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Christ... I forgot I was the exact same age as Misato.
As in, 3-4 weeks in the difference. That could've been so amusing.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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Quote:robkelk wrote: Thanks. (goes and reads) Okay, a couple of changes need to be made to my text.
Oh, yes:Quote:Black Aeronaut wrote: ... She had the most gorgeous and luxurious was raven-black, ...
I think you're missing the word "hair" somewhere in there.Quote:Black Aeronaut wrote: ...
"Hey!" barked Skuld, looking steamed. "Laguage!"
Skuld gave Washu a flat glare. "Rat-screwed the Yggdrasil."
Hey! Language!
Typo noted. And also, Skuld always struck me as the one of the types that kinda has a double-standard. Besides, 'screwed' is about bellpepper level while the F-bomb is a jalapeno. But if you really think it's out of character for her, I'll go ahead and change it. Quote:Dartz wrote: Christ... I forgot I was the exact same age as Misato.
As in, 3-4 weeks in the difference. That could've been so amusing.
Oh? You mean you won't be joining us?
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Black Aeronaut Wrote:robkelk Wrote:Thanks. (goes and reads) Okay, a couple of changes need to be made to my text.
Oh, yes:
Black Aeronaut Wrote:... She had the most gorgeous and luxurious was raven-black, ... I think you're missing the word "hair" somewhere in there.
Black Aeronaut Wrote:...
"Hey!" barked Skuld, looking steamed. "Laguage!"
Skuld gave Washu a flat glare. "Rat-screwed the Yggdrasil."
... Hey! Language! Typo noted. And also, Skuld always struck me as the one of the types that kinda has a double-standard. Besides, 'screwed' is about bellpepper level while the F-bomb is a jalapeno. But if you really think it's out of character for her, I'll go ahead and change it.!
It's your take on the character, and Skuld does grow somewhat over the course of the manga. As long as you don't mind justifying it to people who've only seen the early anime, leave it in.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Nice start, Rob!
Poor girls. But they'll get to feeling better once they get some company.
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Give them a day or two to settle in first. Then the Senshi can show up and shake things up again.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Hrm. Debating whether to find a new set or stick with the (relatively obscure) published version of Divine Blood. Which means I'd probably end up doing most of my writing using the original names, then search-n-replace. Since I find it hard to think of them by anything but their original names.
Got a mostly-complete profile, still working out some of the details of who's going to show from which group.
Name: Chris
Age: [Redacted]
Height: 5'10"
Weight: [Redacted]
Location: Rochester, NY, USA
Ethnicity: Human
Charisma: (###==)
Inteligence: (####=)
Wisdom: (##===)
Sanity: (####=)
Fortitude: (###==)
Mech: (##===)
Tech: (###==)
Macguiver: (###==)
Applicable Skills:
Information Technology Specialist
Local business contacts
Basic Carpentry
Amateur Musician (Guitar, Vocalist)
Basic First Aid
Incredible Patience
Chris is relatively happy to be out of the IT field for a while, as he missed working directly with people and has been stuck in a call center for too long. That the new job pays considerably better, covers housing costs, and (theoretically, at least) leaves him time to indulge in his hobbies, was a considerable point in favor of accepting Phantomhive's offer.
The Alexandrian
Rochester, NY, USA
3 wings, 4 floors, 48 units
Disposition: 4-bedroom suites with shared common room, kitchenette, and bath
Electric appliances in all units
Central air conditioning & heating
Swimming Pool
Wired cable TV and ethernet access to each bedroom and common room
Walking distance of downtown shopping areas and bus stops
Library and game room / Study area
Group 1 - Negima
Unit 1:
Negi Springfield
Asuna Kagurazuka
Yue Ayase
Haruna Saotome
Unit 2:
Konoka Konoe
Setsuna Sakurazaki
Nodoka Miyazaki
Kaede Nagase
Unit 3:
Fate (Tertium) Averruncus
Brigitte Shirabe
Luna Shiori
Unit 4:
Kotarou Inugami
Evangeline McDowell
Mana Tatsumiya
Chachamaru Karakuri
Group 2 - Nanoha StrikerS/Force/ViviD
Unit 1:
Subaru Nakajima
Teana Lanster
Vivio Takamachi
Heidi E S Ingvalt
Unit 2:
Nove Nakajima
Wendi Nakajima
Ginga Nakajima
Group 3 - Harry Potter
Unit 1:
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Tracy Davis
Su Li
Unit 2:
Draco Malfoy
Ron Weasley
Susan Bones
Pansy Parkinson
Unit 3:
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Cedric Diggory
Justin Finch-Fletchley
Unit 4:
Padma Patil
Parvati Patil
Angelina Johnson
Alicia Spinnet
Group 4 - Divine Blood / Full Metal Panic
Unit 1:
Kaname Chidori
Sanosuke Sagara
Teletha Testarossa
Melissa Mao
Unit 2:
Kyoko Tokiwa
Mizuki Inaba
Issei Tsubaki
Hayashimizu Atsunobu
Unit 3:
Xia Yu Fan
Xia Yu Lan
Andrey Kalinin
Unit 4:
Ranma Satomi
Nike Satomi
Eija Satomi
Deimosu Satomi
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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I just realized there's an even better scenario here than Draco Malfoy pissing off Evangeline. It's Hermione trying desperately to pick her brains for every bit of magical knowledge she has.
