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I Think It's Time I Walked Quietly Away from TVTropes
So they are reading this thread, then. Way to go, guys, excellent use of your time.

Hm. There has been an unusual surge in applications for board access over the past few weeks. After this, I wouldn't doubt that at least one of them is a ringer.

ETA:  I can change the board settings to make the forums inaccessible to un-registered folks, which should cut down on the paranoid observation.  If people want.  I can also eliminate the ability to read the board anonymously, but I know that would inconvenience at least one user.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
If they are reading this thread, then that makes notification easy:

I want them to remove my text from their wiki. The list can be found earlier in this thread.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Yeah, well, even without that particular aspect... like Capcom whining about people hacking an unlock for game DLC they included on the actual game disc, I'm really not sympathetic to their claims. Again, what did they expect when they started sanitizing the content? That Mark Skarr would magically stop being a Forum Pervert? Wink

And yes, someone who was only over here on this thread chatting about it being banned? Yeah, all sorts of Not Cool.

"You know how parents tell you everything's going to fine, but you know they're lying to make you feel better? Everything's going to be fine." - The Doctor
I wasn't sure this was okay, but I have interesting new developments to share.
You try not to think the worst about people you don't really know, and then get proved utterly wrong. Seems to be a rule of the internet.

I think closing anonymous viewing of the forum might be a bad counter-reaction however. In general closing up shop because of paranoia is a bad idea. if they're reading us so what? We're reading them, aren't we?
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
robkelk Wrote:If they are reading this thread, then that makes notification easy:

I want them to remove my text from their wiki. The list can be found earlier in this thread.
Rob, no, don't bother with this.  Take the wiki administration at their word -- they repeatedly claim they will respect polite requests (of course, they get to define "polite").  Email fasteddie at the wiki's domain (with return receipt set) and make a very specific, polite request.  List the material copied from your site and explain that as the rights holder to it, you believe its inclusion on the wiki to be an infringement, and ask them as nicely as possible to remove it. 
If they indeed respect the requests of rights holders and weren't just lying outright in the open channel in order to pretend to have the high moral ground, then they will indeed take the material down.  Fast Eddie has been reasonable in the past on that front.
Only if he ignores you or refuses, should you escalate to a C&D.
Don't rely on a post in this thread, because it is the epitome of deniability.  If there is indeed a ringer lurking here, it is not likely to be one of the admins, but one of the adolescent chest-thumping yes-men who orbit the wiki staff.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
JFerio Wrote:And yes, someone who was only over here on this thread chatting about it being banned? Yeah, all sorts of Not Cool.
Webmonkey Gus was cool.  Fast Eddie, who I've noticed is now claiming to be the wiki founder, is not.
(If anything, he was one of three or four founders.  Certainly not the founder.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I thought most of the new people were coming from SpaceBattles. And after all, one doesn't need to have an account to read stuff here. (Although I find it makes it easier. For some reason when I'm not logged in, the server gives me pages with twice as many messages on them, which is kind of a nuisance.

And I too would rather we stay open unless there's some catastrophic problem that would require it. (Which tends to be more on the posting side anyway, and since people already require approval to start posting here...)

In other news, I have now been able to appeal my banning to a proper authority. So we'll see how that goes.

I was asked by Morganni to postpone my announcement for now.
Rpg1 Wrote:I wasn't sure this was okay, but I have the proof of who EXACTLY is behind all this.
Mind if I post it?
Actually, I do, so please don't.  As long as they do no harm to the board, I don't care if there's a spy from TVT here.  I'm not Fast Eddie, I don't ban and delete all evidence of the existence of someone who disagrees with me.  (If I did, I'd have a hell of a time with editors and my pre-readers!)  I don't want to know who it is because as long they behave themselves, they have every right to participate in the forums.  Not knowing is also a defense for me -- I cannot be credibly accused of persecuting someone for being a TVT spy if I make a point of deliberately remaining ignorant of who they are.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
I'm not sure I wouldn't call it less "evidence" and more "a handful of water". We'll see.

As for Rob's stuff... technically speaking, I'm not sure you have the grounds to call for removing it. If it was put out under a Creative Commons license of your own will, I don't think that's something you can just take back. It's not like Bob's situation where someone posted an entire story of his without permission. It might be enough of a grey area that they wouldn't consider keeping it worth the tsuris though.

Okay, RPG1, what part of "deliberate, intentional ignorance" did you not understand? What I posted wasn't supposed to be code for "tell me in private email " -- it was supposed to be taken exactly as written -- I did not want to know who it is.

