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Yamato 2199 Episodes 19-22 now up!
Yamato 2199 Episodes 19-22 now up!
They're out - you know what to do! It's like that GEICO Camel: "Hump DAYYYY!!" ... -2199-ova/
Semi-random thoughts: 

Okay - about 3/4 of the way through Ep 19 and I just want to comment on something small but significant. 
I love that the actions of the Yamato at Balun actually had story consequences that NECESSITATE the Rainbow Star Cluster battle - with the 4 Gamilon carriers and the command ship. (BTW - note that the "saucer" from the original show is "merely" the command bridge of Domel's cruiser now. I fully expect that thing to separate and fly on it's own if the main ship gets destroyed.) 
In the original show, it was never questioned - though perhaps it should have been - why ONLY those 5 ships were sent or were available. Here - it's been confirmed that, as I thought, the bulk of the entire Gamilon fleet is STRANDED at Balun and has to make it's way back via normal Warp Speeds! 
I can tell you now - just this fact alone sets things up for multiple interesting story elements and branches. 
One - it neatly closes the above mentioned plot hole and sets up the Battle Of Gamilon - and why there were (will be?) no (or few?) Naval forces THERE either! Or maybe the Yamato will have to face the forces of the BLUE fleet? *shudder* 
(Although - Gamilon seems FAR more habitable in this version than the original - haven't yet seen any indication of acid seas and the like. So what's that battle going to even look like now?) 
Goer appears to get lucky AGAIN and will survive past the Rainbow Galaxy battle! 
The fleet being stranded at Balun and making their way back the long way also means that likely this is where bulk of the forces that Desslok will have during the Comet Empire story comes from.
Or - it means that Dessler will have those forces available to harass the Yamato on the way back? 

Also of note, from a character standpoint - Dessler shows class in outright personally apologizing to Domel (in front of the other generals, no less!) for putting him through what he's been through. 
And he appears to be aware that even though he flushed out a cadre of traitors, that the fleet being stranded at Balun at a critical time is HIS OWN doing as much as that of anything else. He's very worried about that... Shit just got SERIOUS.
Kudos to the voice actor and the animators for getting the subtle facial expressions in that actually allow me to READ that! 
I notice Domel's wife is still being held though. How much of what he's doing is to get her out? 
Guess I'll find out! On to the next episode. Where I'm curious to see what Domel's going to do in regard to the ISCANDARIAN that they now know is on board the Yamato!
Episode 20: Wow. Rainbow galaxy battle was intense! And yeah - we still
got a little bit of the "luck" factor in the drill missile going
backwards into the fleet (BTW - I like the idea the drill missile was a
"kludge" of an asteroid drill!) but I like the fact that a lot more of
it was due to skill and the Yamato crew actually FIGHTING that last
fight! Detonating the drill missile payload with a shock cannon blast -
IN YOUR FACE - that was inspired.

But there was also the fact that you really FELT FOR the characters
getting killed - ON BOTH SIDES. Damn...

Loved that it was Niimi with Analyzer on the missile, while Sanada did
the important task of getting the wave motion shielding back online and
just in time to save (Most of!) the third bridge!

The ship is STILL battered to hell and gone. But at least not improbably
so like in the original.

And... whoo boy... BIG CASE of mistaken identity! Yuki! Oh crap!
Episode 21: I like that they saved the funeral for the beginning of this episode to give them a little more time for it. Very emotional. And touching that they gave the Gamilas proper rites as well.

Mistaken ID follies continue, but Yuki starting to roll with it and use it to help that one Gamilas officer... *sigh* Falling in lurve all over again. Big Grin

Speaking of "the other Yuki". MORE. MISTAKEN. IDENTITY. FOLLIES!

After the crash landing on the planet things...

...are getting decidedly WACKY now!

Stowaways! Mr. Squinty Eyes and Yabu!

This is about where I decided to pause and write the above and catch up, and now continuing with a slightly more stream of consciousness commentary.

Prison Riot! Inspectors?

Too bad about that Zeltz escort having to shoot his own countryman, but dude, he did look kinda crazed.

Ooh Melda is breaking out Dad!

...The Gatlantis/Comet Empire theme... WHAT???? OMG... ROTFLMAO!!! Oh that's PRICELESS!!!!

Ito... finally learning to trust... and it kills him... damn. *salute*

Annnnd finally ... THE BIG REVEAL Twin planets!!!! DUN DUN DUN!!!!

God... what a freaking ROLLER COASTER this episode was!!! Wow!!!
Episode 22:

Wrap-up via Captain's Log: Lot of good stuff via flashback that I REALLY wish they'd spent an extra episode on... DAMN!

Melda's back with the Yamato in official capacity though! Cool!

Aha - captured fighter for her to use from before... (DAMN I love the continuity hooks they KEEP REMEMBERING!!! Big Grin )

Yurisha... omg... I think she picked up a little of Yuria from the mind meld... Kowai Kawaiiiii.... O_O;;

Oh, there's Hilde again!

Desslok has both a pet the dog and a kick the dog moment in the same scene... :o

Uh oh... the Gamilons know Yurisha is a fake...


And they don't CARE? Oh... crap...

Ah. Propaganda. It's a universal disease...

