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[RFC][SI][Multi-Xover]Being You is Suffering
Quote:PS: Oh, Bob? Would not this song give Doug the willies in a bad way? Wink
There's a good way? It's definitely a song he'd be of two minds about, especially were it in a language his metagift could process... (Speaking of which, I'd be interested in hearing Rammstein cover this...)
Quote:while in my character's case it is about his restraint (his humanity in the mental sense).
"Monsters we must be, lest monsters we become"?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote:

Quote:while in my character's case it is about his restraint (his humanity in the mental sense).
"Monsters we must be, lest monsters we become"?
Indeed. My character ends up losing the first friend he made on the trip (after a quarter year passed totally alone) at the ends of the government in power. He goes nuclear, literally.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
Well, since Bluemage is going on vacation I guess I oughta pick up the slack a bit, eh?  Wink
For now, a short transitional bit to whet your appetites.  More will come in the following days, but what's been holding me up is deciding on just how far to take things with Yuki.  It's relatively normal stuff that all kids go through (though distressing to all but the most free-thinking parents).  But the circumstances give it an interesting twist, making it into something that I can easily take way too far for anyone's comfort zone, thus the need for my careful brainstorming.  But now I think I've got it worked out...  Pretty sure someone somewhere will shit a brick regardless.  :p

It started out
innocently enough. Just an idle curiosity I wanted to satisfy. And
while the Internet was still relatively undeveloped from my
perspective, it still had all the resources I needed for this. But
even so, I did not think at the time that it would bring me to this.

“Washu-chan, I
need a gene-mod.”

Washu gave me a
flat look. “What.”

“I have an
alternate here. I need a gene mod.”

Washu frowned at
that. “Show me.”

It really was
remarkable, how things could be so different, and yet stay so very
much the same.

I only went back as
far as four generations, and yet the differences were striking. For
one thing, my alternate's mother's maiden name here was Delacroix.
As before, her father's family were all transplants from Louisiana,
but in my home time-line someone had gotten themselves into serious
trouble with The Law and the entire family had to change their names
and pull a fast fade.

Apparently, in this
time-line, they went straight before being caught and got into the
oil industry in Texas. While most Delacroix still persisted in that
trade, Claude Delacroix opened several bars and restaurants, all with
a unique Louisianian/Tex-Mex fusion that became all the rage, and
eventually passed it all on to his son, Charles.

On the other side
of my alternate's maternal line was the Saldanas. As before, the
head of the family had been murdered for his wealth, but the old man
had been more cagey this time. Not only had he stashed assets in
Texas, but he had ensured that his fortune would remain with the
family by relying on an American lawyer in the city of San Antonio –
which even then was a budding commercial city.

Once the Saldana
family saw that they were no longer safe in Mexico City, they simply
liquified their remaining assets and went to San Antonio to live a
simpler, yet comfortable life.

Grandpa Joe still
went to become a firefighter, only because he was that kind of man.

His daughter,
Adelina, still met and married Charles. They still had three

Katherine still met
and married a man named Wendell.

But here, things
changed once more. Katherine and Wendell had more stable childhoods
than they had in my time-line. They hadn't been as abused and
damaged as before. They stayed together when things got tough... and
my alternate had an amazing eight siblings! An even mix of brothers
and sisters!

And Goddess, they
loved each other so much! His Father was like the Sun, his Mother
the Moon, and he himself was like a glorious morning star between

The alternate me
even had a trust fund set aside by his mother's families – both the
Delacroix and the Saldana loved their grandchildren very much, and
there was no expense to be spared for their education. He was loved
and looked up to by his younger brothers and sisters.

And he was already
making plans to go to West Point.

He was going to be
an officer in the US Navy and wanted to be a Nuclear Engineer.

I just about broke
down and cried at how unfair life could be. Was this supposed to be
punishment for how terrible I had been in my past life? To be shown
what a difference in circumstances would make? To have life shove it
in my face and say, “This could have been you! Sucks that you lost
that lottery, eh?”

But once I pulled
myself back together, I realized that it would be trouble if someone
noticed just how much I looked like an older version of my alternate.
He would be going places – his face would be known, would be seen
by important people. People who's undue attention I should not be
attracting – that I may very well attract for the waves I've
already made in this world.

“And so,
Washu-chan, you see why I need a gene-mod now,” I finished at last.

Washu nodded
without any further argument. “I'll do it. But nothing major. I
know you feel horrible, Gar-kun, but that's not the kind of condition
you need to be making major decisions in. I'll limit you to a
different eye and hair color. Nothing more.”

“Alright then.”

For my hair,
nothing as ostentatious as the fiery red I had talked about before.
Instead, I went with a far subtler, but no-less striking jet-black
that was commonplace among my Native-American ancestors.

My eyes, though...
I always felt that my eyes were lacking in that they were too dark.
And I had always liked how striking a vivid hue of blue was in a
person's eyes. Not the storm-blue or the ice-blue some girls fawn
over, but the hue that reminds you of looking into the deep blue sea.

I've been called an
elf to my face before. I wondered what sort of reactions I would get
now with this new look and this new intent to carve out my own life.

Life at the Masaki
household was usually peaceful, but then things would happen, like
incident with the wolf from the zoo. I came pretty damn close to
killing that hunter – it was only the threat of counter charges for
sexual harrasment that kept them off our backs afterwards.
As for the wolf, he and I came to be on fairly friendly terms. It
probably helped that I beat the snot out of the rival pack's Alpha
with my bokuto. Afterward, we saw plenty of each other whenever I
went out on my longer runs. Sometimes I even brought Sasami and Yuki

the lovely Hiwa Takahashi came to stir things up. I had to
admit, I found her utter confusion over me to be amusing, but there
was also something just plain strange about how she would look at me
– almost like as though I weren't really human.

Hiwa wasn't simply
there to make trouble, though. She was there to see if she could
entrust her childhood friend, Tenchi, to the other girls before she

Of course, Sasami
and Tenchi weren't having any of that.

I sat in one of the
trees overlooking the clearing that surrounded Ryoko's cave. I
watched the antics of everyone below, apart as I ought to be for the
moment. After all, I had played no real role in this, save as a
curiosity for Hiwa herself.

“I know you are
there, Tsunami-sama,” I spoke softly. “Don't you think it's
about time we talked?”

answered back as a whisper on the wind. “You should know
that if you want to talk to me then you should talk to Sasami

“You and I both know better than that. While you may be aware of
what Sasami sees and experiences, you are still two-sides of a coin.
Can Sasami-chan honestly speak for you, the Choushin?”

There was a brief pause, filled only with the wind stirring the
leaves and the faint noises of Ryoko bickering with Washu.

The time for
you and I to talk at length will come later, my child. For now, be
content with confiding in my other half – after all, she loves her
brother very dearly.”

The presence I felt in the air left and I knew I was alone once more.