Meanwhile Harry and Negi find a nice quiet spot to chill together with iced tea or butterbeer while trading "no shit, there I was" stories...
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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Dang, you got yourself a lot there! Leave some for anyone else that might join in! Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote: I just realized there's an even better scenario here than Draco Malfoy pissing off Evangeline. It's Hermione trying desperately to pick her brains for every bit of magical knowledge she has.
Yeah, that's actually kinda scary. Hermione is actually pretty impressionable when you come at her from the right angle... And Evangeline would have no qualms in doing so!
"Hmmm... you might make for a very useful apprentice. I'd just need to make a few slight... adjustments."
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Not sure if I will or won't....
The sexaroid thing was really a 'one funny line thing'.
And saddling the Eva kids with a depressive alcoholic with no social life and a serious dangerous driving habit - again - would be just cruel.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
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Dartz Wrote:Not sure if I will or won't....
The sexaroid thing was really a 'one funny line thing'.
And saddling the Eva kids with a depressive alcoholic with no social life and a serious dangerous driving habit - again - would be just cruel. Ah, but having the Eva kids meet the sexaroids ... which group would be a worse influence on the other?
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Quote:Black Aeronaut wrote: Dang, you got yourself a lot there! Leave some for anyone else that might join in! Quote:Bob Schroeck wrote: I just realized there's an even better scenario here than Draco Malfoy pissing off Evangeline. It's Hermione trying desperately to pick her brains for every bit of magical knowledge she has.
Yeah, that's actually kinda scary. Hermione is actually pretty impressionable when you come at her from the right angle... And Evangeline would have no qualms in doing so!
"Hmmm... you might make for a very useful apprentice. I'd just need to make a few slight... adjustments."
Like I said, still thinking things through, just getting thoughts down on paper. Or at least electrons.
Probably going to try to cut it down to 8 in each group.
Sucrose Octanitrate.
Proof positive that with sufficient motivation, you can make anything explode.
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But I've already claimed the NGE team. Need to get my character stuff done and up.
Oh, I call Halo for later parts of the story *Insert Evil Cackle*
But also guys, do try to keep in mind that the reason that Black Aeronaut and I are having so many people is because there are two of us and our complex will be a bit of a... Focal point for the chaos that Washu has caused.
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Hey Rajvik! Glad to see you got your first story post up!
Just one thing now: Your new tenants will be very disoriented, because the last they knew that shuttle bus they're on was in Tokyo-3. (Consider this a GM/DM ruling if it helps.)
Alright, here's some fun objectives for you guys.
1) Do a snippet or so guiding your tenants around their new locale - give them the nickle tour.
2) I'll start a thread for the BBS. It won't be much, but the idea here is that it's going to be very similar in nature to The Heroes Union BBS manga. It will be post-dated about a week or so after the First Arrival, though, so watch the time stamps.
3) See if you guys can't find any friends to join in on this. I'd like to see us add in at least two more active writers besides myself, robkelk, and Rajvik.
Also, I think we oughta have a part of the BBS that's open to the tenants to use as well. This will create more story potential. Also, the Building Managers side of things will be exclusive to them alone - kinda like a moderators only part of the BBS. This will give a reasonably secure channel for sharing sensitive information that could have a destabilizing affect on the tenants.
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Quote:Just one thing now: Your new tenants will be very disoriented, because the last they knew that shuttle bus they're on was in Tokyo-3.
Funny you should say that BA, this is my first paragraph for their arrival.
Monday, September 19, 2016
Shinji opened his eyes and found himself surprised, had the
entire thing been a dream, a nightmare would be a more accurate description of
what had happened, but instead of finding himself looking at the ceiling of his
room, or more likely another hospital room, he found himself looking out a bus
window as the vehicle pulled into a small parking lot in front of a wood sided
building surrounded by sand dunes. Sitting up straight he stretched and looked
around and then blinked owlishly, everyone that was important was here. Granted
they all seemed to be asleep, but Toji was sitting across from him with
Kensuke, Asuka and Hikari were up at the front of the small bus across from
Misato and Kaji, and next to him Rei stirred slightly causing him to blush
furiously. His last memories of her had to have been some kind of dream,
because there was no way she would have done those things to him, and she
wouldn’t have asked him to make that decision, a decision that could have ended
the entire world. Looking behind them he found Doctor Akagi and Lieutenant
Ibuki slumped against each other asleep as well.
