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Anyone know what's up with Joe Hundredaire?
10-24-2014, 07:18 AM
All his stories have been taken off TTH, and the profile page just says
"He jumped, he was not pushed.
RIP - 10/22/2014"
which seems... altogether rather ominous.
Edit: link
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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None of his other sites have been touched yet. Going by past behaviour, I'm gonna assume he's having a Skysaber moment until told otherwise.
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Indeed. Relatives do not usually go about removing all trace of someone's publicly applauded hobbies when a person actually dies, so I was thinking it's probably some kind of internet drama, but even if it wasn't necessarily great literature his stories were/are fun and I hadn't read everything posted since my last major TTH binge.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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I think it's a moderation argument. From what I've read, he told the admins admins to rein Demona in or he walks, and ultimately he and others walked.
Source: profile page of Worldmaker.
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So, yeah, internet drama out the wazoo. I suppose the next question is where Joe's taking his stories, since I highly doubt he's going to stop writing them just because he's left TTH...
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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He has stories on as alientyouthct, and has posted new chapters there quite recently.
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He also deleted 8 random stories right before he did his mike drop. Not his stories, other peoples.
Je ne suis pas une Intelligence Artificielle Turing. Je suis Charlie.
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While that's kind of a dick move, it's also just. It's the kind of behavior they decided they were okay with, after all.
I'm still annoyed about it, even if the stories are on FFn. TTH had much better watch list features, where FFn only tracks how recently something's been updated, not how many chapters of it you've read. Granted, the number of stories and users would make tracking by chapters a significant increase in database size, since it would be storing two values per tracked story instead of just one.
"Anko, what you do in your free time is your own choice. Use it wisely. And if you do not use it wisely, make sure you thoroughly enjoy whatever unwise thing you are doing." - HymnOfRagnorok as Orochimaru at SpaceBattles
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TTH also has wonderful ease of use for authoring and reading in general.
Je ne suis pas une Intelligence Artificielle Turing. Je suis Charlie.
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For ease of reference, I'ma copy-pasta Worldmaker's rant here. I find it to be quite... compelling. Quote:[b]Worldmaker on FFN said:[/b] [b]What Happened at Twisting the Hellmouth:[/b] What happened was this: I included a scene in Origin Story
that included a realistic depiction of President George W. Bush and
Vice President Dick Cheney. I did not libel these two men. I did not
turn them into mustache-twirling Snidley Whiplash clones, I did not turn
them into bloody-minded serial killer psychopaths. I depicted them as
ambitious politicians. Which is, of course, what they both are. I also
depicted them in accordance to the way Marvel Comics was portraying
them: as, ultimately, the people who were authorizing and approving the
human rights abuses present in the Marvel Comics Civil War
storyline. Oh, and one person actually complained that I gave George W.
Bush a "clownish" accent. Folks, the accent I gave him was a standard
Texas accent. You know, because he fucking has one of those.
three yahoos got butt-hurt about how I was "making a mockery" out of
the president, and complained. A like-minded conservative moderator, who
calls herself "Demona", used those complaints to lock my story up and
threaten it with deletion unless I "removed George W. Bush and Dick
Cheney from the story." So I did. I removed those words from the story,
literally. I followed her directions to the letter.
My next message from her said the following she told me that what she meant
was for me to rewrite the chapter so as to remove the scene with the
president and the vice-president entirely, not merely remove their
names. Sorry, but fuck you, Demona. I write the story as I am inspired
to write it, and I stick by what I write because of that inspiration. I
will not adulterate my writing to fit someone else's whim, especially
someone who is demanding arbitrary changes not on the basis of the
strength of the plot, but for politically-inspired personal whim.
was warned by five different people that Demona has a long memory,
holds grudges, and absolutely despises it when "one of the peons" (not
my words) disagrees with her, implies that she's wrong, or argues with
her moderator decisions. Thus, I felt it best to just pull up stakes and
let the petty tyrant rule her small corner of a very small sandbox.
fairly sure that there are several other writers who will take note of
Demona's attitude, and alter their attitudes toward Twisting the
Hellmouth accordingly.
Most recently, Twisting the Hellmouth admin
JoeHundredaire posted an ultimatum that read, in part, do something
about Demona and the rules that allowed her to abuse her moderatorial
power or I walk. I and several other people told him that if he was
gone, we were gone too. So now we've left, permanently this time. In
response, naturally the admins of Twisting the Hellmouth are calling us
(especially me) a bunch of arrogant, bad-tempered cretins who had no place among civilized folk anyway.
fact that the people who are walking out are some of the most creative
and most prolific writers on the site hasn't sunk in. But they have all
rushed in to calm the populace and let the sheep know that there's
nothing to be concerned about. Meanwhile, Demona's still a moderator,
and she's still within her rights to fuck over people who she doesn't
like. Keep it in mind if you're thinking about posting your stories
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Have to agree: TTH is a much better designed site.
That said, it has two flaws.
One, its organization and search features are centered around shipping pairs.
Two, the admin are, well. 'Nuff said.
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One: Say what? Search is based on fandoms. There is something called fic-for-all which is designed to inspire fandom and character combinations that normally wouldn't pop up, but it specifically states it's better if it's not used for shipping.
Two: I never had any problems with any of them except for Joe (who's gone now) and the one Worldmaker/ChefJackButler is ranting against. I think Demona's the only person who's ever quarantined a story of mine, and I've been posting there for five years/74 stories/close to 1.5 million words. I don't remember if I ever did get a reason why she quarantined it. I said screw it, deleted it and started something else. Joe was/is an obnoxious little punk and I just avoided communicating with him as much as possible.
Je ne suis pas une Intelligence Artificielle Turing. Je suis Charlie.
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Eh, I'm rather far to the Left, and I still found the scenes in origin story in question rather jarring.
It is still entirely unreasonable for mods to go all overlord's-fiat about it.
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Shouldn't matter where you are on the spectrum- if you're a mod, you should have the mental flexibility to accept a difference between what you find offensive, and what is offensive under the rules. Actually, screw 'if you're a mod'- people in general need to understand that bit.
I'm a conservative (well, libertarian more than anything, but even that label's been tarred by wackos here) who didn't like Bush, and I'd consider walking out because of that.
My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.
I've been writing a bit.