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New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
naruto: snake sannin stays
(Edit: Sorry, yesilmavi, the misspelling in the subject was bugging me, so I felt compelled to fix it. -- Bob)
(Edit2: No problem. I actually copied the title from the previous thread...)
re: sg/gilmore girls
Physics of the Spin
Rory Gilmore always thought she was the illegitimate daughter of Christopher Hayden. She was an illegitimate daughter. But of a man named Rodney McKay.
Ch. 1: mhalachaiswords.livejourn...53812.html
Ch 2:
Ch 3:
Ch 4:
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
Ruskbyte has released the first chapter in what looks like a very interesting Harry Potter fic -- Culture Shock. (, requires login.)

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
Ruskbyte has released the first chapter in what looks like a very interesting Harry Potter fic -- Culture Shock.
No. Fucking. Way.
Okay, this one's right at the top of my watchlist. Trainwreck or glory, I've *got* to see how this turns out.---
Mr. Fnord
Mr. Fnord interdimensional man of mystery

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"I. Drink. Your. NERDRAGE!"
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
I can't remember if this has be recommended before, but given the punchline to the latest chapter I couldn't resist.
Once More with Feeling, an EVA replay fic.
I'll wait a day or two before posting the above mentioned punchline to the ROFLMAO thread.
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
Ruskbyte has released the first chapter in what looks like a very interesting Harry Potter fic -- Culture Shock. (, requires login.)

For those without an FFA account, Here is the version (no changes that I've seen in my brief comparison).
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
I can't remember if this has be recommended before, but given the punchline to the latest chapter I couldn't resist.
Once More with Feeling, an EVA replay fic.
I'll wait a day or two before posting the above mentioned punchline to the ROFLMAO thread.
Someone needs to make that punchline a photoshopped reality, STAT. [Image: smile.gif]
Also, the next chapter is already out.
"If you're so evil... EAT THIS KITTEN!"
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
Cobalt Greywalker said:
I can't remember if this has be recommended before, but given the punchline to the latest chapter I couldn't resist.
Once More with Feeling, an EVA replay fic.
I'll wait a day or two before posting the above mentioned punchline to the ROFLMAO thread.
Ok while I must admit i'm enjoying the fic now....
I've never seen so many instances of mangling the characters names ever.. >_
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
I'm gonna, we're way past seconding the recommendation...this would be...thirding? Fourthing? I dunno. But that "Once More with Feeling" fic is damn good.
-- Acyl
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
I'm fifthing "Once More With Feeling", though I'm not yet done reading the extant material.
I've never seen so many instances of mangling the characters names ever.. >_<
And not just names. It almost seems like one in ten words is misspelled, sometimes grotesquely so. The author really needs a dictionary, and a constant reminder to use it, as he seems to think (for example) "inherent" is what you do after you find your name in a will. Just to name the first example that comes to mind.

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
Not so much a dictionary problem I don't think, so much as a 'run it through spellcheck once and call it good' mentality. I'm betting he does know the right words, but that after typoing, he relies on a spellchecker to fix his mistakes but doesn't look all that closely after using it. What he really needs is someone to beta for him.
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
No, he's not running it through a spellchecker. There are a couple of things I spotted that just aren't anything like a word in English.

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
The thing that throws me the most is the extra/missing quotes from speech.
Being a bad speller myself I don't notice most of the misspellings.
But that said, it is so very addictive. And I was planning on playing CoV tonight (cry).-Terry
"Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away." - Antoine de Saint Exupery
The problem with America is stupidity. I'm not saying there should be a capital punishment for stupidity, but why don't we just take the safety labels off of everything and let the problem solve itself?
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
Yeah, that's the other really big thing -- he's never heard of apostrophes. At all. But yeah, it's addictive, and yeah, now that I finished it last night, I want that poster from the end of, um, "Red Song" (?) -- the current next-to-last chapter. And I really liked the most recent chapter, particularly the very last sentence.

-- Bob
I intend to be a freak for the rest of my life, and I shall baffle you with cabbages and rhinoceroses in the kitchen and incessant quotations from Now We Are Six through the mouthpiece of Lord Snooty's giant poisoned electric head. So theeeeeere....
Chapter 1 of the sequel to "Resistance of Azkaban" is up.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
Re: Sequel
#16 only has like, 3 good Code Geass fics, and two of them have the same basic plot idea. So here's the third one, as a rec.
For the Want of a Nail by Overhaul.
Sometimes the smallest change can have the largest consequences. A simple slip of the hand sends events spinning out of control, and Zero learns that redemption may not be as unattainable as it seems.
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(DISCLAIMER: The Internet is a medium for the exchange of ideas. Thoughts and concepts are shared there. It is possible that people who use it may begin thinking about things they never did before. If this idea disgusts, frightens, or revolts you, please refrain from using the Internet in any way, shape, or form.)
Of the other two, which one did you like better?
Re: re:
Ranma on a Indian spirit walk... wierd one shot.
E: "Did they... did they just endorse the combination of the JSDF and US Army by showing them as two lesbian lolicons moving in together and holding hands and talking about how 'intimate' they were?"
B: "Have you forgotten so soon? They're phasing out Don't Ask, Don't Tell."
Re: re:
I'm not sure I could pick one. Anyway, here's some more Code Geass I've found that don't seem to suck.
Code Geass: Lelouch of Brittania by Cal reflector
History often hinges on a moment. What if young Lelouch avoided the fate of exile and remained with the royal family? All roles become reversed. The tale of Lelouch's quest for power and vengeance as the Black Prince of the Empire.
Code Geass: The Black Prince by R334
Code Geass AU: would have Lelouch become a different person had Cornelia taken him in and spared him exile? One thing is certain: his desire to find justice has certainly not abated... An experimental fic I came up with late at night.
Lord of Submission by RogueRoguePhoenix.
He was once like us, powerless and hateful towards the society he lived in. Then, he received power. Now he arms himself and prepares for war. Brace yourself, a revolution is beginning.
Friends Indeed by Second Harrier
The whole point of a secret romance, after all, is that no one knows it's going on. (Lemon)

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(DISCLAIMER: The Internet is a medium for the exchange of ideas. Thoughts and concepts are shared there. It is possible that people who use it may begin thinking about things they never did before. If this idea disgusts, frightens, or revolts you, please refrain from using the Internet in any way, shape, or form.)
new fic
The author of Muggle Summer has a funny new R rated story called Testing Defenses.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
The big bang and everything after. Only River gets noodles out of traversable wormhole.
Naruto, with knives and precision
ps: am seconding Tjalorak req. Describing gravity effect as noodles [Image: smile.gif]
Re: Naruto
Harry Potter AU. Characters all seem to actually be generally more or less IC. Harry becomes independent, but pretty realistically and doesn't do the 'I hate you all thing'. Best of all, there's actually a sense of mystery about everything that's going on.
naruto: the video game
(from the disgea/naruto author.)
Naruto/batman crossover
Naruto, raised by the Joker (from batman)
(rec'ed by the previous author.)

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