With a sigh, I climbed back down to the clearing below. Ayeka would
probably appreciate it if I lent my back to carry little Sasami back

I guess in a ways I couldn't blame Tsunami. Like I said once to
Sasami, this was scary even for the Goddess herself – the knowledge
I had could disrupt things so horribly. And all I had to do was tell
them what Tenchi really was.
Why, how cruel of you.  I like it.
I also like Tsunami.  That was quite a good scene- you really nailed her character, I think... and also established a hint of Garrick being seen by some as a living spoiler more than a person.  I get the feeling he'll be getting at least his share of that, down the road.
Why do I get the feeling that you'll eventually find an alternate with black hair and blue eyes?

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Bluemage Wrote:Why do I get the feeling that you'll eventually find an alternate with black hair and blue eyes?
Why does that question remind me of Dear Sweet Kami-sama, Why Do You Hate Me So?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Quote:robkelk wrote:
Quote:Bluemage wrote:
Why do I get the feeling that you'll eventually find an alternate with black hair and blue eyes?
Why does that question remind me of Dear Sweet Kami-sama, Why Do You Hate Me So?
I get the sense somebody is trying to drop a hint here, but I'm not quite sure...  Wink
If anything, I may wind up gutting DSKS and rewriting, as per The Gospel of Pixar.  A lot of the same elements would be there, just better assembled and presented.
Quote:Bluemage wrote:
I also like Tsunami.  That was quite a good scene- you really nailed her character, I think...
Tsunami's actually pretty damn simple:
  1. She is a nigh-omnipotent being of vast, phenomenal cosmic power
  2. She is a Mother, full stop.
That's really all there is to it.  Where Washu sought out to discover a higher power through science and Tokimi went to provoke one into coming about by fomenting conflict, Tsunami sought to bring one into being by nurturing a suitable breed of people.  And it didn't help matters any that she took on one of Misaki's daughters as her avatar.
1) In writing Tenchi Muyo fanfiction, I think it is reasonable to assume that everyone in your audience has seen the episodes of the anime, but not that they are familiar with the manga. I'm a hardcore fan who has owned the manga in hard copy since they started selling it in the US and even I didn't remember the wolf and Hiwa story arcs. If you are going to bring things like this up, even in passing, then some more detail is needed.
2) I don't get the concern over the counterpart. I suspect that most people on the planet have a close look-alike somewhere. Once you allow for age differences so that someone looks like an older or younger version of someone else, then the "twin" sets probably grow to include almost everyone.
Edit: For that matter, I don't get what you are trying to prevent with this makeover.  Are you woried about people in Earth governments or inteligence agencies paying attention to the Masaki Household?  Juraian nobilito or other extra-terestrials come looking for you and find him?  From the sounds of it, this guy is in the place you would have occupied, but his family tree is a bit different.
Come to think of it, how did your SI find him when your SI can't actually remember his real name?
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Plus... if memory serves, the governments of Earth know about Jurai and the Juraian connection to Earth -- and basically cover for it, MIB style. If Garrick's been adopted by the Juraian royal family, they will be told that he's as hands-off as the Princesses and Tenchi.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
He may also be trying to save local-his military career by making sure he doesn't get tarred with the brush of foreign entanglement like Garrick has.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Good idea - flip the reason for the protection around. This way, Garrick is protecting his alternate self not from domestic threats, but extra-terrestrial ones.

And believe me, at that time frame? An alternate me would look a bit younger for certain (I was often mistaken for a fourteen year old when I was eighteen) but the resemblance would still be close enough that someone nasty enough to not care about collateral damage would gladly take the margin of error just to make sure he got the right one. I can think of three right off the top of my head that would do something like that.

As for the obscurity... I'll look at either fleshing them out or just nixing them altogether.

In the meantime, though...  Guess who's coming back?  Smile
My days, lately, had taken on a bit of a routine.

Wake up at five in the morning and get something into my stomach
along with Tenchi and Sasami – just enough to give our metabolisms
the kick-start they needed – and then go up to the shrine for a
short workout with Yosho. Note: unless otherwise stated, all
transits through the forest are done with free-running.

I stop by and get a bit more breakfast and a hug from Sasami-chan,
then hit the books with Yakagi's holocron. I'll either be working
out some new bit of knowledge or work on a project in the smithy.

At around eleven, stop and check on Heater's latest number crunch
and, if ready, send it off to it's original owner and cue up the next
one. Go downstairs and have lunch with everyone else.

Afterwards, spend a couple of hours tending to my garden. Priority:
spending time with Katherine.

Later, join Yosho and Tenchi at the shrine for lessons. Alternate
between handing Tenchi his ass and he handing me mine. Get both ours
handed to us on silver platters by Yosho.

Go back down to the house and help Sasami (and everyone else) with
dinner. Banter and bond with my family, talk about what's been
happening in general.

Of course, there were variations,

After spending a full month working at the Driving School and
teaching Mihoshi enough that she was finally competent enough to get
her license, I spent two days out of the week helping special cases
that needed remedial education. My success rate was starting to make
me legendary and Yuki's Grandfather was starting to joke that I
should take over teaching English at her school. The salary wasn't
half-bad either – I was starting to stockpile a tidy sum in my
savings account.

On the days Yuki would visit, Yosho insisted that I be a proper
sempai and take the brunt for instructing Yuki the basics of
swordsmanship. There would also be a study session with a special
focus on English – Yuki was getting pretty good at it, but given
her dedication that came as no surprise. The rest of the time I
spent hearing Yuki and Sasami giggling behind my back and dodging
Yuki's tackles (to varying degrees of success – she was getting
better at sneaking up on me, too).

Sasami had one night off a month for female reasons. Those days I'd
take a little time out to pamper her (hot water pouches for cramps,
special tea, and hugs) and we'd have American Dinner Night.

Of course, Ayeka would get somewhat pampered as well. However, she
was also considered an adult by her cultural standards. Sasami
wasn't, hence why she got the royal treatment (heh-heh). Besides, I made sure
that Tenchi saw to that more often than I did. After all, she was
his future wife, not mine.

Mihoshi didn't seem to have any sort of 'feminine issues'. It either
never really bothered her or her alien physiology just handled it
more gracefully.

Ryoko's was a non-issue. She could turn it on and off at will. And
teasing Washu about menopause would only come up once we decided to
have at each other. (Oh yeah. I am a rat bastard once the kid
gloves come off. I once accused her of hysteria in the old-fashioned
sense, citing that it had been so long since she's gotten some –
look at how she'd go after poor Tenchi-kun! Ryoko and Ayeka couldn't
look Washu in the face without laughing for a week after that one.)

However, the biggest change to my routine came when I noticed that
the girls had started watching the Mito Vice-Shogun TV Drama Series.

Tenchi saw me as I began to make my way to the deck with my Bluetooth
speakers as well as my bokuto and shoto.

