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Yet another great passes to the big library in the sky
11-18-2014, 01:58 AM
Word on the FFML is that Jim Bader, prolific and long-time-popular writer of Ranma 1/2 fanfiction, passed away this morning.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
Sadness. He will be missed.
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Indeed. Ted Hzu passed that onto me yesterday morning.
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I've been meaning to reread his stuff for months. I suppose I will do so now as a sort of memorial...
-- Bob
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Alas, my perceptions of him were a bit skewed by running across a massive-crossover lemon he wrote in which all women's libidos were super-charged -- the scene that most sticks in my mind is a schoolgirl getting attacked by a tentacle monster, and then it cuts to a couple of hours later, the girl asking something like, "Are you sure you can't do it again?" and the tentacle monster whimpering....
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DHBirr Wrote:Alas, my perceptions of him were a bit skewed by running across a massive-crossover lemon he wrote in which all women's libidos were super-charged -- the scene that most sticks in my mind is a schoolgirl getting attacked by a tentacle monster, and then it cuts to a couple of hours later, the girl asking something like, "Are you sure you can't do it again?" and the tentacle monster whimpering....
Wow, I remember that. It was basically a "what if all men died and the world ran off the rules of a lesbian porno". I might do a page for the story and review it on ATT.
In it's defense, he put an amazing amount of thought into the work and went into a lot of detail just how this version of Earth would work, but the other half of it was obvious masturbation in crossover lemon form and the story was kinda disjointed at times.
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The one of his in particular that I wanted to go back to was, um, I think it was called "A Tale of Two Wallets" -- a Ranma "what if" where Nabiki instead of Akane becomes the fiancee, and wild divergences that branch from there. As I recall it was incomplete when I last looked at it, geeze, it must be five or more years ago.
-- Bob
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Is that the one where Shampoo ends up as the sub in a BDSM relationship with Kasumi?
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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No, as the third in a menage with Ranma and Nabiki.
I kindasorta remember the fic you're thinking of, but I can't remember title or author.
-- Bob
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I believe that was 'A Scary Thought' or 'A Very Scary Thought'. One had Genma taking Nabiki on the training trip, the other had him taking Kasumi, but I can never remember which was which.
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It just occurred to me, folks. Archive Bader's stuff now -- we have no idea how long his websites will last.
-- Bob
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Be careful with the link. As I recall his hosting service was, ah... not the most morally upright.
Not just NSFW. Tended to serve pop-ups and the occasional malware attempt.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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I don't remember the link, and I don't have it handy here at work. However, Googling "bader tale of two wallets" turns up several different sites hosting his stories, which should lead to his other stories whose titles I don't recall. Here's a quick cut'n'paste of some results, even though with this many hosting it's not as critical as I thought: and ... /atotw.htm ... totw01.txt
EDIT: The same search reveals the existence of a page for the "Baderverse" on TVTropes. We should create one at All The Tropes as a tribute.
-- Bob
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:I don't remember the link, and I don't have it handy here at work. However, Googling "bader tale of two wallets" turns up several different sites hosting his stories, which should lead to his other stories whose titles I don't recall. Here's a quick cut'n'paste of some results, even though with this many hosting it's not as critical as I thought: and ... /atotw.htm ... totw01.txt
EDIT: The same search reveals the existence of a page for the "Baderverse" on TVTropes. We should create one at All The Tropes as a tribute.
I concur, might as well make a page for his stuff.
Also, most of the links are dead here, but here's a nice place to find a list of most of Bader's smaller stuff for archival purposes. ... bader.html
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Quote:Note: Noscript and a good anti-virus program advised.
And, needless to say, Do Not Open While At Work.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
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*blinks* In that case it might be worthwhile to make a comprehensive archive of Bader's work elsewhere just so people can partake of it without risking their machines. Yikes!
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Quote:ECSNorway wrote:
Quote:Note: Noscript and a good anti-virus program advised.
And, needless to say, Do Not Open While At Work.
Ah yes, I should have said that, shouldn't I?
-- Bob
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I have webspace I'd be willing to use to host, say, a set of epubs or the like. At least long enough for everyone here to d/l it. I don't think my hosting TOS allows the level of lemon that some of his stories get up to, though... have to check.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.