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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-16-2024, 11:48 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-17-2024, 01:45 AM by Norgarth.)
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-17-2024, 04:16 PM
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-17-2024, 04:41 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-17-2024, 06:22 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-17-2024, 11:18 PM
Not sure if any of you followed it, but Hiver has returned to his 'Dragon in Star Trek' storyline back at the start of May, with 'The Voyage Without'
up to 10 chapters so far
Tome of the Orange Sky
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-18-2024, 03:34 AM
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 03:46 AM by Jinx999.)
Opalescent Reflections. And major tonal whiplash. Ever since the Cancer Kitties got smoked their idiot/villain ball has been up in the air. Looks like someone's caught it.
Looks like another player will be out of the game soon.
Re:Trailer Trash
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-18-2024, 04:28 PM
Letters to the Lantern! (HP/DC) celebrates its third month-iversary with the return of Grangers… Innnn… Spaaaace!
tealruby Wrote:Ensign Granger writes in to Lantern Granger with the latest happenings in her astro-nautical adventures across the galaxy!
Then, Beware of Chicken continues to make up for lost time, treating us to A Tiger's Homecoming.
Casualfarmer Wrote:A woman whose dark skin was in the middle of losing its tan led the group. Her orange hair peeked out from her hat in twin tails that trailed down her back. She wore a thick dark blue coat and knee high boots. She marched resolutely forwards, her yellow eyes fixed ahead, gazing just past the tunnel of trees to where she knew her destination lay.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-18-2024, 06:06 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-18-2024, 09:05 PM by Norgarth.)
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-19-2024, 01:54 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-19-2024, 02:29 PM
Sons and Daughters of Sineya (Dogbertcarroll, Buffy/Narnia)
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-19-2024, 05:57 PM
(This post was last modified: 05-19-2024, 05:57 PM by NifT.)
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-19-2024, 09:59 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 08:45 AM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 01:10 PM
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 01:25 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 03:47 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 05:54 PM
In a world built On the shoulders of Titans, one where Hell Is Empty And All The Devils Are Here, it's time to go Marching Down To Georgia!
Mr_Crocodile Wrote:“Hurrah! Hurrah! we bring the jubilee!
Hurrah! Hurrah! the flag that makes you free!”
So we sang the chorus from Atlanta to the sea
While we were marching through Georgia
- “Marching Thru' Georgia” by Henry Clay Work.
A new chapter a about our favourite denomic Kaiju, and the poor little human guy inexorably tied to it.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 09:13 PM
ALSO TOO! Threads of Destiny 380: Roil 3.
Yrsillar Wrote:They passed under the shadow of a pair of leaning trees framing the road, and the colors and sounds of the world muted out. Meng Dan stiffened. Ling Qi bowed.
The tall shadow of Shu Yue stood there, bent half over looking more inhuman than usual with their pale face out on the end of a too long neck poking out from their robes. "Ling Qi."
"Shu Yue,” Ling Qi acknowledged. “The ministry—or Cao Chun at least—has agreed to coordinate with you."
"Is that so?" Shu Yue’s head twisted to a ninety degree angle, a wide crescent black smile blooming. "Fortuitous. I will have to better arrange myself. As you can see, I have been too busy to keep up my appearance well."
Meng Dan let out a brief, strangled sound before his expression smoothed over. "Your entrance could have been less alarming."
"No. It could not. Child of the Labyrinth, you were aware then."
"I became aware," he corrected. "I assume this space is safe to speak in?"
"If it is not, we are already undone."
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-20-2024, 10:18 PM
One last piece of BREAKING NEWS! ("And if you broke it, you've gotta pay.")
Last Time on Reconstructing the Crisis of the 21st Century (1992-2083), EmperorNorton150 Wrote:The Third World War ended on August 10th, 2053. The final peace treaty, the Cape Town Agreements, would not be signed until 2055, but the war was essentially over by the time the last mushroom clouds bloomed. General Le Kuan was dead, as was President Lucas, and most of the European Parliament. Dozens of major cities had been vaporized, and the danger from radioactive fallout and ecological catastrophe was only increasing. Only the most fanatical partisan could still believe that “victory” of any sort could still be achieved. In those fateful days, Earth stood closer to the brink of total extinction than it ever had before—and pulled back. Across the world, ordinary human beings made the choice to step away from the edge of catastrophe.