“Ah, is it that time already?” asked Tenchi apprehensively. The
girls were already gathering in the den.

“Yup,” I replied cheerfully. “Wanna join me or weather the
storm inside?”

“I think I'll join you this time, Gar-kun.” And with that,
Tenchi ran upstairs to his room to get the Tenchi-ken and joined me
out on the deck. I was already queuing up a playlist on my C-pod.

While the girls would watch their drama, I, and more often than not
Tenchi, too, would occupy ourselves outside on the deck. We could be
doing any number of things – calisthenics, painting, composing
haiku, cloud watching...

Today, it was swordplay.

while ago I remembered that in Star Wars there was one or two
characters known for being able to adjust the intensity of their
lightsaber so they could make it relatively harmless – a perfect
training aid – and I suggested to Yosho that maybe Tenchi should
try doing the same thing with the Tenchi-ken.

Yosho thought it was a wonderful idea as it would be additional
mental discipline to Tenchi's training and got him started on it
right away.

Tenchi cursed me for this at first... until he finally got it right.
And ever since, he's been using the Tenchi-ken for regular
practice... and trying his damndest to kick my ass as revenge.

“Get over here!” Tenchi growled as I evaded yet another attack,
spinning gracefully on the feet. “You damn monkey!”

“Hey, there's no tail here!” I cried out in mock-hurt as I added
a physical reposte. “I'm an ape, dagnabsit.”

“Coulda fooled me,” Tenchi said as we circled each other for a
moment. “Sure move like one!”

“At least call me a chimp, ya chump!”

I was just glad Yuki wasn't watching us now. She was actually
watching the show with Sasami. On second thought, that actually
kinda worried me even more because I found out recently she was
putting me in certain roles in her imagination.

Suddenly, I heard Ryo-Ohki frantically meowing up at the sky.


“Hold on, Tenchi! We got incoming!” I said.

“Heh?” he replied and I pointed up at the sky. “What? Oh no!
Not here!”

“Pondstrider, Tenchi,” I called out.

“What?” he said, giving me a terrified look.

I smiled back at him as I went to gather up my speaker. “It's
gonna be okay this time. Though it might be for the best if we step

Tenchi disappeared into the house so quickly that he might have
teleported. I just smiled and shook my head as I followed him in and
shut the door.

everybody!” I called out, interrupting a playful spat between Ayeka
and Ryoko. “We got visitors!” And not a moment too soon as the
nose of Mimisaka
smashed through the edge of the deck, sending splinters flying

“Yaaaayyyyy!” cried out Sasami and Yuki together as they both ran
for the deck outside. I chuckled at their enthusiasm and followed
after them.

we made it outside, followed by everyone else, the familiar sight of
Hinase came sweeping
down out of the heavens and gracefully poised itself over the water.

Minagi immediately appeared overhead, looking horrified at the sight
of the damage.

“Oh dear,” I faintly heard her say. Suddenly, she locked her
eyes onto me and I heard her suck in a breath of air just as she
zipped in my direction arms held out to tackle me with an absolutely
joyous look on her face.


When Minagi sent us the letter through Mihoshi a few months ago, she
had nothing special to say to me. At first I didn't really
understand it – I knew that she was more than capable of making a
separate, private holo-letter for me and me alone. But then, I began
to suspect that she honestly didn't know what to say at the time.
And seeing her now proved this.

I was glad that Washu had toughened me up, because that tackle would
have busted every rib in my body.


“minagi... air,” I croaked.

“OMIGOSH!” squeaked Minagi as she suddenly let go of me like I
was a hot potato. She suddenly realized, though, that there was
something different. “Gar-kun? Your eyes! Your hair! What did
you do!?”

“Oh... Ah, bit of a story on that, but the short version is that I
don't want my alternate here in this time-line to be mistaken for

“Gar-kun?” came Yuki's voice as she approached cautiously. “Who
is this?”

Minagi shot confused looks at Yuki and me, so I cleared my throat and

“Yuki-chan, this is Minagi, the woman I told you about. Mina-chan,
this is Yuki Mihara... she...”

“I want to be his wife someday!” said Yuki excitedly. “Gar-kun
has told me all about you! Oh you do look like Ryoko! Your eyes are
so pretty! Oh we gotta get to know each other! If we're gonna be
sister-wives, then I want to be your best friend ever!”

Minagi shot me an adorably shocked and confused face while Ayeka,
Washu, Ryoko, and Sasami all nearly suffocated from trying not to

“Yeah,” I drawled. “It's been an interesting summer.”

While the others extracted little Lady Asahi from her ship, I sat
down with Minagi and told her about all the events that led up to my
meeting with Yuki and those that followed. Minagi was at a loss.

“But... is she really serious about this, Garrick? Does she really
want to marry you?”

I sighed. “I'm holding out hope that she grows out of it, but that
doesn't seem too likely at this point.”

turned her nose up and me, harumphing cutely. “I am
here, you know!”

I gave Yuki a look. “Yes, we know, you spoiled little princess.”

Minagi giggled. Yuki harumphed. I sighed.

“Look, I'm gonna see what the others are up to. Why don't you two
get to know each other?”

As I left them together I could already hear Yuki begin pelting
Minagi with about a dozen questions a minute. I just hoped that she
wouldn't have any hard feelings about that.

“So, how's sleeping beauty doing over here?” I asked as I
approached the couch.

“She's just unconscious,” said Washu. “She should be coming
around any minute now.”

I stood over the arm of the couch and looked down on the sleeping
wood carver princess.

“She's beautiful,” I noted. “She was pretty cute in the manga,
but seeing her now...”

Ayeka was about to say something, but then Asahi stirred, her eyes
slowly starting to open.

“gohgei?” she murmured sleepily.

I smiled. “Sorry,” I said gently. “But I'm not your childhood

Her eyes opened wide and she bolted upright. “Who're you!?”

“Easy there,” I soothed. “My name is Garrick. You've landed
at the Masaki household on colony world number 0315. We call it
Planet Earth.”

“Zero-three-one-five? Isn't this a protected world!?”

“It is, but don't worry. We have some special residents here.”
I then gestured over to the Princesses.

The teenage girl's face lit up in joy. “Big Sister Sasami! And
Big Sister Ayeka!”

Ayeka and Sasami were a bit confused at first until Asahi told them
who she was. The girl's home world of Ryuten was not only the source
of Jyurai's wood-carved starship hulls, but also a resort planet.
Asahi, being something akin to a princess herself on her homeworld,
wound up spending a great deal of time with our two princesses when
they would visit Ryuten.

Of course, Sasami treated Asahi like a sister.

We then found out that recently, her father had been made the Master
Sculptor by the old one as he lay on his deathbed. Of course, this
meant that somebody else wasn't happy about the fact.

His rival had come to the planet with three strange men. Asahi's
father had disappeared... and that rival, a man named Tatetsuki, had
taken over as the Master Sculptor of Ryuten.