Slowly the bus came to a full stop and with a hiss of the
air brakes the door to the compartment opened allowing in the local heat
against the cool of the air conditioner. This seemed to wake Misato who looked
around for a moment and then realized they were no longer in Tokyo-3. “What the
hell?” she almost screamed jumping to her feet. “Where are we?” This outburst
of course woke the rest of the sleepers causing a small tussle between Kensuke
and Toji which Hikari almost immediately put a stop to. The rest of the group
simply looked around, a building with rooms, sand dunes with a single two lane
road, the road signs printed in English, and now Shinji was seeing a large Caucasian
man in shorts and button down shirt walking across the parking area between the
bus and the building with two large dogs following him.
“Um, Misato” Shinji called out getting her attention, “someone
is coming out to us.”
“Oh good, then maybe we can get some information.” Misato
responded turning toward the bus’s door just as the man made the two dogs sit
and stay outside the bus.
“Hello everyone,” the man said stepping up the bus’s stairs
with a smile on his face. His face was round and merry and while he was
probably overweight, he carried it well on his stocky frame. “I hope you had a pleasant
journey and enjoy your time here at the Gulfside Rest, if you will disembark
from the shuttle bus you can meet my girls here and then we’ll get your luggage
unloaded and moved to your rooms. Major Katsuraki?”
“Yes,” Misato answered him with an arched eyebrow.
“I have a message here for you,” he said handing over a
folded piece of paper. Taking the paper Misato started to read as he continued
to speak. “Now, who’s ready for some beach time fun?”
Shinji watched as Misato having read the message at least
once, probably twice, plopped back down in her seat and handed the message to
Kaji who also read it. “Alright kids, you heard the man, unload and see if you
have any luggage below, Rits, Maya, I need you to come with me after we all get
settled.” Turning to the man she continued, “I assume you are James Bostwick.”
“I am,” he answered, “but please call me either James or
Wolf, I haven’t been Mister Bostwick since I was in college, and just Bostwick
since I was in the Marines.
Misato nodded, “Then I’m Misato,” she said still in a slight
daze. “Can you at least tell us where we are” she asked?
James smirked a bit before answering, “As close to heaven as
we can make it, or as the majority of visitors call it, Pensacola Beach.”
i think i have Dartz on the fence leaning toward possibly joining this, and i might have caught ecs05norway's attention for it as well, don't know for sure, but we'll see.
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May God forgive me. May history judge me charitably. I'm finding myself tempted to bring on post-canon BLEACH characters, starting with the core group of all-stars plus some very special guests:
Ichigo Kurosaki
Orihime Inoue
Rukia Kuchiki
Renji Abarai
Karin Kurosaki
Yuzu Kurosaki
Tatsuki Arisawa
Keigo Asano
Mizuiro Kojima
Kazui Kurosaki
Ichika Abarai
EDIT: As you may have noticed, I'm changing the Group 1 line-up to those who were at the Kurosaki Clinic for the viewing party shown in Chapter 686. Uryu Ishida and Yasutora "Chad" Sado are now in the second BLEACH group, hereinafter referred to as the Karakura Town All-Stars. The 13 Court Guard Squads and the Espada are also groups unto themselves. Also, I'm fighting the temptation to throw in my dear Néo and hir family and friends (preferably from a time when they wouldn't be "arriving with little more than the clothes on their backs", so we have time to put clothes on their backs, and also and especially their fronts).
(Edited again in the hopes of un-munging some bad markup, no carriage returns.)
I'm still in. I haven't posted anything on the official thread yet thread because I'm trying to figure out when to place things... given for sure a couple of days post-start.
-People may die, but ideas are forever. Je suis Charlie.
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I'm going to ease off and let everyone else - or at least BA - catch up to me.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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You'll be relieved to know that I've found a different group than the Futanari Mura crew to be my second batch of tenants. Specifically, the protagonist squad from Thunderbolt Fantasy, sometime around Episode 7.
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Seraviel: don't feel too pushed around. Your first group's arrival day is entirely up to you - the only thing I ask is that it be at least a few days after the Tenchi Crew's arrival due to the initial hiccough they had (apartment complex not as advertised).
Mamorian: Thank you! While I don't mind if there was an apartment complex devoted to... naughty shenanigans... Well, if Bob is okay with it, then keep that stuff all in its own thread, with a big fat NSWF tag on that sucker.
(Seriously, if someone wants to have the crew from La Blue Girl living with the crew from Frantic, Frustrated, and Female, I say go for it - provided Bob is okay with it too. Like I said, just slap a big NSFW tag on there. Maybe a tag for graphic sex and kinks, too.)
