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New fic Recommendations vs. Hanoi Xan and the World Crime League
Nine Ways Archer's Plans Went Horribly Wrong

Exactly What It Says On The Tin.

Quoted for example:


This time, Tohsaka Rin had a different catalyst, and thusly summoned a different Servant.

Things proceeded more or less normally right up until the point where Emiya Shirou stumbled into a summoning circle.

Avalon: one catalyst.

The entirety of Emiya Shirou's body: another catalyst.

A figurative coinflip was made, and unfortunately for several members of the Holy Grail War, it landed on tails.

After deflecting Lancer's attack, Archer took one look at his new Master and sighed. "Wonderful."

(Archer later died of mana depletion, because there was no way in hell that Shirou was restoring it for him. Absolutely. None.)
Warning: may spoil the plot of Unlimited Blade Works and Heaven's Feel if you haven't gone through the visual novel.
"Oh, silver blade, forged in the depths of the beyond. Heed my summons and purge those who stand in my way. Lay
Gregg Landsman has started another weird Evangelion alternate, Nobody Dies.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Quote: Bob Schroeck wrote:

Gregg Landsman has started another weird Evangelion alternate, Nobody Dies.
In an Eva fic? Isn't that illegal or something?
For the man cast sure... but how could you do it without using a non-intelligent machine army? Okay... maybe Sachiel you could spam waves of MOAB level bombs
on it while keeping it distracted with ground level drones... after that it would require all kinds of mad science to be useful and some random idiot would
still manage wander into it drunk and give you a body count. unless you use the cheap chibiversions of the Angels.
The Case of Series 2

It's either this or Crossovers That Should Not Be.

Edgar Allan Poe/Powerpuff Girls
potter. [enter the dragon] has now been posten on ffn. (potter turns into a dragon)
Quote: Necratoid wrote:

unless you use the cheap chibiversions of the Angels.
They do have a Vat of Rei somewhere.
Over at fukufics, a Hinata is linked to Ranma fic by gsteemo: The Disorderly Princess and The Fiery Steed
"Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened."
--Dr. Seuss
Quote: They do have a Vat of Rei somewhere.

So your suggesting what? That the extra Reis end up possessed by the angels and they banded together... then get things really screwed up in their cultural
studies, which largely consist of comericals, which leads to them banding together in an deranged empire that seeks to shave everyones head to harvest the
power of hair? (This being result of way too many shampoo comerical being crossbred with the Biblical story of Samson... convincing them that their hair is
the true sorce of humanities power... thus instramentality with only the hair will offer the best results. Strangely the store it in a giant Strooge McDuck
style money bin with the dreaded crossed Scissors and brush emblem) Meanwhile, Shinji shows up with an afro... Misato strugs it off as something best handled
with copious amounts of booze in your system... by the time Asuka shows up (not on an exsellerate scheduel due to a bizzarre lack of killer giant robots... so
she ends up coming in in the middle of the show... where Shinji, Kensuke, and (for no adiquitly explained reason) Penpen are fighting the evil, hair harvesting

Misato is concidered to actually know what is going on... though her explainations make less sense on paper than what is going on in the streets... thus are
widely considered both accurate and utterly incomprehencable. Thus making her indispensable in the UN's opinion, Gendo is praised for actually having
someone on command staff that apparrently understands this insanity. Asuka is eventually convinced that she was trained wrong as some incomprehensable joke,
she clearly isn't in a world that makes half as much sense as all her instructers told her. The bridge bunnies are secretly, to Asuka anyway, editing her
rants, which are cleverly disguised as the actual paperwork and staus reports she should be handing in, and published in sociology journals. She is both
considered the founder of an exotic banch of abnormal sociology/psycology and fully aware of her new fame. She also has a ever growing trust fund and is going
to be nominated for a Nobel Prize... which she doesn't discover outright until she ends up getting notified she won. Every other sociologist has given up
trying to explain that mess of wierd or gone crazy in the process of their studies... which explains some of the other weirdos she kept seeing wandering about
Tokyo 3. Rei, never being cleared to admit the other Rei's exist and never having the order to admit they exist in the first place recinded, disavows all
knowledge of the other Rei's. Even when they are within 20 feet of her. The population at large has desided that Rei is the sanest of her family
members... and is just very, very good at ignoing those wackos. Not that anyone really blames her.