With her father accused of poisoning the old Master Sculptor, Asahi
tried to flee Ryuten in search of help, but Tatetsuki had already
blockaded all routes leading to Jyurai.

And then she had run into Minagi, mistook her for Ryoko, and wound up
coming to Earth.

With the way to Jyurai closed, it was decided that the only way to
handle the situation was in a direct fashion... and what better way
than for everyone to role play a plot from Mito Vice-Shogun?

everyone got all excited about making this whole thing into a Mito
Vice-Shogun LARP, I pulled Tenchi aside.

“We got a problem here, Tenchi-kun,” I said as dragged him into
my C-Space... and shut the door behind us.

“Yeah, no kidding,” Tenchi replied in exasperation.

I shot Tenchi a look. “The problem here, my brother, is you.”

Tenchi gave me a look that mingled shock, horror and anger. I
couldn't have got a better reaction if I'd tried.


I said, sighing before I went on the rant. “Listen to me,
Brother. You have a horrible habit of fading into the background
whenever you can. Sometimes that can be a good thing – you know,
letting someone else take the spotlight so they can gain recognition
of their own.

“But lately, I've
gotten plenty of my share of recognition. It's time that you stepped
up to the plate and accept the mantle of Prince of Jyurai. Besides,
it's the only way you're going to get those girls to tone it down.
Quit running, quit hiding, face up to them, and don't be afraid to
fire back.

I then smiled.
“It's not like they aren't tough enough to take a hit or two.”

“WHAT!? But
that's not-” Without warning I did a leg sweep and took Tenchi's
legs out from under him.


“Ow! What was
that for!?”

“That was for you
being an idiot. Now man up a little, get out there, and show those
ladies who's in charge. You don't need to completely torpedo their
plans. Just get them to cool it a bit, okay? They'll go along with
it as long as you compromise some.”

“They'll really
do it?”

“Of course they
will, you goof. They love you, remember?”

At that point,
Tenchi blinked and was silent for a brief moment as he processed that

“Oh!” he
finally said.

As Tenchi proceeded
to get the ducks in a row I began to load up Scooby with all my
greatest big boy toys. Big rifles. Big shotties. Big hand cannons.
Shaped charges. Flash bangs. EMPoppers. Noise makers. My
collection of melee weapons. Portable storming field generator.
Enough ammo to wage an insurgency. And the galaxy's biggest
shorting-probe this side of Washu's Lab.

Honestly, I had
considered staying. But I had been paying attention to Minagi when
she tackled me. And when she said that she never wanted to leave me
behind again, I believed her. So, since Minagi had an important role
to fulfill, I would go along as well and help her.

“Whatcha doin'?”
came the voice of the adorable Yuki Mihara. I turned and found her
standing there in the middle of my shop floor, a smile on her face,
but a stiffness in her posture...

I went over to her,
took a knee down, and gave her a small smile.

“I gotta go help
my family, Yuki-chan.”

“I want to come
with you.”

I shook my head.
“You shouldn't. Your life could... will
be in great danger if you come with me.”

“But Sasami-chan is going!”

“Sasami-chan is a princess. There are plenty of people that would
like to hurt her only because it would hurt the Royal Family of
Jyurai. From the moment she was conceived she has always been in
danger, so she has been taught how to take care of herself. It is
something she is very good at because her mother is in charge of the
body guards that protects her father, the Emperor or Jyurai.

“But you, my precious little Yuki-chan... you are a very sweet
little girl from Earth. The worst thing you have ever had to face is
a bully on the playground.”

“But I've been learning so much from you and Master Yosho!” she
cried out petulantly.

I am by no means whatsoever a heartless man. I am the farthest thing
from it. And, Goddess help me, I do love Yuki very much. She is so
vibrant and energetic, throwing herself into everything she does,
giving it one-hundred-ten-percent, and flashing that big, beautiful
smile of hers all the way. And I knew why she smiled like that, too.
It was because she knew she was up and coming. She was on her way
and nothing was going to keep her back.

I didn't want to take that smile away from her... but I had to, in
order to make sure she could still smile again later on.

I went to the wall where I kept my practice weapons, retrieved a pair
of shinai, then came back and handed one to Yuki.

“Show me first form,” I said tersely, slipping into sempai mode.

Yuki nodded her head resolutely and began to go through the motions.
She knew all the basic forms already. She even knew the preferred
counters for the moves that made up those forms. I moved in,
attacking with such a counter, and disarmed Yuki with contemptuous

“Again!” I snapped. “Second form this time.”

Yuki gave me a stricken look, but she grabbed her shinai quickly and
began second form. Once more, I disarmed her with the basic counter.

“Third form!” I cracked. Tears were already starting to well up
in her eyes, but I stood firm as she did. Another form, another
counter, and the shinai clattered to the shop floor.

“Fourth!” I all but shouted. Yuki faltered, tears streaming from
her eyes, but she still went for her shinai, still stubbornly moving
through the exercise knowing full well what would happen.

As the shinai skittered across the concrete Yuki finally lost her
composure completely and began bawling.

That sound cut
through to my heart more effectively than Yakagi's sword had and in a
heartbeat I had her wrapped up in my arms, clinging, shuddering,
sobbing and crying as only a little girl that had her hopes dashed

“Why are you so
mean?” she cried. “All I want is to be with you, (hic!) but you
keep pushing me away!”

“I'm not trying
to push you away. I just want you to be safe because I love you so

There. It was out
now. Yuki gasped softly and then pulled away so she could look up at
me with those gorgeous brown eyes of hers...

...And she suddenly
lunged at me and proceed to plant one firmly on my lips.

The little imp,
hitting me when I'm weak like that – I couldn't even muster up the
will to pull away from her. I even put my arms around her and let
her finish.

After that, there
really wasn't anything that could be said as we looked into each
other's eyes.

Finally, I found my
voice and told her gently, “For my sake, please wait here for me.
I promise, no matter how long it takes, I will be back.”

“You really
will?” she asked, sniffling.

“I will. But
just remember that this changes nothing between us. You have to be
content with that kiss until you're old enough.”

“Mou,” she
sighed, crestfallen.

“Hey. You wait
for me, I'll wait for you.”

“Heh!? Really?”

“Of course. I
think I finally fell for you just now... When I saw how hard you
wanted to try. Even though you started crying, I could tell that you
would still pick up that shinai and try again.” And that was the
truth of it. Yuki had the sort of stubborn determination that would
let her come through ten times out of ten no matter what she set her
mind to. I couldn't help but find that more than a little

Yuki blushed, and
then squeaked as I scooped her up and started heading out of the
shop. “C'mon, let's get something to drink – I got some barley
tea in my refrigerator.”
Having had no sisters in my family and no girl friend until late in high school, I realize my knowledge of female biology is limited. I also realize the character in question is an alien.

