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Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs

Tangled Fate (Ranma/Exalted) Side-Story
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Cross Purposes 2 (A Brane of Extraordinary Women, Bionicverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Summus Proelium (Cape setting)

Foxy Lady by Dogbertcarroll (Xander inherits a set of Pokegirls from his alt universe self)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs

Manager (Worm) climbs out of the grave.
Sucrose Octanitrate.

Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Vainqueur the Dragon (RPG world).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
As N Approaches Infinity by Corisanna (PMMM/Bleach)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
(11-01-2019, 12:04 PM)NifT Wrote: As N Approaches Infinity by Corisanna (PMMM/Bleach)

In addition to the new chapter, the author has also posted revised versions of all previous chapters, so if you're looking for an excuse for a reread...
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Normally I let Mamorien do this for me but since it's been a while (*long howl of anguish*) I figure I ought to let y'all know that after an unplanned hiatus The Westerosi II: Subprime Directives has returned with a new chapter, and a shoe I've been waiting to drop since Chapter 1 finally hits the ground:
Mr. Fnord on FFN and Mal3 on AO3 Conceptual Neighborhood - yet another damned sci-fi blog • The Westerosi (ASoIaF) The Westerosi II: Subprime Directives: Extradimensional horrors threaten the Seven Kingdoms, and Captain Hasegawa of the Starfleet Rangers has to stop them. If she accidentally conquers Westeros in the process... oops?Fenspace (shared world)

"It is your job to personify the tyranny of the majority. You must brutally, ruthlessly oppress and persecute the fuck out of the poor misunderstood disruptive creep minority so that the privileged nerd funhaver status quo can be maintained. It's a thankless job, but somebody's got to do it. Fun Über Alles, all hail the Fun Tyrant, without him our campaign is lost." --SA user Angry Diplomat, on the GM's role.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Relic of the Future (RWBY, PeggySue! Jaune)

Intrepid (Worm AU, multi PoV)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Vainqueur the Dragon (RPG world).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Hey, guess what? It's a Villain Wrangler update, and one with actual plot progression instead of a quick treatment of Bat-Rogue X meeting Sick Child Y! How 'bout that?

e: Not that it doesn't have that, but there's a couple scenes of long term narrative import as well.
‎noli esse culus
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Si Vis Pacem, Para Bellum (Potter).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Drifting Leaves in Solar Wind (Stargate/Dreaming of Sunshine[Naruto SI]).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Doing It Right This Time (Evangelion, PeggySue!everyone), has new material
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
ensou's been on a bit of a kick lately, it seems. Two new chapters and a canon omake, starting here:

Paradoxical by ensou (Worm/Destiny)

The MMR has decided that this is no longer a one-shot:

The Taken Queen by The MMR (Worm/Destiny)

Other updates:

Perspective by Tumach (Worm)

For the Honor of the Regiment by mp3.1415player (Worm/BOLO) (2 chapter Halloween omake)

To Walk in Shadow by Marsyas (Worm/The Chronicles of Amber)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Forged Destiny (RWBY RPG world, an epic battle scene this chapter).
Hermione Granger and the Swiss Tournament (Spy Harry Potter Teraverse).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Heretical Edge

Sugar Plums (Naruto-verse SI) (SI'd as a Kiri-nin in the Dreaming of Sunshine universe, still unsure why Sakura was replaced by a Nara girl)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
And another chapter!

Paradoxical by ensou (Worm/Destiny)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Well, as to all the seemingly sudden updates, I would like to point out that november is NaWriMo
Hear that thunder rolling till it seems to rock the sky?
Thats' every ship in Grayson's Navy taking up the cry!

No Quarter by Echo's Children
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Service with a Smile (RWBY).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Vainqueur the Dragon (RPG world).
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
(11-05-2019, 01:00 PM)Star Ranger4 Wrote: Well, as to all the seemingly sudden updates, I would like to point out that november is NaWriMo

Could be. There was also an 'Operation Benchmark' thing going on in spacebattles to get people to resurrect dormant fics for Halloween.
Also, another chapter! (with some rather disturbing implications, if you're familiar with Destiny lore)

Paradoxical by ensou (Worm/Destiny)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Summus Proelium (cape setting)
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
Cross Purposes 2 (Bionicverse) has updated.
RE: Update Thread 42: The bit about the frogs
The Taken Queen by The MMR (Destiny/Worm)

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