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Re: Looking for a fic
07-08-2017, 10:31 AM
I am trying to find a fic I lost track of. I seem to recall it as being fairly recent. It was on spacebattles or sufficient velocity.
It was a Worm/My Hero Academia crossover that featured Taylor as a cross-dimensional exchange student being hosted by Midnight.
Edit: never mind on this, I found it.
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Re: Potter fic with false magical oaths?
08-06-2017, 10:24 PM
(This post was last modified: 01-18-2018, 01:08 PM by Bob Schroeck.)
wrote: Wrote:I remember reading a harry Potter story in the last year or so that had a plot point that Dumbledore avoided the consequences of magical oaths by taking them in a name other than his actual name. That inserting "Percival Wulfric" into Albus Brian Dumbledore allowed him to make oaths that only seemed to work. Does this sound familiar to anyone?
In case anyone else is interested, I found the again story recently. It's Heroes Never Die, by Jonn Wolfe. I forgot the SG-1 crossover aspect.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-07-2017, 11:00 AM
VladimirTherin Wrote:I am trying to find a fic I lost track of. I seem to recall it as being fairly recent. It was on spacebattles or sufficient velocity.
It was a Worm/My Hero Academia crossover that featured Taylor as a cross-dimensional exchange student being hosted by Midnight.
Edit: never mind on this, I found it.
Sounds interesting; could I get a name/link?"If you
wish to converse with me, define your
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-08-2017, 05:27 PM
TheTwisted1 Wrote:VladimirTherin Wrote:I am trying to find a fic I lost track of. I seem to recall it as being fairly recent. It was on spacebattles or sufficient velocity.
It was a Worm/My Hero Academia crossover that featured Taylor as a cross-dimensional exchange student being hosted by Midnight.
Edit: never mind on this, I found it.
Sounds interesting; could I get a name/link?
Its name is "A World of Heroes", and um, its on QQ, nothing overly lewd in it yet that I recall.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-08-2017, 06:21 PM
In case you don't know, QQ is Questionable Questing - a fork from SB because they wanted a place to run quests of a NSFW nature. It gets derided a lot by some people in both SB and SV, but eh.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-08-2017, 07:48 PM
Black Aeronaut Wrote:In case you don't know, QQ is Questionable Questing - a fork from SB because they wanted a place to run quests of a NSFW nature. It gets derided a lot by some people in both SB and SV, but eh.
And people outside it as well. I first learned of QQ on Tumblr when my friend or at least mutual follower David Gerard (dba reddragdiva) made several posts about a Worm fic called Panacea Quest, which had been banished there from SB for being a mortal sin. (Warning: one of the tags he uses on that thread is the Arrested Development reference "dead dove do not eat".)
EDIT to clear up some pronoun trouble.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-23-2017, 11:03 PM
I HEARBY CHALLANGE...<cough> OK, enough of that. I have two, maybe three Harry Potter fics I have some memories of and I'd like to find them again (if they haven't been pulled from the net).
The first is one where Harry is a Metamorphmagus (or however it's spelled) and Tonks teaches him to switch genders. Harry ends up pretending to be a French pen pal from the Triwizard, and in the great hall bitch-slaps Draco then complains about chipping a nail.
The second one I have good memories of is one where Harry introduces allergic reaction testing for potions, and has things like Snape no longer having greasy hair and much better attitude, and the Malfoy's no longer using a predefined recipe potion for veela looks and being much nicer in general.
The third one (which I think is part of the first fic) is where the Twins get Harry a coat with thunder elemental properties and with a bit of rubbing of arms/hands on the sleeves (static like) allows Harry to throw lightning bolts. Maybe on Ron.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-24-2017, 02:09 PM
... None of those sound familiar. But I want to read them if you find them again.-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-25-2017, 02:59 AM
BTVS/HP/Adams Family cross where Xander and Wednesday go to Hogwarts in Harry's year. Last I saw was the Yule ball during the Tri-Wizard tournament.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-25-2017, 03:57 AM
I think that's Alexander Harris and the Shadow Council by Tenhawk ... php?sid=35----------
No, I don't believe the world has gone mad. In order for it to go mad it would need to have been sane at some point.
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Re: Looking for a fic
08-26-2017, 09:37 PM
Thanks. Deadpan, no wonder i couldn't find it on tth or fanfic
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RE: Looking for a fic
10-06-2017, 05:54 PM
(This post was last modified: 10-06-2017, 05:54 PM by classicdrogn.)
I'm going to be even vaguer than usual, I'm afraid - I know the main setting was Middle Earth, but I'm not terribly sure the inserted character(s) was/were from Harry Potter - the only certain bit is that they got a dialogue going with Smaug, introduced him to the concept of modern banking, and had the Dale(?)(The city at the foot of the Lonely Mountain) getting restored for the Lakemen and/or Dwarves to use. I think the insert character was Hermione, thouh Neville might have been along as well, and it may or may not be the same fic that has her end up with both Fred and George. The SV thread where the concept of the Dwarves and Smaug working together came up got a link to a fic named Incendio which has Harry as actually-a-dragon son of Smaug who got drakenapped and ended up in Britain, which is... not actively bad but not as good as the one I remember even discounting the Super-Harry cringeyness. 99% sure I read it on FFn. Any ideas?
Because I mentioned it: - Incendio
noli esse culus
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RE: Looking for a fic
10-22-2017, 10:53 PM
Someone on SpaceBattles said that there was a chapter that sounds like the thing I was looking for in one Esama's bunny hutch type ideas collections, if anyone was interested. I haven't been vback to track it down for sure yet, but it is at least plausible from what I remember of Esama's writing style.