However, isn't Sasami physically about 8 years old? That seems a bit young for the monthly visitor. Also, while I am again limited in my knowledge and experience, don't the issues and symptoms often last for more than just one day?
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Sasami's age when the princesses first show up is one of those things that varies depending on which source you check. Some say 8, yes. Others say as old as 12. All are equally Word of God, who is apparently schizophrenic. Garrick also appears to be on the scene fairly late in the storyline, which could add anywhere from six months to a year to that age. In which case, she could conceivably be almost 14. Given that girls are starting their periods as early as 10 these days thanks to many factors we don't need to go into here, the situation is far from unlikely.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
That Sasami has begun menstruating is actually canonical.
I found out about this quite accidentally while I was doing research involving the 101 Fact About Tenchi Muyo.  Of course, none of us can be blamed for not noticing.  They were very, very subtle about it, but in Episode 8, Hello Baby (where Tenchi's baby cousin Taro comes over), we see that Sasami is uncharacteristically shy when she's coming back from their aunt's house. Also, while it's never really openly stated, it's also hinted that they're given a gift of Sekihan (red-bean rice) - which is eaten in celebration of a girl having her menarche.
Quote:Tenchi: *Accepting the large bento from his aunt* "A gift? Is this to celebrate the baby's birth?"

Aunt: *Smiles knowingly* "Well, something like that."

Ayeka: *Hiding a giggle behind her hand*
Final nail in the coffin? She stays up in her room for the entire adventure.

As for how long it lasts... well, the bleeding can go on for several days. It varies from one woman to another. However, the truly debilitating part - the menstrual cramps - usually only lasts about a day.
EDIT: Oh, and as for alien physiology?  Nope.  Earth is a colony world for Jyurai, which is why it is in Jyurai's territory.  It was settled by the sister of the First King of Jyurai and her entourage.  Also, she's still alive.  Her tree-ship is on the Moon and it's been preserving her soul.  Doujin by Kajishima Sensei indicate that one of Tenchi's sons will eventually find her and marry her.
So, aside from some genetic markers to indicate heritage... Humans and Jyuraians are the same, save for a longer lifespan.
The only one that may have true alien physiology is Mihoshi.  And even then I'm pretty sure there's been enough cross-breeding in their history that it's non-issue - instead you just get little peculiarities, like how all her people have dark skin, blue eyes, blonde hair, and elfin ears.
I didn't pick up on that, about Sasami, so thank you.
Now for another pendantic nitpick:

Quote:The only one that may have true alien physiology is Mihoshi.
Ryoko is a bio-engineered life form whose "metabolism" apparently involves mater-anti-mater reactions.  The GP officers who showed up with Mihoshi's brother described her as a "heavy combat bioroid" or something to that effect.  She's apparently going to have a baby with Tenchi according to more than one Kajishima-doujin but still...
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad.  In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
Quote:Deadpan29 wrote:
I didn't pick up on that, about Sasami, so thank you.
Now for another pendantic nitpick:

Quote:The only one that may have true alien physiology is Mihoshi.
Ryoko is a bio-engineered life form whose "metabolism" apparently involves mater-anti-mater reactions.  The GP officers who showed up with Mihoshi's brother described her as a "heavy combat bioroid" or something to that effect.  She's apparently going to have a baby with Tenchi according to more than one Kajishima-doujin but still...
She's also partially made up of whatever the hell Masu are, which I believe contributes to the matter-antimatter part of her biology.  Plus, honestly?  We have no idea what kind of biology Washuu has, except that it's compatible (if you accept all the hints) with Mihoshi's people.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Honestly, I was only thinking about the reproductive system.  I tend to compartmentalize like that - makes it easier to draw comparisons where the big picture is purely superfluous to your needs.  But I'll go ahead and fix that in the next draft.
Anyhow... Here we go!  Poor Yuki just can't seem to take no for an answer...
I don't know if
Minagi and I had made up for six months of being apart, but we
certainly gave it the old college try. (I use that turn of phrase
intentionally. Bonus points to anyone that can make the connection.)

In the end, we
wound up in her bed, sweaty and tired from our exertion, but dozing
contently all the same. We had only a bed sheet pulled around us
because anything more would have been downright uncomfortable – I
tend to turn into a hot coal under bed covers and it has to be fairly
cool before a comforter becomes... well, comfortable.

With a partner in
the bed? Downright frigid.

I was idly stroking
Minagi's head, contemplating the softness of her body against mine,
how beautiful her cerulean hair looked up close, and the fact that
she came back to me after being away so long.

I've always liked
the saying about letting something go and waiting for it to come back
– if it does, then it's yours, but if not, then it wasn't meant to

And it seemed that
Minagi definitely wanted to belong to me.

I would have to
talk to Seto, or perhaps Funaho, about how this would be set up. I
know that in order for my adoption to go more smoothly I would
probably be set up with someone else like Tenyo or Minaho. And of
course, there would be the stipulation that this arranged wife would
officially hold the position of First Wife. (Asuza was only able to
get away with having Funaho as his First Wife because his claim to
the throne was already secured. That, and Misaki didn't care either
way – for Funaho and Asuza's sake she would tell everyone else
where to shove it and how far.)

Loathe as I am to
admit it, this was of incredible importance because it sets up a
pecking order. Each subsequent wife is, in truth, subordinate to the
wife that precedes her, with the First Wife having the top spot. Any
disputes among the family can work their way up the chain of command,
as it were, and, if needs be, eventually be resolved by the First

Therefore, having
one of the available women of the Royal Family be my First Wife would
help ensure that most decisions about my household affairs would
reflect the needs of the Royal Household. I didn't mind the idea too
much because I knew that Seto would let me at least negotiate over
who the lucky lady was to be. That, and I knew that Seto wanted me
to shake things up, which meant sticking me with someone that would
support my non-conformist attitude.

Which naturally
brought me to wondering how Minagi would fit in. For one thing, I
knew that Minagi was a free spirit. Despite the fact she loved
having a family to be apart of, she actually relished being a black
sheep and a lone wolf. On top of that, when confronting enemies she
preferred to strike from the shadows – a left-hand approach if you

So, she probably
wouldn't mind being a subordinate. In fact, she'd probably find
interesting ways to turn that to her advantage.

There was only one
question that really depended on how she felt: did she wish to be a
concubine or have all the rights and privileges a marriage contract

The sound of the
door to Minagi's closet opening caught my attention, making me
automatically raise my head and look to the source.

I have never been
so surprised in my life.

She stood there,
with a look of abject terror on her face – the only other time I
had seen the look on her face was when a nameless thug in a ski mask
held a military issue M9 Beretta to her head.

“I... I... I need
to find the toilet,” she stammered.

“What are you
doing here?” I said, absolutely horrified and at barely louder than
a whisper but not out of any desire to keep Minagi from waking.

said Minagi whoozily as she suddenly woke from her doze. “What
is-” suddenly, her eyes found Yuki and Minagi sucked in a breath of
air sharply.

