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Progress Report
Progress Report
As those of you who have been following the file size notes at the top of the main pages have probably noticed, progress on chapter 13 has ground to a halt. One of my prereaders has raised a valid issue, and I'm trying to talk my muse into dealing with it. Sorry.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Progress Report
> As those of you who have been following the file size notes at the top of the main pages
> have probably noticed, progress on chapter 13 has ground to a halt. One of my
> prereaders has raised a valid issue, and I'm trying to talk my muse into dealing with it.
> Sorry.
Never had much luck talking my muse into anything...
Enticing, maybe, chucking a load of (a different) media into the hopper, and seeing what comes out, maybe, talking, no.
Maybe for inspiration you might look at:
Rob Kelk's BGC FAQ:
Or, try re-reading some of Gregg Sharp's stuff.
But, then my muse mostly works on RPG stuff and programming, so maybe the same tricks wont work! [grin]
"It is the business of the future to be dangerous" - Hawkwind
Re: Progress Report
Thanks, Ace, but it's not a BGC canon issue -- it's a character interaction issue. She pointed out that a new relationship immediately went one way when it reasonably should have started out another. (Saying any more would be too much of a spoiler; sorry.)
-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.
Re: Progress Report
Thanks, Ace, but it's not a BGC canon issue -- it's a character interaction issue. She pointed out that a new relationship immediately went one way when it reasonably should have started out another. (Saying any more would be too much of a spoiler; sorry.)
Relationships, wheeeeee...
let's see, I'm gonna toss some wild ass educated guesses in the hopper, and dispense advice.
In a relationship that's going completely arsy-varsy, there can be a simple very good reason for it, often it's the old cliche "opposites attract", and they do! some of the best sex, and best _romance_ in my life has been with women that I had ZERO in common with, and, in fact, ended up breaking badly due to irreconcilable differences with (for one example, I'm a 'solitary christian', she was a practicing satanist.. I thought she was joking at first).
However, until those niggling irreconcilable differences built up enough of a head of steam to axe the relationship, it was great!
From the other angle, a relationship that's gone sour right from the start when it has no good reason to, I have much less input, except to point a finger at the _other_ old cliche "you never get a second chance, to make a first impression", and sometimes that first impression can dominate the perception of the Other to the point that it kills the Very Good chance you would have had at having a relationship with them.
From the third angle, if flounder are involved in quanities larger than ~2 tons, you may not wish to pursue a relationship, though the enticing smell of rotting food animal can prove extremely hard to ignore.
Edit: removed signature, must call aussie redhead to build new one.Wire Geek - Burning the weak and trampling the dead since 1979
Re: Progress Report
In a relationship that's going completely arsy-varsy, there can be a simple very good reason for it, often it's the old cliche "opposites attract", and they do!
No, they don't. The opposite is true, in fact. There are exceptions, but they turn out, most of the time, to be cases of superficial differences being more obvious to people other than those involved than actual (and more substantial) similarities.
[Image: Aleh.jpg]
Re: Progress Report
I'd like to say you guys are helping, but honestly, you're all off on the wrong tack entirely. Don't worry about it, though. If you're getting something out of the discussion don't let me stop you.

-- Bob
Then the horns kicked in...
...and my shoes began to squeak.

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