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Good to hear! (Not just that the data's okay, but also that the backup took less than a day and a half.)
Rob Kelk
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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Another update
07-13-2014, 09:17 PM
Took a lot longer than the Orain guys expected. Basically, while the actual database is back up, now they are making all the external components they need to make it work right sync with the database. Apparently, having to flush all their old infrastructure and restart from scratch made all the config settings they worked on go bye bye.
Good news is that they are almost done with fixing that.
Edit: Also, since they are as annoyed at we are at how much this downtime sucked, they are planning to add some redundancy measures to prevent this from happening again.
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I noticed!
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
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the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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For the overview, and what they plan to do in response to this: ... 3Reinstall
Back on the previous topic -- hopefully the work menus are showing up for y'all now that the cache is completely cleared? (The images still shouldn't work, but that's an identified server-level problem.)
-- ∇×V
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Okay, just ran into a problem with creating new subpages -- I don't know if it's been there all along, or if it's a side effect of the new system.
Go to ... ,_Margaret].]Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret. and try to create a Trivia page. It will take you]here, which was created by Ecclytennysmithylove yesterday apparently using that link. At some point in the page creation process it's ignoring everything in the parent page name starting at the first punctuation mark.
-- Bob
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Yeah bug. Easily fixable bug, but the JS will have to refresh, which only happens when the they do an orain healing escalation on cloudfront.
Edit: Orain has decided to get a redundant server for wikis. This should deal with at least some of the problems. For a while we were running on our own server, separate from the rest of Orain, until we found out this broke file uploads (for now). But definitely progress.
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Ladies and gentlemen, we have been planning some nice new features to ATT.
Specifically, the Hovercards and Compact User Bar features from the below:
Our Orain overlords have been interested in them as well, as they and I have been testing them to see if they work right, and once they are confirmed reasonably stable, they will be added as features you can pick and choose to enable or not.
Here's what each does:
Popups (aka Hovercards): provides a brief popup of a link when you hover over it with your mouse. Basically, a refined version of Navigation Popups gadget from Wikipedia (which has been buggy on ATT for some time)
Compact User Bar: Provides a nice drop down version of the user bar instead of a long horizontal list of user options at the top of the page. (works only on the Vector skin at this time, which is our default skin).
If there are any other Beta Features you all are interested in, please let me know.
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GethN7 Wrote:If there are any other Beta Features you all are interested in, please let me know.
Media Viewer looks interesting...
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
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robkelk Wrote:> examine beta featuresThere appear to be a set of Hovercards, a new search interface, a hornet's nest, a smoldering wreckage, and a compact personal bar.> kick hornet's nest Hi Rob! So one of the things I did while the wiki was down was to participate in Wikipedia's bureaucracy, regarding the implementation of Media Viewer as a default. Among other things, I advocated that a member of the Wikimedia Foundation technical staff lose his sysop privileges on English Wikipedia for inventing new categories of reasons to ignore the community, as well as making a basic argument that WFM and enWikipedia are separate entities. I argued that ArbCom has more jurisdiction in this case than the foundation, because its powers are derived from the people. I also filed 3 bugs on Media Viewer, which took me all of 5 minutes to find.
Anyway, Media Viewer is certainly "interesting", but really of minor use to use because we only tend to display 1 image per page. If you have any ideas on changing that rule, I'd like to hear them. Also, I don't object to MV as an option, it's just a bit touchy to me now.
Incidentally the smoldering wreckage is Visual Editor, which was the major feature that the wikipedia community rejected last month.
-- ∇×V
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I have tested and added another Beta Feature to the list: the Fixed Header.
We have a gadget that does something similar, but not only does this version look nicer, it also changes a few elements of the Vector skin to look nicer and condense more tabs into drop down menus for readability.
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vorticity Wrote:...
Anyway, Media Viewer is certainly "interesting", but really of minor use to use because we only tend to display 1 image per page. If you have any ideas on changing that rule, I'd like to hear them. Also, I don't object to MV as an option, it's just a bit touchy to me now.
Incidentally the smoldering wreckage is Visual Editor, which was the major feature that the wikipedia community rejected last month. We display one image per page, but rarely at full size. What I read in the description of MV was that it would do a "pop out" of an image onto the same page, rather than sending people to a different page to see the larger image - that's what caught my attention.
I know nothing of the drama in the background. I try to avoid that; I get enough stress at work. And bugs are to be expected in beta software.
