EDIT: I decided it would be prudent to add links to the original thread:
First Page: http://drunkardswalkforums.yuku.com/top ... -Suffering
Last Page: http://drunkardswalkforums.yuku.com/top ... ng?page=16
Okay, so to kick of this new thread, what better than another installment of the story at hand?
Eventually, we all decided to leave the bath en masse. As we moseyed
down Tenju's great open-air walkways, warm and lightheaded from the
steam and the sake, we all chatted amiably about anecdotes from our
various walks of life. Slowly but surely, though, the others began
to split off, going their own ways one by one, each saying their
goodbyes for the evening as they did so.Eventually, it was only
Minagi, myself, and Achika.
"...so that night, instead of being put to bed with a shot of
NyQuil, little Timmy got knocked out with a shot of bourbon liquor
instead and acquired his first taste for booze at the tender age of
Minagi and Achika cracked up at that and I paused, pulling them
"Our room is here, Achika. Will we be seeing you tomorrow?"
"You could say that," said Achika with a coy smile on her
face. "So, are you going to invite me in or what?"
That stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Well," I said at length, "that depends on what you
have in mind."
Achika sighed in disappointment, but then smiled wanly as she said,
"Well, I guess I can try being honest since it worked so well
for Tennyo. The truth is I'm still turned on because of what Minagi
said about what you guys do together... And I know she doesn't mind
the idea of company... So I was kind of hoping you wouldn't mind
tending my garden for a bit."
God I love that euphemism. Oh so smutty, yet so very subtle to the
uninitiated. You could practically encode an entire conversation of
dirty talk in polite company that way.
That aside, though... I sighed. "Achika, I do like you, but I'd
feel a little uncomfortable going that far that quickly with you. I
mean, it's not like this is going to be a one night stand where we
never see each other again."
Achika suddenly looked sheepish. "Sorry. Bad habit of mine."
I gave her a wan smile. "Let me guess: didn't even have a
chance to hit up the port when your summons came?"
She suddenly laughed despite herself. "How'd you guess?"
"I used to be in the US Navy, remember?"
"Oh right! You mentioned that..." What little energy
she'd gathered then tapered off. "Well... I guess I should head
on over to my suite."
"Hold on there," I said, placing a hand gently on her
shoulder. "I said that sex was off the table. I didn't say
that we would mind it if you stayed the night with us."
Achika then gave Minagi a surprised look. "Really? But I
thought that you two would..."
Minagi chuckled. "I already had my fun for today. Though I
admit I wouldn't mind watching, but Garrick is pretty tired after
what I put him through."
I then leaned over and stage-whispered to Achika. "Word of
warning - she may be sweet, but that woman is a monster
between the sheets. Totally insatiable."
Minagi shot me an amused scowl. "That's not true and you know
it. Otherwise..." Her grin turned absolutely bestial. "...I
would never let you leave the bedroom."
“See?" I said to Achika. "A monster!"
And then all three of us broke up into helpless giggles at that.
"Nicely played," said Achika as she got herself back
together again. "I can't believe you two have only been
together for a few months. It's like you're in each others heads!"
I shrugged. "Minagi and I..." I looked to her and she
"Garrick is easy to read once you know the signs to watch for.
And I am more than content to let him take up the lead while I
supplement. As you noticed, it has its advantages."
"I see. That is a deceptively simple dynamic you two share. I
wonder what kind of dynamic I'll share with you, Garrick?"
I smiled back at Achika. "Let's go inside and find out."
We settled into the comfortably large bed that the suite had been
appointed with. Despite Minagi and I having thoroughly messed it up
earlier, it had been made up while we were away by the servants. I
made a mental note to find a way to make sure they knew their service
was appreciated.
With a round of refreshments procured, and a frosty-cold pitcher not
too far away, I asked Achika if she would mind terribly if she told
us about her life.
She gladly obliged.
She had been born in the late '50s as I would recognize it, and not
far behind her niece, Tennyo. (Though by my accounting it turns out
this was actually more like ten years, which is 'nothing' by the
Juraian perspective.)
She grew up as a normal, if gifted young girl - top marks in all her
classes, beautiful, kind, demure... a genuine nadeshiko yorishiku in
the making. However, Tennyo and Achika were two peas in a pod. Even
though they were really aunt and niece, they loved each other like
sisters. So, when Tennyo decided that she would go into space, the
secrets of the Masaki family had to be revealed to Achika fairly
early on.
