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Fun Tyrant has ideas & invites you to mock him LIVE!
Fun Tyrant has ideas & invites you to mock him LIVE!
Just click the link right here and see what damnfoolishness the boss has been thinking of when he should otherwise be doing productive work. It's all very stream-of-consciousness and getting updated on the fly, which FYI is why I'm not just dumping the document to a post here and being done with it. Nothing is in stone, nothing binding etc. It should be set to allow viewers to add comments, so feel free to put your two cents in.

Za Fun Tyranto
Mr. Fnord on FFN and Mal3 on AO3 Conceptual Neighborhood - yet another damned sci-fi blog • The Westerosi (ASoIaF) The Westerosi II: Subprime Directives: Extradimensional horrors threaten the Seven Kingdoms, and Captain Hasegawa of the Starfleet Rangers has to stop them. If she accidentally conquers Westeros in the process... oops?Fenspace (shared world)

"It is your job to personify the tyranny of the majority. You must brutally, ruthlessly oppress and persecute the fuck out of the poor misunderstood disruptive creep minority so that the privileged nerd funhaver status quo can be maintained. It's a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it. Fun Über Alles, all hail the Fun Tyrant, without him our campaign is lost." --SA user Angry Diplomat, on the GM's role.
RE: Fun Tyrant has ideas & invites you to mock him LIVE!
I'm home from work....

I can be staid, stolid and insist that we can make this fit what we already have with a bit of arc welding and maybe some isopon here and there. Paint it over and nobody'll notice.
Oh sweet meteor of death
Fall upon us.
Deliver us in fire
To Peace everlasting.
RE: Fun Tyrant has ideas & invites you to mock him LIVE!
Let's figure out where we want to go before we decide whether to fit it into where we've been...
Rob Kelk

Sticks and stones can break your bones,
But words can break your heart.
- unknown

Forever neighbours, never neighbors
Government of Canada: How to immigrate to Canada

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