Ah Goer (Volgar). He should be played by Rick Moranis in the live action version. He gets on Desslok's nerves from several thousand light years away! Big Grin

The bit with the parfait... oh god.. going to die from the cute.. and the sugar! Big Grin

Final warp to Salezar...

Shima: "It's quiet..."

DAMN IT SHIMA!!! You just HAD TO SAY IT, didn't you?!


You say Melda Dietz (I'm sorry, I just feel wrong about spelling it "Ditz") is back with Yamato in "official" capacity.  I'd been just about certain those guys in the car, watching her while she watched the prisoners being loaded, were Resistance looking to recruit her.  Are they seeking an actual alliance with Yamato for their freedom fighting ... or was I mistaken in some respect?
Comment on "Dessler shows class in outright personally apologizing to Domel (in front of the other generals, no less!) for putting him through what he's been through" -- Blofeld did something kind of like that in the original novel Thunderball.  He had a man he knew was innocent stand up, and seemed to be chewing him out, as a distraction while he prepared to execute the real guilty party.  Right afterward, still in front of the assembled section heads, he made a point of explaining why he'd done it that way, and praised the decoy for how calmly he'd taken it (the man had trusted Blofeld's judgment).  
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:DHBirr wrote:
You say Melda Dietz (I'm sorry, I just feel wrong about spelling it "Ditz")
You're probably right. That's what I recall the subtitles reading, but I could be wrong, and I was typing fast. It didn't even register to me as "Ditz". (which she isn't)
I'm not saying the subtitles are necessarily wrong or you read them wrong, just that it throws me off my stride.  Kind of like that Austrian town named "Fucking"; who wants to refer to that place in most polite conversations?  So as long as uncertainty gives me some leeway....
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
I've just finished watching ep. 19, and one thing I saw disturbs me ... a lot.  Specifically, it's that the unit from Zaltz reporting to Domel is the 442nd.  Because when you show a force not of the enemy's main ethnicity/race but loyal to them, and designated 442nd, to my mind that suggests you think of the enemy not as stand-ins for Nazi Germany, but for the United States of America.
Still, the bit about them starting up the Gamilas' patriotic song in response to their loyalty being questioned was a very nice touch.
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.
Quote:DHBirr wrote:

I've just finished watching ep. 19, and one thing I saw disturbs me ... a lot.  Specifically, it's that the unit from Zaltz reporting to Domel is the 442nd.  Because when you show a force not of the enemy's main ethnicity/race but loyal to them, and designated 442nd, to my mind that suggests you think of the enemy not as stand-ins for Nazi Germany, but for the United States of America.

Still, the bit about them starting up the Gamilas' patriotic song in response to their loyalty being questioned was a very nice touch.
The Japanese before WWII considered all Japanese who emigrated as "compatriots". Does not matter if you are now a citizen of another country, you are still Japanese and therefore still a subject of the emperor.  There are probably people in Japan who still think the 442nd as traitors to the motherland.
Into terror!,  Into valour!
Charge ahead! No! Never turn
Yes, it's into the fire we fly
And the devil will burn!
- Scarlett Pimpernell
on episode 21:


must be some kind of technical genius, approaching Spark level.  There’s no other justification I can think
of for his being part of such an important mission … unless someone in the
Personnel Bureau, insane enough to believe they were in an anime, thought the
ship needed a “Cowardly Comic Relief” character.

the “submarine” officer under Flakken (Fraken? 
Curse the transliteration issue.). 
I’d begun thinking he might be some sort of Political Officer.  He seemed only marginally competent; there’s
that one scene where he actually looks surprised when Flakken agrees, more or
less, with something he suggested. 
Heyni being a zampolit would explain why the sub’s captain didn’t
— couldn’t — have him replaced with a more effective officer.  But then Flakken feels free to criticize the
expansionist policy to him, and Heyni responds with what appears to be bitterly
jeering humor, “Where have you gone, invincible Garmillas?”  (Curse the … oh, I said that already.)  Not a Political Officer, then, I
should think.

He was
also clearly very disturbed, more visibly so than Flakken, at the sight
of Domel’s wife being treated as a servant … and unmistakably outraged when the
prison warden abused the Zaltzi trooper. 
Granted, that might have been because it was a fighting man being pushed
around by a bloated bureaucrat, but it’s still an intriguing revelation about
him; more hidden depths to characters.


Yuki’s resemblance to Yurisha isn’t coincidence.  Suppose Yuki originally looked a bit like
Yurisha, but not nearly so close, and was surgically altered to increase the
likeness as a security measure against assassination attempts.  The incident that left Yuki amnesiac and
Yurisha comatose was speculated to be a terrorist attack.  If the authorities didn’t think any would-be
assassins would have the resources for an attack that could get both girls at
once, making their liaison with Yurisha into Yurisha’s double might have been
intended as a confusing measure; "Which one are we supposed to shoot?".  (If
so, it didn’t work.)

for an “imaginary” triangle, if Yuki starts wondering whether Kodai is coming
to like her princess look-alike better.

some of the prisoners were from Gatlantis?  Doesn’t that mean they’re POWs? 
How do the Gammies (ethnic slurs of the enemies’ name; gotta love ‘em) who’re
still loyal to their people, if not to the regime, expect to cooperate with
enemy soldiers?
Big Brother is watching you.  And damn, you are so bloody BORING.

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