“What are you
doing here?” she said.

Yuki bolted for the

Minagi waved her
hand and the door shut, trapping Yuki inside with us as Minagi rose
from her bed and strode over to Yuki with a glare on her face – not
caring that she was mother-naked, not caring that just a few minutes
ago she and I were making love...

Or rather, that was
probably the point.

As I discreetly
slipped my pants back on, I then realized that I should probably do
something to help defuse the situation. I got up, went over to where
Minagi was staring down Yuki. Yuki looked up at me, her eyes
brimming with tears. I realized then it was very possible that she
saw what we'd been doing earlier.

What a mess!

I sighed, and
without any better ideas, picked up Yuki, went to the bed, and sat
down with her on my lap, her chin over my shoulder as I rubbed her
back. Minagi watched, her expression slowly softening, and she came
over as well, sitting down next to Yuki and myself.

For a while, Yuki's
breath hitched with barely controlled sobs. But after a few minutes
she calmed down enough that I felt it was safe to ask her a few

“You saw, didn't
you?” I asked her gently.

“yes,” she

“Do you really
think you're ready for that sort of thing?” I asked.

“I... I...” she
stammered, trying to find an answer.

“If you can't
answer immediately, then you are definitely not ready.” Yuki was
silent again, but I could almost see the tears welling up in her
eyes. “Yuki-chan... I am not angry that you saw us. That was an
accident and there isn't anything you or I can do to change that now.
But you understand now why I cannot treat you like I would Minagi,

“...yes,” she

“I love you very
much, Yuki. You are such a wonderful little lady. If only we had
met six years from now...”

Yuki took a
shuddering breath and let it go in a sigh. On a whim, I laid back on
the bed, letting Yuki lay on my chest. Minagi laid down with us and
looked into Yuki's eyes.

“Oh Yuki,”
Minagi said at last. “I really wish you hadn't done this. You're
going to be in so much danger now.”

“but... I want to
help any way I can,” whispered the tiny lady.

“You're not
strong enough,” I told her, not unkindly. “Not yet. I still
need to protect you with these strong arms you love so much. But if
you truly want that sort of strength for yourself... then I guess I
have no choice. Rest for now, my tiny love. Tomorrow, you will
enter hell.”

I waited until Yuki
finally drifted off to sleep, and then, with Minagi's help, I alerted
Yosho to the situation. My older brother was perfectly understanding
and said that he would let Yuki's family know. How he was going to
spin this I had no clue, but I had faith in the Old Man.

Next, I called up
Sasami on the Mimisaka.

Gar-nii-san!” said the adorable princess cheerfully. “Is
everything okay over there?”

“Not as okay as
I'd like, little sister. Tell me... you didn't put the idea into
Yuki-chan's head to stow away, did you?” It was one of the few
times I've ever seen Sasami genuinely horrified.

“Never!” cried
out Sasami. “I know how dangerous this trip might be, Nii-san, so
I would never have suggested it.”

I sighed. “Well,
she's here regardless – she stowed away on Scooby.”

“Ohhhh nooooo,”
moaned Sasami. “What are you going to do, Nii-san?”

“I'm going to
train her, but I want your help in doing so.”

“Heeeh!? Me?”

I smiled at my
little sister. “When confronted with an opponent you move like a
ghost skating over water. And you have beautiful skill with a staff.
Your mother taught you very well.”

Sasami sighed. “I
guess I should have realized that Nii-san would know all about that.
When do you want to start?”

“The day after
tomorrow,” I said. “Tomorrow I'm going to start with her

Minagi kept Yuki
company through the night.

I worked.

It was not the
first time I've done an all-niter. In fact, aside from the whole
falling-over-your-feet-the-next-day thing, I'm rather partial to
them. There are fewer distractions at night because hardly anyone is
awake, and so you can work away the hours and make terrific progress
on whatever your project is.

That night's
project was a bit of a last-moment thing, but I at least had a very
clear-cut idea of what I wanted to do.

First, there was
the vest. The outer shell I fashioned out of cordura in an
attractive shade of lavender. All around it were a myriad of small
pockets. It was well padded, but not stiff, and lined absorbent
cotton fabric. The other items followed the same theme – the
bracers and leg protectors.

And then I went to
the forge and started to make the weights. I made them as 500 gram
and 1000 gram sizes. I made them out of tungsten alloy, so they were
fairly small – you could fit several in each of the pockets.

And from this, you
could see that I had meant it when I told Yuki that tomorrow she
would be entering hell. If she wanted to be stronger, then by the
Goddesses she was going to get it, and she would get it just like I
did – lots of painful work.

“Yuki, wake up,”
I called out softly, but with a firm and authoritative voice.

“hmrph...” Yuki
mumbled sleepily, not even moving from where she had buried herself
into Minagi's bust.

I sighed and
climbed onto the bed and pulled Yuki away from Minagi. Oddly enough,
Minagi stayed asleep. Yuki on the other hand...

“Muh... whah?”
She then blinked up at me as I sat her upright on the bed. “Gar-kun?
What is going on?”

“Your training
starts today,” I said in a low tone. Yuki was confused at first,
but I could see the gears in her head slowly catching speed as she
began to remember everything that happened yesterday. I then went
on, without any hint of levity, “This will be the first day of the
rest of your life. Before long, anything before this day will feel
like a distant dream. Now, sit still for a moment. You didn't bring
any proper support clothing with you, so we'll need to improvise.”

Japan had no real
nudity taboos, but that had slowly changed somewhat over the decades
after World War II and the country's rather forced westernization. I
was impressed when Yuki's only objection to me pulling her camisole
off was to gasp and blush bright red.

I then reached into
the satchel I had brought with me and pulled out an ace bandage roll
and some bandage clips and went to work on binding her chest.

It might not have
been needed, really. Yuki's breasts had barely begun to swell with
her developing mammary glands – at the most she may need a training
bra just to get used to wearing one. Therefore, all the more reason
for her to become accustomed to this as soon as possible. Yuki would
be spending many days honing her body, and her body would not wait
around – she was already turning into a woman.

Yuki herself didn't
even ask why – she was Japanese and they had a long history of
women binding their chests. For the longest time, it was the only
form of chest support the women of Japan could avail themselves of
until Europeans introduced them to brassieres.

“In time, you'll
need to learn to do this yourself,” I told her as I finished the
wrap and secured it with a final bandage clip. I needn't explain why
to her – she nodded her head, shyly, still blushing.

I gave her a
querying look. “Why are you embarrassed?” I asked her. “Do
you find your body distasteful?”

Yuki looked away.
“I'm... not grown yet,” she said softly.

“Of course not.
But that doesn't mean you are ugly by any stretch of the word, Yuki.
Your body is a miraculous thing and you should treasure it.”

“How is it
beautiful? It gets so smelly and some places...” she went ever
redder this time. “...make disgusting things.” I sighed and
took her left arm in one hand and placed my other hand on the
corresponding shoulder.

