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the newest eyrie is out early this year....
Looks like Zargh does have a sense of humor after all.

And here's an amusing Dìqiú story.
And let's start the year off with a prequel to An Avatar In New Avalon ... pi-nga.txt
Ok this stuff is interesting, could someone post a link to the start of it all?
To the Start?

go to
If you start at Undocumented Features 1, and read at relatively normal rate you should be done about mid June or July, of next year.

Have fun.
Yes, but really, reading the UF Core isn't that great an idea. It... shows its age, for lack of a kinder term. I wonder what would be a good starting point for a new reader. Symphony 1 perhaps?
Not a starting point for Raj, but another new story!
Quote:Rajvik wrote:
Ok this stuff is interesting, could someone post a link to the start of it all?
Symphony of the Sword is a good starter - it's where I did and I think I've got a fair handle on things. that? Well it's not like they were written in chronological order in the first place, so pick a spot and give it a try. Just be cautious going into the Core. It was the first, it hasn't been updated, and both of those show.
Heh. Heh-heh. Heh-heh-heh. Such wonderful memories. And I can only imagine the mayhem caused by Kaitlyn's first room mate (the one that preceded Utena).

Really, I feel the better place to start is Twilight. For one thing, that is where a lot of stuff that the Diqui Suite is referencing goes down (Ragnarok and such). It's also where the main characters realized they needed the IPO.

Everything before that point is pretty much gravy. It does help later on to delve into the Core. But Twilight is the best place to start.
I started with the core, but that was back in the 90s.
There are cases to be made for starting with either Symphony of the Sword No. 1 or Twilight. I'd recommend reading Twilight before Symphony of the Sword No. 2 since it sets up some cosmology.

An alternative would be to start with Aegis Florea 1Star-Crossed, then read Manhunt, and Crossroads then Aegis Florea 2 before Twilight. Crossroads is part of the original core and could do with a re-write but this order sets up Gryphon's arc with Kei before delving into the younger generation.
D for Drakensis

You're only young once, but immaturity is forever.
Honestly I'm not sure I'd rank Twilight as some of their best efforts either, though it's certainly not the worst. But I'd say the real problem with it is that (like a bunch of the other stuff that's been mentioned, including a couple that I think *are* some of their best efforts) is that it doesn't work as well if you're not already familiar with the characters and setting. That's why I'd favor Symphony as a place to start, as an excellent story that's also starting up a new cast for the most part, so there's not going to be as many "Who's this joker, and why should I care?" moments.

I second (or third, or fourth?) the recommendation to start reading the Eyrie stuff with Symphony of the Sword. In addition to the other points mentioned above, and sort of flowing on from what Morgan mentioned - many of the chief viewpoint characters in Symphony are themselves new arrivals in the setting, and therefore...though perhaps this wasn't the authors' original intention, what you kind of get is the old narrative trick of stuff being explained to the reader via stuff being explained to the characters in the story.
The newer (relatively speaking) Eyrie stories are also good for combining quirky slice-of-life material (or if you want to be more serious, character-driven drama, interpersonal relationships, etc.) with big dramatic space opera. The earlier works are pretty much just the space opera, it's only really with the Symphony-era stuff that there started to be more done in terms of...the softer, more human side of fiction.
-- Acyl
I also recommend starting with Symphony. That's where I started reading UF to Peggy some 15 years ago, and she had no problems (other than the occasional "oh, geeze" at first when she saw a source she knew ) getting into the setting.

Rajvik, I also recommend staying away from the Core stories at first. They're a different beast entirely from the later material, and not just for stylistic or skill-level reasons -- late in the Core there is what amounts to a rewrite of the entire cosmos which produces the universe in which the later stories are set. Much of the Core is quite literally in a completely different fictional setting from the rest of the material in UF. This can be confusing unless you're ready for it.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
If you do have questions about plot details that get mentioned in the Symphony but aren't expanded on, feel free to ask either here or over on the EPU forums. We'll at least try and explain.
That we will. Probably at length.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Gryphon is time traveling again...

The new serial has begun, as many seem to, with an accident....
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
I had a weird niggling feeling as I read that... and then tracked it down. Not that it means anything, but the Witch wailing "I can't get his pants off!" happens to share a last name with a legendary (ahem!) member of the Original Wedge Defenders... which lead to some mental images I Did Not Want, lemme tell you....
The character bios page notes that she's a Dimensional Counterpart of one of Haywires ancestors... and to no one's surprise, she shares his callsign Smile

That said though, I think Shirley wins best character for this part Smile
I'm under the impression that the correspondence in names was noted before Gryphon started writing anything based on the series, and he ended up just running with it. '.'

Morgan is correct.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
*Just about dies cackling gleefully*
While The main Hero of the Story was falling from above, Commander O'Brien tells the Klingon High Command how she got her new ship.
And there's Part 2 of Our Witches At War.
Part 3 technically went up last night.

I'd been assuming the "Eleanor" mentioned in New Tricks was a misprint for Elizabeth Beurling or some other canon witch. I've probably had more fun being wrong sometime in my life; I just can't currently think of when it was.
Oh dear... Oh dear oh dear oh dear....

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