Though there is one more realatively sane realative of Rei around... Sachiel. Sachiel started to attack, then got an inkling of what was to come and is now
hiding under the sea somewhere , the mental updates have solitified things for Sachiel. Mankind is to weird for Sachiel's taste. Thus is staying far, far
away from that mess... Thus is now in the process of acheiving instrumentality with the far saner species known as brine shrimp. Sachiel actually acheives
this... during a fight with the 'that is not my shadow Angel' this instrementality meshes so incomprehensibly with the insanity of the practitioners of
Snot-For-You at that point that the 'insert destriptor here' Angel just spontaiously explodes in raw confusion.

The Evas aren't considering a real waste of cash, Sachiel and all, but aren't actually useful for much... until some random alien idiots deside
invading Tokyo 3 is a cunning plan... they do avoid making their agents go Kaiju after first time... I mean Asuka was the one on shift during that battle of
the normal stupid... when the agent gets trampled in the general melee... then 20 seconds into the 'I'll squish you all' speech, a much larger red
Eva abruptly pops out of the ground and promptly ignores it attacks and kills it in seconds. After she left, the decided that this normally sound strategy
isn't actually effective. They randomly invade with cunning plans and loads of foot soldiers... and keep picking spots that get them caught up in the
fights of the locals. They eventually get eaten during the abrupt and inexplicable appearance of a continent sized Sea monkey... which then goes and does its
best to hide behind Venus. The loss of that fleet makes aliens decide Earth has to have something worth all that security... thus each major arc ends up with
a new, stronger group of random invaders that keep getting killed off by the general happenings of Tokyo 3.
The writer of Enter The Dragon has done a few other good things, one of which I will rec:

If this has already been recced, then the Loops also include forum posts, and I'm starting a new iteration.

My Unitarian Jihad Name is: Brother Atom Bomb of Courteous Debate. Get yours.

I've been writing a bit.
Doghead Thirteen has done some things worth reading, and much of his writing seems to be part of one larger multicrossover universe - but I dropped it pretty much entirely partway through the series which begins with "Headmaster's Socks", on about the fifth time Harry argued in support of slavery (and related indicia) and won.

That wasn't the sole reason for dropping it, but it was closely related to all of the others; I don't have a problem with a good-guy character starting out with that kind of position, or even necessarily (in the right circumstances) with their staying that way... but these were definitely not the right circumstances, and far from Harry being pulled around to another perspective on the matter, he seemed to successfully be arguing (and/or "decreeing by superior firepower") other people over to his position.

Combine that with the author's statement that he intends this version of Harry to be, in his own way, worse than Voldemort, and it just doesn't seem worth it to keep reading...
I haven't read the headmasters socks (and now probably won't), but I did enjoy 'Enter the Dragon' and 'A Fox in Tokyo'
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
I haven't even begun "A Fox in Tokyo", because my understanding is that it - like several of his other works - is in the same continuity as the
"Headmaster's Socks" series, and so is likely to be infected by the same problems, even if they're not just part of the author's mindset. His_Own_Man

potter time travel story: harry goes back to being 11 when offered the choice at "king's cross"... hilarity ensues.
-Z, Post-reader at Medium
If architects built buildings the way programmers write programs, the first woodpecker to come along would destroy civilization.
Quote: Jenova Silverstar wrote:

Over at fukufics, a Hinata is linked to Ranma fic by gsteemo: The Disorderly Princess and The Fiery Steed

Seems a little excessively revengeficcy.

