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Song of the Day, Part I, 3/10/04
Song of the Day, Part I, 3/10/04

Come, lonely hunter, chieftain and king,
I will fly like the falcon when I go
Bear me my brother under your wing,
I will strike fell like lightning when I go
I will bellow like the thunder drum, invoke the storm of war
A twisting pillar spun of dust and blood up from the prairie floor
I will sweep the foe before me like a gale out on the snow
And the wind will long recount the story, reverence and glory, when I go

Spring, spirit dancer, nimble and thin,
I will leap like Coyote when I go
Tireless entrancer, lend me your skin,
I will run like the gray wolf when I go
I will climb the rise at daybreak, I will kiss the sky at noon
Raise my yearning voice at midnight to my mother in the moon
I will make the lay of long defeat and draw the chorus slow
I'll send this message down the wire and hope that someone wise is listening when I go

And when the sun comes trumpets from his red house in the east
He will find a standing stone where long I chanted my release
He will send his morning messenger to strike the hammer blow
And I will crumble down uncountable in showers of crimson rubies when I go

Sigh, mournful sister, whisper and turn,
I will rattle like dry leaves when I go
Stand in the mist where my fire used to burn,
I will camp on the night breeze when I go
And should you glimpse my wandering form out on the borderline 
Between death and resurrection and the council of the pines
Do not worry for my comfort, do not sorrow for me so
All your diamond tears will rise up and adorn the sky beside me when I go.
-- Dave Carter and Tracy Grammer, "When I Go"

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: When I Go
Sounds like a Final Strike song to me.
"I will strike like fell lightning... I will sweep the foe before me like a gale out on the snow... All your diamond tears will rise up and adorn the sky beside me when I go. "
Sounds like something Doug could use *once*, then fade out. It would pretty much give him absolute victory, but unless he's got credit in the bank with the Powers, he's likely not coming back.
(Of course, if he *did* have credit in the bank with them, it might make for an interesting "No choice" plot point in the Walk. Smile
Re: When I Go
To quote Daffy Duck, "It's a great trick, but I can only do it once."
Would it surprise anyone to learn that I have at least two such moments planned in various Steps?
But no, this song isn't a power song, at least not in this context. It's just another "I'm going and you'll never ever see me again" mood-setting piece.
But I agree, it has some striking imagery. And because of that I'm not ruling out any future use.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: When I Go
But I agree, it has some striking imagery. And because of that I'm not ruling out any future use.
Not to be forgetting that the melody is absolutely -gorgeous-... Anyway, I'm glad you finally looked them up, Bob!
Blessed be.

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: When I Go
Ah! It was you who pointed me at them! I couldn't remember! Sunday afternoon, I was talking to Kat and Joe and mentioned the song, and they had a CD of Dave and Tracy, but "I Will Go" wasn't on it -- they'd never heard of it before.
Well, anyway, thank you, Nathan, I do indeed enjoy it. Took me a while, though. I dl'ed an MP3 of this song, and it sat in my download directory forever. Then I listened to it, and it just caught me up. But of course, by that time I had forgotten who had recommended it!

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: When I Go
Ah! It was you who pointed me at them! I couldn't remember! Sunday afternoon, I was talking to Kat and Joe and mentioned the song, and they had a CD of Dave and Tracy, but "When I Go" wasn't on it -- they'd never heard of it before.
-Really-... Huh. Which one did they have, then? When I Go was the title track for the pair's first album.
(Hint: If your memory rings for "Bonnie Brown, you can run and hide, and crawl the cane for cover but you're bound for the butchers bride when Cat-Eyed Willie comes to claim his lover.", then they've got Tanglewood Tree. If, instead, you recognize "Raised on the river, washed in the blood. Blood runs thicker than bottomland mud and the wheel sinks deeper as the years spin 'round. Thirty bad summers in Tillman County." then it was Drum Hat Buddha.)
Anyway, it was my pleasure, and I'll try and remember to bring my CDs with me for my next visit.
Blessed be.
(I can quote about half of their material from memory. Unfortunately, it's all scattered in non-consecutive bits.)

"V, did you do something foolish?"
"Yes, and it was glorious."
Re: When I Go
-Really-... Huh. Which one did they have, then?
I don't remember, honestly. Joe pulled it out of their car when I finally identified the artists and he recognized them; I glanced briefly at it, and read the track list on the back. I think it was red, but I won't swear to that in court! It was a kind of hectic moment, as we were prepping for dinner, Nina was running around, and Peggy was avoiding the cats so as not to trigger her allergies. My attention was sorta split.
and I'll try and remember to bring my CDs with me for my next visit.
Cool. We have to set that up, too...

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
Re: When I Go
>To quote Daffy Duck, "It's a great trick, but I can only do it once."
> Would it surprise anyone to learn that I have at least two such moments planned in various
> Steps?
I'm sure this is something that should have come up before, but...
IIRC, Doug has to hear a song once to know if it is a power song or not, and to "load it"
in his subconscious. The eventual power does not manifest that first time, but after it
every time he hears the song the power activates (whether he likes it or not).
Another wrinkle is that, although the SECOND time he hears a song he has a chance to
"force" the result to be whatever he wants (with a "backfire" guaranteed if he fails), he
won't know for certain what a song does until AFTER he has used it once.
Therefore my question is: How does Doug know what those "Final Strike" songs (or any
of the more lethal "Never Use It" songs) do? He should have died or caused a major
disaster the first time he used them, not knowing their effect.
Re: When I Go
"Therefore my question is: How does Doug know what those "Final Strike" songs (or any
of the more lethal "Never Use It" songs) do? He should have died or caused a major
disaster the first time he used them, not knowing their effect."
Well Doug has access to the lyrics of all the songs that he takes a look at. If i were Doug (scary thought) I would first look at the lyrics of a song before even trying to listen to it. I'm sure that if the lyrics might hint at very bad things happening to him and the area around him he won't use it. I think this was mentioned in one of the chapters when he was discussing backfires with Lisa if I recall correctly.
Re: When I Go
Furthermore, there are songs that are not "autokill" final strikes in and of themselves, but can be used that way if Doug employs them in the proper manner. One such is among the "great tricks" I have lined up in future Steps.
I'd give more information, but it would be a massive spoiler.

-- Bob
There's no wrong way to eat a Rhesus.
RE: Song of the Day, Part I, 3/10/04
Just a note that I rediscovered this over in the DW2 board and have moved it here for reasons.
-- Bob

I have been Roland, Beowulf, Achilles, Gilgamesh, Clark Kent, Mary Sue, DJ Croft, Skysaber.  I have been 
called a hundred names and will be called a thousand more before the sun grows dim and cold....

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