Achika took it all very well, though she was somewhat embittered by
Tennyo leaving her alone, as it were. She had vowed then that she
would never break anyone's heart by saying goodbye like that, and in
order to do that she would never leave Earth - instead, she wanted to
live and die like a human.
And so, for a few more years, Achika did just that. She went to
school, studied hard, and worked towards getting into a good
Of course, somewhere along the way she fell in love with a boy at her
They dated for some time and it seemed like they would be getting
serious with each other... that was until the entity known
enigmatically as Kaine showed up to take revenge on the Masaki
family, starting with Achika.
It was not at all like in any of the other continuities. Achika did
not have access to some strange power of her own like in the anime.
She didn't even have the benefit of being bonded to a Royal Tree.
Achika was utterly powerless and was gravely injured in Kaine's
assault during a class trip to Tokyo Tower.
Fortunately, Tennyo, who had been bonded to a Royal Tree and
was serving in the Galaxy Police, came to her rescue and destroyed
Kaine before he could do permanent harm.
But really, the damage had been done. Achika had to convalesce for
some time in a hospital and her boyfriend broke up with her.
At this point, Achika had an about-face and decided that as soon as
she was out of high school that she would go into space. But not to
join the Galaxy Police or become bonded to a Royal Tree.
Achika went out and joined the Galaxy Army, and never looked back.
Ever since then, she had been leading a promising career in the
Galaxy Army's Hostage Rescue Team. Achika loved every minute of it -
the carefully laid plans, contingencies and counter-contingencies...
but most of all, the comfort in knowing that the people you were
taking down were most certainly bad people, and getting to be a Big
Damn Hero at the end of the day.
So, she was no longer the Japanese ideal of a perfect woman. While
she was sweet, kind, and caring, she was also so much more. She
killed bad guys, saved people in danger, partied, got drunk, and even
went out and shagged some lucky guy that happened to catch her eye,
all while avoiding entanglements with her estranged family and their
"So, what about you, Garrick?" asked Achika as she lounged
languidly against my chest, her head next to Minagi's as she did the
same on my opposite side.
I sighed and plunged ahead. I told her everything there was to know
about me, my dysfunctional family, how I grew up, my watershed
moments... the strange truth is that for all my violent tendencies, I
have a deeply gentle side as well. My mother had told me before that
in my youngest years, I was always such a sweet, gentle, and playful
child. It wasn't until later when I had to integrate into other
social circles that I became moody and combative.
I told her about how my step-father and I never really got along. I
was a dreamer and did my best learning organically. My step-father,
though, was the polar opposite - all discipline and synthetic
learning. Even worse, he envied me for the close relationship I had
with my mother - until I was four, she and I had toughed things out
together and we had bonded on a level few mothers do with their sons.
She and I, we were more than just Mother and Son. We were
confidants, comrades, and co-conspirators. And dad could never get
over how easy it was for me to engage her in something or other.
I told her about how we moved frequently, how hard that made life for
me. I told her about my trials and failures at striking out on my
own and about my first loves. I told her about my time in the US
Navy, how I both excelled and failed in that as well.
And then how I let myself get sucked back into my family's
dysfunction and how it took me four years to break free of it... and
even then it would still haunt me.
As much as I loved my family, they had hurt me so horribly.
I felt my hand being squeezed and I looked down to find Achika giving
me a tearful expression. Minagi herself had positioned herself
against a pile of pillows so she could better judge Achika's
reactions. She knew my history already.
It was then I had an epiphany.
I was, at last, ready to close the door on my old life. For all the
love and sorrow it held for me, for all that it had molded me, I was
ready to let it go, because right then I realized that I had these
beautiful women with me who actually cared.
I was surprised when Achika suddenly came up and gave me a gentle,
probing kiss.
"What are you thinking?" she asked, her tone plainly
curious, but her face a mask of worry.
I reached up and gently caressed her face. "Seeing you, I
realized... it's over now. I can stop being sad about it.
Because... heh... Sasami-chan's wish came true. I have a new family
now. And my family not only wants me to be happy... that want to help me be happy."
Achika smiled, though a bit ruefully. "Funny. I'm used to
having an effect on guys, but this is the first time it's ever been
something that profound."
I gave an amused scoff. "Well, if it helps any, it's not all
that often a woman has that affect on me. Anyhow, now that you've
heard all about me, what do you think now?"
