie links to Judie, Mana Khemia 1 to 2, each Arland game to the ones after it... And a lot of that's just from single-paragraph descriptions, so I'm probably missing things. The Ar tonelico games have characters who carry over too, although they're much more tightly connected in general than the mainline Atelier games.

Update 8: Thermal ShockUpdate 8, Part 1Update 8, Part 2Update 8, Part 3

I've been in the habit of reading these by following the links from your "Contents" post, as a matter of navigation convenience, but at least on my end Update 8 doesn't seem to be listed there yet. Is there a reason for that?
... Yeah, that'd be because when I went in to edit that entry, I did the code for the new update, came over and copied it here, went over to and made the post there... and never hit "save entry" to update the post in my lj. -.-

The Tera Bomb reminds me of the Ar Tonelico?? item you could create in the first game of the same name. The item description would warn you that maybe using a miniaturized version of the towers reactor as a bomb was a bad idea, but if you ignored that (expecting a slap on the wrist nuke) you'd wipe out the enemy and your party. And presumably everything for miles around.
If you become a monster to put down a monster you've still got a monster running around at the end of the day and have as such not really solved the whole monster problem at all. 
I remember trying one of those to see what it did. It seems like it won't do any damage to your Reyvateil, but blows everyone else up... Of course, if you're fighting one of those enemies that doesn't take damage from regular attacks, it turns out they don't take any damage from it either, so it'll tie up that loose end for you. The funny thing is that there's a scene in AT2 that implies you used it in exactly the sort of fight that it would make you lose...

Personally, I don't think you're actually using it as a bomb. Since the visual effect is the same as the tower connection spells (beams of destruction from above). Which would be fine if you could *aim* them.

I suppose that's the big difference between that and Tera Bombs. They can be turned into something useful... unless you're me. ^.^

-Morgan. Or anyone else who wants any challenge to remain in the game, I guess. Or just don't feel like sitting through it's ridiculously long animation...
Finally (nearly) caught up.  Definitely enjoying the run, both as a good LP, and as the opportunity to dodge playing it myself.
It's definitely not everybody's cup of tea... myself included, I suspect.  Fun to watch, though.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Well. That didn't go quite the way I had planned.

There are a lot of reasons for different parts of the delay between this update and the last, but it mostly comes down to "Moving out didn't simplify my life quite as much as one might have hoped." Things are starting to stabilize however, even if I do have quite a few boxes to unpack yet.
Update 9: Water is really just molten iceUpdate 9, Part 1Update 9, Part 2Update 9, Part 3

I'm not going to say when I want to get the next update done, because then it will not happen. But it shouldn't be hard to be faster than this one. o.O

Haven't read through it yet, but I'm glad to see this return!
Update 10: When you've got a job to do...Update 10, Part 1Update 10, Part 2Update 10, Part 3

How is it that even though I feel like I've got less stuff to talk about, the updates don't get any smaller?

Less to talk about, but more to do?
Thanks for this, by the way.  This is the LP I'm using (every so often, in my copious spare time) to figure out Atelier for the first time.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Eh... I don't know.

I mean, there's certainly a fair amount of activity going on that gets glossed over - fighting those innumerable groups of Punis, doing requests, making stuff that I need but don't have anything new to say about, and so forth. But, well, glossed over. There's not much in the way of interesting new areas to show off, stuff to make, concepts to discuss - the stuff that was the real meat of the earlier updates.

On the other hand, there have been a whole lot of cutscenes. Maybe I just underestimate how much all that ends up being when the overhead of getting the face pictures just how I like them is factored in.

Maybe I'll write a program that goes through the updates and figure out how much commentary is in each one of them. That might give a more accurate representation of what I'm thinking of than looking at the size of the ready-to-be-broken-into-posts files.

Update 11: The night has a thousand knives
Update 11, Part 1
Update 11, Part 2

Well, that went surprisingly fast.

Update 12: SargassoUpdate 12

How fast this one went, on the other hand, wasn't a surprise at all.

So, uh.... anyone got any suggestions for my question at the end of the update?

I'd like to get a couple more theme-based ideas to use before I post the next update.

All prime numbers are lucky.
Update 13: Absolute PowerUpdate 13, Part 1Update 13, Part 2Update 13, Part 3Update 13, A Day in the Strife

I've decided to cover a few more endings than I originally planned. I have no idea how long that'll take though. It involves playing through the entire game again... but it'll be faster this time, since I won't have to record and go through everything... but I'm not sure how much time I'll have to actually play until the new year...


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