Now that you've sent me the info anyway, I no longer have any deniability. Even if I delete the message sight unseen, no one will believe I don't know.

Thank you so much.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Should I leave this forum then?
I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble.
If so, please delete my account, erase my posts, and pretend you never heard of me.
P.S. - I'm not trying to be flippant here. I'm truly sorry if I put you in an untenable position, so I'll disappear if you want.
The damage is done, there's no point getting over-dramatic about it. You're not banned, deleted or whatever. I just made the point above that I don't do that.
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
This probably will not even qualify as a decent apology, but for those who cannot use torrents, I will be hosting a copy of what we backed up for direct download very soon.
I need suggestions for filesharing sites to mirror these files on, though I already have planned to upload a split filed version of this to mediafire for those with slow connections in either 7Zip, ZIP, or RAR format, depending on what is most convenient.
Also, I am still willing to back and archive anything TVT has decided to throw out or anything from the Wayback Machine, and I will be providing updates for as long as possible.
In the meantime, I have decided to help seed the torrent with out archive as a backup measure, more details when we have it ready.
Where's the torrent file? I'll pull it down and seed happily.

(Even if I'm suddenly feeling very paranoid about making a couple of posts on the forums a few days ago just to confirm my hypothesis that was later proved false by other circumstances anyway.)
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
It's currently being seeded as we speak. We want to make sure it has a nice, healthy seed ratio before we start handing out links, but I have already taken measures to have direct download alternatives available around the same time so everyone has multiple options to choose from.
Also, and this is as far as I'm going, relax, we're safe.
I need to figure out a place to upload the .torrent file to, and then we'll be ready to go.

In related news: adult content purge
-- ∇×V
Just checked my account.
I have one M rated Shin Megami Tensei fanfic on site, looks like it still there.
Then again, it doesn't have explicit sex scenes.
They aren't purging M-rated fic.... just the stuff that should be on It's an enforcement of existing TOS that've been on the site since the cow's came home. A common complaint about FFN is that there was zero enforcement of its stated policies.

The cabal of users on the other hand who're acting like the site's police giving threatening and bullying messages OTOH. *That's* worrying.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
I see.
Much like TV Tropes, they turned a blind eye and practiced a policy of salutatory neglect, and now they begun enforcing their own rules as harshly as they originally planned, hence people are mad.
That said, any sane fanfiction writer keeps the original copy of the story, so they can post it somewhere else, and they actually own the work (according to the TOS of, a story posted under your name is blessed by a form of copyright as long as its hosted on their servers), hence they are responsible for rules violations.
However, unlike TV Tropes, they wouldn't really have a legal leg to stand on if the site admins put their foot down and started removing stuff, since it's assumed the original author is responsible for the work, whereas no individual troper can be held accountable for any one page, even their own troper page, hence why TVT is a commons.
But, upon reflection, it seems both have the same problem. To quote (or at least paraphrase) Bob, some repressed twit complained, and now a crackdown has commenced, but at least has a better excuse than TVT.
It's different. It's not like TvTropes at all really. TvT didn't until recently have policies about content (Well, you know what I mean), while FFN has had them since before I joined and makes you specifically aware of them before posting anything to the site. AFF has existed as a place to host 'Adult' fics for some time and FictionPress for original stories.
--m(^0^)m-- Wot, no sig?
Morganni Wrote:As for Rob's stuff... technically speaking, I'm not sure you have the grounds to call for removing it. If it was put out under a Creative Commons license of your own will, I don't think that's something you can just take back. It's not like Bob's situation where someone posted an entire story of his without permission. It might be enough of a grey area that they wouldn't consider keeping it worth the tsuris though.
No, I didn't release that work under CC. If necessary, I can point to Wayback Machine snapshots that predate TVTropes and include my copyright notice.

But I'm busy right now. I'll send the polite request later.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."

- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
Okay, I got torrent files for everyone!  Here are a couple of places you can get it:
This site rip of TV Tropes includes the wikicode for over 180,000 pages of TV Tropes, plus 600 deleted and redacted pages lost in the recent censorship purge.  All content is licensed under the Creative Commons-Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license, which means that you are free to reuse and share the data under those terms.  Help us preserve this data, and seed well my friends.
Thanks to everyone here for their help in putting this together, and especially to Webmonkey Gus who isn't here with us.  Enjoy!
-- ∇×V

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