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New Fic Recommendation Thread 6: ... uction.php

Jeconais has a new Potter fic titled Happily Ever After.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV

A Dexter/Naruto fusion with an interesting Anko twist.


You see, in some ways, Anko is as damaged as I am; she's just dealt with it differently. After her Jounin sensei gave her a cursed seal and committed
some less than ethical experiments on her, something inside her snapped. According to the Sandaime, before she was abandoned and basically left to rot, she
was considered a true prodigy and was on the fast track to become the first female ANBU captain in, what was at the time, the new assassination division, but
then Orochimaru happened and since then, she hasn't been able to kill a single person or even an animal. Rumor has it, that she's even become a
vegetarian so that she doesn't have the death of her food on her conscience.

Portal/BTVS. Dawn doesn't want to leave her companion cube. One shot.
An interesting little YAHF short I just ran across at TtH: Irony And Confusion. Put a smile on my face for a little while at least.
Another silly little thing I ran across. A little SM/AMG spamfic HERE. Be aware that
it's in the Fuku-Fics forum and may (depending on your taste) be a little lime flavoured.
Quote: An interesting little YAHF short I just ran across at TtH:
Just clicked on this without looking at the URL (or for that matter the "TtH" in the description) and discovered that the censorware at
work isn't blocking TTH anymore. Cool. Oh, and the story's cute, too.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Long Trek Home ... =6&t=22450

Star Trek / Daria.
Backward With Purpose

Harry, Ron, and Ginny send themselves back in time to avoid the destruction of everything they hold dear, and the deaths of everyone they love.

Quite well done. Just remember folks, Heisenberg was right, and time travel only raises the effects by an order of magnitude.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Bobmin has finally started the HP/X-Men crossover they've been talking about for a while. It requires loging in to read, and they've posted a notice of
intent at the start (which is where the below link points).

Here's Mutant Storm.

A Xandercentric Buffy fic. Good as a oneshot and I hope it gets continued.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
The Color of Blood, an Evangelion/Highlander crossover.

So far it's just the introductory, starting chapter, but it looks like it could be ineresting.

--The Twisted One

"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Re: the buffy oneshot

Very cool, and sadly realistic in it's take on the buffy/xander/willow relationship.

I too hope for more.
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy

was nice.

the explanation on the buffy/xander/willow was good. Sad sure, but it is a reality of life that fear is sometimes a motivation.

bourne MPD
batman's kid AU short ... rd_Justice

Freedom to Be, a new Naruto fic with a disturbing new explanation for why Naruto is the way that he is.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
potter / helsing crossover ... _a_Red_Eye
Naruto/Avatar, rather amusing but doesn't seem to update often. ... st_Shinobi
"Not this again!" Minerva said. "Albus, it was You-Know-Who, not you, who marked Harry as his equal. There is no possible way that the prophecy could be talking about you!" - Harry Potter and the Method of Rationality, Chapter 84
The Ultimate Escape Artist

(HP)this seems like it might become very interesting.
Re: New Fic Recommendation Thread 6:
BukakkeNoJutsu has a new Naruto one shot: Only Bastards Rise.

--The Twisted One

"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

--Voltaire ... _of_Konoha

The Genius Losers of Konoha - some interesting behind-the-scenes of canon... after all, Naruto can't be as dumb as he looks and still pull off the
stuff he does, can he?
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Limbo (Post-TRY Slayers, Xellos/Filia focus), and its sequel, Night Light. Both complete.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
All Geared Up
Most probably watch the TtH website, but some of you might have missed it. It's a Transformers(movie) crossover with BtVS and is Xander centered. Xander
gets a "charge" out of the allspark and passes it to his gear. "All geared up"

howard melton

God bless
Kyuubi has control of Naruto's body, Iruka centered.

Naruto & Gaara time travel after demons invade

quantum leap sequel to above (advent of ...something on tff) ... ainst_Time
Law and Order HFIL Department ... Department

Law and Order HFIL Department Short Stories Collection ... The_Shorts

These stories are amusing to me.
Quote: yesilmavi wrote:

Kyuubi has control of Naruto's body, Iruka centered.

Naruto & Gaara time travel after demons invade

quantum leap sequel to above (advent of ...something on tff) ... ainst_Time

Wow, those are really... psychotic. In vaguely amusing ways, but still total disturbo-fic.

- CD
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
woot Med. Eng., verb, 1st & 3rd pers. prsnt. sg. know, knows

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