In both Eastern Europe and Mexico, local commanders unilaterally chose to cease fighting. Unable to receive orders from home, and unsure of how or where they’d receive supplies, Field Marshals Philippe Vaxès and Yury Doroshenko, as well as People’s Marshal Zhao Qinghua and General Sarah Susan Eckert simply signed their own ceasefire agreements. It was a manifestly logical decision, but one that took extraordinary courage in the political climate of the time. One by one, governments and nations began to pull themselves back together. The Eastern Coalition simply disintegrated, but a Soviet government in Leningrad soon reached out to Europe to attempt cooperation in restoring stability. In Europe, the government of the Hegemony was gone, but already new circles of statesmen were gathering in Paris under the guidance of Emperor Jean-Paul II, planning to rebuild. In China, Le Kuan’s son, Le Yu, proved surprisingly adroit at reestablishing leadership in a nation still reeling from the coup d’etat of 2050. In the United States, a rump Congress convened in Harrisburg, and appointed Colonel Philip Green, the senior surviving commander of the Capital Defense District, as interim president. Meanwhile, General Eckert marched her surviving troops back into US territory, and encamped near Phoenix, refusing to commit to any immediate course of action.
These men and women were very different from one another, but they shared one thing in common: none of them cared about world domination, or winning the world war that had convulsed the planet for decades. The struggle to determine Earth’s destiny was over.
Now, it was time to fight for survival.
And now, the conclusion (2053-2083).
Professor Edward Lile Wrote:Modern historians increasingly dislike the term “Post-Atomic Horror”, as used to describe the period immediately following the Third World War. Prejudicial and sensationalist, it was popularized during the early decades of the United Earth government, in order to emphasize the stability and safety provided by the new global confederation. Even today, centuries later, to most humans it instantly conjures up images of techno-barbarian warlords, mobs of mutants putting scientists and intellectuals on trial, messianic cults, and howling anarchy. The reality was, as always, more nuanced. In some parts of the world—most notably, New Zealand and the South African Federated Republics, life continued without much interruption. Disruption in global trade patterns and climactic shifts affected the economy, but continuity of government was never broken. In other regions, the old United States, Western Europe, the Soviet Union, Eastern China, there were period of chaos and civil breakdown, but a measure of order and civilization had been restored even before First Contact. Meanwhile, there were districts in Central and East Asia that remined fully isolated from the rest of the world into the 2080s and even 2090s.
This period witnessed extraordinary acts of cultural and economic achievement, as human beings began the long and difficult process of pulling their world back from the edge of the abyss. It also witnessed mass murder, genocide, cannibalism, and atrocities on a global scale. What our fate would have been, if not for Zefram Cochrane’s meeting with the Vulcans in 2063, is impossible to say for sure. But whichever path we would have followed, it was being determined during this pivotal decade.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-21-2024, 02:15 AM
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-21-2024, 10:57 AM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-21-2024, 08:53 PM
First Times (HP/DC).
tealruby Wrote:The League is gaining new members, and Hermione’s been tagged with getting one of them up to speed. We’ll have power comparisons, thoughts concerning her own early days, and secrets revealed with her First Mentoring! Honestly, enough with calling me ‘ma’am’ already!
Thanks for reading! As always, kudos are golden, comments are priceless. I’ve been wanting to bring in Captain Atom for a long time, and as a twofer also got to do a slight homage to Kingdom Come here. Plus Fire and Ice. All part of my goal of eventually including everyone who had speaking roles in Justice League Unlimited. Hope you enjoyed!
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-22-2024, 01:40 AM
God Save the Queen - Worm/Star Wars. Taylor reincarnated as Padme.
The Weaver's Web. Taylor playing The Shadow
Beware of Chicken. No chickens appear in this episode.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-22-2024, 08:11 AM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.
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RE: Fic Update Thread 53
05-22-2024, 06:52 PM
“I really hope I’m behind this convoluted mess; at least that way I’ll be able to get revenge by doing this to myself. I won’t even have to feel bad because it’ll be all my fault.” - Harry Potter, The Master of Death by Ryuugi.