Achika smiled. "I stand by what I said about you before.
You've had it rough, but you've bounced back and got stronger. Even
if it was with help that takes a lot, and I've never heard of anyone
doing that by themselves without becoming damaged goods of some sort.
You're not only strong, but you're lucky, too. And what about me?"
I smiled at Achika. "You remind me of a strong and beautiful
woman I once knew with a lot of fire in her belly and a heart as soft
as they come. She was very loyal to her family and friends and
gladly go down fighting for them."
Achika made a downcast look at that. "I don't know about the
loyal part. I left my family behind and cut ties. This is the first
time I've actually been to Jurai."
"You weren't being disloyal," I told her matter-of-factly.
"You got blindsided by life and you discovered that the person
you were portraying wasn't really you, so you had to go out and find
yourself. Your father certainly knew what he saw and did nothing to
stop you because the same thing happened to him a long time ago."
Achika gave me a stunned look. "Okay, are you somehow related
to Budha? Do I need to rub your stomach for good luck or something?"
Minagi smiled and added her two cents. "Garrick is something
better than that. He's a real person, someone you can actually talk
to and get some straight answers from him. He's very approachable.
In fact, if you kiss him right now he'll kiss you back, because he
likes you already."
I shot a look at the pirate. "Minagi!"
"Oh no you don't!" Suddenly, Achika grabbed my head,
directed it towards her face - which wore a cheerfully determined
expression - and promptly pulled me into a steamy kiss.
And yes, I did kiss back.
Achika broke off for only a moment to look me in the eyes. "I'll
win my place in your heart next to Minagi. You have my word,
Garrick." And with that, she went in again.
Eventually, I got Achika to settle down. Minagi simply chuckled at
the sight of her completely knocked out and curled up at my side.
I shot a look at her and she knew exactly what was on my mind.
Minagi smiled back and whispered in my ear, "In some ways, she
is you. So sweet, so gentle, so loving... and she also has fire like
you - an anger that you will only express as true and righteous fury
in the face of injustice. And yet, despite everything it is all a
facade to cover up the frightened little girl she has been ever since
that fateful day Kaine attacked her. And she has never met another
like her... until she met you. In fact, she may have already fallen
in love with you before she met you." Minagi then kissed me
softly. "You had no idea how right you were about her,
I blinked. It suddenly made sense. All the bluster, the tough talk,
combined with the seemingly ambivalent interest in myself... I was
honestly a sucker for these types of girls. The Japanese may fawn
over girls that were outwardly moe. I can see the attraction... but
I like the idea of an inwardly moe girl - of helping someone that
helps themselves only to break down and bawl their eyes out after the
fact. And there's also the inherent attraction in someone that can
keep a bad situation from coming apart at the seems until help can
get there.
"Thanks for bringing that to my attention," I said as I
hugged Minagi with the arm that was already wrapped around her. "It
would have taken me a while to figure that out. How could you tell,
Minagi grinned at me. "Silly boy. Like I said, she's just like
I sighed and smiled as I looked down at Achika's peacefully sleeping
face, and then snuggled her closer, giving her a kiss on the head.
She murmured something affectionate and continued to sleep.
It would take time to coax her out of her shell, but I would in time.
I could not be direct about it. I can't even hint about it. All I
could do was provide the openness and security she needs to lay her
armor down... and only once she does could I encourage her to be her
true self in the open.
And in the same vein of being true to one's self... The first chance
I got, I would put away all the reminders of my hurt and my pain -
the mementos of the family of my past. The only concession I would
allow would be my books, a photograph of my mother, and nothing more.
That would be all the reminder I needed.
I wouldn't bury my past... but I would permit it to fade into
obscurity. What I had then and there was all that really mattered.
With that matter settled in my mind, one other thing occurred to me.
“Why is it that I keep getting all these girls that have some sort
of deep and unresolved hurt in their past?”
“I suppose like calls to like,” Minagi replied casually.
“Although it might have more to do with your gentle nature.”
“Maybe,” I mused thoughtfully. No more was said on the matter
and we drifted off to sleep.
That morning I was woken up with a rude reminder of what exactly that
hurt little girl was hidden under - suffice to say, protein
milkshakes are now officially dirty talk in the House of Grimm. Of
course, Achika was just trying to get me all wound up, and not simply
in the 'hot and bothered' department. I'd almost call it cute if not
for the perversion factor involved. Minagi found it utterly
As soon as we all made ourselves decent, though, there was a knock at
our door. Upon opening it, I found Funaho standing there, so I
promptly gave her a hug.