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RE: Looking for a fic
10-30-2017, 12:41 AM
Okay, there was a Zero no Tsukaima fic a few years back that twisted the usual model. Most play the what if Louise summoned X instead of Saito? This one was one of two I know of that ask what if Louise failed to summon a familiar.
In this one Louise didn't succeed in casting the familiar spell and no one was pulled from another world to serve her. Instead the spell went wrong and her mind was tossed into the cyberspace of another universe where everyone assumed she just yet another scanned in mind. She spent enough time there to get over her shock and settle in and assume she was there for good and then got yanked back into her body. Of course having failed to summon a familiar she lost her place as a student and the story was what she did instead of being a student. At one point realizing that a neighboring kingdom's unbreakable code was basically the Vigenere Cipher (which once you realize the weakness goes from unbreakable to barely 'keep your kid sister out' strong).
Anyone else recall this one and where it can be found?
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RE: Looking for a fic
10-30-2017, 05:49 AM
I know which one you mean. IIRC it's archived on Spacebattles and it's crossed over with Eclipse Phase.
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RE: Looking for a fic
10-30-2017, 11:30 AM
That would be The Sea of Knowledge, and IIRC, it owes more to GURPS Transhuman Space than Eclipse Phase although officially it isn't crossed with anything specific.
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RE: Looking for a fic
11-21-2017, 04:35 PM
I can't remember if it's a fanfic or web original.
But in it, there's a character with, IIRC, an out of control emotion control power and she keeps thinking to herself "Everybody Must Love Me", while she mind rapes everyone nearby.
. . . . just remembered, it's the 2nd Luminosty story.
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RE: Looking for a fic
12-14-2017, 07:58 PM
So, here I go again with the very vague HP crossover material - the second property this time is The Labyrinth, which I believe is considered to have happened as per canon a decade or so before. Either Dudley wishes Harry away to the goblins or Harry does it himself during one of the locked-in-his-cupboard incidents. Either way, Jareth is not amused by his condition, Sarah takes charge of him, and while not shown on camera as I recall it's implied that various unpleasant things happen to Dudders and his parents due to being themselves and coming to the attention of a powerful Fae, and not getting the hint when minor misfortunes befall them for their poor behaviour. I honestly don't remember if it was the same one as where the bank goblins treat the MC like royalty come Hogwarts time or if that was a different fic with Sarah as the MC herself, aged back a bit to attend. I also have vague notions of Sarah appearing as DADA teacher at some point, but am pretty sure that was an omake or part of an entirely unrelated omnibus collection like dogbertcarroll's series with the ever-increasing title length or Rorschach's Blot's Odd Ideas.
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RE: Looking for a fic
12-16-2017, 10:09 PM
(This post was last modified: 12-16-2017, 10:11 PM by SilverFang01.)
“We can never undo what we have done. We can never go back in time. We write history with our decisions and our actions. But we also write history with our responses to those actions. We can leave the pain and the damage in our wake, unattended, or we can do the work of acknowledging and fixing, to whatever extent possible, the harm that we have caused.”
— On Repentance and Repair: Making Amends in an Unapologetic World by Danya Ruttenberg
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RE: Looking for a fic
12-16-2017, 10:23 PM
I think it may be the GenkaiFan one mainly, but probably with a wuzzle of two or three others mixed in. I've gone looking for Labyrinth fic before, and the HP setting is one that's so loosely defined (assuming you exclude things like Pottermore etc) that it will fit with just about any semi-modern property as a fusion, and so little of Labyrinth takes place in the the normal world anyway there's even less of an issue.
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RE: Looking for a fic
12-18-2017, 04:12 PM
"Goblins treating the MC like Royalty" sounds like That We've Broken Their Statues by Nagia. The Goblins treat her like royalty because to them she is -- they're Jareth's subjects, and she's his bride.
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RE: Looking for a fic
12-19-2017, 03:58 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-19-2017, 03:59 AM by classicdrogn.)
That fic is excellent. I'm quoting you in the recs thread, in fact.
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RE: Looking for a fic
01-18-2018, 01:12 PM
Okay, here's another one I had but lost a while ago. It's an unusual Harry Potter story: Weasley family, while all the kids are rather young. There's no Fred-and-George, though, just Fred (I think), and the story is about how he magics up his twin at the end. Does that sound familiar?
-- Bob
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RE: Looking for a fic
01-18-2018, 02:54 PM
I remember it too, Bob - I'm pretty sure it was a single part in one of those omnibus collections, maybe by Clell or Rorschach's Blot? I don't think it was DogbertCarrol's style, anyway.
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RE: Looking for a fic
01-25-2018, 08:34 AM
I'm reasonably certain it was a standalone, but I never turn down a reason to go through Odd Ideas and its counterparts.
Here's another I just recalled this morning, and can't find in my collection any more. A strange Ranma/Ah! My Goddess cross: in the backstory, before it even begins, Marller succeeds in all-but-killing the Norns; and at the moment of her death, Mrs. Tendo is given the opportunity to let the remaining bits of their essence be implanted in her daughters to repair the damage to their souls that her death will/has caused. She agrees, and when Ranma arrives years later, he encounters a sassy party girl Kasumi who makes sure her family is well taken care of before she goes off to have fun, a serene and loving Nabiki (with hair to her ankles) who knows everything about everybody and uses it to improve their lives, and a tech-head inventor Akane who's an outcast at Furinkan. It was incomplete (of course), a few chapters long, and ended to best of my knowledge just after the first morning at school. It might have been part of the Bet Cycle; it certainly originated at about the same time -- late 1990s to 2000 or so.
Can anyone identify that one for me?
-- Bob
I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber. I have been
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....