Pronounced "shy guy."
I hereby recommend fics by specifically the Doctor Who fics. I didn't believe it was possible to OD on crack!!!!!fic (Yes, the five exclaimation marks are necessary), but daaamn do they come close.

I specifically recommend the 15 things series, and that ... _the_Storm be read *_LAST_*.
Quote: I haven't even begun "A Fox in Tokyo", because my understanding is that it - like several of his other works - is in the same continuity as
the "Headmaster's Socks" series, and so is likely to be infected by the same problems, even if they're not just part of the
author's mindset.

As someone who has read it, I can assure that it does not have those problems, nor does it look like it is developing them. While the two stories are
technically set in the same verse, it is pretty much complete separate from Top Dog. It is much closer to Biker 1/2 in its setting and themes.
My understanding is that that entire universe is named "Top Dog", and that both "Fox" and "Biker" are just as much in that
continuity as the "Harry Johnson" stories. I was therefore (and based on comments I've seen somewhere, I don't remember where) expecting each
to include references to the others, or at least the preceding ones.

If that isn't the case, I may go back and try some of the others out.

(Then again, the "Harry Johnson" stories didn't seem to be going in that direction - that I remember - for the first two or three stories...)
While Top Dog is the universe, it is used normally to refer to the Harry Johnson bits, as that was the originally thought up story for the setting in the time
that the setting was named. While Biker 1/2 is older, to my knowledge, it is normally referred to as Biker 1/2 because at the time of its writing the Top Dog
name was not around. The others are called different things to separate them from the Harry Johnson bits. While Top Dog can be used to refer to them all, it is
rarely used that way.

As for the meeting each other bits... nope. While they share the same universe, they are about very different parts of the thing.The Harry Johnson stuff mostly
addresses the Hogwarts and Space-TravelInterstellar bits of the setting, while Biker and Fox take a look at what Nerima is like, with Biker looking at what
Ranma, Akane and the rest are like in the verse, and Fox in Tokyo taking a look at the idea that the Naruto Crew are the Kuno family's Ninja Village.

Speaking bluntly, I like Fox in Tokyo and Biker 1/2 more because they lack the a lot of themes that Harry Johnson has, and fail to set off my 'yah sure
they did' reaction like it does. In my opinion the two are much better. His new dragon one is pretty good too.

Also, two new avatar fics, as this discussion is in the new fic thread, one for each of my posts.

To Change The Future, an interesting looking, if unread,
Avatar/Naruto crossover. As well as Burn My Dread Complete,
an Avatar/Persona fusion.
I'll probably go take a look at one or more of the others, then. (Though I did and do expect "Biker" and/or "Fox" to refer to or
interact with one another, since they're in such close proximity... and I seem to vaguely recall references in "Harry Johnson" to what I think
was Genma.)

As far as the universe name - I haven't looked recently, but IIRC, the author himself uses the name "Top Dog" for the universe on his
page, I think in the story descriptions themselves...
Many Thanks by Madm05. To quote the author's own blurb: "James Potter would never forget the first time he met Hermione Granger. Nor would he forget just how much he owed her for all she had done for him, his family, his world, and his future. HHr, through the evolving eyes of James Potter." Complete story, really worth a look.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Sat myself down and read "Headmaster's Socks" last night, and was amused. Not great literature, for sure, but... it's like what if the EPU
crew had gotten their start ten years later, and were bikers on some fairly good crack. Wink
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Ruskbyte has a new, rather creepy, Harry Potter one-shot: "Quo Vadis?"

--The Twisted One
"If you
wish to converse with me, define your

Here's a bit of Beowulf Fanfic:

Beowulf ond Godsylla
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
I'm not sure where I got this recommendation -- it was sitting in my "New Fics To Read" bookmark folder, for months at least. I might have gotten it here, in which case, sorry for reposting it. But I happened to read it today, and it is a very fine story, one that might even make you tear up a little at the end: End Of The Line, an unusual Harry Potter/Discworld crossover.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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