"Good morning, mother," I said as she hugged back.
Funaho chuckled as she let go of me. "It is going to take a
while to get used to the fact that I now have another son." Her
expression then took on a surprised look right before she smiled
again. "Achika. I should have known."
I stood aside and Funaho walked in to confront the younger woman, who
was looking a little bit nervous at her prospects.
"Well then, granddaughter... did you enjoy yourself last night?"
she said, not unkindly, but with a certain weight to it. She then
went on, "You're fortunate that I caught on to your antics early
on. If word got out that you spent the night with Garrick then it
would have been scandalous." Her expression then became
somewhat hurt. "I go through all sorts of trouble to make sure
your promiscuity remains tied solely to your alias. And you never
call, never write..."
Achika, however, was having none of that, though. "Grandmother,
please stop grandstanding. Honestly, if I did that as often as I
wanted to then my identity would have been compromised, and then we'd
have to go through all sorts to trouble to make sure that Ayeka never
heard about it."
I blinked, then said, "Well, it's kind of a moot point now that
she's found Yosho, isn't it?"
Funaho nodded. "It is. In fact, we've been looking for a
reason to call you back from active duty. Garrick once again has
proven his worth." Funaho's smile then turned a bit sly. "So,
how did things go between you two last night?"
I smiled and shook my head. In reply, I simply went over to Achika
and, much to her surprise, gave her a hug and a quick kiss in front
of Funaho.
"Heeeehhhhhh?" said Funaho in a pleased tone.
I held Achika's hand in mine as I let her go, her face flushed as I
smiled at her, then Funaho.
"We still need a bit of time, Mother, but for the moment... I'd
say Achika has won her place in my heart."
Funaho beamed at the pronouncement. "Wonderful! Seto will be
so pleased to know..." She then gave us a conspiratorial grin.
"Of course, you do know that's not going to stop her from
foisting even more eligible women onto you, right?"
I grinned. "Bring on the bachelorettes. They won't even know
if I'm coming or going."
There you go, folks. Have fun tearing it apart!
First Page: http://drunkardswalkforums.yuku.com/top ... -Suffering
Last Page: http://drunkardswalkforums.yuku.com/top ... ng?page=16
Okay, so to kick of this new thread, what better than another installment of the story at hand?

Eventually, we all decided to leave the bath en masse. As we moseyed
down Tenju's great open-air walkways, warm and lightheaded from the
steam and the sake, we all chatted amiably about anecdotes from our
various walks of life. Slowly but surely, though, the others began
to split off, going their own ways one by one, each saying their
goodbyes for the evening as they did so.Eventually, it was only
Minagi, myself, and Achika.
"...so that night, instead of being put to bed with a shot of
NyQuil, little Timmy got knocked out with a shot of bourbon liquor
instead and acquired his first taste for booze at the tender age of
Minagi and Achika cracked up at that and I paused, pulling them
"Our room is here, Achika. Will we be seeing you tomorrow?"
"You could say that," said Achika with a coy smile on her
face. "So, are you going to invite me in or what?"
That stopped me dead in my tracks.
"Well," I said at length, "that depends on what you
have in mind."
Achika sighed in disappointment, but then smiled wanly as she said,
"Well, I guess I can try being honest since it worked so well
for Tennyo. The truth is I'm still turned on because of what Minagi
said about what you guys do together... And I know she doesn't mind
the idea of company... So I was kind of hoping you wouldn't mind
tending my garden for a bit."
God I love that euphemism. Oh so smutty, yet so very subtle to the
uninitiated. You could practically encode an entire conversation of
dirty talk in polite company that way.
That aside, though... I sighed. "Achika, I do like you, but I'd
feel a little uncomfortable going that far that quickly with you. I
mean, it's not like this is going to be a one night stand where we
never see each other again."
Achika suddenly looked sheepish. "Sorry. Bad habit of mine."
I gave her a wan smile. "Let me guess: didn't even have a
chance to hit up the port when your summons came?"
She suddenly laughed despite herself. "How'd you guess?"
"I used to be in the US Navy, remember?"
"Oh right! You mentioned that..." What little energy
she'd gathered then tapered off. "Well... I guess I should head
on over to my suite."
