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Ayep saw it. Found it good. The 'Damn you Whedon!' moment is ambiguous. Most of what's been in the trailer is the start of the third act. I'll probably go see it again in 3D to see if it makes a difference but I doubt it as most of the cinematography & stuff had no major pieces that called out 'hey this bit's in 3D'. Also I still can't place the aliens, though the end credit postscript brings up the major villain for the sequel.
The Chitauri are from the Marvel Ultimate Universe, not the mainline Marvel. They went with them as a separate race (As opposed to darker and edgier Skrulls) partly because of some licencing issues and partly because, as Whedon noted, the movie had enough big names as it was and throwing in something like the Skrulls or the Kree wouldn't have done either race justice.

I saw it yesterday, and loved it.
I would have to be sick this week. Argh.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Well, to be fair, you guys don't have it yet. For some reason it came out in Australia a week ahead of America. I'm not complaining, it was a public holiday here. Attend the Anzac Day march in the morning, watch a new movie in the afternoon, but it is kind of odd. So you've got time to recover, and I'm trying like hell not to mention any spoilers anywhere. Don't want to ruin it for the fans.
What I'm 99% certain will be the best scene in the movie has already been spoiled in the trailers, tho.

"I have an ARMY!"

*shrug* "We have a Hulk."
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Probably some studio politics crap, like "Don't release Avengers until *similar action movie* has been out at least a week, or we'll run roughshod over your Oscar candidate releases!"
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Quote:What I'm 99% certain will be the best scene in the movie has already been spoiled in the trailers, tho.
"I have an ARMY!"
*shrug* "We have a Hulk."
I suspect that you are wrong - it is great line with great delivery - but I am sure that the director has multiple even greater  'Holy Oedipal Gerund Diety!" moments yet to be revealed.
It's not the best moment in the film. There are many that're even better.
Matrix Dragon Wrote:Well, to be fair, you guys don't have it yet. For some reason it came out in Australia a week ahead of America.
Damn daylight savings time.
"Remember, the truth is out there." —Johnny
"It is? Oh, I hope it doesn't maul anyone this time." —me
I saw Avengers today

Now... so I don't spoil it, I'll just say this.

You know how some times you watch a film, you'll grab the remote to fast forward through a dull bit or such?

There was not a single point in the film that made me wish I had a fast forward button.

dark seraph Wrote:I saw Avengers today

Now... so I don't spoil it, I'll just say this.

You know how some times you watch a film, you'll grab the remote to fast forward through a dull bit or such?

There was not a single point in the film that made me wish I had a fast forward button.
Yes, but...pause, rewind, or replay?
Duane Peters Wrote:
dark seraph Wrote:I saw Avengers today

Now... so I don't spoil it, I'll just say this.

You know how some times you watch a film, you'll grab the remote to fast forward through a dull bit or such?

There was not a single point in the film that made me wish I had a fast forward button.
Yes, but...pause, rewind, or replay?
Okay, if I had those buttons, I would of broke the damn remote.

If I have any complaint about the film (and this is probably an odd one) it's that I didn't like how the hulk looked, Instead of the towering green giant we got from the incredible hulk... he looked d a little like the one from that horrid Ang Lee film. (more stocky, bright green skin.)

dark seraph Wrote:
Quote:If I have any complaint about the film (and this is probably an odd one) it's that I didn't like how the hulk looked, Instead of the towering green giant we got from the incredible hulk... he looked d a little like the one from that horrid Ang Lee film. (more stocky, bright green skin.)
Hey, the Ang Lee film was not horrid! The script was incredible and the acting was great. The only weaknesses were that the CGI was only about 90% believable and many scenes were literally so dark you couldn't tell what was happening. I personally thought the second Hulk movie was lousy, using big special effects to cover up a badly written script.

"Anyone can be a winner if their definition of victory is flexible enough." - The DM of the Rings XXXV
The Ang Lee film had the problem of trying to be Psychological Drama, when the audience wanted HULK SMASH.
''We don't just borrow words; on occasion, English has pursued other languages down alleyways to beat
them unconscious and rifle their pockets for new vocabulary.''

-- James Nicoll
Ang Lee Smash
I really enjoyed the Ang Lee version of The Hulk; even though it was not the Superhero movie I thought I was seeing.
First off - Casting.  Sam Elliot as Thunderbolt Ross - You can't get better than that.
Nick Nolte's final monologue - the man was acting the 'fuck' out of that one.
Cinematography, sets, everything else was top drawer.
Exploding mutant poodles... not so much.
The second one was a much better Hulk movie - the first one is a much better movie.

That was rather good.

The best bits are definitely the green bits, however.

Bosh...bosh....bosh..... whimper.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Today's Dork Tower is apropos:

[Image: DorkTower1065.gif]
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Just saw it. jeebus. Must see again.
I just saw it with a large group of friends.

Very Much Worth It, I'll be seeing it again.

There was much squeeing (both on my part and on my friend's parts) with the hulk/loki bits

(and remember to stay to the END of the credits)
"so listen up boy, or pornography starring your mother will be the second worst thing to happen to you today"
TF2: Spy
sweno Wrote:(and remember to stay to the END of the credits)
It's a Marvel Film.  There's always something at the end of the credits.  Smile
...I'll have that drink now.
DEATH is Certain. The hour, Uncertain...
blackaeronaut Wrote:
sweno Wrote:(and remember to stay to the END of the credits)
It's a Marvel Film.  There's always something at the end of the credits.  Smile
Slightly tricky for this one. There's actually two extras, one is midway through the credits. Lots of people left after that one. And there's one more at the very end.
The one at the very end is actually a US-exclusive scene. Sort of an apology for making you wait week and a bit, I like to think :lol
Spoiler for the first end scene after credits
"And that must have caused my dad's brain to break in half, replaced by a purely mechanical engine of revenge!"
Well, they weren't allowed to call it the Cthulu-verse.

Which is what it was. Life won, death ceased to exist, and the Eldar Gods grew to consume everything.

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