“Do you know what
this is, Yuki?”

“It's my

I shook my head.
“It is an incredibly complex ball-and-socket joint. It allows for
a range of movement that is seen in very few vertebrate life forms in
the universe. You can swing the limb around in a full circle.” I
then demonstrated by moving her arm around as such. “And you can
even twist the joint through a one-hundred-eighty degree range.” I
then bent her elbow and held her forearm parallel to the trunk of her
body, then raised it and lowered it to demonstrate the twisting

“A joint like
this is fiendishly complex to an engineer. It is all sweeping and
swooping curves and angles, and held together with a network of
actuators and linkages. And despite all that comlexity, it is
something we take for granted because we have two of these incredible
joints when we're born.

“But the most
magnificent thing about the Human body, I think, is down here.” I
place my hand gently over her pelvis, making sure not to go too far
down. Yuki shot me a confused look and I smiled for the first time
that morning.

“You should know,
Yuki. Down here is your uterus. All girls have one, even before
they are born. It is here that new life can be created. That is the
most miraculous and beautiful thing about your body. Never think of
it as something gross because one day it will give you a son or a
daughter. Maybe even both.”

If Yuki was red
before, she was positively glowing now.

I laughed softly.
“Food for thought, isn't it?” I then let the smile go – as
interesting of a bonding experience this was, there was much work to
be done still. I reached into the satchel again and pulled out some
of the clothes Yuki had brought with her. She spent so much time
over at our house that she was even starting to keep changes of
clothes there in case she and Sasami got into a mess. And she had
brought them all over with her. The clothes that I handed her were
the best ones suited to what we would be doing – a set of
compression shorts (referred to as spats in Japan for some reason),
which she used for her training with Yosho, and a close-fitting undershirt.

“Here, change
into these and do it quickly. We have a lot to do.”

Yuki was taken
aback by the training wear I had made for her, but she accepted it
once I explained it. She donned it and I then loaded her with
weights – ten kilograms on her trunk, and two on each limb.

This would be
brutal, but effective.

I then had her
begin with basic warm-up stretches, and then a five minute run. She
was already starting to breath hard. I let her rest for a minute and
drink water, making sure she took small sips.

Then came the
calisthenics. Everything I learned from practicing free running came
into play here. The most important thing was to build her core
muscles. There were a lot of awkward exercises involved for that.
Fortunately, I had known a Pilates instructor who taught me exercises
that, while useful for a man, were incredibly beneficial to women.
The entire time, I performed the exercises with her. It may not have
been a great effort on my part, but the idea was there – we're in
this together.

Yuki will probably
thank me once she realizes what I did. Especially once she has her
first child.

I let her rest
frequently and drink water. She was sweating plenty already and my
intention wasn't to break her. She had plenty of energy, though that
wouldn't last.

Minagi found us and
I had Yuki begin a final five-minute run followed by cool-down

“How is she?”
asked Minagi.

“She's trying
very hard,” I answered back softly. “I think she may be more
tired than she's letting on.”

“Do you still
plan on doing more with her today?”

I nodded. “She's
young. She recovers quickly. Besides, I'm hedging my bets.” I
patted a small, pink thermos with a cartoon crab character on it.

“Something from
Washu-chan? Garrick, what are you doing?”

“Nothing bad.
Some nutrients, amino acids, sugars, electrolytes, and medical
nanomachines designed to help her quickly recover from a workout.
This will be the equivalent of two day's rest and recuperation. She
won't even lose much of her adipose tissue and she'll put on healthy
weight at the same time. Best of all? Tastes like a matcha
milkshake. Halfway tempted to drink the damn thing myself.”
Minagi giggled and nodded her head in approval. I then smiled and
asked, “Are you willing to start passing your father's skills with
the sword to her?”

“Yes,” Minagi
answered without hesitation. “If she really wants to be my sister,
then I would be ashamed if I didn't.”

I nodded. “I'm
glad you feel that way. It would have been really awkward for there
to be a rift between you two.”

“The only awkward
thing is going to be how you and I can have intimate time with her in
the equation. I don't want her to feel shut out.”

“We'll find it,
here and there. Sasami will be teaching her tomorrow. I can have
Washu-chan supervise to make sure they don't get up to something.
Pretty sure she won't mind. Ah, Yuki's all done now. On to

Yuki was still
breathing heavily by the time I got to her. She looked winded, was
covered in a sheen of sweat, and just plain rumpled.

“Good job,
Yuki-chan. Now for a bit of breakfast.” I then handed her the

Yuki eyed it,
recognizing Washu's handiwork. “What is it?” she asked.

“It'll help you
recover faster. Go on, drink it. Washu had me try a sample earlier
– it's good.” And that was the only reason why I had so much
energy after pulling an all-niter. Yuki frowned thoughtfully, then
shrugged as she opened the thermos and took a tentative sip.

“HMM!” she
cried out. “Matcha!”

“Whoah!” I
cried out as she sudden went for it with gusto! “Slow down there
or you'll get a stomach ache!” I was nonetheless smiling as I
tried to slow her down.

Minagi, despite her
loving and caring demeanor, turned out to be a harsh instructor.

Already having a
foundation of basics to build off of, Minagi started right away by
teaching Yuki the advanced forms that would soon lead up to the more
advanced combat-drills.

My favorite was
still the fast reflex drill – a veritable minefield bamboo stalks
shorn at varying heights (between ten and fifteen centimeters) and a
bamboo target suspended from a single line dangling from a high
branch. The point was to get a good rhythm of attack going all while
dancing around the obstacles and not getting hit by the target as it
swung wildly all over the place.

Chaos incarnate –
I loved the shit out of it. I even made a variant whose title aptly
described the variation on the drill: floor lava. (This was how I
built myself up to swinging my sword in the tree tops.)

Yosho was
absolutely floored for not having thought of it before.

But for
Yuki-chan... I winced and Minagi struck with her beam sword at
Yuki's leg for being three centimeters out of position. It was
powered down for training purposes, but I knew from our spars that it
still stung like a suzumibachi. Judging by Yuki's reaction, though,
it looked like she had it toned down even further, thank the Goddess.

Yuki was still a
ways off from running the floor-lava drill. But if this kept up, it
wouldn't be long until she got there.

By the end of the
second calisthenics session, Yuki was rightfully exhausted.

“I feel gross,”
she said as she pealed off the exercise gear I had made for her.

“It's okay, Yuki.
You're body is doing the best it can. Out of all the creatures on
Earth, we Humans have the best temperature regulation.”

“I still don't
like the feeling of dry sweat.” Yuki finally finished with the
exercise gear and blinked. “Wow... I feel so light now!”

I smiled at her.
“You see? And each day I am going to add five-hundred grams to
each piece. By the time we get back home you are gonna leave
everyone in the dust in PE.”

