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New Fic Recommendation Thread 6: ... eritas.htm

Veritas - Lois and Clark AU.

VERY good fic - by the same author that did "Strong" - a Lois & Clark/Buffy crossover

If we knew what it was we were doing, it would not be called research, would it?
- Albert Einstein

Naruto invents the ninja-powered airplane.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Teen of Steel: Reforged, When a young man comes back from the dead, how will his
friends react?

One small change, tentitive rec here, might head yaoi-ward. When Tsunade ordered Naruto to
meet her, he never expected the surprise she had in store for him, suddenly the number one ninja at surprising people gets the biggest shock of his life. A
chance to start over...with just a little change.

The chance of a life time and beyond, same author as above. Harry goes
back in time. Not as a teacher, or an exchange student but as your everyday Muggleborn eagerly waiting for the start of the first year of seven years of
education needed to become a fully fledged wizard... The thing is, it's going to be 1971

The Better Man, Suppose the Marauders torture hadn't driven Snape to Voldemort and he
had been the better man. What would the future have looked like?

Two Sides of the Same Coin, Petunia & Harry become a team, and Harry finds
the wizarding world much earlier than anyone suspects. He hides his Slytherin self under the guise of a naive Gryffindor. He also hides the wizard friendships
he made years before Hogwarts.
was browsing a bit ( ... e_fans.php)

Ok, this is not fan fiction but i'm recommending it anyway.

two books from Lawrence Watt-Evans (free, published by author )

The Spriggan Mirror

The Vondish Ambassador
(from ... ic=256&hl=)

a xander short ... nydale.htm
I've just found an odd Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha fic.

Mahou Shounen Enforcer Chrono. ... cer_Chrono
a xander goes back in time. ... el_Inferno

(not sure if this was recommended before, don't remember it at least )

(a medium req)
Quote: (a medium req)
Ugh... I'll be sure to stay far away from anything you label like this again. The grammar was so bad I couldn't get past the first
paragraph [Image: sick.gif]
I'd like to note, btw, that The chance of a life time and beyond (recommended several posts back) is just about as bad. The early chapters of the
story run about 1.5 spelling and/or grammar errors per sentence. I mean, how bad do you have to be at just reading to persistently misspell
"George" as "Gorge"?
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Twice Lucky Boca Del Inferno

I'm sorry, I couldn't get past the first page. That tripped far too many of my 'overused plot device' flags.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
That fic read like a Skysaber fic with more sex and less skill.
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

I'd like to note, btw, that The chance of a life time and beyond (recommended several posts back) is just about as bad. The early chapters of
the story run about 1.5 spelling and/or grammer errors per sentence. I mean, how bad do you have to be at just reading to persistently misspell
"George" as "Gorge"?

Ah, sorry about missing that. I guess I had my 'reading stuff on the internet' filter going rather than my literature filter. Starts with a G, ends
with an e, and should be George; therefore it is George. And, truthfully, I usually miss all but the most heinous of grammatical errors.

I still like the premise, though. 'Ripples in Time' does it better, mind you, but Betty Sueing it in the older generation's Hogwarts term is a
mostly unexplored fic range.
Quote: jpub wrote:

That fic read like a Skysaber fic with more sex and less skill.

Exactly my thought. That's gotta be one of the worst time-travel Xander fics I've ever skimmed. I did manage to get through a few chapters, but
mostly with the same morbid sense you get from staring at a traffic accident. Involving fatalities, a crowded intersection, and an truck filled to capacity Which, yes, is something I've witnessed. Reading this was much the same.

The prose in this "Twice Lucky" fic isn't irredeemably bad. Narrative technique is poor, there's errors aplenty, but the basic prose is
okay, methinks. However, the plot is painful, and it's basically about a super-powerful intelligent Xander who goes back in time and has sex with all the teenage females around. Like. ALL OF THEM. Occasionally SEVERAL AT ONCE. While everyone and everyone looks to him for almighty leadership, because he is the man with the plan. And
the super-powers.

I don't actually mind wish-fulfilment fics, or stories that give poor ol'Xander a bucketful of powers and increased sex appeal, but this thing
twists the volume knob all the way past eleven, tears it off the stereo, swallows it, then widdles on the speakers. [Image: ohwell.gif]
-- Acyl
An interesting Darkwing Duck oneshot focusing on Dr. Bushroot: The Root Issue.

--The Twisted One

"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

An interesting Darkwing Duck oneshot
Niiice.... awesome... a tad to much depth to an afternoon's kid's cartoon, perhaps...

...but none of it contradicts canon ...

...that's why it's cool. Maybe DD really is that Deep...



Not technically a new fic
but it's the first time I'd seen it.

A Dark, Distorted Mirror (Babylon 5)

What if things had gone differently, if the Minbari had glassed the Earth and continued their efforts to destroy humanity until their anger was spent, leaving
a few remnants on scattered colonies hiding under the protection of other races.

What if chance left Satai Delenn in the hands of the last and most feared of humanity's captains... John J Sheridan. A man stood squarely between the light
and the darkness.

The same faces, but in a darker and less forgiving universe.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
In the Circle of Elemental Arms by Kryssa's flute
In the Circle of Elemental Arms by Kryssa's flute

an Ouran High School Host Club AU

Quote: Magic runs strong in the students of Ouran, even in one klutzy scholarship student. [...] A multi-chaptered Ouran Host Club AU dealing with a magic called
elemancy, or the ability to control the elements. Haruhi is the main character, with the six hosts doing what they always do - making her life complicated!
The Lavender Beast of Konoha ... _of_Konoha

Team Gai - Hinata, TenTen, and Lee - attempt to take on D missions.

Quote: "Gai-sensei!"


Lee looked on, smiling, while Tenten stared wide-eyed at the sunset that was somehow acting as a morning backdrop to her teacher and her fellow female
Project Tatterdemalion by Vathara
Vathara gives Bleach his drastically-AU fanfic treatment in Project

Quote: What if Hollows were caused by an alien virus? Sci-fi AU.
Lavender Beast...

This one ROCKS!
a ranma/ naruto cross. ... lage_Stomp
Quote: drakensis wrote:

but it's the first time I'd seen it.

A Dark, Distorted Mirror (Babylon 5)

What if things had gone differently, if the Minbari had glassed the Earth and continued their efforts to destroy humanity until their anger was spent,

a few remnants on scattered colonies hiding under the protection of other races.

What if chance left Satai Delenn in the hands of the last and most feared of humanity's captains... John J Sheridan. A man stood squarely between the

and the darkness.

The same faces, but in a darker and less forgiving universe.

I remember that one from my days in Babylon 5 fandom. Never finished reading it (due largely to the fact that it hadn't *been* finished by the time I fell
out of the fandom), but it was pretty good.

Some people have Worm SIs with phenomenal cosmic power.
My Worm SI is Emma and Madison's therapist.
Two NGE Peggy Sue fics today. The first has both Shinji and Asuka coming back from some time after Third Impact in
The 2nd Try.

And the second... well... never mind Shinji, what if GENDO FREAKING IKARI got Peggy Sued? Find out the answer in Taking Sights.


"His therapist advocates the primal scream."
Anyone seen a fic like that where Rei gets rebooted? *That* could be amusing.
Wouldn't she just report to Gendo, explain the entire situation, and probably get capped by the bastard?


"I got legs baby! I'M ALL OVER THE PLACE!!!!!"

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