That faux AA-style group Microprose & others used to promote Civilization games.
The game being Spore. I've got it and well I start playing it at 9pm and 6am rapidly appears. Because of that factoid, all copies should be kept away -
under lock & key- from Bob, Chris and any other usual suspect tracked in the update threads and beyond until they finish a major new part of whatever piece
they are working on.
Still, I think I was the first one to provide some buildings. And boy, I never thought the Orctaur I made in the standalone creature creator could look
so....massive, in the Kajira-class instance during the WoW/CoH-style playmode.
"People missing from the 'net. Have you checked WoW/Spore/School yet?"
The game being Spore. I've got it and well I start playing it at 9pm and 6am rapidly appears. Because of that factoid, all copies should be kept away -
under lock & key- from Bob, Chris and any other usual suspect tracked in the update threads and beyond until they finish a major new part of whatever piece
they are working on.
Still, I think I was the first one to provide some buildings. And boy, I never thought the Orctaur I made in the standalone creature creator could look
so....massive, in the Kajira-class instance during the WoW/CoH-style playmode.
"People missing from the 'net. Have you checked WoW/Spore/School yet?"