"Hold on there," I said, placing a hand gently on her
shoulder. "I said that sex was off the table. I didn't say
that we would mind it if you stayed the night with us."
Achika then gave Minagi a surprised look. "Really? But I
thought that you two would..."
Minagi chuckled. "I already had my fun for today. Though I
admit I wouldn't mind watching, but Garrick is pretty tired after
what I put him through."
I then leaned over and stage-whispered to Achika. "Word of
warning - she may be sweet, but that woman is a monster
between the sheets. Totally insatiable."
Minagi shot me an amused scowl. "That's not true and you know
it. Otherwise..." Her grin turned absolutely bestial. "...I
would never let you leave the bedroom."
“See?" I said to Achika. "A monster!"
And then all three of us broke up into helpless giggles at that.
"Nicely played," said Achika as she got herself back
together again. "I can't believe you two have only been
together for a few months. It's like you're in each others heads!"
I shrugged. "Minagi and I..." I looked to her and she
"Garrick is easy to read once you know the signs to watch for.
And I am more than content to let him take up the lead while I
supplement. As you noticed, it has its advantages."
"I see. That is a deceptively simple dynamic you two share. I
wonder what kind of dynamic I'll share with you, Garrick?"
I smiled back at Achika. "Let's go inside and find out."
We settled into the comfortably large bed that the suite had been
appointed with. Despite Minagi and I having thoroughly messed it up
earlier, it had been made up while we were away by the servants. I
made a mental note to find a way to make sure they knew their service
was appreciated.
With a round of refreshments procured, and a frosty-cold pitcher not
too far away, I asked Achika if she would mind terribly if she told
us about her life.
She gladly obliged.
She had been born in the late '50s as I would recognize it, and not
far behind her niece, Tennyo. (Though by my accounting it turns out
this was actually more like ten years, which is 'nothing' by the
Juraian perspective.)
She grew up as a normal, if gifted young girl - top marks in all her
classes, beautiful, kind, demure... a genuine nadeshiko yorishiku in
the making. However, Tennyo and Achika were two peas in a pod. Even
though they were really aunt and niece, they loved each other like
sisters. So, when Tennyo decided that she would go into space, the
secrets of the Masaki family had to be revealed to Achika fairly
early on.
Achika took it all very well, though she was somewhat embittered by
Tennyo leaving her alone, as it were. She had vowed then that she
would never break anyone's heart by saying goodbye like that, and in
order to do that she would never leave Earth - instead, she wanted to
live and die like a human.
And so, for a few more years, Achika did just that. She went to
school, studied hard, and worked towards getting into a good
Of course, somewhere along the way she fell in love with a boy at her
They dated for some time and it seemed like they would be getting
serious with each other... that was until the entity known
enigmatically as Kaine showed up to take revenge on the Masaki
family, starting with Achika.
It was not at all like in any of the other continuities. Achika did
not have access to some strange power of her own like in the anime.
She didn't even have the benefit of being bonded to a Royal Tree.
Achika was utterly powerless and was gravely injured in Kaine's
assault during a class trip to Tokyo Tower.
Fortunately, Tennyo, who had been bonded to a Royal Tree and
was serving in the Galaxy Police, came to her rescue and destroyed
Kaine before he could do permanent harm.
But really, the damage had been done. Achika had to convalesce for
some time in a hospital and her boyfriend broke up with her.
At this point, Achika had an about-face and decided that as soon as
she was out of high school that she would go into space. But not to
join the Galaxy Police or become bonded to a Royal Tree.
Achika went out and joined the Galaxy Army, and never looked back.
Ever since then, she had been leading a promising career in the
Galaxy Army's Hostage Rescue Team. Achika loved every minute of it -
the carefully laid plans, contingencies and counter-contingencies...
but most of all, the comfort in knowing that the people you were
taking down were most certainly bad people, and getting to be a Big
Damn Hero at the end of the day.
So, she was no longer the Japanese ideal of a perfect woman. While
she was sweet, kind, and caring, she was also so much more. She
killed bad guys, saved people in danger, partied, got drunk, and even
went out and shagged some lucky guy that happened to catch her eye,
all while avoiding entanglements with her estranged family and their
"So, what about you, Garrick?" asked Achika as she lounged
languidly against my chest, her head next to Minagi's as she did the
same on my opposite side.