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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This isn't a beta feature, but it is something I figured would make things easier on tropers and admins
In short, it's an extension that let's you doll up your own custom sidebar with links to things you frequently visit.
I've added it to the request for the beta features as well.
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Speaking of sidebars, the sidebarmenu extension seems not to be working any more -- see ... nd_Dragons]Dungeons and Dragons for an example, right at the tropenamer section. All the coding for the sidebar comes in literally, not as a menu.
Much more seriously, though: the file uploads page is returning a 500 or 502 error when you try to access it.
-- Bob
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Yes, the sidebar menu extension was removed due to a bunch of technical hassles it gave us, and I fixed the page in question with a better looking menu, will have to fix that on many pages. As for the images, looking like the new setup they have for our servers keeps switching to prod5 for image uploads instead of prod4 like it should, so I'll file a bug report.
Update: Image uploads have been fixed.
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I must have missed that removal when it happened. I gotta pay better attention.
And I think I tried the upload page right after it was fixed; I was going to post an "all better now" message.
-- Bob
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Fluff post:
Okay, I know it's time to take a break from editing ATT when I have to look twice at an entry that starts "Curb Stomp Battle" - to make sure it didn't say "Curb Stomp Barbie".
(Especially when I'm working on reducing the entries in Category:Examples Need Sorting - getting an example wrong while sorting examples would be bad.)
Rob Kelk
"Governments have no right to question the loyalty of those who oppose
them. Adversaries remain citizens of the same state, common subjects of
the same sovereign, servants of the same law."
- Michael Ignatieff, addressing Stanford University in 2012
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robkelk Wrote:Curb Stomp Barbie
When I read that, I couldn't help but imagine the curbstomp scene from the film American History X, with Barbie doing the stomping.
...Aaaand there's a Crossover That Should Not Be! *Goes off to soak my mind in some brain bleach*
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Fast Eddie must be falling down on the job. A TV Tropes user who shall remain nameless has pointed out to me a trope page that cites the wiki itself as an example of a "negative" trope and does not paint the place as paradise on earth and the pinnacle of all human achievement. It actually gets away with suggesting the paedo hunt BS was really motivated by money and went overboard. I've gone and confirmed that it's there as of 12:30 PM EDT today, and that it's been there for at least 13 or 14 months, essentially unchanged, but I won't say where it is because I assume that there are still TVT snitches reading this thread, and I don't want them immediately running back to Feddie and getting the passage stalinized. I'm just going to be privately amused by it, and keep checking it every month or so to see how long it survives.
-- Bob
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New Feature
07-22-2014, 06:49 PM
Oh, and before I forget, Geth has implemented a new feature for the wiki -- the main page now has a rotating "Featured Article" section. The list of articles is currently rather short, and managing it is more manual and time-intensive than I'd like to see, but it's a start.
-- Bob
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Bob Schroeck Wrote:Oh, and before I forget, Geth has implemented a new feature for the wiki -- the main page now has a rotating "Featured Article" section. The list of articles is currently rather short, and managing it is more manual and time-intensive than I'd like to see, but it's a start.
Just added about 2/3 of the articles Bob emailed me as suggestions added to the live site, had to fix a few since certain things like citations and some pictures had some formatting issues, but we should have it all working by now.
Not sure where we should host a regular discussion new feature articles, though I was thinking th discussion page for the Main Page itself would be good.
P.S. - Bob, PM me that page on TV Tropes if you don't mind.
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Edit: Hey, Geth? I think the random number generator on the feature selector is wonky. I get "Hanlon's Razor" about 50% of the time whenever I refresh the page, often in runs of five or six times straight -- and once 10 times in a row.
-- Bob
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Yeah, I'll have to tweak that, probably having issues with Orain's caching.
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One thing I've been thinking about is making a thread on ATT over on the General Resources section of The Fanfiction Forum. Keep in mind that membership is required to view the forums, but it's quite easy to become a member, which is what I recommend doing (assuming any of you aren't members already). Just thought I'd throw this out there.
Oh, and GethN7 wrote this post about TVT's antics. I think that we could bring that up on the TFF thread to show how ATT is different from TVT.
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@Tennie: Are you sure that The Fanfiction Forum is even a real website? All I get is an error when I go to their front page.
I finally finished writing the basics of the site policy, which are the pages linked from The Troper's Code. If you like literary criticism, you might be appreciate that our set of four policies are at least partially inspired on the concept of ichirei shikon.
-- ∇×V