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An update on the BGC live-action film
An update on the BGC live-action film
#1 ... asian-cast

"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
Caucasian actresses? >.> I can see the fan outcry now. [voiceover] Miley Cyrus IS. Priss Asagiri [/voiceover]
That said I'm more worried about the confirmed two male leads in a show where the only main leads should be the Knight Sabers Confused
Take Your Candle, Go Light Your World.
Um.... Leon and Daley?

And the announcement says "a quartet of female action babes - two Caucasian and two Asian" -- which sounds to me exactly like Sylia
Stingray, Nene Romanova, Linna Yamazaki and Priss Asagiri.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'm just wondering how they are going to contrive to have them outside the Hardsuits for the climactic scenes.


I know anime can be somewhat unrealistic in depicting their ages -- I mean, who would guess Sylia is only 23 at the end of the OVA? And Priss, Linna and Nene,
respectively, are 20, 21, and 19 at the end -- but I just hope they don't end up making this look like a group of teenyboppers out to save the world...

And I think they're gonna have to find a lot more contributors/donations if they wanna make some slick-looking hardsuits and Boomers. $30 mil ain't
gonna cut it, unless you want the CG to be Sci-Fi Channel movie quality...

--Amanda (25 but still mistaken to be in high school)
"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
I've seen one of the promo hardsuits from back in the 80s that AIC had some models wear for cons and such. Kenichi Sonoda was a GENIUS at getting something
that could actually be fabricated with existing materials, if not to the full effect of the superscience.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Ah, geeze, someone I knew from the FFML actually bought one from the US importers of the show; I have his photos of the thing laid out in his living room
somewhere on my PC at home. Along with a couple of shots of someone in the whole suit from when it was being used to promo the show, plus several shots of
Kinuko Oomori wearing the helmet and sitting on a motorcycle. I'll have to go look for them when I get home tonight.

ETA: Does anyone have access to IMDBPro? The page for the movie is currently available only to Pro subscribers because it's still in development.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Yeah, they (the real ones that were made for Akiko and Kinuko to wear) look nice if all you have to do is stand around and look pretty. But imagine trying to
jump around and fight Boomers in those! That's why I think the hardsuits are probably gonna be CG'ed, or at least CG-enchanced if they are gonna be

"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
$30 Million may not seem like much until your realise the SFX are not being done by ILM or some other American shop. Generally speaking, SFX cost a lot less to
do with overseas stuff and the quality is (almost) as good. So multiple that number by between x5 to x10.


Ok, that makes me feel a little better Wink  But we shall see!  I do like the promo image they have up.  If they look as slick as Priss' suit does in this, I'd be happy.
[Image: bubblegum-crisis-20090514090219450.jpg]
(On that note, is that the D.D.?  Kinda looks like it to me!)

"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
I'm shocked they didn't change the name. It's one thing for anime fans, but the reaction of normal people to "Bubblegum Crisis" is to
assume it's a comedy.
Which one, Manda? I see one sort of glowy cockpit, but not enough detail. Right next to the blue glow is something that looks more like a TAPD K-9 to me
because of the leg joints. To me the K 9's had 'normal' legs and the DD retrograde ones
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to split the sky?
That's every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry-

-- "No Quarter", by Echo's Children
Quote: Ayiekie wrote:

I'm shocked they didn't change the name. It's one thing for anime fans, but the reaction of normal people to "Bubblegum Crisis" is to
assume it's a comedy.

I admit this was one of my first thoughts too. "No way is the average person gonna go see a movie called Bubblegum Crisis." But hey, I guess that
didn't stop the rest of us from viewing it Big Grin

Star: the image I posted, to me, looks like Priss' suit on the left (with some moderations, it seems) and the D.D. on the right. But you're right, it
could be one of the K-suits. It looks too clunky to be a Boomer (or at least I'm hoping that's not a Boomer).

Casting-wise, the article says they want two Caucasians and two Asians, and another article I read said they want a mixture of newbies and A-list actors. Over
the years, I kept hearing people suggest that Tia Carrere play Priss if there was ever a live-action film. But what does everyone here think? Who should play

(I would argue that Priss is probably only half-Japanese, since she has brown hair, but I suppose it might be hard to find a haafu to play her...)

"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
I only hope they hire some actresses rather than some models who also happen to have taken some acting classes.

IOW, I hope they hire based on ability to act rather than on looks. For that reason I don't care if Priss is white, black, yellow or red.


Ability to act over looks, naturally.  All style and no substance is NOT something anybody here would want from a BGC movie.  Still, I don't expect it to be an 80's fest either.  Maybe update their looks somehow.  Like, maybe have Linna look like this:
[Image: 265351_f520.jpg]
Stick a headband in there somewhere behind the bangs (because Linna has to have a headband =P), and voila.  Just an idea, of course.  I doubt they could recreate Priss' huge bangs, so I wonder how they'd do her.  Maybe shaggy hair (or is that getting too close to 2040 Priss?), perhaps?

"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
Quote:Over the years, I kept hearing people suggest that Tia Carrere play Priss if there was ever a live-action film. But what does everyone here think? Who should play who?
If it was a decade ago, I'd say "yes, get Tia Carrere to play Priss and Michelle Yeoh to play Linna". But they're too old now...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Age is nothin' but a number ;D

Ok, seriously, who would you suggest now? ^_^

"Hey, it's not like dying is on my schedule for this week."
--Yumeko Asagiri, Bubblegum Crisis: The Next Generation, part 3
Quote: yumekochan wrote:

I doubt they could recreate Priss' huge bangs, so I wonder how they'd do her. Maybe shaggy hair (or is that getting too close to 2040 Priss?),

As someone who found 2040 Priss hot as all get out, I fail to see how getting an actress that looks like that and can act would be a bad thing by anyone's definition.

Cause, really. Getting away with Priss's "I'm just gonna hop down the street to jazzercise" haircut in a modern film would require a minor
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Ah, geeze, someone I knew from the FFML actually bought one from the US importers of the show; I have his photos of the thing laid out in his living room
somewhere on my PC at home. Along with a couple of shots of someone in the whole suit from when it was being used to promo the show, plus several shots of
Kinuko Oomori wearing the helmet and sitting on a motorcycle. I'll have to go look for them when I get home tonight.

ETA: Does anyone have access to IMDBPro? The page for the movie is currently available only to Pro subscribers because it's still in development.

I've got an IMDBPro account and checked the page, but there's nothing really up on it yet.
Okay, thanks.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
WengFook Wrote:Caucasian actresses? >.> I can see the fan outcry now. [voiceover] Miley Cyrus IS. Priss Asagiri [/voiceover]
That said I'm more worried about the confirmed two male leads in a show where the only main leads should be the Knight Sabers Confused
In addition to Bob's mention of Leon and Daley, other prominent male characters could include Macky and Mason/Largo.
"I've always wanted to be somebody, but I should have been more specific." - George Carlin
Mm. Not to mention Quincy and Doc Raven.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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