“Maybe I'll try
out for the track team,” Yuki said with a smile. She then smelled
herself and wrinkled her nose. “Ugh.”

“Oh?” I asked
as I then picked her up (“Hey! Put me down!”) and smelled her
(“What are you doing!?”). “Eh. Smells like you worked hard
today. Let's go ahead and get you cleaned up.”

“That is so
gross!” cried out Yuki.

“But I thought
you like how I smelled,” I said innocently (ya right).

“But... you don't
stink... I mean... maybe a little... but it doesn't seem that bad...”
I shook my head. I had not bathed since the day before and I was
positively ripe by now. The thing is, us men actually do have
pheromones. We just don't really notice their presence because we
bath regularly, weakening their effectiveness to almost nothing.
However, go a few days without a bath and see how your significant
other reacts after the initial 'ew!' reflex. Women that say dirty
men are their sexual kryptonite are just particularly susceptible to
male pheromones... As seemed to be the case with Yuki. To top it all
off, she'd been with me since the early morning, so she probably
hasn't even noticed how bad I actually smell. Oh, and let's not
forget puberty – the hormones were strong in this one.

In fact, she was
even nuzzling my chest affectionately, much to my bemusement. Were
she a cat she'd be purring by now.

Minagi gave us a
bemused look. “Pheromones?” she asked right away.

“Probably,” I
answered. “C'mon, princess. Let's go get cleaned up before you
start trying to rape me.”

cried out Yuki, shocked that I would make such an allusion.

That night, I
scrubbed Yuki and Minagi's backs and we all soaked together. Bath
time, as we know from before, is family time and bonding time in
Japan. And since Minagi seemed to be receptive to the idea of us
forming our own little family sub-unit among the Masaki Household, I
decided to go along with it.

Though as a caveat
to my sensibilities, I kept myself covered in the bath.

“I don't feel as
bad as I thought I would,” said Yuki as Minagi brushed out her

Washu-chan's restorative drinks I've had you drinking today. You
pretty much recover completely within an hour. That way I can have
you work out again and again. You'll progress a lot faster that way,
but it's still going to take at least a few weeks of continuous
effort until you're even close to my level.”

“And then I can
help out?” asked Yuki.

Minagi shook her
head. “Gar-kun is actually the weakest one out of everyone.”

Yuki shot Minagi a
confused look. “But... he is always the first one to help everyone
else when something goes wrong!”

Minagi smiled.
“That is because Gar-kun cheats a lot. When things are going bad,
he won't play by the enemy's rules. He'll change the game completely
to suit his way of fighting.” Minagi's smile then took on a more
feral edge that made her resemble Ryoko in an uncanny way. “And
then he punishes the bad guys.”

Yuki giggled.
“Because our Gar-kun is a champion of love and justice!”

“Oi, last I
checked my name wasn't Tuxedo Kamen,” I called out playfully.

Yuki hummed
thoughtfully. “No, but I think you would look good in a tuxedo.”

Minagi blinked.
“What's a tuxedo?”

“Men's formal
wear of Earth,” I answered. “Trust me, if you ever saw me in one
you'd probably start trying to peal it off of me.” It would not be
the first time a woman has eyed me like a particularly large
Christmas present packed full of some delectable treat.

And at that, Yuki
went blank-faced and glassy-eyed.

Minagi was quick to
notice and poked Yuki in the face. This elicited no response.
Minagi then gave me a blank look.

“I think you
broke her.”

go! “Uuuuugggghhhh. Okay, no more sexual innuendo around her
until she's old enough to handle it.”

In other news, lots of time off from work means lots of time spent writing.  I think my buffer has actually been growing lately...  Cool.  Smile
Eighteen hours and not a single comment? Did I do something wrong?
blackaeronaut Wrote:Eighteen hours and not a single comment? Did I do something wrong?

Well, I did spot one typo...
blackaeronaut Wrote:“A joint like this is fiendishly complex to an engineer. It is all sweeping and swooping curves and angles, and held together with a network of actuators and linkages. And despite all that comlexity, it is something we take for granted because we have two of these incredible joints when we're born.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Sorry, had guests over last night. I saw the same one Rob did, plus you have several missing words, and I think another misspelling. I'm going to have to go over it again when I get home tonight and doublecheck.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
It's okay, Bob. Kinda got used to having at least one person say something within hours of me posting a segment of the story... but to have all the usual suspects suddenly seem to start ignoring the thread? Kinda unnerves a writer, especially when they're crossing into questionable territory.
Oh don't worry, I get ignored all the time ;P

I still don't know how you're managing such a relentless output.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
I saw it late at night, and couldn't brain well enough to comment.  Figured it was better to stay silent than say something stupid.
I'll probably edit in a comment later today.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Quote:Dartz wrote:
I still don't know how you're managing such a relentless output.
Barely keeping it together over here.  My place is an honest to gods mess right now of the sort that would send most people running and screaming for the hills.  Might need to take a few days off to do something about that, but that's the trouble when dealing with depression.  The only reason why my depression is not affecting my output as much is because A) I'm really able to channel myself through this, and that actually makes it easy, and B) I'm trying to handle it one small piece at a time.  Trade-off is, though, I run the risk of writing myself into a corner.
Quote:blackaeronaut wrote:
Quote:Dartz wrote:
I still don't know how you're managing such a relentless output.
Barely keeping it together over here.  My place is an honest to gods mess right now of the sort that would send most people running and screaming for the hills.  Might need to take a few days off to do something about that, but that's the trouble when dealing with depression.  The only reason why my depression is not affecting my output as much is because A) I'm really able to channel myself through this, and that actually makes it easy, and B) I'm trying to handle it one small piece at a time.  Trade-off is, though, I run the risk of writing myself into a corner.
The crazy thing is I actually believe you. I was suffering from depression when I lost my job for years back and I found when I was writing threads at Anime Adventure that I can actually write better depressed than when I was not.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
Ouch.  Dangerous situation you're in, there.  I'm just waiting for somebody to wander into the whole situation, catch wind of what little Yuki is doing, and go "Dude, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?!"  I do like the way you're writing her- agitating for something that she doesn't entirely understand.  It's got the (rather loud) ring of truth to it.
Also, training the girl up?  Doubly dangerous.  On the one hand, she'll eventually be able to take care of herself.  On the other, you're going to be dealing with bouts of 'I'm good enough for this!', the more-scrupulous enemies out there will class her as a fighter (instead of the potential hostage/noncombatant she was), and you're exposing her (heh) to more muscle and sweat time.  Not the best way to drive her off, or keep her at arm's length, that last one.
I find I do my best writing under a few different conditions.  If I'm feeling something strongly, I can channel that into the narrative.  If the plot grabs me, it'll write itself through me better than I could write it myself.  Finally, if I'm personally familiar with what I'm writing, it comes easily.  Emotion, experience, and (narrative in)evitability?

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.

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