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Oh yes oh yes... for similar effect, watch what happens whenever Star Trek has a 'back to the present day' special.
Of course you have to wonder how much of modern culture will actually survive, when the vast majority of it is digitised... literally nothing more than bits on a Harddisk. Just think how many popular fanfic websites and web-projects go poof every year, among other things. The British Government spent a lot of money in the 80's digitising the Domesday book in order to preserve it for the ages.... a few years later there was no computer left which could read the disks it was on.
I wonder if in 400 years time, we might be known only through a few magazine snippets and mountains of plastic landfill... if even that... the internet and everything on it having long since evolved to the point where the world as we know it today becomes a sort of Digital Dark Age. Nothing outside of a memorial is set in stone anymore.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Then there's the personal favorite that requires a couple of translations:
>"Hay-LEE DIT-SHIZZY yo! Granny-anny nevva go unda wit'a SUCKA-FOO
>SHOOBY-DOO dilly-o! Homeys oughta haul yo SACKY-DUMP slackit-back'a
>NAR SHADDAA! Prezzy SLUG-TELLY BIZZY-*BAM*!" -- Fuu Hououji in "The
>Kindness of Strangers" I'm not sure I ever provided a Standard translation of this little speech, so here it is:
you worthless sack of shit! My grandmother wouldn't have fallen for a
sucker play like that! They ought to trade your useless ass back to Nar
Shaddaa. The King shot his TV!"
King shot his TV" is an expression of dismay or disgust used by
Presleyterians in much the same capacity that Christians use "Jesus
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...