I sighed and plunged ahead. I told her everything there was to know
about me, my dysfunctional family, how I grew up, my watershed
moments... the strange truth is that for all my violent tendencies, I
have a deeply gentle side as well. My mother had told me before that
in my youngest years, I was always such a sweet, gentle, and playful
child. It wasn't until later when I had to integrate into other
social circles that I became moody and combative.
I told her about how my step-father and I never really got along. I
was a dreamer and did my best learning organically. My step-father,
though, was the polar opposite - all discipline and synthetic
learning. Even worse, he envied me for the close relationship I had
with my mother - until I was four, she and I had toughed things out
together and we had bonded on a level few mothers do with their sons.
She and I, we were more than just Mother and Son. We were
confidants, comrades, and co-conspirators. And dad could never get
over how easy it was for me to engage her in something or other.
I told her about how we moved frequently, how hard that made life for
me. I told her about my trials and failures at striking out on my
own and about my first loves. I told her about my time in the US
Navy, how I both excelled and failed in that as well.
And then how I let myself get sucked back into my family's
dysfunction and how it took me four years to break free of it... and
even then it would still haunt me.
As much as I loved my family, they had hurt me so horribly.
I felt my hand being squeezed and I looked down to find Achika giving
me a tearful expression. Minagi herself had positioned herself
against a pile of pillows so she could better judge Achika's
reactions. She knew my history already.
It was then I had an epiphany.
I was, at last, ready to close the door on my old life. For all the
love and sorrow it held for me, for all that it had molded me, I was
ready to let it go, because right then I realized that I had these
beautiful women with me who actually cared.
I was surprised when Achika suddenly came up and gave me a gentle,
probing kiss.
"What are you thinking?" she asked, her tone plainly
curious, but her face a mask of worry.
I reached up and gently caressed her face. "Seeing you, I
realized... it's over now. I can stop being sad about it.
Because... heh... Sasami-chan's wish came true. I have a new family
now. And my family not only wants me to be happy... that want to help me be happy."
Achika smiled, though a bit ruefully. "Funny. I'm used to
having an effect on guys, but this is the first time it's ever been
something that profound."
I gave an amused scoff. "Well, if it helps any, it's not all
that often a woman has that affect on me. Anyhow, now that you've
heard all about me, what do you think now?"
Achika smiled. "I stand by what I said about you before.
You've had it rough, but you've bounced back and got stronger. Even
if it was with help that takes a lot, and I've never heard of anyone
doing that by themselves without becoming damaged goods of some sort.
You're not only strong, but you're lucky, too. And what about me?"
I smiled at Achika. "You remind me of a strong and beautiful
woman I once knew with a lot of fire in her belly and a heart as soft
as they come. She was very loyal to her family and friends and
gladly go down fighting for them."
Achika made a downcast look at that. "I don't know about the
loyal part. I left my family behind and cut ties. This is the first
time I've actually been to Jurai."
"You weren't being disloyal," I told her matter-of-factly.
"You got blindsided by life and you discovered that the person
you were portraying wasn't really you, so you had to go out and find
yourself. Your father certainly knew what he saw and did nothing to
stop you because the same thing happened to him a long time ago."
Achika gave me a stunned look. "Okay, are you somehow related
to Budha? Do I need to rub your stomach for good luck or something?"
Minagi smiled and added her two cents. "Garrick is something
better than that. He's a real person, someone you can actually talk
to and get some straight answers from him. He's very approachable.
In fact, if you kiss him right now he'll kiss you back, because he
likes you already."
I shot a look at the pirate. "Minagi!"
"Oh no you don't!" Suddenly, Achika grabbed my head,
directed it towards her face - which wore a cheerfully determined
expression - and promptly pulled me into a steamy kiss.
And yes, I did kiss back.
Achika broke off for only a moment to look me in the eyes. "I'll
win my place in your heart next to Minagi. You have my word,
Garrick." And with that, she went in again.
Eventually, I got Achika to settle down. Minagi simply chuckled at
the sight of her completely knocked out and curled up at my side.
I shot a look at her and she knew exactly what was on my mind.