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I could plead that the Futa Mura crowd are nudists, not exhibitionists, but I have to admit, their canon does show them getting pretty buck-wild when they think nobody's watching. If they get a building, it'll be an NSFW building in an NSFW thread.
On the other hand, yet another canon has elbowed ahead of Thunderbolt Fantasy (and Futa Mura and the villains of Gotham City): Soul Eater. I hereby stake a claim to the main protagonists, again in post-canon versions:
Maka Albarn
Soul Eater
Tsubaki Nakatsukasa
Death the Younger
Liz Thompson
Patty Thompson
And a second BLEACH group consisting of the other Hitsugaya Advance Team members plus the participants in the Hueco Mundo expedition:
Isane Kotetsu
Hanataro Yamada
Byakuya Kuchiki
Toshiro Hitsugaya
Rangiku Matsumoto
Kenpachi Zaraki
Ikkaku Madarame
Yumichika Ayasegawa
Mayuri Kurotsuchi
Nemuri Hachigô
I'm interested in the rest of the Spartoi, and in a whole bunch of other BLEACH characters, but I'm not actually laying claim to them at this time, so they're all still available to anyone who's interested.
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Quote:(Seriously, if someone wants to have the crew from La Blue Girl living with the crew from Frantic, Frustrated, and Female, I say go for it - provided Bob is okay with it too. Like I said, just slap a big NSFW tag on there. Maybe a tag for graphic sex and kinks, too.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
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.... Cannot tell if this is a good reaction or a bad reaction. :p
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here is the second half of what i posted earlier for comments
“Hey Shinji, how do I look?” Shinji turned to look at Asuka from the rack of shirts and beach shorts that he had been searching through to find something simple that fit and found her wearing a skimpy red bikini similar to the one she had gotten for her trip on the Over the Rainbow.
“Umm, it’s very nice Asuka,” he answered a bit unsteadily while looking around for someone, anyone else in their group. “But I don’t think James-san wanted us to buy expensive bathing suits, just something we can were tomorrow to go get more, proper clothing.” Misato had been rather upset that there had been absolutely no luggage for them on the bus, but James had assured her that even if their travel agent had lost all their baggage completely he would talk to his employers and get a stipend to re-clothe them, in the meantime he would buy a couple of sets of clothes for everyone so that they all had something to wear.
“No, its fine Shinji-kun,” he heard the older man answer from behind him. “One of the good things about living on the beach is that as long as it’s warm enough, swim suits are considered at least somewhat decent clothes, though you will want a cover-up to protect your skin as well as a pair of shorts and sandals.” Shinji watched in amazement as James caused the red head to go from scandalous with barely anything on, to something that had all the necessary things covered completely but still look good if pure tourist.
It didn’t take long for everyone to find what they needed at the tourist shop, and James promised them that in the next couple of days they would all get to go up to the local mall or outlet store to purchase more clothes. Shinji, Toji, Kensuke and Kaji had all gotten two pair of shorts and four shirts while the girls, Misato, Dr. Akagi and Lieutenant Ibuki had all gotten swimsuits of various styles as well as cover ups. The swimsuits ranged from Asuka’s skimpy red bikini to something called a “Tankini” that Misato and Hikari had both gotten in different colors, to the full on unitard type suits of Dr. Akagi, Lt. Ibuki and Rei. Shinji was further surprised when the man paid almost five-hundred dollars American on just this little bit of clothing for them. “Are all the clothes around here this expensive James-san” Shinji asked with a cringe?
“Not in the least,” he answered. “This is a tourist trap that over-charges for cheaply made crap, when we go to a real store instead of this thieves’ institute we’ll find things much more reasonably priced so long as we’re not buying name brand.” The cashier shot the man a dirty look but he ignored it and walked the group outside and back down the parking lot to where their bus was parked.
“Kaji,” Misato said looking at the local news playing on the TV in their communal living room. “Something is not right. This area should be under water so deep we should need helium rigs to sit where we are.”
“Yet we don’t,” her boyfriend answered laconically.
“I cannot find anyone talking about the Angels,” she continued finally shutting off the TV. “There is also nothing on about the UN, that is with the exception of some kind of stupid global warming crap. Not even a word about Second Impact, it’s like it never even happened, like the last fifteen years we lived not only didn’t occur, but something else completely different happened."
“Its definitely strange Misato,” Kaji answered. “What did that letter say?”
“That there had been an accident of some sorts and that the group of us were to stay here until further notice for the safety of the program.”
“Well they could have picked a worse location,” Kaji remarked with a smirk.
“True,” Misato responded, “very true.”
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Wait.... They don't even know?
Oh, this is gonna be interesting. How have they not noticed how much more advanced the wireless networking technology is?
(Going through El Paso right now.)