Minagi smiled back and whispered in my ear, "In some ways, she
is you. So sweet, so gentle, so loving... and she also has fire like
you - an anger that you will only express as true and righteous fury
in the face of injustice. And yet, despite everything it is all a
facade to cover up the frightened little girl she has been ever since
that fateful day Kaine attacked her. And she has never met another
like her... until she met you. In fact, she may have already fallen
in love with you before she met you." Minagi then kissed me
softly. "You had no idea how right you were about her,
I blinked. It suddenly made sense. All the bluster, the tough talk,
combined with the seemingly ambivalent interest in myself... I was
honestly a sucker for these types of girls. The Japanese may fawn
over girls that were outwardly moe. I can see the attraction... but
I like the idea of an inwardly moe girl - of helping someone that
helps themselves only to break down and bawl their eyes out after the
fact. And there's also the inherent attraction in someone that can
keep a bad situation from coming apart at the seems until help can
get there.
"Thanks for bringing that to my attention," I said as I
hugged Minagi with the arm that was already wrapped around her. "It
would have taken me a while to figure that out. How could you tell,
Minagi grinned at me. "Silly boy. Like I said, she's just like
I sighed and smiled as I looked down at Achika's peacefully sleeping
face, and then snuggled her closer, giving her a kiss on the head.
She murmured something affectionate and continued to sleep.
It would take time to coax her out of her shell, but I would in time.
I could not be direct about it. I can't even hint about it. All I
could do was provide the openness and security she needs to lay her
armor down... and only once she does could I encourage her to be her
true self in the open.
And in the same vein of being true to one's self... The first chance
I got, I would put away all the reminders of my hurt and my pain -
the mementos of the family of my past. The only concession I would
allow would be my books, a photograph of my mother, and nothing more.
That would be all the reminder I needed.
I wouldn't bury my past... but I would permit it to fade into
obscurity. What I had then and there was all that really mattered.
With that matter settled in my mind, one other thing occurred to me.
“Why is it that I keep getting all these girls that have some sort
of deep and unresolved hurt in their past?”
“I suppose like calls to like,” Minagi replied casually.
“Although it might have more to do with your gentle nature.”
“Maybe,” I mused thoughtfully. No more was said on the matter
and we drifted off to sleep.
That morning I was woken up with a rude reminder of what exactly that
hurt little girl was hidden under - suffice to say, protein
milkshakes are now officially dirty talk in the House of Grimm. Of
course, Achika was just trying to get me all wound up, and not simply
in the 'hot and bothered' department. I'd almost call it cute if not
for the perversion factor involved. Minagi found it utterly
As soon as we all made ourselves decent, though, there was a knock at
our door. Upon opening it, I found Funaho standing there, so I
promptly gave her a hug.
"Good morning, mother," I said as she hugged back.
Funaho chuckled as she let go of me. "It is going to take a
while to get used to the fact that I now have another son." Her
expression then took on a surprised look right before she smiled
again. "Achika. I should have known."
I stood aside and Funaho walked in to confront the younger woman, who
was looking a little bit nervous at her prospects.
"Well then, granddaughter... did you enjoy yourself last night?"
she said, not unkindly, but with a certain weight to it. She then
went on, "You're fortunate that I caught on to your antics early
on. If word got out that you spent the night with Garrick then it
would have been scandalous." Her expression then became
somewhat hurt. "I go through all sorts of trouble to make sure
your promiscuity remains tied solely to your alias. And you never
call, never write..."
Achika, however, was having none of that, though. "Grandmother,
please stop grandstanding. Honestly, if I did that as often as I
wanted to then my identity would have been compromised, and then we'd
have to go through all sorts to trouble to make sure that Ayeka never
heard about it."
I blinked, then said, "Well, it's kind of a moot point now that
she's found Yosho, isn't it?"
Funaho nodded. "It is. In fact, we've been looking for a
reason to call you back from active duty. Garrick once again has
proven his worth." Funaho's smile then turned a bit sly. "So,
how did things go between you two last night?"
I smiled and shook my head. In reply, I simply went over to Achika
and, much to her surprise, gave her a hug and a quick kiss in front
of Funaho.
"Heeeehhhhhh?" said Funaho in a pleased tone.
I held Achika's hand in mine as I let her go, her face flushed as I
smiled at her, then Funaho.
"We still need a bit of time, Mother, but for the moment... I'd
say Achika has won her place in my heart."
Funaho beamed at the pronouncement. "Wonderful! Seto will be
so pleased to know..." She then gave us a conspiratorial grin.
"Of course, you do know that's not going to stop her from
foisting even more eligible women onto you, right?"
I grinned. "Bring on the bachelorettes. They won't even know
if I'm coming or going."
There you go, folks. Have fun tearing it apart!